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- opt l+,o+,ow-,inconce
- *-- AutoRev header do NOT edit!
- *
- * Program : GetFile.s
- * Copyright : © Copyright 1992 Jaba Development
- * Author : Jan van den Baard
- * Creation Date : 21-Jan-92
- * Current version : 1.0
- * Translator : Devpac 3 ( version 3.01 )
- *
- *
- * Date Version Comment
- * --------- ------- ------------------------------------------
- * 21-Jan-92 1.0 "GetFile" boopsi image.
- *
- *-- REV_END --*
- incdir "oberon:include.i/"
- include "mymacros.i"
- include "intuition/intuition.i"
- include "intuition/classes.i"
- include "intuition/classusr.i"
- include "intuition/imageclass.i"
- include "libraries/gadtools.i"
- include "intuition/intuition_lib.i"
- include "graphics/graphics_lib.i"
- include "utility/utility_lib.i"
- include "libraries/gadtools_lib.i"
- XDEF _initGet
- XDEF initGet
- XREF _IntuitionBase
- XREF _GfxBase
- XREF _UtilityBase
- XREF _GadToolsBase
- SECTION "getfile",CODE
- ;
- ; --- This routine call's this class it's super class.
- ; --- First it get's the class it's super class in a0.
- ; --- Then it pushes "ourRet" on the stack which will be
- ; --- the return address of the superclass dispatcher.
- ; --- Then it pushes the lowlevel entry of the superclass
- ; --- dispatcher on the stack and performs an rts which
- ; --- causes a jump to the superclass dispatcher. When the
- ; --- superclass dispatcher is done it will return to "ourRet".
- ;
- callSuper: push.l a2 ; save a2
- move.l cl_Super(a0),a0 ; get superclass in a0
- pea.l ourRet ; push return address
- push.l h_Entry(a0) ; push superclass dispatcher
- rts ; jump to super dispatcher
- ourRet: pop.l a2 ; restore a2
- rts
- ;
- ; --- Initialize our private class. It set's up a class
- ; --- with "imageclass" as superclass.
- ;
- _initGet:
- initGet: pushem.l a2/a6 ; save registers
- move.l _IntuitionBase,a6
- cladr a0 ; class ID
- lea.l IClassName,a1 ; points to "imageclass"
- cladr a2 ; no superclass pointer
- cldat d0 ; no instance data
- cldat d1 ; no flags
- libcall MakeClass ; make the class
- move.l d0,a0 ; put class in a0
- tst.l d0
- beq.s noClass ; failed!!!
- lea.l dispatchGet(pc),a1 ; pointer to dispatcher
- move.l a1,h_Entry(a0) ; set our dispatcher
- noClass: popem.l a2/a6 ; restore registers
- rts
- dispatchGet: pushem.l d2-d7/a2-a6 ; save registers
- move.l a0,a4 ; class to a4
- move.l a1,a3 ; msg to a3
- cmp.l #OM_NEW,(a3) ; user want a new object ?
- bne.s noNew ; no!
- move.l _UtilityBase,a6
- move.l #GT_VisualInfo,d0 ; the tag we want
- cldat d1 ; default = NULL
- move.l ops_AttrList(a3),a0 ; tags to a0
- libcall GetTagData ; look for the tag
- tst.l d0 ; tag found ?
- beq.s newErrorV ; no
- push.l d0 ; stack visualinfo
- move.l a4,a0 ; class to a0
- move.l a3,a1 ; msg to a1
- bsr callSuper ; call the superclass
- move.l d0,a0 ; put object in a0
- tst.l d0
- beq.s newErrorO ; failed!!!
- move.w #20,ig_Width(a0) ; set default width
- move.w #14,ig_Height(a0) ; set default height
- pop.l ig_ImageData(a0) ; set visualInfo
- bra Done ; return Object
- newErrorO: addq.w #4,sp ; restore stack
- newErrorV: cldat d0 ; 0 for error
- bra Done
- noNew: cmp.l #IM_DRAW,(a3) ; must we draw ?
- bne default ; no!
- draw: cldat d4 ; left = 0
- cldat d5 ; top = 0
- moveq #20,d6 ; width = 20
- moveq #14,d7 ; height = 14
- move.w impd_OffsetX(a3),d4 ; left = x offset
- move.w impd_OffsetY(a3),d5 ; top = y offset
- move.l _GfxBase,a6
- move.l impd_RPort(a3),a5 ; rport to a5
- move.l ig_ImageData(a2),a4 ; visualinfo to a4
- move.l impd_DrInfo(a3),a2 ; drawinfo to a2
- move.l dri_Pens(a2),a2 ; drawinfo pens to a2
- clr.l rp_AreaPtrn(a5) ; clear area pattern
- clr.b rp_AreaPtSz(a5)
- move.l a5,a1 ; rport to a1
- cmp.l #IDS_SELECTED,impd_State(a3) ; draw selected ?
- bne.s noSel ; no!
- move.w hifillPen*2(a2),d0 ; FILLPEN color
- bra.s penDone
- noSel: move.w backgroundPen*2(a2),d0 ; BACKGROUNDPEN color
- penDone: libcall SetAPen ; set the pen
- move.l a5,a1 ; rport to a1
- move.w d4,d0 ; left to d0
- move.w d5,d1 ; top to d1
- move.w d4,d2
- add.w d6,d2
- dec.w d2 ; left + width - 1 to d2
- move.w d5,d3
- add.w d7,d3
- dec.w d3 ; top + height - 1 to d3
- libcall RectFill
- move.l _GadToolsBase,a6
- move.l a5,a0 ; rport to a0
- move.l d4,d0 ; left to d0
- move.l d5,d1 ; top to d1
- move.l d6,d2 ; width to d2
- move.l d7,d3 ; height to d3
- pea.l TAG_DONE
- cmp.l #IDS_SELECTED,impd_State(a3) ; draw recessed ?
- bne.s normal
- pea.l 1 ; recessed
- pea.l GTBB_Recessed
- normal: push.l a4
- pea.l GT_VisualInfo
- move.l sp,a1
- libcall DrawBevelBoxA ; draw the bevel box
- lea.l 12(sp),sp ; restore stack ptr
- cmp.l #IDS_SELECTED,impd_State(a3)
- bne.s ok
- addq.w #8,sp ; restore stack a little more
- ok:
- move.l _GfxBase,a6
- move.l a5,a1 ; rport to a1
- cmp.l #IDS_SELECTED,impd_State(a3) ; selected text pen?
- bne.s noFPen
- move.w hifilltextPen*2(a2),d0 ; FILLTEXTPEN color
- bra.s setPen
- noFPen: move.w textPen*2(a2),d0 ; TEXTPEN color
- setPen: libcall SetAPen ; set the pen
- addq.w #4,d4 ; set x for PolyDraw
- addq.w #8,d5 ; set y for PolyDraw
- addq.w #2,d5 ; " " " " "
- lea.l -52(sp),sp ; create stack space
- moveq #14,d0 ; 13 XY pairs
- lea.l PolyArray(pc),a1 ; pointer to XY array in a1
- lea.l (sp),a0 ; stack ptr to a0
- loopCnt: move.w (a1)+,(a0) ; X to (a0)
- add.w d4,(a0)+ ; (a0) += left
- move.w (a1)+,(a0) ; Y to (a0)
- add.w d5,(a0)+ ; (a0) += top
- dbra d0,loopCnt
- move.l a5,a1 ; rport to a1
- move.l d4,d0 ; left to d0
- move.l d5,d1 ; top to d1
- libcall Move ; move to this point
- move.l a5,a1 ; rport to a1
- move.l sp,a0 ; array pointer in a0
- moveq #13,d0 ; 13 XY pairs
- libcall PolyDraw ; draw the lines
- lea.l 52(sp),sp ; restore original stackptr
- moveq #1,d0 ; return TRUE
- bra.s Done
- default: move.l a4,a0 ; class to a0
- move.l a3,a1 ; msg to a1
- bsr callSuper ; call superclass
- Done: popem.l d2-d7/a2-a6 ; restore registers
- rts
- IClassName: dc.b 'imageclass',0 ; superclass ID
- even
- PolyArray: dc.w 0,-6,1,-6,1,0,11,0,11,-6,9,-8,6
- dc.w -8,4,-6,2,-6,2,-5,5,-5,6,-4,10,-4
- even
- _IntuitionBase: dc.l 0
- _GfxBase dc.l 0
- _UtilityBase dc.l 0
- _GadToolsBase dc.l 0
- end