World of A1200
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499 lines
CrM.library/cmAllocCrunchStructA CrM.library/cmAllocCrunchStructA
cmAllocCrunchStructA -- Allocate a crunchstruct. (V4)
crunchstruct = cmAllocCrunchStructA (taglist);
D0 -78 A0
struct cmCrunchStruct *cmAllocCrunchStructA
(struct TagItem *taglist);
crunchstruct = cmAllocCrunchStruct (firsttag, ...);
struct cmCrunchStruct *cmAllocCrunchStruct (Tag, ...);
Allocates a cmCrunchStruct structure needed by cmCrunchData(). See
the docs to cmProcessCrunchStructA() for more details. This is a
last minute add on to the library, so don't get confused. You should
use cmAllocCrunchStructA() and cmFreeCrunchStruct() instead of
cmProcessCrunchStructA() because they are easier to use, but I
implemented these functions too late for the example sources, so they
still use cmProcessCrunchStructA().
taglist - pointer to an array of tags
See cmProcessCrunchStructA() for the tags.
crunchstruct - pointer to a cmCrunchStruct structure or Null for
Well, it's not really a bug, but you should not change the cmcr_Algo
field yourself. This means that you should free your old
crunchstruct and allocate a new one also to swtich a minor thing like
password encryption on or off. This is for future compatibility. It
is safe to change the flags in the cmcr_Algo field between two calls
to cmCrunchData() but it's not a nice way. _NEVER_ change the
crunchalgorithm this way!
cmCrunchData(), cmFreeCrunchStruct(), cmProcessCrunchStructA()
CrM.library/cmCheckCrunched CrM.library/cmCheckCrunched
cmCheckCrunched -- Check whether file is crunched or not.
type = cmCheckCrunched (dataheader);
D0 -42 A0
ULONG cmCheckCrunched (struct DataHeader *);
Checks the dh_ID field of the DataHeader to determine which crunch
algorithm was used. See CrM_lib.h for the type. Currently the
following are supported (lower 4 Bits of D0):
cm_Normal - File was crunched with CrM-Normal algorithm
cm_LZH - File was crunched with LZ-Huffman algorithm
additionally these Flags may be set:
cmF_Sample - additionally the Sample-Mode was used
cmF_PW - additionally the Password Encryption was enabled
This Function check only the dh_ID field of the DataHeader, you don't
need to initialize the rest of it.
You need not to call this funtion when you want to decrunch some data
but it is very useful as you don't need to load the whole file.
DataHeader - pointer to a DataHeader structure
type - type of cruncher used to compress the data, or NULL if the
data is not crunched or if the header is not recognized.
cmDecrunch(), cmProcessCrunchStructA()
CrM.library/cmCrunchData CrM.library/cmCrunchData
cmCrunchData() -- Crunch some piece of data. (V4)
newlen = cmCrunchData (crunchstruct);
D0 -72 A0
ULONG cmCrunchData (struct cmCrunchStruct *);
Crunch some piece of data. All details have to be initialized in the
cmCrunchStruct structure allocated with cmProcessCrunchStructA().
The fields and their meanings:
cmcr_Src - (APTR)
Points to the data to be crunched. Has to be
initialized before calling cmCrunchData().
cmcr_SrcLen - (ULONG)
This is the lenght of the source data region.
Has to be initialized before calling
cmcr_Dest - (APTR)
Points to the buffer for the crunched data. You
may use the Source memory region as Destination
(only one buffer needed), then you have to set
the cmF_Overlay flag.
cmcr_DestLen - (ULONG)
This is the lenght of the Destination memory
region. If the crunched data doesn't fit into
the buffer cmCrunchData() will return with an
error: newlen = 0, cmcr_QuitFlag = "n"
cmcr_DataHdr - (struct DataHeader *)
Pointer to a 14 bytes long array. The
dataheader for the file will be generated there.
Set this value to NULL if you don't want a
cmcr_DisplayHook - (struct Hook *)
The crunch algorithm will call this hook from
time to time. You can vary the between two
calls with the cmcr_DisplayStep variable. Set
cmcr_DisplayHook to NULL if you don't need a
hook. Parameters are as follows:
A0 - (struct Hook *) your hook
A2 - (struct cmCrunchStruct *) your
A1 - (struct cmCurrentStats *) structure
telling you how far the crunching process
has advanced. The structure looks like
cmcu_ToGo - number of bytes remaining
to be processed.
cmcu_Len - len of currently crunched
data. In the LZ-Huffman
mode this value will be to
big especially with short
You have to return TRUE or FALSE. TRUE means
that you want to continue crunching, FALSE tells
the crunch algorithm that you want to abort.
cmcr_DisplayStep - (UWORD)
Sets the number of bytes processed between two
calls of the hook. Default is $400 = 1024.
The following fields are *READONLY*:
cmcr_Offset - (UWORD)
Offset you want to crunch the data with. Bigger
offsets produce better results but also longer
crunch times. Maximum is $7ffe. Set this value
with cmProcessCrunchData().
cmcr_HuffSize - (UWORD)
Sets the size of the huffman buffer in KBytes
(only valid if you use the cm_LZH algorith).
Default is 16.
cmcr_Algo - (UWORD)
Determines which algorithm you want to use.
Values may be (stored in lower 4 bits):
cm_Normal - File was crunched with
CrM-Normal algorithm.
cm_LZH - File was crunched with
LZ-Huffman algorithm.
in addition these Flags may be set (def=FALSE):
cmF_Sample - additionally the Sample-Mode
was used.
cmF_PW - additionally the Password
Encryption was enabled.
cmF_Overlay - Source and Dest memory region
(cmcr_Dest <= cmcr_Src) has to
be true in this case.
cmF_LEDFlash - Power LED flashes while
cmcr_MaxOffset - (ULONG)
Offset for which the buffers have been
cmcr_RealOffset - (ULONG)
Offset which is used for current data. This is
either cmcr_MaxOffset or cmcr_SrcLen.
cmcr_MinSecDist - (ULONG)
Minimum Security Distance: Distance that has to
be kept between source and destination buffer
(when they overlap) to decrunch savely.
cmcr_CrunchedLen - (ULONG)
Size of crunched data. NULL if crunching failed.
cmcr_QuitFlag - (CHAR)
Reason for returning:
NULL - no error occurred.
"a" - crunching was aborted (display hook
returned FALSE).
"n" - not able to crunch: Destination buffer is
to small.
cmcr_LEDFlashFlag - (BOOLEAN)
Has the same function as the cmF_LEDFlash flag
but this field is used by the crunchalgorithm.
You may change this field _ONLY_ from within the
display hook (while crunching).
NOTE: cmcr_Src and cmcr_Dest have to be even addresses.
crunchstruct - pointer to a struct cmCrunchStruct allocated with
newlen - Lenght of the crunched data or NULL if crunching failed.
CrM.library/cmCryptData CrM.library/cmCryptData
cmCryptData() -- (De-)crypt some piece of data with a password. (V4)
action = cmCryptData (datahdr, data, password, action);
D0 -60 A0 A1 A2 D0
ULONG cmCryptData (struct DataHeader *, APTR, CHAR *, ULONG);
Crypts or decrypts the data provided. In either case you have to
provide the data and the dataheader.
Action determines how this function behaves. If action is Null the
data will switch its state, i.e. from encrypted to normal or vice
versa. cm_EnCrypt will lead to some crypted piece of data, when the
data is already crypted nothing is done. cm_DeCrypt behaves in the
same way: when the data isn't crypted at all nothing is done.
Password lets you specify a password yourself. If the password is
Null, an empty string or the wrong one for decryption and reqtools
requester will appear. When decrypting the internal list is scanned
first for the right password before displaying a requester. The
maximum size for passwords is 80 chars plus the terminating zero.
In case of decryption each password you enter will be added to the
internal list of passwords. This list is used only for decryption
and is scanned at every attempt to decrypt something for the right
password. So you only have to type your password once. When the
entered password is already present in the list another requetser
appears allowing you to remove this or all passwords from the list.
To encrypt some data you have to enter you password twice. This is
to prevent mistakes as you cannot read what you type. If you provide
an empty string as password cmCryptData() will put the string the
user entered there. Thus password has to point to an area which is
at least 84 bytes long.
The return values reflect what was done. Null indicates that nothing
was done due to an error (not packed at all) or due to the data
already being in the wanted state. cm_EnCrypt/cm_Decrypt means that
the data was en-/decrypted.
datahdr - pointer to a dataheader structure.
data - pointer to your crunched (and crypted) data.
password - pointer to a (empty) string or Null.
action - cm_EnCrypt, cm_Decrypt or Null to switch the state.
action - action that was performed (cm_EnCrypt, cm_DeCrypt or Null).
cmCrunchData(), cmDecrunch()
CrM.library/cmDecrunch CrM.library/cmDecrunch
cmDecrunch() -- Decrunch some piece of data.
newdest = cmDecrunch (source, dest, datahdr);
D0 -48 A0 A1 A2
APTR cmDecrunch (APTR, APTR, struct DataHeder *);
This function decrunches some piece of data to any location you want.
It checks whether the data is crunched or not and will choose the
right decruncher. If the data was packed using the Sample-Mode it is
automatically decrypted. If you used password encryption the library
internal list is scanned first for a matching password. In case of
failure a reqtools requester is displayed to get the right password.
If you cancel it decrunching fails.
The first 14 bytes of a data file are the data header you need to
decrunch the data, so there is no need to create a special one.
After decrunching newdest points to the start of the decrunched data.
Normally this equals dest, but when dh_MinSecDist in the dataheader
is not zero there is some additional memory needed for decrunching.
In this case newdest points dest + dh_MinSecDist. This is also the
reason why you have to provide a dh_OriginalLen + dh_MinSecDist large
destination area for save decrunching.
source and dest areas may overlap where source has to be smaller or
equal to dest. This is not the case when source and dest areas do
not overlap. The crunched data may not be longer than the decrunched
data. This is not very often the case (and silly, too) but be
source - pointer to crunched data (has to be even!)
dest - pointer to buffer for decrunched (original) data
datahdr - pointer to a DataHeader structure
newdest - pointer to beginning of decrunched data of Null for failure
NOTE: newdest may be different from dest when the
dh_MinSecDist field is not zero.
cmCheckCrunched(), cmCrunchData()
CrM.library/cmFreeCrunchStruct CrM.library/cmFreeCrunchStruct
cmFreeCrunchStruct -- Free a crunchstruct. (V4)
cmFreeCrunchStruct (crunchstruct);
-84 A0
VOID cmFreeCrunchStruct (struct cmCrunchStruct *);
Frees a cmCrunchStruct structure needed by cmCrunchData(). See the
docs to cmProcessCrunchStructA() for more details. This is a last
minute add on to the library, so don't get confused. You should use
cmAllocCrunchStructA() and cmFreeCrunchStruct() instead of
cmProcessCrunchStructA() because they are easier to use, but I
implemented these functions too late for the example sources, so they
still use cmProcessCrunchStructA().
crunchstruct - pointer to a cmCrunchStruct struture
no result.
cmCrunchData(), cmAllocCrunchStructA(), cmProcessCrunchStructA()
CrM.library/cmProcessCrunchStructA CrM.library/cmProcessCrunchStructA
cmProcessCrunchStructA -- Allocate/Free a crunchstruct. (V4)
crunchstruct = cmProcessCrunchStructA
(crunchstruct, action, taglist);
D0 -66 A1 D0 A0
APTR cmProcessCrunchStructA (struct cmCrunchStruct *, ULONG,
struct TagItem *taglist);
crunchstruct = cmProcessCrunchStruct (crunchstruct, action,
firsttag, ...);
APTR cmProcessCrunchStruct (struct cmCrunchStruct *, ULONG,
Tag, ...);
Allocates or frees a cmCrunchStruct structure needed by
cmCrunchData(). action has to be either cm_AllocStruct or
action=cm_AllocStruct allocates a cmCrunchStruct and crunchstruct may
be of any value. You may control the crunchalgorithm, the
crunchoffset and the huffman buffer size (in LZ-Huffman mode) with
tags (see below). You may use the same crunchstruct for several
calls to cmCrunchData() but you may *NOT* change any of the readonly
fields. So you have to free the crunchstruct and allocate another
one when you want to change the crunchalgorithm or the crunchoffset.
The allocated crunchstruct is returned in D0. When you don't have
enough memory for the buffers needed, that is about 200-400K
depending on algorithm and offset, cmProcessCrunchStructA() will fail
and return Null.
When you choose action=cmFreeStruct you have to provide a
crunchstruct but no tags are taken care of. All allocated buffers
will be freed. In this case cmProcessCrunchStructA() will always
return Null.
crunchstruct - pointer to a cmCrunchStruct struture
action - type of operation: cm_AllocStruct or cm_FreeStruct
taglist - pointer to an array of tags (action=cm_AllocStruct)
Determines which algorithm you want to use. Values
may be (stored in lower 4 bits):
cm_Normal - File was crunched with CrM-Normal
cm_LZH - File was crunched with LZ-Huffman
in addition these Flags may be set (default=FALSE):
cmF_Sample - Use the Sample-Mode.
cmF_PW - Enable Password Encryption.
cmF_Overlay - Source and Dest memory region
overlap. (cmcr_Dest <= cmcr_Src) has
to be true in this case.
cmF_LEDFlash - Power LED flashes while crunching.
Default is cm_LZH.
CMCS_Offset - (UWORD)
Offset you want to crunch the data with. Bigger
offsets produce better results but also longer crunch
times. Default and maximum is $7ffe.
CMCS_HuffSize - (UWORD)
Sets the size of the huffman buffer in KBytes (only
valid if you use the cm_LZH algorith). Default is
crunchstruct - pointer to a cmCrunchStruct structure or Null for
failure when action=cm_AllocStruct.
Well, it's not really a bug, but you should not change the cmcr_Algo
field yourself. This means that you should free your old
crunchstruct and allocate a new one also to swtich a minor thing like
password encryption on or off. This is for future compatibility. It
is safe to change the flags in the cmcr_Algo field between two calls
to cmCrunchData() but it's not a nice way. _NEVER_ change the
crunchalgorithm this way!
CrM.library/cmProcessPW CrM.library/cmProcessPW
cmProcessPW() -- Add/remove a pw to/from the internal list. (V4)
action = cmProcessPW (password, action);
D0 -54 A0 D0
ULONG cmProcessPW (CHAR *, ULONG);
Add or remove a password to/from the library internal list.
The password may be upto 80 bytes long plus the terminating zero.
Supplying Null instead a pointer to the password will display a
reqtools requester to let you enter the password.
To add a password to the list set action to cm_AddPW. When the
password is already in the list nothing will happen and Null is
returned, otherwise the password will be added and you get cm_AddPW
as resultcode.
If you set action to cm_RemovePW the given password will be searched
in the list and removed from it. When the password is not in the
list Null is returned, otherwise cm_RemovePW.
action=cm_RemoveAll will clear the whole list. You always get
cm_RemoveAll as resultcode.
To switch the state of the password set action to Null. This means
that when the given password is already in the list it will be
removed from it, otherwise it is added to the list. The return value
reflects the action that was done.
A returned Null either means that nothing was done or that there
occured an error as no reqtools.library or not enough memory
password - pointer to the password to process or Null to invoke a
reqtools requester.
action - type of operation: cm_AddPW, cm_RemovePW, cm_RemoveAll or
action - operation that was done.
cmCryptData(), cmDecrunch()