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- /****************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Testprogramm für GAL-Brenner */
- /* */
- /* Soft- and Hardware copyright (c)1991 */
- /* by Christian Habermann */
- /* Asamstr. 17 */
- /* 8050 Freising (W-Germany) */
- /* */
- /* cc -z4000 GALerTest.c */
- /* as -n -c -d port.asm */
- /* ln GALerTest.o port.o -lc */
- /* */
- /****************************************************************/
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/ports.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <functions.h>
- #include "GALer.h"
- #define YPOS 30
- void Clear();
- void Print();
- void WaitForAction();
- struct MsgPort *timeport;
- struct timerequest *timereq;
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
- struct IntuiMessage *message;
- struct Window *window;
- struct RastPort *rp;
- struct TextFont *txtfont;
- struct TextAttr txtattr;
- SHORT BorderVectors1a[] = { 0,15,73,15,73,0 };
- SHORT BorderVectors1b[] = { 0,15,0,0,73,0 };
- struct Border Border1b = { -1,-1,2,0,JAM1,3,BorderVectors1b,NULL };
- struct Border Border1a = { -1,-1,1,0,JAM1,3,BorderVectors1a,&Border1b };
- struct IntuiText GadIText3 = { 1,0,JAM2,4,4,&txtattr,
- (UBYTE *)" EXIT ",NULL };
- struct IntuiText GadIText2 = { 1,0,JAM2,12,4,&txtattr,
- (UBYTE *)"Cancel",NULL };
- struct IntuiText GadIText1 = { 1,0,JAM2,4,4,&txtattr,
- (UBYTE *)"Continue",NULL };
- struct Gadget CancelGad = { NULL, 530, 180, 72, 14,
- (APTR)&Border1a,NULL,
- &GadIText2,NULL,NULL,1,NULL };
- struct Gadget ContGad = { &CancelGad, 40, 180, 72, 14,
- (APTR)&Border1a,NULL,
- &GadIText1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL };
- struct NewWindow MyWin = { 0,0,640,200,
- 0,1,
- &ContGad,NULL,
- (UBYTE *)"GALerTest (c) 1993 by Christian Habermann",
- 0,0,0,0,
- };
- int prog_volt = 0; /*Dummy für das Modul "Port"*/
- int ytxt = YPOS;
- main()
- {
- int errorIC6, errorIC7;
- int n;
- openstuff();
- if (GetTimer()) { /*Timer holen*/
- puts("kann Timer nicht finden\n");
- exit(FALSE);
- }
- rp = window -> RPort;
- SetAPen(rp, 1L);
- SetFont(rp, txtfont); /*Font für Textausgabe*/
- InitParPort(); /*Datenrichtungsregister der CIAs*/
- InitGALer();
- Print("This is a program for testing the hardware V1.2 of the GALer project.");
- Print("You need this program to adjust the trimpots R40-44 too.");
- Print("IMPORTANT: There must be no GAL in the Textool socket now!");
- Print("");
- Print("If the hardware works not as the test program demands, then");
- Print("you should cancel 'GALerTest' immediately and try to remove the");
- Print("bug in your hardware.");
- Print("");
- Print("Please select the 'Continue' gadget to start the test.");
- WaitForAction(0);
- Clear();
- Print("Now the LED should be off and all pins of the Textool socket should");
- Print("be set at LOW level (about 0 volt).");
- Print("");
- Print("Please select 'Continue'!");
- EnableOutput();
- WriteByte(0x00,IC3);
- WriteByte(0x00,IC4);
- WriteByte(0x00,IC5);
- WaitForAction(0);
- Clear();
- Print("Now the LED should be on.");
- Print("");
- Print("Please select 'Continue'!");
- LED(ON);
- WaitForAction(0);
- Clear();
- Print("Now the LED should be off again.");
- Print("");
- Print("Please select 'Continue'!");
- WaitForAction(0);
- Clear();
- Print("At pin 24 of the Textool socket should be a HIGH level (about 5 volt).");
- Print("");
- Print("Please select 'Continue'!");
- SetGAL(GAL20V8);
- EnableVcc();
- WaitForAction(0);
- Clear();
- Print("At pin 22 of the Textool socket should be a HIGH level too.");
- Print("");
- Print("Please select 'Continue'!");
- DisableVcc();
- SetGAL(GAL16V8);
- EnableVcc();
- WaitForAction(0);
- Clear();
- Print("At all pins should be a HIGH level with exception of pin 12.");
- Print("Pin 12 is GND.");
- Print("");
- Print("Please select 'Continue'!");
- InitGALer();
- EnableOutput();
- WriteByte(0xff,IC3);
- WriteByte(0xff,IC4);
- WriteByte(0xff,IC5);
- WaitForAction(0);
- Clear();
- Print("At pins 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 should be a HIGH level.");
- Print("All other pins should be LOW.");
- Print("");
- Print("Please select 'Continue'!");
- SetGAL(GAL20V8);
- EnableVcc();
- WriteByte(0x55,IC3);
- WriteByte(0x55,IC4);
- WriteByte(0x55,IC5);
- WaitForAction(0);
- Clear();
- Print("Now at pins 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 should be a HIGH level.");
- Print("All other pins should be LOW.");
- Print("");
- Print("Please select 'Continue'!");
- DisableVcc();
- WriteByte(0xaa,IC3);
- WriteByte(0xaa,IC4);
- WriteByte(0xaa,IC5);
- WaitForAction(0);
- DisableVcc();
- InitGALer();
- EnableOutput();
- VeditOn();
- Clear();
- Print("***************************************************************************");
- Print("Now you have to adjust the trimpots R40-R44.");
- Print("If this does not work, check IC 9, IC 10, T3, T4.");
- Print("");
- Print("Use trimpot R40 to adjust the voltage at pin 2 to exactly 16.5V.");
- Print("Please select 'Continue'!");
- SetVolt(0);
- SetGAL(GAL20V8);
- EnableVEdit();
- WaitForAction(0);
- Print("");
- Print("Use trimpot R41 to adjust the voltage at pin 2 to exactly 15.75V.");
- Print("Please select 'Continue'!");
- SetVolt(1);
- WaitForAction(0);
- Print("");
- Print("Use trimpot R42 to adjust the voltage at pin 2 to exactly 14.5V.");
- Print("Please select 'Continue'!");
- SetVolt(2);
- WaitForAction(0);
- Print("");
- Print("Use trimpot R43 to adjust the voltage at pin 2 to exactly 14.0V.");
- Print("Please select 'Continue'!");
- SetVolt(3);
- WaitForAction(0);
- Print("");
- Print("Use trimpot R44 to adjust the voltage at pin 2 to exactly 12.0V.");
- Print("Please select 'Continue'!");
- SetVolt(4);
- WaitForAction(0);
- Print("");
- Print("O.K., now all voltages are adjusted. Let me do some other tests.");
- Print("Please select 'Continue'!");
- Print("***************************************************************************");
- WaitForAction(0);
- Clear();
- Print("Now at pin 4 should be a voltage of 12.0V and pin 2 should be");
- Print("at LOW level. If this does not work, check T1, T2.");
- Print("");
- Print("Please select 'Continue'!");
- DisableVEdit();
- SetGAL(GAL16V8);
- EnableVEdit();
- WaitForAction(0);
- Clear();
- /*ab hier wird überprüft, ob das Auslesen der*/
- /*Ausgangspegel des GALs funktioniert (IC6a, IC7)*/
- Print("Now I'm trying to read pins 14-22 of the Textool socket...");
- SetGAL(GAL20V8);
- InitGALer();
- EnableVcc();
- EnableOutput();
- /*IC6a testen*/
- errorIC6 = errorIC7 = 0;
- WriteByte(0x40,IC3);
- if (!ReadByte(IC6))
- errorIC6 = 1;
- WriteByte(0x00,IC3);
- if (ReadByte(IC6))
- errorIC6 = 1;
- /*IC7 testen*/
- WriteByte(0x00,IC5);
- if (ReadByte(IC7))
- errorIC7 = 1;
- WriteByte(0x2A,IC3);
- WriteByte(0x20,IC5);
- if (ReadByte(IC7) != 0xAA)
- errorIC7 = 1;
- WriteByte(0x15,IC3);
- WriteByte(0x10,IC5);
- if (ReadByte(IC7) != 0x55)
- errorIC7 = 1;
- DisableVcc();
- DisableOutput();
- if (errorIC6 || errorIC7) {
- Print("");
- Print(" ERROR!!!");
- Print(" There must be an error at the BUSY line, R27, IC8, IC6a, IC6b, IC7");
- Print(" or R13. Please check this components.");
- Print("");
- Print(" Description of error:");
- if (errorIC6 && !errorIC7) {
- Print(" I can't read pin 22 through the BUSY line of the parallel port.");
- }
- if (!errorIC6 && errorIC7) {
- Print(" I can't read pins 14-21 through the BUSY line of the parallel port.");
- }
- if (errorIC6 && errorIC7) {
- Print(" I can't read pins 14-21 and pin 22 through the BUSY line of the");
- Print(" parallel port.");
- }
- }
- else {
- Print("O.K., no error found (you have a lot going for you).");
- Print("");
- Print("If you found no errors and if you have adjusted all voltages");
- Print("(12V, 14V, 14.5V, 15.75V and 16.5V), GALer works fine.");
- Print("");
- Print("Now you can read/program GALs by using the software called GALer.");
- }
- CancelGad.GadgetText = &GadIText3;
- OffGadget(&ContGad, window, NULL);
- RefreshGList(&ContGad, window, NULL);
- WaitForAction(0);
- RestoreParPort();
- FreeTimer();
- closestuff();
- }
- GetTimer() /*Timer holen*/
- {
- timeport = CreatePort(0L,0L);
- if (timeport == NULL)
- return(-1);
- timereq=(struct timerequest *)AllocMem(
- (long)sizeof(struct timerequest),MEMF_PUBLIC);
- if (timereq == NULL) {
- DeletePort(timeport);
- return(-1);
- }
- timereq->tr_node.io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Type=NT_MESSAGE;
- timereq->tr_node.io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Pri=0;
- timereq->tr_node.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort=timeport;
- if (OpenDevice(TIMERNAME,UNIT_MICROHZ,timereq,0L)) {
- FreeMem(&timereq,(long)sizeof(struct timerequest));
- DeletePort(timeport);
- return(-1);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- void FreeTimer() /*Timer wieder freigeben*/
- {
- CloseDevice(timereq);
- FreeMem(timereq,(long)sizeof(struct timerequest));
- DeletePort(timeport);
- }
- /*micro: microsec. to wait
- secs: seconds to wait
- */
- void WaitForTimer(micro)
- ULONG micro;
- {
- timereq->tr_node.io_Command=TR_ADDREQUEST;
- timereq->tr_time.tv_secs=0;
- timereq->tr_time.tv_micro=micro;
- DoIO(timereq);
- }
- void Clear()
- {
- ytxt = YPOS;
- SetAPen(rp, 0L);
- RectFill(rp, 10L, 22L, 630L, 170L);
- SetAPen(rp, 1L);
- }
- void Print(text)
- UBYTE *text;
- {
- if (ytxt < 160)
- ytxt += 10;
- else
- ScrollRaster(rp,0L,10L,10L,22L,630L,170L);
- Move(rp,20L,(long)ytxt);
- Text(rp,text,(long)strlen(text));
- }
- /* wartet auf das Anklicken eines Gadgets
- */
- void WaitForAction()
- {
- ULONG class;
- USHORT code,gadID;
- for(;;) {
- Wait(1L<<window->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
- if (message=(struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(window->UserPort)) {
- class = message -> Class;
- code = message -> Code;
- if (class == GADGETUP)
- gadID=((struct Gadget *)message->IAddress)->GadgetID;
- ReplyMsg(message);
- switch(class) {
- case CLOSEWINDOW: closestuff(); /*Programm fluchtartig*/
- FreeTimer(); /*verlassen*/
- RestoreParPort();
- exit(0);
- break;
- case GADGETUP: if (!gadID)
- return;
- else { /*Abbruch angeklickt*/
- closestuff();
- FreeTimer();
- RestoreParPort();
- exit (0);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- closestuff()
- {
- if (window) CloseWindow(window);
- if (GfxBase) CloseLibrary(GfxBase);
- if (IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary (IntuitionBase);
- }
- openstuff()
- {
- if ((IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary("intuition.library",0L)) == NULL) {
- puts ("kann intuition.library nicht öffnen");
- exit(FALSE);
- }
- if ((GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)OpenLibrary("graphics.library",0L)) == NULL) {
- puts ("kann graphics.library nicht öffnen");
- closestuff();
- exit(FALSE);
- }
- txtattr.ta_Name = (STRPTR)"topaz.font"; /*Font holen*/
- txtattr.ta_YSize = 8;
- txtattr.ta_Style = 0;
- txtattr.ta_Flags = 0;
- if (!(txtfont = (struct TextFont *)OpenFont(&txtattr))) {
- puts("kann topaz.font 8 nicht finden");
- closestuff();
- exit(FALSE);
- }
- if ((window = (struct Window *)OpenWindow(&MyWin)) == NULL) {
- puts ("kann Fenster nicht öffnen");
- closestuff();
- exit(FALSE);
- }
- }