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- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- __
- / / $RCSfile dcmp.c,v $
- ____/ /______ _ _ ______ $Release 1.0$
- / __/ // ____// \_/ \ / __ / $Revision: 1.51 $
- / /_/ // /___ / /__/ // /_/ / $Date: 93/01/17 16:45:27 $
- /_____//_____//_/ /_// ____/ $Author: tf $
- / / $State: Exp $
- Revision 1.51 /_/
- (c) Copyright 1992 Tobias Ferber, All Rights Reserved.
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- RCS file: RCS/dcmp.c,v; Working file: dcmp.c
- head: 1.51
- branch:
- locks:
- access list:
- symbolic names:
- comment leader: " * "
- total revisions: 51; selected revisions: 51
- description:
- compare two disks - block by block.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.51
- date: 93/01/17 16:45:27; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 36/70
- bug in refresh_device_list() removed
- Kickstart V39 disk types implemented
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.50
- date: 93/01/16 22:40:52; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 16/4
- *** empty log message ***
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.49
- date: 92/12/10 04:18:38; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 98/30
- Our dcmp window is GZZ now. Some modifications had to be made
- concerning the window size under Kickstart 2.0 (border size etc)
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.48
- date: 92/10/18 20:16:09; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 241/86
- Pointer stuff implemented. NiceOpenWindow() and NiceCloseWindow()
- are supported. Some further translation.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.47
- date: 92/10/09 21:07:57; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 214/171
- Code slightly modified to work under Kickstart 2.0. Mainly hide_path()
- and show_path().
- Some functions moved to intuisup.c
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.46
- date: 92/10/04 15:55:30; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 292/115
- prework for french translation, german part okay.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.45
- date: 92/09/30 09:47:57; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 173/62
- Multilingual menus implemented.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.44
- date: 92/09/24 21:05:54; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 139/68
- Some minor optimizations.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.43
- date: 92/09/13 20:15:21; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 272/143
- Menus added and dcmp_Request() procedure implemented.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.42
- date: 92/09/09 11:09:44; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 44/19
- Some minor changes in the trackframe display during do_dcmp_stuff().
- Deep read option available via keystroke now. (displayed in front of
- the Attempts counter)
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.41
- date: 92/09/08 06:00:42; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 232/105
- Deep read option (`-d') implemented. If this option is passed each
- track will be read twice. That makes it possible to detect weak
- data! Currently only weak tracks are listed. Maybe a list of weak
- blocks will be created in future revisions.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.40
- date: 92/09/06 16:19:20; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 128/115
- do_dcmp_stuff() reads complete tracks now (instead of single blocks).
- Each sector in this track will be compared. There was a bug in former
- revisions. (only the first half of a block was compared!). Statistics
- havn't changed. The list of differing blocks remained.
- The cursor will fade now during CLI/Shell operations. The current track
- will be displayed instead of the current block.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.39
- date: 92/09/04 20:35:53; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 60/41
- Error handling has improved. There are many different error messages
- now to inform the user WHY something doesn't work. This will be the
- last revision that reads single blocks...
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.38
- date: 92/09/01 20:21:38; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 49/46
- do_dcmp_stuff() slightly modified.
- Object modules created (partly)
- Some other minor changes.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.37
- date: 92/09/01 00:06:53; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 56/35
- There was a new bug with the `verify' operation. Since there is only
- one DFxInfo structure for each unit (this makes sense!) one had been
- initialized twice in verify mode. I've changed this.
- Verification does *NOT* detect weak bits (yet).
- Verify must be performed on tracks (not blocks) since each track has to
- be re-read from disk (not the buffer). CMD_CLEAR or ETD_CLEAR force
- the trackdisk.device to do so. Sending this after each block slows down
- the performance too much!
- Maybe I will also change the compare stuff to be performed on tracks
- I don't know yet.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.36
- date: 92/08/31 22:11:22; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 5/5
- dcmp uses ETD_READ instead of CMD_READ now. But disk changes and
- SecLabel are ignored (yet). The a_GetLongRequester will complain
- now if neither req.library nor reqtools.library is available.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.35
- date: 92/08/31 14:51:34; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 13/9
- Some minor changes in the logfile output.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.34
- date: 92/08/31 14:17:55; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 73/22
- Now (finally) the fucking problems with mounted but non-accessable
- devices are solved. There have been minor changes in dcmp.c but
- td_support.c changed very much. Nevertheless I log the changes in here
- since history will mainly consist of the dcmp.c log messages.
- logfile output has changed. log_disktype() added.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.33
- date: 92/08/31 05:19:06; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 9/9
- Gadget's positive/negative borders swapped.
- Bug fixed in close_dcmp_stuff().
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.32
- date: 92/08/31 03:37:00; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 216/313
- Consequent usage of the DFxInfo structures in td_support.c ;)
- dcmp_read() seperated from do_dcmp_stuff().
- Global history changes reduced. More return codes now.
- Nevertheless enough (too much ?) globals. (Mainly for statistics)
- The problems with mounted but non-accessable devices NOT solved (yet).
- open_dcmp_stuff() and close....() changed since there are new
- open_unit() and close_unit() functions in td_support.c
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.31
- date: 92/08/28 22:55:55; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 121/55
- There was a bug with the drives. open_unit() ignored the `Flags' parameter
- in the mountlist. `LowCyl' and `HighCyl' were not checked either.
- I've changed this.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.30
- date: 92/08/26 21:50:55; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 123/58
- about() added to the [HELP] key. Some other minor changes ;)
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.29
- date: 92/08/24 04:13:08; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 36/46
- There had to be tiny changes with the overlay stuff. When someone
- clicked onto the overlay_gadget we removed it and (ulghp!) there was
- no gadget for a short time. If then the mouse button was released,
- a MOUSEBUTTON event was waiting for us immediately after we built-up
- the string_gadget. This event made us try to remove our active
- string_gadget (not possible!)... But: This bug is (finally) fixed ;)
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.28
- date: 92/08/24 00:19:33; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 532/310
- Some functions from data.h moved to here. (functions are not DATA!)
- ToolTypes parsing added to wbmain().
- Options '-sc' and '-ec' added to main()'s arguments.
- Icon creation implemented via '-i' option or ToolTypes
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.27
- date: 92/08/23 12:45:48; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 3/4
- Some minor changes.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.26
- date: 92/08/23 03:14:16; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 11/3
- overlay_gadget ghosting added. (fuck it!) Now *EVERY* click outside
- the string_gadget will display the overlay_gadget...
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.25
- date: 92/08/22 05:17:24; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 23/15
- I've added some lines to do the overlay_gadget stuff in data.h,v 1.9.
- The overlay gadget covers the string_gadget and contains the logfile
- name without the path name. If it is selected (GADGETDOWN !) it is
- replaced by the string gadget containing full path/file name.
- The overlay_gadget will return back if either the RETURN key is pressed
- to leave the string_gadget (GADGETUP) or a mouse click into our window
- (MOUSEBUTTONS) is confirmed.
- Pressing another gadget to leave the string_gadget will *NOT* always
- re-display the overlay_gadget!!!
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.24
- date: 92/08/09 17:16:06; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 12/7
- There was something wrong when swapping first and last CYL since we
- always want to start with SEC 00 and end with SEC 10. done.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.23
- date: 92/07/30 22:26:37; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 11/7
- Drive selection via keyboard improved. Gadgets are (re-)drawn properly
- now. The string gadget will now be ghosted during operations.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.22
- date: 92/06/22 21:27:20; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 46/33
- I've recoded inform_user(). It works like printf() now and accepts a
- variable #of parameters. When started from Workbench (or with -w opt.)
- the infotext is limited to 1K.
- When appending the logfile data to an existing logfile date and time of
- the next operation will be added via the ctime() ANSI function now.
- I don't know how to solve the drive-gadget (de)activation problem yet.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.21
- date: 92/06/18 10:19:13; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 30/28
- I destroyed cdglue.c yesterday :(
- The recoded version (just checked in) slightly differs from the one used
- in dcmp.c,v 1.20. That is why
- Here is revision 1.21 with further changes in handle_keystroke().
- Pressing the `L' key now reveals full pathname of the logfile in the
- string_gadget before editing.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.20
- date: 92/06/17 20:49:12; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 964/1044
- I've started writing `configuration dependant' stuff.
- This means that the availability of certain requester support libraries
- is checked and the best of them used.
- At the moment req.library and reqtools.library are supported and dcmp won't
- complain if none of them is available until you do not try to get a
- file requester.
- This revision also checks which drives are mounted and disables the
- selection of unknown devices.
- I've also begun writing my own custom requester and gadget support
- functions but it will take some time until I can use them.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.19
- date: 92/06/11 03:14:12; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 130/99
- This revision fully supports reqtools.library by Nico Fran,cois.
- His requesters and gadgets fit better into dcmp.c,v since I'm using
- 3D look as well.
- Thanks to Jan van den Baard for writing reqtoolss.lib for DICE!
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.18
- date: 92/06/10 15:58:19; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 81/45
- Second disk type information removed out of the logfile.
- open_logfile() checks file existance now and appends data if possible.
- This version works fine under kickstart 2.0, I've tested this with
- Eric's A2000 /w ECS.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.17
- date: 92/06/08 08:17:12; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 68/27
- Some changes in write_statistics() and the calculation of the last block
- in handle_keystroke().
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.16
- date: 92/06/07 17:36:13; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 81/38
- ErrorRequest() included to be able to inform_user() about strange things
- happening when started from Workbench.
- (This looks very nice when Arq is active...)
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.15
- date: 92/06/07 10:44:35; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 87/27
- I've added write_statistics() that supplies the logfile with more
- information. Errors will now always appear in the logfile.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.14
- date: 92/06/07 06:19:36; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 98/16
- I had forgotten to ask for start/end and attempts settings.
- Now it's okay.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.13
- date: 92/06/07 05:19:15; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 97/28
- Tonight I've implemented keystroke handling and Workbench startup.
- I've fixed some minor bugs and tried to replace the req.library
- by the reqtools.library (without success!)
- The logfile stuff is still left (for tomorrow) and I also have to
- find out why dcmp sometimes is not capable anymore to access any drive!
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.12
- date: 92/06/06 22:57:21; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 79/44
- Now the drive/logfile/error settings were looked up from the gadget's
- state. This version handles the (un)ghosting properly now, since I've
- written on_3dg() <in data.h>
- The keystrokes for certain actions are *not* handled yet. Logfile needs
- more information...
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.11
- date: 92/06/04 01:18:42; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 454/424
- Some rearrangement of the source. (somehow frustrating...)
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.10
- date: 92/06/02 22:49:20; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 359/144
- Okay, the window stuff gets better. (and better, and...)
- I've got problems with 'un-ghosting' gadgets and the FileRequester
- from req.library. Maybe I have to write a Filename[], DirName[],
- PathName[] parser by my own, since I only want to see the FileName[]
- inside of the StringGadget, but full PathName[] to access the file.
- Doing fopen() has to be moved in one of the next revisions. I also
- have to change the .logfile/.debug texts. (in the future)
- I think this version works quite fine if you do not use the window...
- Handling retries (attempts) is okay now, (read)errors are no problem
- any longer. ;)
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.9
- date: 92/06/02 03:14:45; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 191/216
- Well, this revision differs quite a lott from the last ones.
- Source readability has increased very much since I moved things out of
- main() into some nice modules.
- I've implemented my old support functions for the trackdisk.device and
- created run_dcmp() to do the read/compare stuff. This makes ist
- possible to use one function for main() and *future* wbmain()...
- It's fuckin' late now. Ill retire and we'll se us tomorrow ;)
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.8
- date: 92/05/31 23:49:14; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 191/160
- Here we go: new window, new gadgets (nice 3d-look from wb2.0),
- different trackframes for head 0 and head 1, etc.
- Gadgets are not quite finished yet ... there is plenty of work
- left for future revisions.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.7
- date: 92/05/31 07:12:18; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 31/12
- Just fixed a bug in the cylinder colouring routine.
- Yet I've got no satisfying idea how to display the differences
- on upper- and lower side of a disk. (At the moment you can only
- see the difference of cylinders.)
- Since I havn't found out anything about wbmain() and _abort() *yet*
- I will make the source and the .log file more readable now.
- That's all...
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.6
- date: 92/05/30 21:39:46; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 180/117
- Some minor changes have been made.
- The closing gadget now does it's job, handling has become more
- tolerant and again some parameters have changed in order to become
- more obvious.
- I'll have to find out how to handle ^C since I can't close my stuff
- if the user treats me so badly!
- [hk] said, that he would like some gadgets in my window... I'll sleep
- on it... (I know that a Workbench startup has to be done in any case)
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.5
- date: 92/05/30 13:37:15; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 169/65
- The window stuff works quite well now. There have to be some
- changes concerning the information displayed...
- I've changed the parameters a little and you will get statistics
- at the end of the run...
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.4
- date: 92/05/29 16:35:14; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 120/9
- Opening a grid window when desired ('-w' option).
- Library stuff implemented...
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.3
- date: 92/05/29 07:14:33; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 128/34
- Now you can choose start block and end block.
- Since you may enter this range in form of tracks, sectors or blocks, the
- options variety exploded...
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.2
- date: 92/05/29 02:03:13; author: tf; state: Exp; lines added/del: 73/42
- Command line parser extended.
- Now it's possible to choose the unit numbers.
- Added the '-q' (quiet) option.
- ----------------------------
- revision 1.1
- date: 92/05/28 23:10:14; author: tf; state: Exp;
- Initial revision
- =============================================================================