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- This file contains specific changes/fixes in the different releases of
- the gadtoolsbox.library. The most recent version is first in the list.
- The following is a list of abbrevations so you know what's what.
- SA = Suggestion added.
- MIN = Minor bug fixed.
- MAJ = Major bug fixed.
- NF = New feature.
- CH = Minor change.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- gadtoolsbox.library version 39.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- I have to make very big appology to all GTB 2.0 users that are
- running on a 68000 based machine. After hearing some very disturbing
- messages about GTB crashing I (finaly) found out that loading a GUI on
- 68000 based machines in some cases caused a GURU #80000003 (address
- error). This ws the reason:
- GadToolsBox writes strings the following way in the file:
- len (16bits)
- chars (len of characters)
- Now the code reads a complete chunk into memory from which the strings
- where read as follows:
- UBYTE *data; <-- pointer to chunk data
- UWORD len;
- len = *(( UWORD * )data );
- data += 2;
- Since the strings are located after eachother this could cause an
- address error (reading a WORD from an un-aligned address). Now I use
- the following code which eliminates the problem:
- UBYTE *data;
- UWORD len;
- len = (( *data++ ) << 8 );
- len |= *data++;
- Now I can tell you all sorts of excuses for not testing on a 68000
- based machine but I wont. I screwed up and I am sorry for that.
- P.S. The version bump to 39 is because the V38 version of the library
- is hereby declared obsolete. (Rev. 1)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- gadtoolsbox.library version 38.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 16-Jan-1993 NF Added the possibility to cancel a "NewButton"
- hotkey selection by pressing SHIFT before
- releasing the hotkey. This is the same way as
- the ReqTools buttons are cancelled. (Rev. 40)
- 17-Jan-1993 MIN Fixed a small bug concerning the loading of the
- config chunks. The GTConfig fields of the GenC
- and GenAsm structures did not get updated with
- the correct GadToolsConfig data. (Rev. 41)
- 23-Jan-1993 MAJ Fixed a major bug in the TextClass dispatcher.
- The IA_Left, IA_Top, IA_Width & IA_Height
- attributes where not updated by a call to
- SetAttrs(). (Rev. 42)
- 15-Feb-1993 MIN Removed a potential bug. (Rev. 43)
- 17-Feb-1993 CH Changed the bevel-box creation routine a little.
- No big thing. (Rev. 44)
- 18-Feb-1993 MAJ Fixed a major bug in the "gui.i" header. I used
- UBYTE label,6 instead of STRUCT label,6. Bug
- found by Wouter van Oortmerssen.
- 10-Mar-1993 MAJ GTX_LoadGUIA() forgot to correctly initialize
- some privatly used data when loading menus. Bug
- found by Kai Bolay. (Rev. 45)
- 21-Mar-1993 MAJ GTX_LoadGUIA() was loading all window texts into
- the first window. Bug found by Garry Cattley.
- (Rev. 46)
- 21-Mar-1993 MAJ GTX_LoadGUIA() forgot to initialize some other
- privatly used data. Bug found by Mick Hohmann.
- (Rev. 47)