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536 lines
/* $Id: info.c,v 1.4 92/10/09 21:12:23 tf Exp $ */
info.c (c) Copyright 1991,92 Tobias Ferber. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of DCMP. It contains the texts for the information
requesters. At the end of each passage there are the two possible
answers to this text. The first one will appear on the left hand
side of the requester, the second one on the right.
If you want to add your language please note that you MUST scan the files
dcmp.c, data.c, td_support.c and menus.c as well!
/*const*/ char *info_msg[4][]= {
** E N G L I S H **
If you like to translate from English into your language then please cut
off the the following block and translate it. Doing it this way will
prevent you from making mistakes or forgetting something...
Please cut off this text also and translate it as well. Maybe somebody
else likes to translate from your language into his own!
*------------------------------- COPYRIGHT --------------------------------*/
"This version of DCMP is ShareWare!\n"
"DCMP (Disc CoMPare) was written to check the reliability Tobias Ferber\n"
"of a Video Backup System. This version of DCMP is freely Bismarckstraße 22\n"
"distributable. A commercial release is NOT available yet. W-7570 Baden-Baden\n"
"Nevertheless I would be happy ;) to receive a postcard\n"
"of your hometown (No matter if you like DCMP or not...)\n"
"Since October '90, I've been studying Computer Science at the University of\n"
"Karlsruhe, FRG. You can reach me there via E-Mail on the good old IBM 3090:\n"
" Earn: ukjg@dkauni2.bitnet\n"
" X.400: ukjg@ibm3090.rz.uni-karlsruhe.dbp.de\n"
" s=ukjg;ou=ibm3090;ou=rz;p=uni-karlsruhe;a=dbp;c=de\n"
" InterNet: ukjg@ibm3090.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de"
,"","Well", /* positive and negative answer to this text */
/*------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION ------------------------------*/
" This version of DCMP is NOT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. It is however freely\n"
" distributable as long as the following is observed:\n"
" - The program and documentation must be distributed together and may not\n"
" be modified in any way. The only exception is that the program and\n"
" documentation may be compressed into an archive for uploading to Bulletin\n"
" Boards or for other electronic transmission.\n"
" - The program is not to be used commercially or included into a commercial\n"
" package for profit unless written authorisation from me is obtained first.\n"
" This version of DCMP may be freely included on public domain library\n"
" disks or compilation disks provided that only a small fee is charged for\n"
" the service."
,"","I see",
/*----------------------------- CREDITS/IDEAS ------------------------------*/
"The idea for this program had Harald Kunze. He also was the beta tester\n"
"(thanks !).\n\n"
"I'd also want to mention Angela's Disk-Monitor `DisKey' here. It is\n"
"very nice but it can't compare 2 disks... (See Credits/Support)"
/*--------------------------- CREDITS/LIBRARIES ----------------------------*/
"DCMP supports both, Req.library and ReqTools.library.\n"
"Req.library is copyright 1989 Colin Fox (Pyramyd Designs) and Bruce\n"
"Dawson (of CygnusSoft Software).\n"
"ReqTools.library was written by Nico François. It is\n"
"Copyright © Nico François, Corbielaan 13, B-3060 Bertem, BELGIUM."
/*---------------------------- CREDITS/COMPILER ----------------------------*/
"DCMP was written with Matt Dillon's superb C-Compiler DICE.\n"
"DICE is copyright (c)1990 by Matthew Dillon\n"
" 891 Regal Rd.\n"
" Berkeley, Ca. 94708\n"
" USA\n"
" dillon@overload.Berkeley.CA.US\n"
" uunet.uu.net!overload!dillon\n"
" BIX: mdillon"
/*---------------------------- CREDITS/SUPPORT -----------------------------*/
"I strongly recommend using a disk-monitor to examine the results of DCMP.\n"
"We are using DisKey Professional V2.1 by\n"
"Angela Schmidt, Finkenweg 26, D-7910 Neu-Ulm 8, Tel.: 0731/712316\n"
"DisKey Professional costs DM 39,90 and can be purchased either directly\n"
"from the author (Angela) or at Firma Herrmanns, Tel. 02151/399833\n"
"The menu strip was created with PowerSource V3.0 which is (c) Copyright\n"
"1990-91 by Jaba Development, written by Jan van den Baard."
,"","Got it",
/*---------------------------- CREDITS/LANGUAGE ----------------------------*/
"I've translated the english text myself. (I hope there arn't too many\n"
"mistakes) If your native language is not supported yet, you can translate\n"
"DCMP and the related documents. Contact me with the material and I'll\n"
"prepare a distribution..."
,"", "Resume",
/*-------------------------- CREDITS/BETA TESTING --------------------------*/
" Harald Kunze\n"
"The beta testing was done by: Nuitsstraße 29\n"
"Feel free to send whatever you like. W-7500 Karlsruhe 21"
/*-------------------------------- VERSIONS --------------------------------*/
"DCMP has not been published yet!\n\n"
** D E U T S C H **
Wenn Sie die Texte aus dem Deutschen in Ihre Sprache übersetzen wollen,
empfiehlt es sich, den folgenden Block auszuschneiden und diesen dann
zu übersetzen. So laufen Sie nicht Gefahr, etwas zu vergessen...
Bitte schneiden Sie dann diesen Teil mit aus und übersetzen Sie ihn mit!
Vielleicht möchte auch jemand aus Ihrer Sprache in seine eigene übersetzen!
*------------------------------- COPYRIGHT --------------------------------*/
"Diese Version von DCMP ist Shareware!\n"
"DCMP (Disk CoMPare) habe ich geschrieben, um meine Tobias Ferber\n"
"Video-Backup's zu überprüfen. DCMP ist in dieser Bismarckstraße 22\n"
"Version frei kopierbar, eine kommerzielle Ver- W-7570 Baden-Baden\n"
"öffentlichung ist (noch) nicht geplant. (07221) 28251\n"
"Dennoch (oder gerade deshalb) würde ich mich über\n"
"eine Postkarte von Ihnen freuen, am besten eine\n"
"mit einem Bild der Stadt, aus der Sie kommen.\n"
"(Ganz egal ob Ihnen DCMP gefällt oder nicht...)\n"
"Seit Oktober '90 studiere ich Informatik an der TU Karlsruhe und habe dort\n"
"auch eine E-Mail Adresse auf der guten, alten IBM 3090 (DKAUNI2):\n"
" Earn: ukjg@dkauni2.bitnet\n"
" X.400: ukjg@ibm3090.rz.uni-karlsruhe.dbp.de\n"
" s=ukjg;ou=ibm3090;ou=rz;p=uni-karlsruhe;a=dbp;c=de\n"
" InterNet: ukjg@ibm3090.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de"
/*------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION ------------------------------*/
" Diese Version von DCMP ist NICHT PUBLIC DOMAIN. Trotzdem ist sie frei\n"
" kopierbar, solange folgende Punkte beachtet werden:\n"
" - Das Programm und die .doc Files müssen auf jeden Fall zusammen bleiben\n"
" und dürfen in keinerlei Hinsicht verändert werden. Die einzige Ausnahme\n"
" ist das Einpacken in ein Archivfile (mit LhArc oder so) um DCMP besser\n"
" verschicken zu können.\n"
" - Das Programm darf unter keinen Umständen kommerziell genutzt - oder in\n"
" ein Profit bringendes Programmpaket integriert werden -, solange keine\n"
" schriftliche Erlaubnis von mir vorliegt.\n"
" DCMP darf auch in Public Domain Libraries oder auf Compilation Disks\n"
" nur dann vertrieben werden, wenn für diese nur eine geringe Kopiergebühr\n"
" verlangt wird."
,"","Ist klar",
/*----------------------------- CREDITS/IDEAS ------------------------------*/
"Die Idee zu diesem Programm hatten Harald Kunze und ich. Der Harald\n"
"war auch Beta-Tester (hier meinen herzlichen Dank!)\n"
"Ich möchte nicht unerwähnt lassen, daß DCMP nicht zuletzt deswegen\n"
"entstanden ist, weil Angela Schmidt den tollen Disk-Monitor DisKey\n"
"geschrieben hat, der alles kann (außer zwei Disketten vergleichen)\n"
"DisKey gibt's auch als ShareWare, die Professional Version (ich\n"
"habe V2.1) kostet 39.90 DM und ist entweder direkt bei der Autorin\n"
"Angela Schmidt, Finkenweg 26, D-7910 Neu-Ulm 8, (0731)712316\n"
"oder bei der Firma Herrmanns, Tel.: 02151/399833 erhältlich."
/*--------------------------- CREDITS/LIBRARIES ----------------------------*/
"DCMP unterstützt sowohl die ReqTools.library als auch die Req.library.\n"
"Die Req.library stammt von Colin Fox (Pyramid Designs) und Bruce Dawson\n"
"von CygnusSoft Software und ist Copyright 1989.\n"
"Die ReqTools.library wurde von Nico François geschrieben. Sie ist\n"
"Copyright © Nico François, Corbielaan 13, B-3060 Bertem, BELGIUM."
,"","Was sind Laibaries?",
/*---------------------------- CREDITS/COMPILER ----------------------------*/
"Ich habe DCMP mit Matt Dillon's tollem C-Compiler DICE geschrieben.\n"
"DICE ist copyright (c)1990 by Matthew Dillon\n"
" 891 Regal Rd.\n"
" Berkeley, Ca. 94708\n"
" USA\n"
" dillon@overload.Berkeley.CA.US\n"
" uunet.uu.net!overload!dillon\n"
" BIX: mdillon"
,"", "Dankeschön",
/*---------------------------- CREDITS/SUPPORT -----------------------------*/
"Die Menüs von DCMP wurden mit PowerSource V3.0 erstellt. PowerSource\n"
"ist (c) Copyright 1990-91 by Jaba Development und wurde von Jan van den\n"
"Baard geschrieben."
,"", "Und weg",
/*---------------------------- CREDITS/LANGUAGE ----------------------------*/
"Die deutschen Texte stammen von mir selbst. Wenn Ihre Sprache\n"
"noch nicht unterstützt ist, dann können Sie die Texte gerne in\n"
"Ihre Sprache übersetzen! Ich übernehme diese Texte aber nur,\n"
"wenn damit kein Profit gemacht wird!\n"
"Tobias Ferber, Bismarckstraße 22, W-7570 Baden-Baden"
,"", "Klick",
/*-------------------------- CREDITS/BETA TESTING --------------------------*/
"Wenn DCMP noch Fehler hat, ist nur einer Harald Kunze\n"
"schuld, nämlich: Nuitsstraße 29\n"
" W-7500 Karlsruhe 21\n"
"Es ist auch in seinem Fall nicht nötig mit Geschenken zu geizen..."
/*-------------------------------- VERSIONS --------------------------------*/
"DCMP wurde bislang noch nicht veröffentlicht!\n\n"
,"","mach' ich"
** F R A N Ç A I S **
Si vous voulez traduire les textes de l' allemand dans votre langue
marquez le bloc suivant et traduisez-le. Ainsi vous ne risquez pas
d'oublier quelque chose... Ensuite coupez ce bloc-ci avec les
textes suivants et traduisez-le aussi! Possiblement, quelqu'un
d'autre veut traduire de votre langue dans sa propre langue.
*------------------------------- COPYRIGHT --------------------------------*/
"Cette version de DCMP est Shareware!\n"
"DCMP (Disk CoMPare) a été écrit pour vérifiér Tobias Ferber\n"
"Video-Backup's. Il est admis de le multiplier Bismarckstraße 22\n"
"librement, une version commercielle n'est pas W-7570 Baden-Baden\n"
"prévue. Pourtant je serais ravi de reçevoir (07221) 28251\n"
"une carte postale de vous avec une photogaphie\n"
"de votre ville. (Si DCMP vous plaît ou pas.)\n"
"Depuis octobre '90 je fais des études en informatique à l'université\n"
"technique de Karlsruhe et j'y ais une adresse E-Mail sur la bonne\n"
"vieille IBM 3090 (DKAUNI2)\n"
" Earn: ukjg@dkauni2.bitnet\n"
" X.400: ukjg@ibm3090.rz.uni-karlsruhe.dbp.de\n"
" s=ukjg;ou=ibm3090;ou=rz;p=uni-karlsruhe;a=dbp;c=de\n"
" InterNet: ukjg@ibm3090.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de"
/*------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION ------------------------------*/
" Cette version de DCMP n'est PAS PUBLIC DOMAIN. Tant pis elle est à\n"
" copier librément, si vous payez attention aux points suivants:\n"
" - Le programme et les .doc files doivent rester ensemble et il n'est pas\n"
" admis de les changer dans quelque sens. Sa seule exception est de les\n"
" comprimer dans un archive (avec LhArc etc) pour mieux les transmettre.\n"
" - Il n'est absolument pas admis d'user ce programme commerciellement\n"
" ou de l'intégrer dans un programme commerciel, s'il n'y a pas\n"
" d'admission en écrit de moi. Il est possible de publier DCMP aux\n"
" librairies pour usage public, si vous ne chargez qu'une sommme\n"
" négligéable."
/*----------------------------- CREDITS/IDEAS ------------------------------*/
"Ce programme était une idee de Harald Kunze et moi.\n"
"Harald a aussi été ß-testeur. (merci!)"
,"","et alors?",
/*--------------------------- CREDITS/LIBRARIES ----------------------------*/
"DCMP soutient aussi bien ReqTools.library que Req.library.\n"
"Req.library était programmé par Colin Fox (Pyramid Designs) et\n"
"Bruce Dawson de CygnusSoft Software) et est protégée par Copyright en 1989.\n"
"ReqTools.library a été programmée par Nico François et est protégée par\n"
"Copyright © Nico François, Corbielaan 13, B-3060 Bertem, BELGIUM."
/*---------------------------- CREDITS/COMPILER ----------------------------*/
"J'ai programmé DCMP avec Matt Dillon's tollem C-Compiler DICE.\n"
"DICE est protégée par Copyright (c)1990 by Matthew Dillon\n"
" 891 Regal Rd.\n"
" Berkeley, Ca. 94708\n"
" USA\n"
" dillon@overload.Berkeley.CA.US\n"
" uunet.uu.net!overload!dillon\n"
" BIX: mdillon"
,"", "Merci bien",
/*---------------------------- CREDITS/SUPPORT -----------------------------*/
"Pour utiliser DCMP correctement nous recommondons un Disk Monitor.\n"
"J'utilise DisKey Professional V2.1 de\n"
"Angela Schmidt, Finkenweg 26, D-7910 Neu-Ulm 8, Tel.: 0731/712316\n"
"DisKey Professional coute 39,90 DM et est à commander chez l'auteur\n"
"(Angela) ou chez l'entreprise Herrmanns, Tel. 02151/399833.\n"
"Les Menues DCMP ont été créés avec PowerSource V3.0. PowerSource\n"
"est protégée par (c) Copyright 1990-91 by Jaba Development et a été\n"
"par Jan van den Baard."
,"", "à suivre",
/*---------------------------- CREDITS/LANGUAGE ----------------------------*/
"La crime de traduire ces textes en Michael Martinez-Ferber\n"
"français a été commise par Werderstraße 19,\n"
" W-7570 Baden-Baden\n"
"S'il y a des fautes,adressez-vous à l'auteur s'il vous plaît!\n"
"La raison pour toutes les fautes est le whiskey Jack Daniels\n"
"on the rocks (pressed not crushed) dont j'ai remplis toute la\n"
"bouteille en train de cette traduction...\n"
"Maintenant vous savez ce que vous devez m'envoyer!"
,"", "Momberle",
/*-------------------------- CREDITS/BETA TESTING --------------------------*/
"Si DCMP contient encore des fautes, il n'y a Harald Kunze\n"
"qu'un responsable: Nuitsstraße 29\n"
" W-7500 Karlsruhe 21\n"
"Dans son cas, ne l'envoyez pas de Jacky!"
/*-------------------------------- VERSIONS --------------------------------*/
"Cette version de DCMP n'a pas été publié\n\n"
,"","Ça alors"
** I T A L I A N O **
Se intendete di tradurre il programma nella Vostra lingua, per favore
tagliate il blocco seguente e traducetelo. In questo modo si evita di
sbagliare e di dimenticare qualche cosa...
Per favore tagliate anche questo testo per tradurlo. Forse c'è qualcuno che
vorebbe tradurlo dalla Sua lingua in un altra.
*------------------------------- COPYRIGHT --------------------------------*/
"Questa versione di DCMP è ShareWare!\n"
"DCMP (Disc CoMPare) è stato scritto per poter Tobias Ferber\n"
"esaminare l'attendibilità di un Video Backup Bismarckstraße 22\n"
"System. Questa versione può essere distribuita W-7570 Baden-Baden\n"
"liberamente. Non è ancora prevista una pubbli- (07221) 28251\n"
"cazione commerciale. Ciònonostante mi farebbe\n"
"piacere di ricevere una cartolina dalla Vostra\n"
"città (non importa se DCMP è piaciuto ò meno...)\n"
"Dal ottobre 1990 sto studiando Scienza Informatica all'Università di\n"
"Karlsruhe, RFT. Lì posso ricevere messaggi via E-Mail sulla solita\n"
"brava IBM 3090.\n"
" Earn: ukjg@dkauni2.bitnet\n"
" X.400: ukjg@ibm3090.rz.uni-karlsruhe.dbp.de\n"
" s=ukjg;ou=ibm3090;ou=rz;p=uni-karlsruhe;a=dbp;c=de\n"
" InterNet: ukjg@ibm3090.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de"
,"","Va bene così",
/*------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION ------------------------------*/
"Questa versione di DCMP NON È NEL PUBLIC DOMAIN. Communque può essere\n"
"distribuito liberamente se saranno rispettati i seguenti punti:\n"
"- Il programma e la documentazione devono assolutamente essere\n"
" distribuiti assieme e non devono essere modificati in nessun modo.\n"
" L'unica eccezione sarebbe la compressione del prgramma e della\n"
" documentazione in un archivio (con LhArch per esempio ...) per\n"
" poterlo spedire meglio.\n"
"- Il programma non deve essere ne usato per motivi commercali ne\n"
" incorporato in un pacchetto commerciale senza il mio consenso per\n"
" iscritto. Questa versione di DCMP può essere integrata in public\n"
" domain library disks solamente se la tariffa è minima."
,"","Ho capito!",
/*----------------------------- CREDITS/IDEAS ------------------------------*/
"L'idea per questo programma è di Harald Kunze. Lui faceva anche il\n"
"beta tester. (Grazie mille!)\n"
"Vorrei ancora menzionare il Disk-Monitor 'DisKey' di Angela. È stata\n"
"molto brava, ma il programma purtroppo non può paragonare 2 disks...\n"
"(v. Credits/Supports)"
,"","Va bene",
/*--------------------------- CREDITS/LIBRARIES ----------------------------*/
"DCMP sostiene tutti e due, Req.library e ReqTools.library.\n"
"Req.library ha copyright 1989 Colin Fox (Pyramid Designs) e\n"
"Bruce Dawson (di CygnusSoft Software).\n"
"ReqTools.library è stato scritto da Nico François. È sotto\n"
"Copyright © Nico François, Corbielaan 13, B/3060 Berten, BELGIUM."
,"","Tutto fatto",
/*---------------------------- CREDITS/COMPILER ----------------------------*/
"DCMP è stato scritto con lo straordinario C-Compiler DICE di Matt Dillon.\n"
"Il copyright di DICE è (c)1990 di Matthew Dillon\n"
" 891 Regal Rd.\n"
" Berkeley, Ca. 94708\n"
" USA\n"
" dillon@overload.Berkeley.CA.US\n"
" uunet.uu.net!overload!dillon\n"
" BIX: mdillon"
/*---------------------------- CREDITS/SUPPORT -----------------------------*/
"Vi raccommando di usare un disk-monitor per poter esaminare i risultati\n"
"di DCMP. Noi usiamo DisKey Professional V2.1 di\n"
"Angela Schmidt, Finkenweg 26, D-7910 Neu-Ulm 8, Tel.: 0731/712316\n"
"DisKey Professional costa DM 39,90 e può essere acquistato o direttamente\n"
"dall'autrice (Angela) o dalla ditta Herrmanns, Tel. 02151/399833\n"
"Il menu strip è stato creato con PowerSource V3.0, il quale è sotto\n"
"(c) Copyright 1990/91 by Jaba Development, scritto da Jan van den Baard."
/*---------------------------- CREDITS/LANGUAGE ----------------------------*/
"La povera che doveva tradurre tutto questo nella lingua italiana,\n"
"purtroppo è una tedesca. Se ci sono troppi sbagli, rivolgeteVi al\n"
"autore del programma e ditelo di procurarsi una traduttrice più\n"
"Se avete voglia, potreste anche mandarmi una cartolina con l'elenco\n"
"degli sbagli, forse anche con indicazioni, come ricevere programmi\n"
"nella versione italiana - per imparare un pò di più:\n\n"
"Ursula Kühn, Lange Straße 37, W-7570 Baden-Baden, Germania\n"
"Se avete voglia di tradurre DCMP e i documenti relativi nella Vostra\n"
"madrelingua (se non c'è ancora la versione), fatelo e procuratemi i\n"
"risultati. Della distribuzione mi occupo io:\n"
"Tobias Ferber, Bismarckstraße 22, W-7570 Baden-Baden, Germania"
/*-------------------------- CREDITS/BETA TESTING --------------------------*/
"Il beta testing è stato fatto da: Harald Kunze\n"
"(Se non funziona niente e tutto colpa di:) Nuitsstraße 29\n"
" W-7500 Karlsruhe 21\n"
"Mandatemi tutto quello, che Vi piace..."
/*-------------------------------- VERSIONS --------------------------------*/
"DCMP non è ancora stato pubblicato.\n"
,"","In somma..."
** E S P A Ñ O L **
Si Vd. quiere traducir los textos de aleman en su lengua, tienen que
electar el bloque siguiente <fuck it>
** A S Y L **
Wen sie das Text wolln ibernähmen ausm Asyl dann machen so:
Machstdast beschneidst das folgendes und zu ibersetzten die.
Bitteschön zu nähmen diese Teil mit.
/* !!! INSERT BLOCK HERE !!! */