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- This file contains specific changes/fixes in the different releases of
- The GadToolsBox program. The most recent version is first in the list.
- The following is a list of abbrevations so you know what's what.
- SA = Suggestion added.
- MIN = Minor bug fixed.
- MAJ = Major bug fixed.
- NF = New Feature.
- CH = Minor change.
- 2:285/502.7 Jan van.den.Baard
- The written history prior to the 2.0 release has been removed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- GadToolsBox V2.0c (Bug-fix release) (released 14-Apr-93) (37.300)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 08-Apr-1993 CH Added my UUCP address to the About requester.
- (37.294)
- 08-Apr-1993 MIN Clicking on Cancel in the FileRequester when
- opening a new file resulted in a "Unable to open
- xxxxxx" requester. Oops. (37.295)
- 09-Apr-1993 MIN Fixed a couple of small bugs. Bugs found by
- Marcel Offermans. (37.296)
- 09-Apr-1993 NF-SA Added a CloseScreen() test. This will allow (but
- not encourage!) the use of tools like MKS_Lens on
- the GTB screen. Suggested by Ola Olsson. (37.297)
- 13-Apr-1993 MAJ GadToolsBox still did not work correctly somtimes
- when opening a screen. This should NOT happen
- anymore. Bug found by Kai Bolay. (37.298)
- 14-Apr-1993 MAJ Fixed enforcer hits when clicking OK in the Grid
- and Offsets windows. Bug found by Ola Olsson
- and Kai Bolay. (37.299)
- 14-Apr-1993 MAJ The bug with the un-terminated DriPen array
- should not occure anymore. Bug found by several
- people. (37.300)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- GadToolsBox V2.0b (Bug-fix release) (released 07-Apr-93) (37.293)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 05-Apr-1993 MIN Fixed a small problem when using GadToolsBox in
- combination with QMouse. GadToolsBox would (after
- the window was opened) keep the busy pointer. I
- simply added a ClearPointer() after the
- rtUnlockWindow() call. I don't know who's fault
- it is (GadToolsBox, QMouse or ReqTools). Bug
- found by Arnout Grootveld. (37.292)
- 07-Apr-1993 MAJ GadToolsBox GURU'd when a window refresh happened
- and the "Gadgets" item was checked. Bug found by
- Dave Lowrey. (37.293)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- GadToolsBox V2.0a (Bug-fix release) (released 02-Apr-93) (37.291)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 21-Mar-1993 MAJ Changed the "bsr" branches in the assembly source
- generator to "jsr". When generating large files
- the "bsr" branches could not reach the
- destination addresses. Bug found by Mick Hohmann.
- (37.274)
- 21-Mar-1993 MAJ Fixed a bug in the assembly source generator. It
- did a CloseFont with _DiskfontBase in a6 instead
- of _GfxBase. (37.275)
- 21-Mar-1993 MAJ The font adaptable source of the assembly source
- generator screwed-up totally. Bug found by Mick
- Hohmann. (37.276)
- 21-Mar-1993 MIN The gadget creation routine that the assembly
- source generator generates returned the wrong
- error code uppon failure. (37.277)
- 21-Mar-1993 MAJ Fixed another assembly source generator bug.
- Replaced all "add.b sc_WBorxxx(a0),d0" calls with
- "move.b sc_WBorxxx(a0),d1 ext.w d1 add.w d1,d0"
- This works, the other solution did not. (37.278)
- 22-Mar-1993 CH Recompiled under DICE v2.07.54R. Finally got rid
- of those unused local variables the easy way!
- Also edited the about requester to reflect the
- new DICE copyright notices. (37.279)
- 22-Mar-1993 MIN Fixed a small bug. In some cases the selected
- gadgets where not deselected when an other
- gadget was selected without the shift key down.
- Bug found by Kai Bolay. (37.280)
- 22-Mar-1993 NF-SA Added Drag-Selection of gadgets. Suggested by
- several people. (37.281)
- 24-Mar-1993 MIN Once a GETFILE gadget was disabled it could not
- be enabled again. Bug found by Garry Glendown.
- (37.282)
- 25-Mar-1993 MIN Position adjustment on backdrop windows after a
- edit screen re-open screwed up. Switching font
- caused the same problem. Bug found by Christoph
- Burgdorf. (37.283)
- 27-Mar-1993 MAJ As it seems GadToolsBox screwed-up majorly in
- it's startup. Bug found by Reza Elghazi. (37.284)
- 27-Mar-1993 MIN The ShowSelected gadget in the ListView editor
- did not work correctly. Bug found by Reza Elghazi
- (37.285)
- 29-Mar-1993 MAJ Now needs the gadtoolsbox.library version 39++
- for reasons explained in the "ReadMeFirst" file.
- (37.286)
- 29-Mar-1993 MIN Fixed the misterious "listview-grow" bug. Bug
- found by several people. (37.287)
- 30-Mar-1993 MAJ Fixed bug in the Oberon source generator. It
- popped the gadget, menus, texts and boxes to
- early. (37.288)
- 01-Apr-1993 NF-SA Now selecting open will allow you to load a .G or
- .GUI file. GTB automatically determines what file
- it is. For compatibility F7 still works.
- Suggested by Kai Bolay. (37.189)
- 01-Apr-1993 MIN Fixed a small bug in the .G file reader. (37.290)
- 03-Apr-1993 MAJ The <Project_Name>_CNT EQU's where not always
- generated. Bug found by Christian Pekeler.
- (37.291)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- GadToolsBox V2.0 - 37.273 (released 13-March-1993)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 23-Sep-1992 SA Changed the "Gadgets" menu. I admit that it was a
- little messy but now it's cleaned up a little.
- Suggested by Reza Elghazi. (37.183)
- 24-Sep-1992 NF Added the Undercore tag in the ListView editor.
- Why did nobody notice that it wasn't there? Also
- changed the minimum MaxChars in the STRING and
- INTEGER gadgets from 2 to 1. (37.184)
- 24-Sep-1992 NF-SA Totally redone the menu editors. Now all actions
- are done in one window and more accoording to
- the Style Guide. Also the screen now only allows
- GUI modes which means that modes with a standard
- horizontal resolution that is less that 640
- pixels are not supported anymore. (37.185)
- 28-Sep-1992 NF Now GadToolsBox uses the new gadtoolsbox.library
- which is still in a early stage but progressing.
- This will be a library containing some very
- usefull routines when working with gadtools and
- it will help people to write external source
- generators for GadToolsBox (37.186)
- 28-Sep-1992 MIN Now GadToolsBox does not see a slider or scroller
- that broadcasts a up & down message as a double-
- click. Bug found by Marcel Offermans. (37.187)
- 01-Oct-1992 MIN GadToolsBox did not work with PopUpMenu. Now it
- does. Bug found by Kai Bolay/Micheal Hohmann.
- (37.188)
- 03-Oct-1992 NF Started to use the "gadtoolsbox.library" it's
- extremely easy and efficient hotkey handling. Now
- only the menu editor uses it but soon all gadget
- hotkeys will be handled by the library. (37.189)
- 05-Oct-1992 NF-SA Now the right mouse button can be used to cancel
- operations. Suggested by several people. (37.190)
- 06-Oct-1992 SA Moved the version string closer to the beginning
- of the executable. Suggested by Roy van der
- Woning (37.191).
- 18-Oct-1992 MAJ Still working on the re-designed GUI. Found a
- wierd join/split bug. GadToolsBox would totally
- screw up the joining and splitting of string and
- listview gadgets. (37.192)
- 22-Oct-1992 MAJ When deleting the contents of a string gadget
- and then editing that same gadget could/would
- cause a big ugly GURU. Bug found by Garry
- Glendown. (37.193)
- 24-Oct-1992 MIN Fixed the routine that checks for double used
- gadget source labels. (37.194)
- 26-Oct-1992 NF Added a great new feature. I have changed the old
- style move/size to the same method used by Tool-
- maker and Precognition which is really 1.000.000
- times better that the old way. (37.195)
- 27-Oct-1992 MIN The GA_Disabled tag of the Cycle gadget was not
- processed correctly. Bug found by Marcel
- Offermans. (37.196)
- 28-Oct-1992 MIN Fixed a wierd bug. GTB uses the nofrag.library
- for its memory allocations. The nofrag.library is
- a library which takes big blocks from the system
- free memory pool in which small memory chunks are
- allocated. The nofrag.library automatically de-
- allocates unused memory blocks. Because of a
- de-allocation error withing GTB a small amount of
- bytes where left in each memory block which
- caused the nofrag.library to think that the block
- was still in use and therefore it did not de-
- allocate it. This would leave the memory
- allocated while GTB was running. (37.197)
- 28-Oct-1992 MIN Added window switching using the keyboard.
- Suggested by someone.... ( I forgot who it was,
- SHAME ON ME!) (37.198)
- 28-Oct-1992 MIN Fixed a bug with the information printing.
- Sometimes GadToolsBox printed that there was no
- information on a window while in fact there was
- information on the window. Bug found by several
- people. (37.199)
- 02-Nov-1992 NF-SA Now you can use F9 to switch the screen title-bar
- on and off. Note that this only works with BACK
- DROP windows. Suggested by Klaus Nachtigall.
- (37.200)
- 03-Nov-1992 NF Added th
- menu strips using an IFF file structure. (37.201)
- 04-Nov-1992 NF Added the possibility to seperatly Save and Load
- the bevel boxes using an IFF file structure.
- (37.202)
- 04-Nov-1992 NF Added the possibility to seperatly Save and Load
- the window texts using an IFF file structure.
- (37.203)
- 07-Nov-1992 CH The "Add" item under the "Gadgets" menu has been
- renamed to "Edit". When it is checked you can
- edit the gadgets as normal and when it is not
- checked the gadgets are added to the window as
- normal gadgets and you cannot add or edit them.
- (37.204)
- 07-Nov-1992 MIN Fixed a small bug in the menu editor concerning
- the CommKey's. (37.205)
- 09-Nov-1992 MIN The drag-menu-selection screwed up sometimes by
- not interpreting menu events because the handler
- was not always correctly notified about drag-
- selection breaks. (37.206)
- 12-Nov-1992 NF GadToolsBox now uses a new set of preferences
- files. Also the changing of the preferences now
- occurs in different requesters. (37.207)
- 14-Nov-1992 NF-SA Added the posibility to transform MX gadgets into
- CYCLE gadgets and vice versa. Suggested by Reza
- Elghazi. (37.208)
- 14-Nov-1992 MAJ Fixed an enforcer hit in the new menu editor. The
- copying of the work menu list did not work 100%.
- (37.209)
- 16-Nov-1992 NF Added the possibility to seperatly Save and Load
- all gadgets or the selected gadget from a window
- using an IFF file structure. (37.210)
- 18-Nov-1992 NF_SA Added the possibility to determine the order of
- TAB and SHIFT-TAB cycling for STRING and INTEGER
- gadgets. Suggested by Garry Glendown and Gael
- Marziou. (37.211)
- 21-Nov-1992 CH Almost did not survive a mega HD crash (forgot to
- backup my harddrive... AGAIN #$@$##@$!). Changed
- the main program menus. (37.212)
- 22-Nov-1992 MAJ Fixed a few bugs in the source generators. The
- IntuiText counters with multiple window projects
- was screwed up in the C and Asm source
- generators. The <xxx>Left and <xxx>Top globals
- where incorrect in the Asm and Oberon source
- generators. Bugs found by Lars Hecking. (37.213)
- 22-Nov-1992 MAJ The assembly source generator really screwed up
- when more than one GETFILE gadget was located in
- a window. (37.214)
- 27-Nov-1992 NF Added the possibility to seperatly Save and Load
- windows using a complex multi-context IFF file
- structure. (37.215)
- 27-Nov-1992 CH The window selection requester will not pop-up
- anymore when only one window is available.
- (37.216)
- 03-Dec-1992 CH-NF Changed the binary output of GadToolsBox to a
- complex multi-context IFF format. The gadtoolsbox
- library will include a routine to read this
- format. Note that a old file type loader is still
- available under the F7 key. (37.217)
- 07-Dec-1992 CH Utilized the gadtoolsbox.library a little more.
- (37.218)
- 07-Dec-1992 CH Added a backfill pattern the same as most
- reqtools requesters have to my own requesters.
- This really makes it look great. (37.219)
- 08-Dec-1992 MAJ Removed a potentially very dangerous bug. The
- Process structure it's window pointer did not get
- updated when the window was re-opened after
- editing the window flags. Experienced crashes
- instead of an expected reqtools requester........
- (37.220)
- 09-Dec-1992 MIN The Menu Editor now does not use case sensitive
- checks anymore to check for double defined
- shortcuts. Now the grid is used when sizing/
- moving gadgets. Bugs found by Marcel Offermans.
- (37.221)
- 09-Dec-1992 MIN Fixed a small error in the Menu Editor. The MutEx
- button can now only be selected when more then
- one (sub)item is present in the list to exclude.
- (37.222)
- 12-Dec-1992 CH-SA Changed the spacing maximum to 100. 40 wasn't
- enough. Suggested by Mikael Berglund. (37.223)
- 13-Dec-1992 NF-SA Now you can spread one single gadget which will
- result the gadget being centered between the
- given coordinates. Suggested by Marcel Offermans.
- (37.224)
- 18-Dec-1992 MIN GadToolsBox would allow you to try to link a read
- only listview to a string gadget. Also in the
- listview editor the GTLV_ShowSelected tag could
- be turned off when editing a joined listview
- gadget. Both of these things where wrong and are
- now fixed. (37.225)
- 21-Dec-1992 MIN Fixed a bug in the Cycle, Mx and ListView
- editors. The ListView gadgets in these editors
- disabled when run under OS 3.0. (37.226)
- 22-Dec-1992 MAJ Fixed (hopefully) a bug which caused GTB to hang
- after editing a string gadget. Bug found by
- Ekkehard Goebel. Also fixed the old-file-type
- loader to cope with the new internal structures.
- (37.227)
- 23-Dec-1992 MAJ Fixed a bug in the Assmbly source generator. When
- a gadget creation failed the stack was not popped
- correctly. Bug found by Stephan Fuhrmann.
- (37.228)
- 23-Dec-1992 CH Moved the memory de-allocation routines as
- GadToolsBox private routines to the library.
- (37.229)
- 23-Dec-1992 CH GadToolsBox now uses the GUI file loader routine
- from the gadtoolsbox.library. (37.230)
- 24-Dec-1992 CH Moved some more memory relative routines to the
- library as GadToolsBox private routines. This way
- I do not get double coded routines which could
- cause compatibilty problems in the future.
- Also GTB now requires the V38 version of the
- library. (37.231)
- 24-Dec-1992 CH The GadToolsBox requesters used to fill out the
- bevelbox areas with color 0. Now the BACKFILLPEN
- is used to keep it the same as the reqtools
- requesters. (37.232)
- 25-Dec-1992 CH MERRY X'MAS. It's late or should I say early.....
- Anyway I have adapted GTB so that it uses the 3.0
- newlook menus when run on 3.0 systems. (37.233)
- 25-Dec-1992 MAJ GadToolsBox GURU'd when the gadtoolsbox.library
- could not be opened. (37.234)
- 26-Dec-1992 NF Added the three new dri pens that Kickstart 3.0
- offers to the DriPen Editor. Note that these pens
- can only be changed when running 3.0! (37.235)
- 26-Dec-1992 NF Added a getfile gadget to the Main preferences
- requester so that the user can select the icon
- path using the filerequester. (37.236)
- 29-Dec-1992 NF GadToolsBox is now, for the biggest part anyway,
- localized. (37.237)
- 31-Dec-1992 MAJ Fixed a big ugly enforcer hit. Enforcer hits
- where all over the place when gadtoolsbox was run
- with an argument. (37.238)
- 01-Jan-1993 NF Now GadToolsBox is completely localized. I have
- written a special source generator that generates
- a localized GUI and uses the gadtoolsbox.library
- routines. Perhaps I will release this source
- generator as an example how to built your own
- source generator using the library. (37.239)
- 08-Jan-1993 CH Fixed few faults in the GUI design of GadToolsBox
- (37.240)
- 12-Jan-1993 MAJ Fixed a major bug. Some palette files which, I
- suspect, are made by an early 2.1 palette prefs
- editor have an unusually big CMAP chunk which
- contains, again I suspect, garbage. Reading these
- palette files would cause a system crash uppon
- starting GadToolsBox and after loading files with
- a PUBLIC or WBENCH screen gui. This has been
- fixed. Bug found by Andreas Blohm and Steve
- Robbins. (37.241)
- 12-Jan-1993 MIN Fixed a small bug in the MenuEditor. Now you
- cannot add a CommKey to an item with subitems
- anymore. Bug found by Marcel Offermans. (37.242)
- 16-Jan-1993 MIN GadToolsBox forgot to also create the
- ENV:GadToolsBox/ directory when it had to create
- the ENVARC:GadToolsBox/ directory. Bug found by
- Kai Bolay. (37.243)
- 16-Jan-1993 NF-SA Removed the topaz 8 dependancy when designing
- font adaptable GUI's. A lot of people complained
- that it is to difficult to design GUI's using
- topaz 8 on very high resolutions. Suggested by
- several people. (37.244)
- 17-Jan-1993 MIN Fixed a small bug. The window border sizes where
- not correctly written. (37.245)
- 20-Jan-1993 MAJ Fixed enforcer hits that occured at startup
- during the copying of config data. (37.246)
- 20-Jan-1993 MIN Fixed a gadget selection bug. Bug found by Marcel
- Offermans. (37.247)
- 20-Jan-1993 NF-SA Now there is no respons by the program anymore if
- you double click on a size-box of a selected
- gadget with the exception of the MX, CHECKBOX and
- GETFILE kinds. Suggested by Marcel Offermans.
- (37.248)
- 20-Jan-1993 MIN The coordinate-check for the gadget selection
- totally screwed up on GIMMEZEROZERO windows. P.S.
- The coordinate display is still incorrect on
- GZZ windows. (37.249)
- 20-Jan-1993 MAJ Fixed enforcer hits when using the GETFILE gadget
- in the Main Preferences window. (37.250)
- 23-Jan-1993 CH Rewritten some of the Palette routines. Now the
- BMHD chunk is used to establish the amount of
- colors and no more than 32 are allowed. (37.251)
- 23-Jan-1993 MIN Fixed a small bug in the MenuEditor. Now it is
- not possible anymore to add subitems to a
- BARLABEL item. Also the name of a BARLABEL item
- cannot be changed anymore. (37.252)
- 24-Jan-1993 CH Filename extensions are not forced anymore. I
- still suggest you use them. Suggested by Marcel
- Offermans. (37.253)
- 25-Jan-1993 MIN The vertical spreading of a single gadget to
- center it in a specific area really screwed up.
- This is now fixed. (37.254)
- 29-Jan-1993 MIN Fixed to small bugs in the menu editor. It was
- possible to edit a source label for an item with
- subitems now it isn't anymore. You could not
- erase the COMMKEY. Now you can. The double
- source label check screwed up. Bugs found by
- Marcel Offermans. (37.255)
- 02-Feb-1993 MIN Fixed some minor grammatical bugs. Bugs found by
- Daniel Barrett. (37.256)
- 04-Feb-1993 MAJ Fixed a bug which could open a overscanned screen
- with wrong dimensions. Bug found by Kai Bolay.
- (37.257)
- 04-Feb-1993 NF-SA Now the editing of your GUI on the Workbench or
- default public screen is possible. Suggested by
- Kai Bolay. (37.258)
- 05-Feb-1993 CH The "Are you sure you want to quit?" requester
- has been removed. Suggested by several people.
- (37.259)
- 13-Feb-1993 MIN Fixed a minor bug in the GUI. The Edit Grid
- window could not be moved. (37.260)
- 16-Feb-1993 MIN The saved flag was not reset after loading a GUI
- file. (37.261)
- 17-Feb-1993 CH The bevelbox move and size are now also confirmed
- when releasing the right mouse button. (37.262)
- 18-Feb-1993 MIN When a GUI using a custom screen was in memory
- and you loaded a GUI using the workbench or
- default pub-screen ( while editing on the GTB
- screen ) the colors and dripens of the previous
- file remained active. Phew... (37.263)
- 22-Feb-1993 NF-SA When changing font the windows will automatically
- adapt to the new font. The suggestion was to make
- this optional. It is not. Suggested by Kai Bolay.
- (37.264)
- 23-Feb-1993 NF-SA I have build on the above suggestion a little
- more. The window will always adapt to the window
- title size. This means that if you edit on a
- custom screen in topaz 8 and you switch to
- editing on the wbench or default public screen
- the gadgets, boxes and texts will automatically
- adjust the positions to the font that is active
- on that screen. (37.265)
- 24-Feb-1993 MAJ Forgot to set the process window pointer when
- reopening the edit window after a window flags
- edit. Oops. Bug found by Marcel Offermans.
- (37.266)
- 24-Feb-1993 MAJ Loading gadget files on a window using a
- bigger font than used to make the gadgets could
- result in a message saying that the gadgets could
- not be re-created anymore. Bug found by Marcel
- Offermans. (37.267)
- 24-Feb-1993 SA Enhanced the "Item xxxx already used" requesters
- from the Menu Editor. Suggested by Marcel
- Offermans. (37.268)
- 25-Feb-1993 MIN Updated the Oberon source generator. Suggested by
- Kai Bolay. (37.269)
- 26-Feb-1993 SA Added external references to Intuition and
- GadToolsBase to the generated C header. Suggested
- by Stan Burton. (37.270)
- 27-Feb-1993 SA The "Save" buttons in the preferences now saves
- the preferences and uses them in the program.
- Suggested by Marcel Offermans. (37.271)
- 10-Mar-1993 MIN Added the latest internal Oberon source generator
- to GadToolsBox. Suggested by Kai Bolay. (37.272)
- 12-Mar-1993 CH Removed the depth limit of 5 in the palette
- editor. Now 8 is the limit. (37.273)