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LoadMPEG_adpro.ma written by Alex Kazik 1994
----- the idea ----------------------------------------------------------
The idea of these three ARexx-scripts is to decode MPEGs. I got a decoder
from the AmiNet, but it's not simple to handle it. To solve this problem I
wrote these scripts, which are simple to handle.
----- the installation --------------------------------------------------
The installing of LoadMPEG is very simple. MainActor must be installed,
and an assign called "MainActor:" must exist. Just do a doubleclick on
Install MPEGLoader "English", and it installes it automatically.
----- the operation -----------------------------------------------------
To start the script, choose "Start ARexx-Script" in to MainActor from the
menu "ARexx". Then choose the file "LoadMPEG_adpro.ma".
First you get asked, which MPEG-anim shall be decoded. Then you get asked
to give the name of the animation you want to make. If such a file already
exists, give the same name again to delete it. If you don't want to erase
the file enter another name or press "Cancel".
In the next step the MPEG-anim gets splitted in seperate YUV-pictures,
and the WB comes to the front and a window gets opened. In this window you
can follow the steps.
*** Remember the width and the height of the animation, which you get to
*** know at the beginning of the decoding.
After this is done, the pictures get counted. Then you are asked to give
the original width and height, give the values that you have remembered.
This is important, because the YUV-format stores only the simple picture-
information without width and height.
In the next step the YUV-pics are converted into PPM-pictures and then
into 24bit IFF-pictures.
Then ADPro gets loaded, if it is not already in the memory. It takes not
more than 30 sec. to load ADPro. If it does not work you get asked if you
want to wait longer . When you stop the operation the stored pictures get
not erased.
All settings get stored and at the and of the script loaded.
Now you get asked, how the anim should look like. That means how many
colours. You can choose between 2-256 colours, HAM and HAM8. Then it is
asked if it is to calculate for every picture a new palette (UnLocked) or
if the actual palette should be taken for every picture (Locked), or if a
palette shall get loaded and be taken for every picture (LoadPAL). Now you
get asked if ADPro should dither the pictures. You can choose between all
ADPro dither-functions. If you choose "Random", "Lg Ord" or "Sm Ord" you
can select the "DitherAmount".
After all theese adjustments, ADPro starts working , and writes an
IFF-Anim5-animation. When ADPro has come to an end, and it has been loaded
you get asked if ADPro should be closed.
If it is needed a new project gets opened, and the animation gets loaded.
Thats all!
----- the two other scripts ---------------------------------------------
The two other scripts decode a MPEG-Anim without using ADPro. The
handling is the same as wich the other script, but the script creates only
HAM6/HAM8 pictures, and there is no palette/dither function. At the end is
no anim, only a list of pictures. You can save them to an anim.
----- at least: ---------------------------------------------------------
The programms in the drawer MainActor:mpeg are from Andy C. Hung (Unix),
ported to Amiga by Son H. Le. Thanks, because without this programm it
would not have been possible to create these scripts. The original archive
is in the directory mpeg in this packet.
If you have problems with these scripts or new ideas or money or
something else, please contact me.
Alex Kazik
Stapenhorststr. 81
33615 Bielefeld