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Documentation for BrowserII V2.41
***************************** ********************************
***************************** WARNING ********************************
***************************** ********************************
If you use a previous release of ParM, and tools that makes use of
parm.library (BrowserII), you _MUST_ replace ALL theses with those given
in this release. The new parm.library version 7 is not compatable with
previous ones. It was just not possible to do it. As promised in
previous release, this new ParM only works with AmigaDOS version 37 or
higher. ParM no more needs arp nor req libraries. OS 2.0 made it
ParM and BrowserII are copyrighted; they may not be sold in or together
with commercial software without written approval by the authors. They
may be freely distributed for a fee which will not exceed the equivalent
of French Francs 15.- (this includes the cost of the diskette and the
postage); they cannot be made available for downloading from a server
which is a commercial operation. The general principle is that it is
forbidden to make a profit through the use or distribution of these
programs without our written consent.
ParM V3.5 (or higher) and BrowserII V2.0 (or higher) may NOT be duplicated
for other things than backup. Only Authors are autorized to give it to
other people.
We accept no responsability for the use or misuse of these programs,
and for the damage they could produce. Use at your own risks.
Nevertheless, we think that after several month of intensive use by four
persons, they have been tested enough to say they are safe.
We wrote BrowserII after having used for 2 years the original Browser
(version 1.6A) written by Peter Da Silva. We were not fully satisfied
because of some of its limitations so, as soon as we felt capable of
writing a program which would overcome those limitations, we made a
decision to do it. So BrowserII was born ... The Return !
We felt the overall layout and display mode of Browser were very good, so
we decided to keep them, as well as the name, so that actual users of
Browser would immediately feel home with BrowserII.
As we never had the sources of Browser at hand, we rewrote it from
Beginners claimed many times that BrowserII was difficult to use and very
complicated. Really, we don't understand that since BrowserII works
exactly like workbench. To copy files, you just have to select them and
to drag them over the destination directory. It's power is far from other
file manager tools which are able to display only to directories, and are
full of useless gadgets which cluter up more than the half of the screen
display. We think that menus are more adapted to commands not often used,
and keyboard shortcuts quicker than gadgets for regular operations.
Any way, a special window with parametrable gadgets will be taken into
consideration in a next release using gadtools.library of new OS 2.0.
Another advantage of BrowserII is that it is small (80 KBytes !). It has
the most powerfull copy process, and doesn't include text viewers,
editors, or any IFF viewers. With this phylosophy, you can use the best
tools of each kind, text viewer (we use the great MuchMorePoPa 2.7 which
can be made resident), IFF viewer (we use Mostra which is pure too). You
are not limited with the number of parametrable menus...
Finally, BrowserII is the best file manager ! Don't you think so ?
Another positive thing because other don't do it, is that all disk errors
are properly reported with a message (not an error number), files can be
individually skipped, or operation aborted. (some tools continue to write
files after a 'disk full' error. Nice isn't it!).
While you can put BrowserII in any directory, you must copy parm.library
and in LIBS:. If you want to take advantage of the parametrable menus of
BrowserII, don't forget to build a BrowserII.menu file, and to put it in
Since V2.10, BrowserII will recognize file types if you have the
whatis.library in your LIBS: directory. (See doc for this library).
The reqtools.library is required for customising screen colors.
Demo Version:
The registered version and demo version are indentical. When you become a
registered user, you get a key file, and you'll be registered forever. So
you can get updates from fish disks, or BBS, without asking directly to
us. When you are not registered, the About requester appears from time to
Some friends made a tutorial for unexperimented user. The french version
makes use of a lot of pictures. have a look at them, they are very
atractive. Note that both tutorials are about using Version 2.04. A few
things were added since then but the mind didn't change!
BrowserII windows now have three more gadgets. The first one is the
iconification gadget, just below the close gadget. If you press this
gadget, two things can happen:
If it is the main window (the one where appears devices, volumes, and
assigns), BrowserII will be iconified, that is to say that a small window
in workbench screen will open, and all BrowserII windows and screen will
be closed. This small window has a close gadget which enables you to quit
BrowserII without uniconifying BrowserII. To uniconify BrowserII, press
right mouse button.
If it is a directory window, the window will be closed, and an entry will
be added in Alien Window, whether it is open or not. Alien Window can be
open using F5 or menu 'Window->Open->Alien Window'. To uniconify an
iconified window, just double click on the corresponding entry in alien
window. You can uniconify several windows sumultaneously by selecting
several entries in alien window, and double clicking on one of them.
If one entry only is selected in Alien Window, the full path of the
directory is displayed in the bottom border of this window.
The other two gadgets are invisible. The first one is the ZOOM gadget and
is the top half of the jauges, while the second one is the UNZOOM gadget
and is the bottom half of the jauges. If you ask for a zoom while the
directory to be zoomed is currently scanning, the zoom is defered at the
end of scan.
* BrowserII
BrowserII -> Update menus
Reloads the parametrable menus file "S:BrowserII.menu". This file is an
ASCII file with the same syntax as the configuration file of ParM. Some
option has been added: the selected files in BrowserII will be inserted
at the [] or [:] if any, with full path calculated from current window.
Example: you have selected "S:" in the main window of BrowserII
you have defined a menu item as follows:
ITEM Sizer RUN WIN CON:0/11/400/100/Sizer/Close/Wait Sizer []
activating the menu item Sizer will be equivalent to
executing the following command in a shell:
Sizer S:
If there are no [], then the names of the selected files are simply
appended to the end of the command line.
Have a look at ParM.doc for the WBTF option in menu items to bring
workbench to front when running commands.
There is an alternative to get arguments with a full pathname, rather than
a path relative to the current directory (active window). just put [:]
instead of [] in the command line.
But be warned. In most cases, _this is not necessary_, and dangerous!
Because volume names may not be unique, files passed as parameters may not
be the ones you selected. Current directory is a lock and IS unique.
Anyway, it can be usefull when giving file names to and already loaded
process with a current dir different from the selected files' directory.
For example, you get two ARexx examples in this archive that need full
path argument, View.adpro, and DeliPlay.rexx.
There is another dark side: arguments have longer names, and as a command
line is limited to 512 bytes long, you cannot give as many arguments to a
command as with current-dir relative path.
Since V2.10, you can specify Automatic commands. For that, you must
have the whatis.library in your LIBS: directory. When you DoubleClick on
a file, BrowserII search for an automatic command (AUTOCMD) associated
with the type of the file. If it founds one, it will be executed.
AUTOCMDs must be specified in the S:BrowserII.menu file with the
following syntax:
AUTOCMD <file type> [WITHSUBTYPES][WBTF][REQUEST] <run mode> [STACK] [PRI] [WIN] <command>
<file type> : the id string you can see when you ask "Window->File
Info->Type" (i.e: "Text", "Exe", etc...)
<run mode> : (WB, RUN,...) See ParM.doc
<command> : The command you want to execute for this type of file.
Same syntax as ParM's menu items.
WITHSUBTYPES : AUTOCMD is inherited by subtypes of the type given.
If an AUTOCMD exists for a subtype of the given
type, it takes precedence over it.
AUTOCMD "Source C" RUN Ed []
If you DoubleClick on a file and this file is a text file but not
C Source file (which is a subtype of Text) then "More" will be run
with the file as argument. If you DoubleClick on a C Source file,
then "Ed" will be run instead of "More".
If you want AUTOCMD for types which are not built-in, don't forget to
create the new type (managed by whatis.library) in "S:FileTypes" before
putting an AUTOCMD.
We strongly recommand to have a look at the complete examples given in
BrowserII.menu, since the file is easy to understand.
BrowserII -> Last Error
This will show you the last message which appeared in screen title bar
BrowserII -> Screen -> Workbench
BrowserII opens its windows in the Workbench screen
BrowserII -> Screen -> Custom
BrowserII opens its own screen and opens all its windows in that screen.
The screen is made public and is named "BrowserII". Take care, public
screen names are case-sensitive. For example, you can open a console in
the BrowserII screen with the following syntax:
"CON:0/11/640/100/Window Title/CLOSE/WAIT/AUTO/SCREEN BrowserII"
This console has defered open (AUTO), will also have a close gadget
(CLOSE), and will wait for you to hit close gadget before closing (WAIT).
Note that if another public screen with the same name exists, BrowserII
will name its screen BrowserII0, then BrowserII1,... (this can happen if
you have the strange idea to run BrowserII twice)!
BrowserII -> Screen -> WorkBench Colors
BrowserII -> Screen -> Custom Colors (needs reqtools.library)
Do you need an explanation ?
BrowserII -> Screen Font -> Default Font
BrowserII -> Screen Font -> Custom Font
This enables you to choose your prefered screen font. Screen Font
appears in title bars and in menus. This menu is disabled in workbench
BrowserII -> Window Font -> Default Font
BrowserII -> Window Font -> Custom Font
This enables you to choose your prefered window font.
BrowserII -> Run Mode
The submenu items of this item will determine the mode according to which
the files on which you double-click will be opened. If other files were
selected at the time of the double-click, their names become parameters
for the double-clicked file.
If the file has an icon, it will automatically be run in Workbench mode.
Also note that BrowserII does a CD to the active window before running a
command, whether you have double-clicked on a file, or activated it
through a menu selection. This is often VERY useful.
BrowserII -> Run Mode -> RunBack
Launches the program on which you have double-clicked as a background
BrowserII -> Run Mode -> Shell
Same as RunBack except BrowserII will open the default SHELLWIN console
for the program output. If this console has defered open, you wont see it
immediately if program does not output anything.
BrowserII -> Run Mode -> Request
If this option is activated, a requester will appear before the
double-clicked program is actually launched, so you can confirm or cancel.
(except for Workbench)
Remember though, that a program which has an icon, will be launched in WB
mode il all cases.
BrowserII -> Run Mode -> WBToFront
WorkBench screen is brought to front after running the program.
BrowserII -> Copy Mode
BrowserII -> Copy Mode -> Context
If you move a file, BrowserII will in fact perform a rename if the source
and destination files are on the same volume. Across volumes, BrowserII
will perform a copy.
BrowserII -> Copy Mode -> Always Copy
BrowserII will systematically make a copy of the file.
BrowserII -> Copy Mode -> Always Move
BrowserII will copy the file to the destination directory and then delete
the source file.
BrowserII -> Copy Mode -> Request
You'll asked if you want to move or copy files each time you drag some.
BrowserII -> Copy Mode -> Update
BrowserII will copy the file only if the source file is more recent than
the destination file, or if the destination file does not exist.
BrowserII -> Copy Mode -> Don't overwrite files
BrowserII will not overwrite an existing file. If there exists a
destination file with the name you gave for the destination, the copy will
not be performed.
BrowserII -> Copy Mode -> Ask before Overwrite
BrowserII asks for confirmation before overwriting. This option is
naturally mutually exclusive with the former one.
BrowserII -> Copy Mode -> Copy Empty Dirs
This option will enable to re-create empty directories in the destination
directory. It is particularly useful in its disabled mode, so empty
directories are not copied.
BrowserII -> Copy Flags
BrowserII -> Copy Flags -> Clone
All attributes of the file will be copied (date, comment, protection
BrowserII -> Copy Flags -> Date
The destination file inherits the date of the source file.
BrowserII -> Copy Flags -> Protect
The destination file inherits the protection bits of the source file.
BrowserII -> Copy Flags -> Comment
The destination file inherits the comment of the source file.
BrowserII -> Display
BrowserII -> Display -> Devices
BrowserII -> Display -> Volumes
BrowserII -> Display -> Assigns
BrowserII 's main window shows the appropriate list.
BrowserII -> Options -> Keep Selected
After an action ( copy, delete, etc ) the selected entry is not
automatically deselected.
BrowserII -> Options -> Toggle selection
If this option is activated, clicking on a name will alternately select
and deselect it. If this option is not activated, the selected entry will
not be deselected.
BrowserII -> Options -> Move files into subdirectories
Once this option is set, BrowserII will put the selected entries in the
subdirectory un which you release the left mouse button. Otherwise it
will put them in the window which contains this directory.
BrowserII -> Options -> Ask before moving into subdirectories
BrowserII asks for confirmation before moving the entries.
BrowserII -> Options -> Asynchronous Actions
You will love that one or I'll eat my tie (as I never wear one, the risk
is limited). When this option in on, any action requested executes in the
background, and the next action can be started without a delay. Like for
the multitasking, you will wonder how you could live without it before!
Switching it off has been made possible mainly for debug purpose.
BrowserII -> Options -> Open process status window
Each process will open its own window telling what it is currently doing,
and giving you the possibility to pause or cancel the process.
BrowserII -> AutoCmds override icons's default tool
BrowserII will not look at the tools types of the icon of the file if an
AUTOCMD is defined for this type of file.
BrowserII -> Examine file on DoubleClick (for AutoCmd)
BrowserII will ask whatis.library for a deep scan (the most sure)
regardless you specify in "Window->Options->Find Type by scan" or not,
before searching an AutoCmd. We encourage you to use this option since
in fact, it will not slow down operation because the tool will open this
file too will already be in the drive's buffers.
BrowserII -> Option -> Install backdrop pattern
Put a backdrop window with a pleasent pattern, for your eyes only ! In a
future release, you'll be able to change this pattern.
BrowserII -> Option -> Use window font in requesters
By default, Screen font are used in requesters. You may prefer to use
your window font for requesters. This option is done for that.
BrowserII -> Window Options -> Display directory disk usage.
BrowserII -> Window Options -> Display proportion of visible data.
See documentation for jauges at the end of this file.
BrowserII -> Window Options -> Windows AutoZoom
At the end of directory scan, the window will be automatically zoomed to
show as many entries as possible.
BrowserII -> Window Options -> Windows AutoZoom dirs only
Same as before but show only directories. (You must have the option "Sort
by Type" set).
BrowserII -> Window Options -> Main Window AutoZoom
Now Main window can be AutoZoom.
BrowserII -> Window Options -> Zoom Main Window on startup
Main window will be zoomed only on BrowserII startup.
BrowserII -> Window Options -> Capture Main Window position
BrowserII -> Window Options -> Capture Main Window size
BrowserII -> Window Options -> Capture Alien Window position
BrowserII -> Window Options -> Capture Alien Window size
Size or position are stored so they will be saved on next "Save Config".
BrowserII -> Save Config
Saves all your options in the file "DEVS:BrowserII.cfg" (don't confuse it
with the file "S:BrowserII.menu" which contains the definition of your
personal menus). Saves the contents of the selection requester and the
options of the current window as well.
BrowserII -> About
A little word about the fantastic, Mega-Super-Extra authors of this
wonderfull piece of software.
BrowserII -> Quit
We did not plan for implementing this option, but a few crazy guys
screamed for it, so here it is... Anyway, you won't be surprised to read
that you won't be able to quit BrowserII as long as one of the
Asynchronous Actions is still running.
* Window
Window -> Rescan
BrowserII rescans the content of the directory which corresponds to the
active window. Since version 2.0, BrowserII scans directories
asynchronously. You can iconify a directory while scanning. If you close
a window while directory is being scanned, scan is aborted.
Window -> Open
Window -> Open -> Open Parent
Opens a window for the parent directory (if any).
Window -> Open -> Open Dir...
Opens a particular directory, for which you type the full pathname.
Window -> Open -> Open Alien
Opens Alien Window. This window is called Alien and not (Iconify Window)
because in a futur release, this window will receive other entries, such
as LeaveOut and Aliases, to have easy access to most often used files.
Window -> Open -> Open Status
Tells background processes to open their status window. This will display
a message in title bar if no processes are currently running.
Window -> Select Match
Selects, in the current window, the entries which match criteria which you
have given. See below the paragraph on the Requesters.
Window -> Select all
Selects all entries in the active window.
Window -> Filters
Another important feature of BrowserII. Only the files which match the
criteria you set will be displayed, but all will be counted (look at the
bottom string on the lower border of the window).
Window -> Filters -> Set...
Calls the filters requester and enables you to set your filters.
Window -> Filters -> Prefs
Set the filter that was saved in "DEVS:BrowserII.cfg" .
Window -> Filters -> No .info
Hides the icon files. This filter comes on top of the other filters.
Window -> Filters -> Clear
Removes all filters, all files and dirs will be visible.
Window -> Filters -> Invert
Reverses the action of all filters, so all visible files will be hidden
and vice-versa. Useful for checking wether a file which you expect to be
there has not been hidden through the action of one of the filters.
Window -> File info
Window -> File Info -> Size in Bytes
Gives file sizes in bytes.
Window -> File Info -> Size in blocks
Gives file sizes in blocks.
Window -> File Info -> Protection
Shows protection bits.
Window -> File Info -> Date
Shows date according to Amigados idiosyncrasies.
Window -> File Info -> Disk Key
Shows the disk key of the entry (i.e. the block number of the file
header block).
Window -> File Info -> Type
Show the file type. (Need whatis.library)
Window -> Sort by ->
Window -> Sort by -> Name
Window -> Sort by -> Date
Window -> Sort by -> Size
Window -> Sort by -> Key
Sorts entries by name (alpha), date (most recent first), size (smallest
first), disk key.
Window -> Sort by -> Entry Type
This does not really refer to a sort type. If this option is set, files
and directories are listed separately (directories first).
Window -> Sort by -> FileType
Sort by file type ! (dir, ilbm, text, exe, etc...). You must have
Window -> Options -> Find type by name
whatis.libray try to detect the type of file (exe, ilbm, text, etc...)
only by scanning the name. Fast but not very safe since names are not
allways meaningfull for file types.
Disabled when whatis.library couldn't be opened.
Window -> Options -> Find type by scan
whatis.library opens and scan the first few bytes of each file to
discover what type of file is this. Much powerfull than previous option
but slow down directory scan.
Disabled when whatis.library couldn't be opened.
Window -> Options -> Keep Window
This is the normal mode. A new window is open when you double-click
on a directory.
This mode is forced if the double-click with the MMB or if you hold the
shift key while the default 'keep mode' is 'Auto Iconify' or 'Auto Close'.
Window -> Options -> Auto Iconify
When you Double-Click on a subdirectory, the current directory is
iconified and the new one is open in the same window.
This mode is forced if the double-click with the MMB or if you hold the
shift key while the default 'keep mode' is 'Keep Window'.
Window -> Options -> Auto Close
When you Double-Click on a subdirectory, the current directory is
flushed from memory and the new one is open in the same window.
Window -> Options -> Turbo Scan
Scans the directory using dos.library/ExAll() instead of ExNext().
This is faster, and minimize disk trashing for concurent acces.
I presume it should be even more faster on remote network directories.
The dark side:
You don't get size in blocks for files. (ExAll() limitation)
(So you get a computed size using size in bytes)
You don't get file types. (For speed condition).
Anyway, types are examined on double-click.
Links are not recognized actually. This a system bug.
It will be fixed in WB3.1 (KickStart/ROM V40).
Window -> Affect Volume
The preferences set for the active window will be propagated to all
windows relative to this volume.
Window -> Affect all
The preferences set for the active window will be propagated to for all
* Actions
Actions -> Rename
Renames the selected entry. If several entries are selected, you can
rename them with jokers "à la ARP". If you are not familiar with this,
exercise on some files of no value before using this action for good.
Actions -> Makedir
Creates subdirectories in the active window. You can create several of
them by separating the names with a space.
Example: Work Games Work/Src
Warning: Games Work/Src Work would not be valid because you attempt to
create a subdirectory of Work before having created Work itself.
Actions -> Duplicate
Makes a copy of a file, you will be prompted for a new name.
Actions -> Set Date
Changes the date of the selected entry (entries) to the actual date.
Since 2.20, date can be modified.
Actions -> Set Comment
Will enable you to write a new comment for the entry. If there was
already a comment, it will be displayed. 80 chars only, this is a
limitation of AmigaDOS.
Actions -> Set Protect
Enables you to change the protection bits of the selected entry.
You cannot set the C bit, as it is not really a protection bit, it just
tells you that the selected entry has a comment, but you can set this
pseudo-C bit to " - ", this will delete the comment. Handle with care, it
is easy to get a lot of comments gone forever in no time.
Action -> Add Icon
Add an icon to file(s) you have selected. The Icon name is given by
whatis.library depending on file type. BrowserII will search default
icons files in ENV:Sys/ like WorkBench 2.0. Need whatis.library to work.
Action -> Check Size
Scans selected files and dirs to compute total size in bytes and blocks of
all of them. If you choose to reselect entries, context of selection will
be restored (including 'Affect subdirs') so that next action will be done
on same files and dirs. Directories will get their size set, until next
deselection. This way, it makes it possible, using rightmost main window
jauge, to determine if a list of files and dirs will fit on destination
Actions -> WB Info
Brings up Workbench's info requester. (AmigaDOS 3.0 and higher).
Note that currently, workbench must be loaded or nothing will happen.
Actions -> Delete
Deletes the selected entries. You will (fortunately) be asked to confirm.
If at least one directory is selected, "Delete" will delete only empty
dirs, while "Delete All" will delete non-empty selected directories as
The Requesters:
* Filters:
BrowserII tests all files against the criteria set in this requesters, and
shows those for which the test is positive.
Files: Can be set to Yes, No or Match.
If Match is selected, files will checked against
the following criteria.
Dirs: same thing for directories.
Pattern: This must be a valid AmigaDOS pattern.
#?.doc shows only the xxxx.doc files
~(#?.(o|dbg)) hides the xxx.o and xxx.dbg files
Since : shows files with more recent date than the date
entered ( AmigaDOS Date format )
Before : same thing in the other direction
Min Size: if the file is smaller, it is hidden
Max Size: if the file is bigger, it is hidden
Protection bits: shows only the files with the specified bits.
- hides files which have the hide bit set
+ shows only files with the archive bit set
If you have installed the whatis.library, you'll be able to match
files by type. If one or more positive file types are selected
(without the exclude option), entries must match one of them. If no
positive file types are selected, all files types are valid except
excluded file types. For each file type, you can select associated
* Select Match:
This requester is the same as precedent one, but with one gadget more,
"Affect subdirs". This enables you to virtually select files in selected
As we say in french, a good example is better than a long speech.
Suppose you want to clear archive bit of all files you have in a disk.
1. Open volume's window.
2. Call Select Match.
3. Put Files to ? and Dirs to N.
4. Clear all protection bits and set A to +.
5. Switch on Affect subdirs.
6. Validate the requester.
Result: All files which have their archive bit set are selected, but any
directories are selected since you set Dirs to N. Now:
7. Hold <Shift> key while selecting all dirs of this window.
8. Call Set Protect.
9. Switch protection bits to:
_ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
10. Validate.
Et voilà!
Each time you click left mouse button over a BrowserII window, if you
DON'T hold <Shift> at the same time, the file under the mouse pointer, if
any, becomes selected, all others are deselected, and Affect subdirs bit
is cleared. That is to say after each operation with affect subdirs, this
option is reset (except if you allways hold shift key), and must be set
again if you want to do another action with this option.
Within actions with affect subdirs, if a directory pass through the
filters, the action will take place also on the directory itself once it
has been examined. But even if the directory doesn't pass through the
filters, it will be entered, and files within this dir may be affected by
the action.
This is a bit different for Copy action. If a directory doesn't pass
through the filters, it won't be entered, and files within this dir will
never be copied. But read carefully: Empty directories may be considered
useless. So you can decide not to copy them by switching off this option.
But Copy process is even more powerfull. If for example, you decide not
to copy empty dirs, if you copy a directory with affect subdirs and any
entries of this dir pass through the filters, the directory will be
considered as empty and won't be created in destination path. This makes
it possible to make selective backups, without useless directories in
destination volume.
All windows except Alien has two jauges on their left border. The leftmost
one allways displays the disk percentage of occupied space. And the
second one, to the right, displays the directory disk usage or the
percentage of visible data depending on the option you choose (See menu
1. Directory disk usage
If this option is selected, the rightmost jauge displays the proportion of
used disk space used by this directory. For example, is you have a volume
with no directories (all files are in the root directory), this jauge will
say that the directory contains 100% of data present on this disk.
2. Percentage of visible data.
If this option is selected, the rightmost jauge displays the proportion of
visible data (in blocks) in this window (If filters hide some entries of
this dir, not all entries are visible !). This is usefull for example when
you hide .info files, a quick look at this jauge help you remembering that
some files are not visible and you should not forget them.
Jauges of main window:
The leftmost jauge of main window is a copy of the same jauge of active
window. If the active window is the main or alien, both main window
jauges are empty.
The other jauge will help you to determine if selected files would fit on
active volume (volume of active window) if a copy/duplicate operation
would be performed. Imagine you want to copy some files on a floppy disk,
and you don't know if there is enough free space on this disk for your
selected files. You can examine informations in bottom border of windows
of course but there is an easier way. Activate the destination window
(without deselecting your files), and the second jauge of main window will
tell you everything: The leftmost jauge shows the actual disk usage, and
the other one what it will become after the copy. Then there is two
possibilities. Your files fit on the disk: no problem. Or there's not
enough free space: then, the second jauge shows of how much selected
files exceeds disk space by displaying a dash (-). The jauge height
allways means the disk size.
Note: In this release, selected directories are not entrered, so
BrowserII knows size of selected files only.
Block size between source and destination volumes are assumed to
be the same.
Workbench Support:
If Workbench is loaded when you start BrowserII, an AppIcon is installed.
This icon will be used to iconify BrowserII, instead of creating a small
window. You can also drop icons over it, and the corresponding directory
will be open in BrowserII.
When BrowserII is used in Workbench screen, directory windows, as well as
Alien and Devices windows are AppWindows. If you release an icon over a
BrowserII window, the corresponding directory will be open in that window,
and the preceding directory will be iconified.
Drag selection:
If you have a standard 2 button mouse, you must now release the Shift key
to be able to copy/move files. Moving the mouse over files while pressing
the shift key now does drag selection. It's a bit confusing (even for us)
if you are used keeping shift key pressed. You'll have to adapt yourself.
It's not easy, ok, but you won't regret.
3 Buttons Mouse handling:
For lucky owners of a 3 button mouse, some goodies are available.
For most of the feature, the mid button acts like the shift key, so
it may not conflict with utilities that does MMB->Shift.
- Extended Selection hitting MMB or LMB with MMB Pressed.
- MMB DoubleClick (or Shift-LMB) on a dir toggle AutoIconify
- if AutoIconify is on, Dbl-Clk-MMB keeps window
- if AutoIconify is off, Dbl-Clk-MMB iconifies window
- Dragging files with MMB does the contrary of LMB.
(If 'Always Copy' on, MMB always move, else MMB always copy)
- Pressing MMB & Hit Close-Gadget closes all directories for the volume
- The same for Iconify Gadget.
Function Keys:
The first five function keys have the following effects:
F1 : UnZoom current window.
F2 : Zoom current window to see all files and dirs.
F3 : Zoom current window to see all directories only.
F4 : Iconify current window, or BrowserII if main window is active.
F5 : Opens Alien Window.
F6 : Opens status window of prcesses currently running.
ESC: Pauses all processes and open their status window.
Buffer size for copy:
BrowserII will test wether destination and one of source concerned volumes
are mounted, i.e. one of source and destination volume are simultaneously
present to the system (a diskette with a given volume name may not be in a
drive), in which case BrowserII will make use of a 200 K max buffer.
If any source or destination volume is mounted (you have only one drive
for instance), BrowserII will use 880 K max for buffers if enough memory
is available. This way, in order to copy some files from a diskette into
another one, you don't need to go through the RAM DISK. Buffers are
allocated during copy, and in any case BrowserII will not use more than
80% of the available memory for its buffers.
Note for menus colors with WB 3.0:
For people who have WB3.0 and have 8 or more colors in their WB Screen,
you should read this note.
With WB 3.0, you can edit the color of the screen's titlebar and menus.
If you have a 8 or more color workbench, then you edit these pens using
the MultiColored palette. If you don't use standard pens, (Black text on
white background), and you run BrowserII in it's own screen, you won't get
the same colors for BrowserII's menu. To get the same colors, you have to
edit the pens in the system preferences in 4 color mode, since until now,
BrowserII screen is a 4 color screen.
Modifying the 4 color pens will not modify the layout of your 8+ color
workbench, but will modify BrowserII's.
Hints and tips:
* Pressing CTRL while selecting files forces Toggle-Select mode.
This is important if you do not use the 'Toggle Selections' options.
This allow to de-select an entry without de-selecting all.
* If you hold the shift key down while closing the window corresponding to
a volume, all windows corresponding to directories of that volume will
close at once, except iconified windows. If you want to get rid
of iconified windows too, press SHIFT-ALT while closing window.
* In the same way, you can iconify all directories of the same volume by
'shift iconifying' a window.
* You can uniconify multiple windows at once with extended selection.
* The unmounted volumes appear in boldface.
* The write-protected volumes appear in italic.
* Files which have just been deleted appear in italic and are unselectable
* Icons (in Alien Window) are directories like any other directories in
standard windows, that is to say they support all actions. You can
select icons and release them over directories, you can also use icons
as destination of a copy, or even rename or why not protect an icon.
* BrowserII defines two more customs protection bits named C and L.
If bit C is set, file/dir has a comment.
If bit L is set, file/dir is a link.
External command BD:
An external command named BD is given with BrowserII. This is an
interface between shells and BrowserII. Running BD with no arguments will
run BrowserII if it is not yet running, and make BrowserII open and scan
your current shell directory. You can also specify one or more
directories as argument to BD.
BD has now 3 optional argument:
Note: BrowserII must be in your shell Path if it is not yet running.
BD can also be run from workbench. If you double-click on the Tool BD,
BrowserII will open the directory containing BD. But you can also have
project icons with BD as default Tool. In this case, if your project has
no Tool-Types, the current dir will be open, otherwise, you can edit your
project Tool-Types, and specify as many directories as you want. You
should also specify in the BD Tool Tool-Types the full path to BrowserII,
that is to say in which directory you have BrowserII.
In example given, BrowserII should be in SYS:Utilites directory.
BD has 6 flags.
Dirs: Several dirs can be asked to be (re)scanned
RESCAN: Allways scans dir. Even if already open.
ZOOMALL: Zoom window, even with AutoZoom is not active.
ZOOMDIRS: Same as ZOOMALL, but for dirs only.
QUIET: Do not activate window, nor bring screen to front.
SCANDEVS: Rescan main window (the one with devices/volumes/assigns)
SYNC: Operate synchronously to prevent disk trashing if more than
one dir asked on the same device unit.
Release notes:
1.0: First Release (30-jul-91)
1.1: Bug fixes.
Added DiskCopy ability.
Moving a device over another device calls SYS:System/DiskCopy,
and Duplicate a single device too.
Cli arguments are now quoted only when needed.
A lot of little invisible improvements.
1.11: Bug fixes.
With parm.library 3.4 and higher, RUN modes work under 2.0.
2.0: Iconification, Zoom, Jauges, Workbench 2.0 look (under 2.0),
Parametrable Fonts, ASynchronous dir scan, and bug fixes.
External command BD.
2.03: Minor bug fix.
2.04: "Copy->Move" bug fix. (won't delete source file)
2.05: Bug Fix: A CurrentDir was missing which can cause crash,
bug in copy when skiping big file. Removed trash of
prop gadget with autozoom under 2.0
2.10: 29/5/1992
Optional whatis capability: recognize some files (ILBM, PPDATA,
doc,...), You can define new type ( see docs of whatis.library).
Auto command (custom command for each filetype ).
BrowserII can work without whatis.library.
AddIcon and CheckSize action added, Back pattern option added
(KS2.x only), should be custom in future. Optional automatic
main window Zoom. Optional save Main window size/position
BD has now 3 new option.
2.11 RunMode was not printed in GetString() title bar when double
clicking on a file. fixed.
When changing Sort mode for a window, window was not updated.
2.12 RunMode on double-click was always Shell with WB 2.0. fixed.
After closing a window, check-marks for new current window
was not udated. fixed.
WBToFront now supported for WBRun too.
A TAG_DONE was missing for backdrop window open (Pattern Option)
2.20: For KS 2.0 only, sorry.
arp and req libraries no more needed.
New lovely requesters (Underscored chars are shortcuts).
Bold gadget is default response (Return key).
ESC cancels all requesters.
Processes status windows.
New screen modes available.
Virtual autoscroll screens.
New wonderful Select/Filters requester with file types criteria.
New look in menus.
FileInfo options for alien window entries saved in config file.
OpenDir done relative to current dir (enables opening
of // for example)
ShortCuts available when pattern's backdrop window is active.
BrowserII can be iconified even when processes are running.
Touch action changed in SetDate (like AmigaDOS command). You
can then modify the date.
Added new internal protection bit L to identify links.
Saving Size/Position of main and alien windows made easier.
2.21: No more truncate french dates.
Works fine with 4000 bytes of stack. (2.20 needed 4500 bytes).
Uses new asl.library V38 screen mode requester.
2.22: New look menus under AmigaDOS 3.0.
New action 'WB Info' under AmigaDOS 3.0.
Bug fix: Mem jauge layout was not correctly handled under V39.
Backdrop pattern now implemented as a layer hook, and no more
uses precious chip memory.
2.23: Bug fix. Replaced ExNext() with MatchNext() to fix problems
with new V39 DirCache FileSystem.
2.30: Localized.
Screen's bitmap made Interleaved under 3.0 (scrolling much nicer)
Bug fix in WB Info. Did not handle properly .info files.
You can now run a tool by double-clicking on it's icon. Makes
it possible to run projects made of only an icon (for example:
clicking on English.info to run software install in english).
Uses system busy pointer under WB3.0.
Bug fix in LoadConfig(). Config revisions were not properly
2.31: Pooled memory under WB3.0
BrowserII's screen now inherits Workbench3.0's properties.
(Your prefered pens,...) See note about pens for 3.0 users.
2.32 Fixed a MungWall hit.
Added 'Keep Window' features, asked by Gilles Soulet.
2.33 Bug Fixes. Files where not unghosted on unmounted volumes.
Memory pools semaphore protected.
Deleting directories in RAM: was not possible under V37 since
version 2.23 (due to modif for DCFS). Worked under V39. Fixed.
2.34 Pooled memory under all system versions, including 2.0!
2.35 Font & ScreenMode requesters resized.
Added DEL key as a short-cut for Delete.
2.36 Deleting links to dirs no more deletes dir contents. Only the
link is removed.
Added 'Update' button when asking before overwriting a file.
BD 'file' now opens file's parent dir.
Added Affect Volume possibility.
You can now make a directory (MakeDir) with an icon.
Turbo directory scan.
2.37 Drag Selection. (release Shift key to copy/move files).
Menus available when backdrop window is active.
Keep modes now keep the same window rather than opening a new
one and then closing parent.
2.38 Middle button handling.
New request mode for copying/moving files (Copy Mode/Request)
Colors saved in 32 bits under V39 for AGA machines.
This is usefull only if you edit the palette with a special
utility. We'll soon release a palette.library which will
edit colors in 24 bits, using the colorwheel.
Command line length increased to 512. (You can select more
files for External Commands in RUN/SHELL mode).
Added an AppIcon in Workbench.
2.39 AppWindows. (See 'Workbench Support').
Keeps window size after checksize. (will become optional)
Enhanced (faster) scrolling for big windows.
Added a safety check. If you drag a file and you release
it less than 350 ms after selecting it, you will be asked
a confirmation for the copy/move operation. You must be a
zombie to be faster!
Arrows associated with scrollbar. Not yet functionnal.
Another bug fix in LoadConfig().
2.40 New iconify gadget image.
Page scrolling (jump) now keeps one common entry between pages.
Scrolling with new arrows.
Menu layout no more locks backgroung actions when status
windows are open.
When started from WB, BrowserII's process get a copy of the WB
Path, just like if it were started from a shell.
Scrolling support in drag-selection.
Added '[:]' to get full path arguments.
Pressing MMB while holding LMB no more forces toggle-selection.
Uses palette.library under V39 if available.
Better window placement for big screens.
Added Doc for CTRL key usage. (never been documented before!).
Bug fix in realtime scroll. (window top and/or bottom borders
might be trashed).
Fixed several bugs WB Info.
Various other optimisations/bug fixes.
Code cleanup.
2.41 Little fixes.
Bumped revision because a lot of 2.40 beta were distributed.
Futur Plans:
LeaveOut, Aliases, parametrable Fast Menu (docks) for gadget lovers,
Tree window, Separate Prefs Editor, help using amigaguide, and more.
ShareWare / distribution :
BrowserII and ParM are both shareware. If you use them consistently, you
ought to send us a contribution or your conscience will itch.
Any contributor for at least $25 will become a registered user and will
automatically receive one non-demo update. Don't fail to mention the
version number of your copy. If there is no newer version, you will be
put on a list and receive one update whenever it becomes available.
Many thanks to:
Michel Jouanne for the tutorial and guide (in progress...).
ASDG for CED (a fantastic (the best :-)) text editor).
W.S. Hawes for ARexx.
Pierre Ardichvili for his kindness and his support to the Amiga.
Cedric Beust, Philippe Brand, Gilles Soulet, Gael Marziou, Jean-Bastiste
Yunes, Olaf Gschweng, Alessandro Galassi, and all other traductors,
contributors, beta testers.
Sylvain Rougier and Pierre Carrette.
Send donnations and bug reports to:
Sylvain Rougier
39 rue Carnot
86000 Poitiers
Don't forget to give your version of BrowserII and System.