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- This file contains suggestions/bugs that I am working on but have not
- made it in this release yet. Please read this file _before_ you start
- sending me bug reports and suggestions. Thanks in advance.....
- BUG = A bug that's still in there.
- SUG = A suggestions which still needs to be implemented.
- ADD = An addition that must be made.
- REV = Revision work
- LFS = Looking for someone to.....
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BUG When running on the default public screen or WBench screen GTB
- switches back to using it's own screen after a load failure and
- after selecting new.
- REV Making the operation with bevelled boxes work the same object
- oriented way as with the gadgets. Maybe texts too.
- REV Adding version and revision numbers to the GUI files saved by
- GadToolsBox.
- REV Adding a STRING gadget for each object that custom source
- generators can use when desired.
- BUG Although the palette editor will display more than 32 colors on
- AGA machines with a screen that uses more than 32 colors only 32
- are actually saved and used. This will change.
- BUG? When run under 3.0 the ListViews in the CYCLE, MX, LISTVIEW and
- Menu editors are smaller than usual. This is a small
- incompatibilty in KickStart 3.0. Note that this only happens when
- a ListView gadget is joined with a String gadget.
- BUG? When run under 3.0 systems the display area of the ListView
- gadgets seem to be cleared with pen 0 instead of the normal
- BACKGROUNDPEN from the DriPen array. Note that this is only the
- case in the areas that do not display an entry.
- BUG The coordinates when sizing gadgets can screw up. Also when they
- are displayed on a GZZ window they screw up.
- BUG The font adaptable source has to change. It does not always
- succeed with proportional fonts. Maybe something for a custom
- source generator writer.
- SUG Removing or adding the window sizegadget without changing the
- window it's innerwidth/innerheight.
- SUG Adding the possibility to add a prefix to the generated assembler
- labels so that the source is somewhat easier to include in C
- and other HL languages.
- SUG Give some hints and tips in the docs how to use GTB output with
- Gnu C.
- SUG Multiple gadget lists for one window.
- SUG A info window which displays all information about a gadget.
- SUG More info in the generated source header like the name of the
- owner, date of generation, version tag, etc.
- SUG Showing the Gadget Text's when moving.
- SUG Copying gadgets and/or menus between different windows.
- SUG More fonts in a single project.
- SUG Add text attributes to the IntuiText editor.
- SUG Add preferences bits for each seperate window in which the user
- can select to generate a call to a user-definable rendering
- routine. Also the user should be enabled to tell wether or not to
- let a particular window font-adapt, if (s)he wants a IDCMP handler
- and what kind.
- SUG Online help using the amigaguide.library.
- SUG Add a switch for the user to choose if (s)he wants to default to
- the system or workbench font when the font adaptivity stuff is off
- SUG Change the way the C source is outputted. Split things up in a
- main source, a header, a protos header and (if requested) a
- template source. The main and template sources should include both
- the header and protos header. Also the includes should be included
- from within the header and not the main source.
- SUG Sharing one set of menus between multiple windows. Sharing one
- MsgPort between all windows. Both optional ofcourse.
- SUG Crosshair.
- SUG Multiple windows on the same screen.
- SUG An UNDO function.
- SUG Source name saved in the GUI file.
- ASU Importing IFF ILBM images and maybe even make use of the
- standard intuition boopsi images and gadgets.
- ASU Making the GETFILE boopsi image sizeable.
- ADD Checking if the user has used double gadget shortcuts.
- ADD Support ToolMaker binaries.
- ADD XPK support.