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VideoTracker English V0.99 Demo Beta
Created by: Peter "RattleHead" van Campen
Distributed by: Creator
Released as: FreeWare
Released on: 15-8-93
- What is VideoTracker ?
- VideoTracker Guideline & Interactive.
- Functions
- How to make a simple video.
- Hints
- VideoTracker Developer Kit
- Routines
- Hard Disk installation.
- Libraries
- Demo Vidules info
- About
(Don't mind my bad english, I'm from Holland)
What is VideoTracker ?
With VideoTracker you can make a videoclip around a SoundTracker-module.
You can use pictures, brushes, animations, animation-brushes, palettes,
colorcycle, routines, texts, objects, vectorobjects, amigafonts, karafonts,
landscapes, colorsets.
When the video is finished, you can save the module and video data as a
A vidule is a crunchable executable file which plays the module and the
You can make a small intro or a big house-demo.
You also can use VideoTracker with a GenLock and, for example, make
professional movie-titles with colorfonts.
When the module plays a sample, VideoTracker shows an "effect" on screen.
This effect can by a picture, brush, anim, routine, etcetra. or a
combination of these.
You can edit for each of the 128 song-positions the 31 samples and use
up to 256 effects in a video.
All the explained effects are used in the example-videos.
VideoTracker Guideline & Interactive:
There are 2 versions of VideoTracker:
The interface is build according to the Commodore guidelines.
Advantage: Easy to understand, multitasking.
Disadvantage: No interactive video-editing wich slows you down.
It only works on kickstart 2.0 and higher.
The interface is directly hitting the hardware.
Advantage: Edit the video while it's playing, uses a splitscreen.
It also works on kickstart 1.3 and lower.
Disadvantage: No multitasking, probably breaks all the Commodore
guidelines :-), sligthy delaying the routines.
Interactive gadgets:
You can click all gadgets with a black background.
To start a function, click with your left mousebutton on a gadget.
To select a setting, use your left mousebutton to go back and your
right mousebutton to go forward.
(They're both in an English and a German version.)
[Quit] Quits VideoTracker
Vidule size: Shows the size of the vidule in kilobytes (1024 bytes).
This includes the video-player and video-data. (50k)
Module: Shows the name of the module in memory.
Songpos: Shows the song-position that is currently played.
You can also use it to select the song-position you want
to edit.
Each of the 128 song-positions have its own settings for the
31 samples. (Animspeed, Effectspeed etcetra.)
Sample: Selects the sample that you want to edit.
Priority: Selects the priority over other samples that are played.
So the effect will not be removed by other samples with
The higher the value, the bigger the priority.
So, for example, when you have a basedrum that beats 4
times in a song-position, and a trumpet that blows all
the time, you could let the effect(s) of the basedrum
have a bigger priority then the trumpet.
So every time you hear the basedrum, you could show
an animation of a drummer that hits a drum.
And when the trumpet plays, you could show a picture
of a trumpet.
The sample keeps the priority as long as it plays.
In the above example, the basedrum is a short sample,
the drummer-animation will be shown short, because
when the sample is over, the trumpet takes over again.
Keep this in mind when you use the effect-loop and
effect-speed, this will only work while the sample is
Special values:
"0" The sample is off, effect will not be played.
First Effect: Is the first effect that will be shown when the sample is
The effectlist can hold maximum 256 effects.
An effect can be:
picture, brush, anim, etcetra
You can load the same effect several times into
the effectlist without extra use of memory.
When the old effect on the screen has the same
screenheigth, screenwidth, viewmode and depth of the
new effect, and when the depth is not bigger than 8 colors,
the new effect will be shown together with the old effect
using the hardware "Double Playfield" mode.
In this way you can also play animations and/or routines
at the same time.
So you can use for example a scrolltext with a
background-picture etcetra.
Last Effect: Is the last effect that will be shown when the sample is
Effect speed: Selects the speed of the effect-steps.
Special values:
The higher the value, the higher the delay.
"0" Triggermode:
One effect is played, the following effect will be shown
when the sample is played again.
"1" Fastmode:
All the effects are shown without any delay.
This can be usefull if you have a lot of objects or other
data-files that need to be played.
Effect Loop: Selects if the effects will stop at the last effect or start
over again.
Anim Speed: Selects the speed of the animframe-steps.
Anim Loop: Selects if the anim will stop at the end or start over again.
Routine mode: Selects the way a routine is played.
Each routine has several ways to play:
Example: Routine: Stars
Values: "0" Show the stars normal.
"1" Rotate the stars left.
"2" Rotate the stars right.
[Play] Starts playing the video from the current
[Delete] Removes the effect that is shown in "First Effect:"
When the effect is not used in another place in the
effectlist, it will be removed from memory.
[PAL] Selects the American viewmode (NTSC) or European
viewmode (PAL).
With the help of this, you can make a video that will work
all over the world.
American Amigas (60hz) have a slightly faster view-refreshing
then European Amigas (50hz).
So some routines who run nice on European Amigas may "shock"
on American Amigas, therefore there are special
NTSC-versions of routines who may have this problem.
[Copy] Copies the current songposition to a copybuffer.
When you want to use the same songposition-effects
in another songposition, you can Copy them to the buffer,
select the other songposition and Paste the buffer to the
other songposition.
[Paste] Copies the copybuffer to the current
[Copy] Copies the current sample-settings to a copybuffer.
[Paste] Copies the copybuffer to the current sample-settings.
Special Guideline functions:
[Play Songpos] Starts playing the current song-position.
[Clean Video] This will move all the effects in the effectlist
after eachother so free bits in the effectlist
will be removed and one large free block will
appear at the end of the effectlist.
This can be usefull when you're working on a big
[Vidule Loop] When this is on, the vidule will restart when it's
When it's off, the vidule will exit.
In this way, you can play several vidules in a row
from a partition of your harddisk, using an execute
When you don't crunch the vidules, there will only
be a delay of 1 second.
When you make your preference screen-colors black,
there will not be a cli-screen when the next vidule
is loading.
Nice idea for a party...
Special Interactive functions:
[Stop] Stops playing the video.
[Back] Removes the gadgetscreen so you can see the complete video
The gadgetscreen returns when you click the left mousebutton
Interlace isn't working when the gadgetscreen is on, it's
not so healthy for your eyes when you're editting a video.
Some example-videos may "shock" a little bit, this is
because the gadgetscreen takes a little of their
When you remove the gadgetscreen, the videos will work
[-] [+] You can use this to change the routine-mode number
with steps of 1024, which can be usefull with big
routines like "Plasma".
Save functions:
[Video] Saves the video without module and effect data.
A video-file holds all the settings for the
anim-speed, effect-loop, etcetra, and the
file-names of the pictures, anims, etcetra.
[Vidule] Saves the video with module and effect data as an
executable and crunchable file.
Executable means that you can start it from the CLI
or from the WorkBench.
[Effect] Saves the effect that is shown in the "First Effect:"
gadget as a "raw" file.
This is only usefull for programmers who want to make
their own VideoTracker-routines.
VideoTracker converts the Brushes, Fonts, Vectors, etc.
to fast usable data-files, these converted files are
called "Effect-files".
When programmers want to use, for example, a font in
their routine, they can "incbin" these effect-files.
They can also use it as a raw-converter for own products.
More information is given in the example sources of the
"VideoTracker Developer Kit" wich is Public Domain.
The Kit contains all the current routine sources. (DevPac3)
You can include your routine-source in the Kit-sourcefile
and you can test them.
Load functions:
[Video] Loads a video into memory and loads the module and
effects which are used in the video.
[Module] Loads a module into memory.
A module is a SoundTracker musicfile wich contains the
song and sample data.
There are many SoundTracker clones like ProTracker,
NoiseTracker etc. which are all Public Domain so you can
copy them for free.
You can use different song-speeds.
PowerPacked files can also be loaded.
(ProTracker is also on the "VideoTracker Utilities 1" disk)
A command-effect will be directly shown on screen, a data-effect is
used by the routines as a data-file.
[Picture] Loads an IFF-Picture into memory.
IFF is a picture-standard that is used by many drawing
programs like DeluxePaint, Cinemorph etc.
Also the colorcycle-information will be used in all
IFF files, with a maximum of 4. (Like in Deluxe Paint)
IMPORTANT: When colorcycle-information is found, it
will be turned on.
In DeluxePaint you can turn it on/off with the
"tab"-key, but VideoTracker always turns it on.
So if you don't want colorcycle, you have
to clear the "Ranges" in DeluxePaint.
[Brush] Loads an IFF-Brush into memory.
The advantage of a brush is that it uses lesser memory then
a picture.
Pictures has standard sizes like 320*256, and you can size
a brush anyway you want.
I advice you to use x-sizes who are multiplies of 32, in
that way you won't have problems with routines that use
copper-effects. (example: 256, 288, 320, etcetra)
[Anim] Loads an IFF-Anim5 animation into memory.
IFF Anim 5 is an animation-standard that is used by many
drawing programs like DeluxePaint, Cinemorph etc.
Also multiple-palette animations can be used.
An animation is realtime unpacked when it's played.
It uses 2 bufferscreens plus the animationdata from
[AnimBrush] Loads an IFF-Anim5 animation-brush into memory.
Anim-brushes are used in DeluxePaint.
An animation-brush will be completely unpacked by
In this way it is possible to use very
fast animationspeed and to use less processor-time.
But it will use a lot of memory, so remember:
Animations has standard sizes like 320*256, but you can
size an animation-brush anyway you want, which can be a
way to save memory.
An AnimBrush will also restart at frame 1 when it's
called, an animation would be to slow due to unpacking.
[Palette] Loads an IFF-Palette into memory.
You can use this to show a picture with other colors, fade
the colors of the picture etc.
[Routine] Loads a routine that is written for VideoTracker.
This is the real power of VideoTracker, with these
routines you can make high-quality demos like
"Spaceballs" and "Jesus on E's".
Like you can see in the "Routines" section, you can use
filled vectors, plasmas, psychocircles, scrolls,
etcetra, in many ways.
The (possible) 6-monthly updates of VideoTracker will
have the latest fashion-effects and ideas taken from
the latest megademos at that time.
The future Amiga's, like the A5000 and the follow-up of
the A1200, will have the possibility to expand them
to 8 megabytes of chip-memory, which means that you
can use up to 7,5 megs of routines.
On an A600 you can use 1 meg, on an A1200 2 meg which
is enough to make good videos, but with 8 meg you can
start to immitate MTV !
I personally can't wait and I'll have a lot of routines
ready at that time. :-)
"Routine mode:" selects the way a routine is played.
[Text] Loads a text-file which can be used by one of the routines.
(Like the "Scroll" routine.)
[Object] Loads an IFF-Animation-brush or IFF-Brush from the "Object"
These brushes are reformed for usage as blitter-objects
in routines like "Object".
[BackGround] Loads an IFF-Picture or IFF-Brush wich can be used by
routines like "Object" as a background-picture.
[Font] Loads an Amiga-font or a Kara-font which can be used by
routines like "Scroll".
A KaraFont is a colorfont that can be used in
DeluxePaint, you can edit or create them with
There are also some public domain Font and KaraFont
[Vector] Loads a vector data-file which can be used in the
routines. (Like the "Vector" routine)
Supported formats:
-Rot This is a public domain 3D
(three dimensional) object editor.
It is on the "VideoTracker Public
Domain" disk.
-Imagine A popular commercial raytracer.
You don't need this program but there
are a lot of detailed public domain
3D objects, like Star-Wars spaceships,
which are made with Imagine.
Maximum object size: 50k.
-IFF-Brushes The brush will be translated to X/Y/Z
pointers, so no lines are used.
[Landscape] Loads a landscape data-file which can be used in the
routines. (Like the "Landscape" routine)
Supported formats:
I don't know exactly the names but there are 3
different formats: Raw-Z-value, Raw IFF heigth
difference & crunched IFF heigth difference.
They are used by programs like "Vista Pro",
"Scenery Animator", "Terraform" & "Demmer".
"Demmer" is ShareWare and is on the
"VideoTracker Public Domain 2" disk.
[Colorset] Loads an IFF-Colorset or Palette into memory which can be
used in the routines. (Like the "CopperColors" routine)
Colorsets are used in DeluxePaint, they can hold up to
256 colors which can be changed using "spread" etcetra.
How to make a simple video.
I'll explain how you can make a simple video with flashing brushes so
you can get started.
You start VideoTracker Interactive.
The first thing you must do is loading a music-module.
You go to the right part of the control-screen, where all the load-gadgets
are. (picture,brush,module etc.)
You click the "Module" gadget and a file-requester appears.
The "Modules"-directory is already selected and we pick the "Mod.Techno1"
module by double-clicking it.
When the module is loaded, the control screen returns and you see the
name of the module at the "Modulename:" gadget and the name of the first
sample at the "Sample:" gadget.
The modulename is "Techno1" and the first samplename is "Silent".
We now select the sample that is going to show the flashing brushes.
You go to the left centre of the screen and click the gadget that
shows the name of the sample with your RIGHT mousebutton, to select
the sample "Beep" wich is number 8.
You can't click the number of the sample.
(The number of the sample is just information, and has no black
background which means you can't change it.)
We're now going to load 2 brushes.
Go to the "Load:" gadgets and click the "Brush" gadget.
You now see a file-requester with the "Brush" directory already selected.
Now double-click the "Techno_L8.bru" file.
This is a brush that shows the word "TECHNO" in 8 color low-resolution.
(I used the "_L8.bru" in the filename to remember the number of colors (8),
resolution (L) and file-type (bru), but this is not needed in a file-name.)
When the control-screen returns, you see the filename at the left
bottom of the screen in the "First effect:" and "Last effect:" gadgets.
You loaded the brush into the effectlist at position 0.
Now go to the "First effect:" gadget and click on the brush-name with
your RIGHT mousebutton to select effectposition "1".
(You see also the "Last effect:" change to "1", because the last
effect can't be smaller than the first effect.)
You now go again to "Load:" to load the second brush into
effect-position "1".
Click the "Brush" gadget and double-click the file "Skull_L8.bru".
This brush shows a human skull in 8 color, low resolution.
When the control-screen returns, you see the brushname in the
"First effect:" gadget.
Now you click the "First effect:" gadget with your LEFT mousebutton
to select effect "0".
You now see:
"First effect: 0 Techno_L8.bru "
" Last effect: 1 Skull_L8.bru "
You now go to the left-centre of the control-screen and change the
"Priority:" value from "0" to "1" by clicking it with your RIGHT
With this, you turn the sample on.
You now go again to the left-centre of the control-screen and set the
"Effect Loop:" to "On" by clicking it with your left mousebutton.
With this, the effects will start over again when the last effect
is reached.
Now you're ready, but remember that you've edited this sample only
for song-position "0", so when the song reaches song-position "1"
the effects will stop.
Now go the the up-centre of the screen and click the "Play" gadget
with you LEFT mouse and the show begins.
This is ofcourse a very simple and pretty boring effect but it's a
You're also not restricted to use 1 sample in a songposition, you can
use all the samples like you can see in the example-video "House".
At the left-top of the screen, you see the "Song position:" gadget
change while the song is playing.
You can click this gadget to select the song-position you want to hear
with the left- and right mousebutton.
When you select song-position "0", this song-position will repeat untill
you click "Play" again.
Now, I suggest, take a look at the example-videos to see all the
routines working.
The "House" video is an example of a demo you could make with
I already made some videos and I may have some tips for you:
-When you edit a sample, keep some space in the effectlist.
When the effectlist is empty at 10-20, start at position 15.
In that way, you can load effects before or after the current
effect. (Example: you want to add some palette-effects)
When you're done with some songpositions, you can use the "Clean Video"
option to pack the current effects.
-The more colors you use in a picture, the more time the Amiga needs
to show them, with the result that with 32 colors or more, the
copper is delayed. So copper-routines can't be used then. (On ECS)
Also the speed of routines will go slower.
The less colors you use, the faster the effects can be, the lesser
memory is used, the faster animations unpack.
With 8 colors or lower, you can also use Double Playfield, which can
be very nice.
I personally use low-color pictures & animations in videos that have
fast ritmes.
-When you want to use a complex animation of effects, it's handy to make
some fake-instruments.
You can use them to control the animation, like some sort of script.
I used this in the "Gabberuh!" video, to fade-in the clown slowly.
You make them empty, so you can't hear them.
And you can make them long (30000 bytes) and play them as the lowest
note (C-1) so they can play a long time.
Even as long as a songposition.
VideoTracker Developer Kit:
"The VideoTracker Developer Kit v1.0 Disk 1 (14-8-93) PUBLIC DOMAIN"
Contains the source-files of all the routines.
I released these sources with the hope that some great demo-coders
out there want to convert some of their great effects to the
VideoTracker routine-format.
You don't have to release your sources and you'll make a lot of people
happy when they can use your effects in their videos.
I already converted some PD-sources and it wasn't much work.
When you send the routine-file (no source needed !) + manual to me,
I can add it in the VideoTracker Manual with the author/group name.
Use Devpac 3 to assemble the sources.
Remember to make your routine-source completely position-independent !
(PC-relative or with a base-address, look at the example-sources to see
how it can be done.)
The example-sources also check on NTSC when they use a complex copper-list.
It's not necessary but it would be nice for the Americans to see some
real demos once. :-)
When you remove the "Rout" label in the source, your routine-source will
be assembled as a VideoTracker routine-file.
You then can remove the hunk-information with, for example, Hunk Wizard
and test it with VideoTracker.
In this section all the routines are explained.
In the "Plasma" manual is explained how the "routine-mode" is
calculated, but you don't have to know this because you can use
the "Routinelist" to get the routine-mode you want.
The "Plasma" is a very complicated routine to begin with.
The "Star" routine has the easiest routine-modes, so I suggest that
you start playing with that one.
There are to many routines to understand at once, so when you make
a video, select the routines you want and then start to read their
Some routines need vector-objects, (anim)brushes, text-files etc.
An example how to use these files:
Effect Speed: 01
First Effect: 05 Cube.vec (This is a vector file)
Last Effect: 06 Vector_L8.rot (This is a routine file)
The vector file is detected by VT and stored in a table,
The effect speed is 1 so the routine will be played directly.
The routine checks the table and finds the vector file.
In the example-videos this is used, so you can see how it
Routine: Filename of the routine.
Picture: Width * Heigth * Number of colors of the picture that is
used by the routine. You need to know this when you want
to play with the "Double Playfield" mode.
When the width * heigth is bigger then, or equals,
the viewable screensize (example: lores = 368*290)
and the colors are the same number, double playfield will
always be used.
"-" = The routine does not use a picture.
View: The viewmode of the picture:
"L" = Low resolution (Lo-Res)
Viewable screensize 368*290.
"H" = High resolution (Hi-Res Interlaced)
Viewable screensize 736*580.
Copperlist: Does the routine use a copperlist ?
A copperlist is used by the routines to change for example
the backgroundcolor several times on the screen.
"-" = The routine does not use a copperlist.
Memory: Number of kilobytes that the routine uses in memory.
"?" = The routine is still under development.
Routine Picture View Copperlist Memory
ColorGrid - - Yes 110
CopperPalette_8 - - Yes (Under Construction)
CopperPalette_16 - - Yes (Under Construction)
Landscape_L2 368*290*2 L - (Under Construction)
Landscape_L4 368*290*4 L - (Under Construction)
Landscape_L8 368*290*8 L - (Under Construction)
Landscape_L16 368*290*16 L - (Under Construction)
Landscape_L32 368*290*32 L - (Under Construction)
Object_H2 736*580*2 H - 157
Object_H4 736*580*4 H - 307
Object_H8 736*580*8 H - 456
Object_L2 368*290*2 L - 59
Object_L4 368*290*4 L - 109
Object_L8 368*290*8 L - 160
Object_L16 368*290*16 L - 211
Object_L32 368*290*32 L - 261
Object_EHB 368*290*64 L - 312
PictureMove - - Yes 2
Plasma - - Yes 114
Plasma_L2 368*290*2 L Yes (Under Construction)
ScrollBig_L8 368*290*8 L - 285
ScrollNTSC_H4 736*468*4 H - 358
ScrollNTSC_L2 368*234*2 L - 89
ScrollNTSC_L16 368*234*16 L - 243
ScrollNTSC_L32 368*234*32 L - 285
Scroll_H2 736*580*2 H - 209
Scroll_H4 736*580*4 H - 418
Scroll_L2 368*290*2 L - 136
Scroll_L4 368*290*4 L - 191
Scroll_L8 368*290*8 L - 183
Scroll_L16 368*290*16 L - 290
Scroll_L32 368*290*32 L - 302
Stars_L8 368*290*8 L - 56
VectorShade_L2 368*290*2 L Yes 171
Vector_H2 736*580*2 H - 315
Vector_H4 736*580*2 H - 459
Vector_L2 368*290*2 L - 97
Vector_L4 368*290*4 L - 133
Vector_L8 368*290*8 L - 169
Vector_L16 368*290*16 L - 205
Vector_L32 368*290*32 L - 241
Wave - - Yes 6
Routinename: Plasma
Authors: Programmed by Roger Heykoop, converted by Peter van Campen.
Version: Without smooth plane, L2.
Description: Shows 3 sinuswaves on a backgroundcopperlist:
blue, green and red. When they overlap eachother they
mix their colors. (example: blue+green=cyan,
blue+red=purple, etc.)
As extra, there is a horizontal raster-sinus.
For each wave you can select the heigth, width and
direction (left/right) it moves to.
The result is a great psychadelic effect.
You can put a picture or brush over it.
This routine has up to 65536 different modes, a big
number but you can play a long time with this.
There are 2 ways to get the right routine-mode.
The fast but difficult way is to calculate it
from the bitusage and the easy but slow way is to
get it from the routine-mode list.
I'll explain how you can calculate it:
(It might be interresting for programmers who
read this)
RoutineMode 16-bits (65536) bitusage:
3 1
2 6 4 1
7 3 0 0 5 1
6 8 9 2 1 2 3 1
8 4 6 4 2 8 2 6 4 1
|15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00|<-Bitnumber
| | | | |
|R | Blue | Green | Red |
|a | | | |
|s | | | | | | | | | |
|t |D | H | W |D | H | W |D | H | W |
|e |i | e | i |i | e | i |i | e | i |
|r |r | i | d |r | i | d |r | i | d |
| |e | g | t |e | g | t |e | g | t |
|s |c | t | h |c | t | h |c | t | h |
|i |t | h | |t | h | |t | h | |
|n |. | | |. | | |. | | |
2 1 4 4 1 4 4 1 4 4 <-Settingsnumber
Let's say, you want the green-bar with maximum heigth (4).
(No Police-Squad jokes please !)
You can see that bit 7 and 8 select it.
There are 2 bits, so there are 2^2=4 possible heigths.
Then these are the possible combinations:
08 | 07 <Bitnumber
0 | 0 Decimal value 0 = Minimum heigth
0 | 1 Decimal value 1 = 2 times sinus heigth
1 | 0 Decimal value 2 = 3 times sinus heigth
1 | 1 Decimal value 3 = 4 times sinus heigth (maximum)
Now you take the value of bit 7 and multiply it with the decimal
value like this:
2^7 * 3 = 128 * 3 = 384
Let's say, you also want the blue-bar with maximum heigth (4).
Bit 12 and 13 select it so:
2^12 * 3 = 4096 * 3 = 12288
Now you add the results and you get the right routine-mode:
384 + 12288 = 12672
But you can also use the routinemode list:
Routine mode Description
0 Standard values:
All sinusses moving right, maximum width, minimum heigth
no horizontal raster-sinus.
1 Red: 0.5 times sinus width.
2 Red: 0.33 times sinus width.
3 Red: 0.25 times sinus width.
4-7 Same as above but with Red: 2 times sinus heigth.
8-11 Same as above but with Red: 3 times sinus heigth.
12-15 Same as above but with Red: 4 times sinus heigth.
16-31 Same as above but with Red: sinus moving left.
32-63 Same as above but with Green: 0.5 times sinus width.
64-95 Same as above but with Green: 0.33 times sinus width.
96-127 Same as above but with Green: 0.25 times sinus width.
128-255 Same as above but with Green: 2 times sinus heigth.
256-383 Same as above but with Green: 3 times sinus heigth.
384-511 Same as above but with Green: 4 times sinus heigth.
512-1023 Same as above but with Green: sinus moving left.
1024-2047 Same as above but with Blue: 0.5 times sinus width.
2048-3071 Same as above but with Blue: 0.33 times sinus width.
3072-4095 Same as above but with Blue: 0.25 times sinus width.
4096-8191 Same as above but with Blue: 2 times sinus heigth.
8192-12287 Same as above but with Blue: 3 times sinus heigth.
12288-16383 Same as above but with Blue: 4 times sinus heigth.
16384-32767 Same as above but with Blue: sinus moving left.
32768-65535 Same as above but with the horizontal raster-sinus on.
Routinename: Scroll
Authors: Programmed by Peter van Campen.
Versions: L2,L4,L8,L16,L32,L64,H2,H4,H8,H16
Description: This routine is a text-viewer and scroller with many
You can use up to 16 different Fonts and also ColorFonts.
And you need a text-file ofcourse.
You can show the text on screen directly, you can scroll
text horizontal to the right and to the left, you
can scroll rows up, like in a movie-title.
You can set the scrollspeed, you can delay, change the
font-color, change the font-type, etcetra.
All the rows are shown centered on screen, but you can
also set the X/Y position or use reverse-centring if
you like that.
All the possibilities are used in the demo-videos.
The routine doesn't use the routinemode but is controlled
by commands in the text-file.
The routine detects a command when it starts with the
character "_".
"#" is a value which, for example, can be "15".
_F# Font: Changes the font.
If you've loaded 3 fonts into memory, you can
choose them with the values 0,1,2.
_C# Color: Changes the font-color.
With no-color fonts you can have 31 different
colors on a 32-color screen.
With a 4 color-font you then have 32/4=8 different
colorsets on that screen.
With a 16 color-font you then have 32/16=2 different
colorsets on that screen.
So, with the right palette, you can make great
_S# Speed: Changes the scroll-speed.
_M# Mode: Changes the view-mode.
View modes:
1 Left horizontal scroll.
2 Right horizontal scroll.
3 Up vertical scroll.
5 Directly on screen.
_X# X-position (horizontal)
Sets the x-position of a character, for use in the
print and vertical scroll mode.
_Y# Y-position (vertical)
Sets the y-position of a character, for use in the
print and vertical scroll mode.
_R# Reverse
Sets the right-border of a row which results in
right centering.
_D# Delay
Delays the routine.
_E Empty screen.
Clears the screen
Look at the example-texts to see how you should use
these commands.
To get the best speeds with double-playfield and with
the several resolutions and to prefent a "shocking" effect
on the scrolls,
each version of the routine has different maximum font-
heigths, also for the viewmodes.
When there is no special NTSC version of a routine, it
is not necessary or it is not possible because of the
faster screen refreshing of NTSC.
Here they are:
| Maximum font-heigths | Usable with
Version | | Double Playfield ?
| Horizontal | Vertical | PAL | NTSC
L2 | 160 | 80 | Yes | No
NTSC L2 | 144 | 24 | Yes | Yes
L4 | 80 | 88 | Yes | Yes
L8 | 36 | 40 | Yes | No
L16 | 56 | 56 | No | No
NTSC L16 | 40 | 56 | No | No
L32 | 36 | 32 | No | No
NTSC L32 | 32 | 32 | No | No
H2 | 80 | 56 | Yes | Yes
H4 | 72 | 72 | No | No
NTSC H4 | 48 | 72 | No | No
Routinename: ScrollBig
Authors: Programmed by Peter van Campen.
Versions: L8
Description: This is the same routine as the "Scroll" routine,
but this one can handle the biggest fontsizes possible.
I made this, so you can use most of the public domain
The reason I made 2 scroll-routines:
The "Scroll" routine can scroll fast with double playfield
and also scrolls fast on 16 and 32 colorscreens, but can't
handle big fonts.
The "ScrollBig" routine uses a lot more memory and
scrolls bad with double playfield but is perfect to
use with, for example, 80 pixels high 8-color fonts.
| Maximum font-heigths
Version |
| Horizontal | Vertical
L8 | 80 | 88
Routinename: Object
Authors: Programmed by Peter van Campen.
Versions: L2,L4,L8,L16,L32,L64,H2,H4,H8,H16
Description: This routine can show up to 32 blitter-objects on screen.
An object is an animbrush or brush file that is reformed
for fast use with the blitter.
You can make, for example, a logo with seperate bouncing
letters on a 64-color picture.
The routine reads the anim-speed for animbrushes,
animloop is always on.
The routine also needs a background-picture.
If it hasn't got one, it will not clear to screen wich can
be a nice effect too like you can see in the demo-videos.
A background-picture is accepted when the size is the same
as the viewable screen (example: lo-res= 368*290) and when
the colornumber is the same.
The routine copies the palette of the background-picture
when it has the same number of colors, also when it's not
accepted because of its size.
In this way, you can turn of the clear and still change
the palette.
So the colors of the objects are not used !
(So you can use the same object with different background-
The objects must have the same number of colors too.
An object can move in 32 different ways and there are
63 screen positions.
There are 8 different move-sizes en 4 different move-speeds.
There are 9 horizontal and 7 vertical screenpositions
(9*7=63) and here is an example how to get the right one:
The screen:
9 X-positions
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 These are the values:
+-----------------+ +--------------------------+
0 | | | |00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08|
1 | | | |09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17|
7 2 |------# | |18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26|
Y-pos. 3 | | |27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35|
4 | | |36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44|
5 | | |45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53|
6 | | |54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62|
+-----------------+ +--------------------------+
You want the "#" object on the above position, the way
to get the right routine-mode is to multiply the
y-position (2) with the total number of x-positions (9)
and add the x-position wich gives: (2*9)+3=21
Or, perhaps more easy, get the value from the right
These are the possible moves:
0 No movement.
1 "O" Circle shaped, moving against clock-direction.
2 "8" Eight shaped.
3 "(X)" Eight-on-it's-side shaped.
4 Very-weird shaped.
5 "|" Goes up and down.
6 "-" Goes left and right.
7 "|" Goes up and bounces when it's down.
8 "|" Goes down and bounces when it's up.
9 "-" Goes left and bounces when it's right.
10 "-" Goes right and bounces when it's left.
11-16 No movement. (future expansion)
17 "O" Circle shaped, moving with clock-direction.
18-31 No movement. (future expansion)
Routine modes:
RoutineMode 16-bits (65536) bitusage:
6 2
3 0
8 4 6
4 8 4 1
|15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00|<-Bitnumber
| | | | |
|Move-| Move- | Movetype | Screen- |
|speed| size | | position |
4 8 32 64
Routine mode Description
0 Movetype 0, Movesize 0, Movespeed 0.
Y-position 0, X-position 0.
1 X-position 1.
2 X-position 2.
3 X-position 3.
4 X-position 4.
5 X-position 5.
6 X-position 6.
7 X-position 7.
8 X-position 8.
9-17 Same as above but with Y-position 1.
18-26 Same as above but with Y-position 2.
27-35 Same as above but with Y-position 3.
36-44 Same as above but with Y-position 4.
45-53 Same as above but with Y-position 5.
54-62 Same as above but with Y-position 6.
64-127 Same as above but with Movetype 1.
128-191 Same as above but with Movetype 2.
192-255 Same as above but with Movetype 3.
256-319 Same as above but with Movetype 4.
320-383 Same as above but with Movetype 5.
384-447 Same as above but with Movetype 6.
448-511 Same as above but with Movetype 7.
512-575 Same as above but with Movetype 8.
576-639 Same as above but with Movetype 9.
640-703 Same as above but with Movetype 10.
1088-127 Same as above but with Movetype 17.
2048-4095 Same as above but with Movesize 1.
4096-6143 Same as above but with Movesize 2.
6144-8191 Same as above but with Movesize 3.
8192-10239 Same as above but with Movesize 4.
10240-12287 Same as above but with Movesize 5.
12288-14335 Same as above but with Movesize 6.
14336-16383 Same as above but with Movesize 7.
16384-32767 Same as above but with Movespeed 1.
32768-49151 Same as above but with Movespeed 2.
49152-65535 Same as above but with Movespeed 3.
Routinename: ColorGrid
Authors: Programmed by Peter van Campen.
Description: Shows a 16*16 color-copperlist all over the screen.
You can put a picture or brush over it.
There are 3 16*16 colorgrids so for example you
can see all 3 when you use the color-numbers
0,1 and 9 in DeluxePaint.
For each of the 3 grids, you can set one of the 2 modes
and one of the 8 possible color-presets.
There are 2 different modes:
"Shading" shows 256 colors on screen and changes them
into 16 shades.
"Map" Shows 256 colors out of a big colormap.
The map is moved around using a sinus-data.
You can enable, disable or combine each of the grids,
so you can speed up the routine or show a picture without
the distortion of color 0, 1 or 9.
RoutineMode 16-bits (65536) bitusage:
4 2
0 0 2 1
9 4 5 2 1
6 8 6 8 6 8 1
|15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00|<-Bitnumber
| | | | | |
| | | Grid 3 | Grid 2 | Grid 1 |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | G S | M| C | M| C | M| C |
| | r e | o| o | o| o | o| o |
| | i l | d| l | d| l | d| l |
| | d e | e| o | e| o | e| o |
| | s c | | r | | r | | r |
| | t | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
8 2 8 2 8 2 8
Routine mode Description
0 Colors: Grid 1: 0 Grid 2: Off Grid 3: Off
Colorgrid 1 Mode: Shading
X: Black>Red Y: Black>Green Shading Blue
Colorgrid 2 & 3 same as above.
1 X: Black>Green Y: Black>Blue Shading Red
2 X: Black>Blue Y: Black>Red Shading Green
3 X: Black>Red Y: Black>Blue Shading Green
4 X: Black>Green Y: Black>Red Shading Blue
5 X: Black>Blue Y: Black>Green Shading Red
6 X: Blue>Purple Y: Blue>Cyan
7 X: Red>Yellow Y: Red>Purple
8 Mode: Map Mixed Red>Green>Blue
16-31 Same as above but:
Colorgrid 2: X: Black>Green Y: Black>Blue Shading Red
32-47 Same as above but:
Colorgrid 2: X: Black>Blue Y: Black>Red Shading Green
48-63 Same as above but:
Colorgrid 2: X: Black>Red Y: Black>Blue Shading Green
64-79 Same as above but:
Colorgrid 2: X: Black>Green Y: Black>Red Shading Blue
80-95 Same as above but:
Colorgrid 2: X: Black>Blue Y: Black>Green Shading Red
96-111 Same as above but:
Colorgrid 2: X: Blue>Purple Y: Blue>Cyan
112-127 Same as above but:
Colorgrid 2: X: Red>Yellow Y: Red>Purple
128-143 Same as above but:
Colorgrid 2: Mode: Map Mixed Red>Green>Blue
256-511 Same as above but:
Colorgrid 3: X: Black>Green Y: Black>Blue Shading Red
512-1023 Same as above but:
Colorgrid 3: X: Black>Blue Y: Black>Red Shading Green
1024-1535 Same as above but:
Colorgrid 3: X: Black>Red Y: Black>Blue Shading Green
1536-2047 Same as above but:
Colorgrid 3: X: Black>Green Y: Black>Red Shading Blue
2048-2559 Same as above but:
Colorgrid 3: X: Black>Blue Y: Black>Green Shading Red
2560-3071 Same as above but:
Colorgrid 3: X: Blue>Purple Y: Blue>Cyan
3072-3583 Same as above but:
Colorgrid 3: X: Red>Yellow Y: Red>Purple
3584-4095 Same as above but:
Colorgrid 3: Mode: Map Mixed Red>Green>Blue
4096-8191 Same as above but:
Colors: Grid 1: 1 Grid 2: Off Grid 3: Off
8192-12287 Same as above but:
Colors: Grid 1: 9 Grid 2: Off Grid 3: Off
12288-16383 Same as above but:
Colors: Grid 1: 0 Grid 2: 1 Grid 3: Off
16384-20479 Same as above but:
Colors: Grid 1: 0 Grid 2: 9 Grid 3: Off
20480-24575 Same as above but:
Colors: Grid 1: 1 Grid 2: 9 Grid 3: Off
24576-28671 Same as above but:
Colors: Grid 1: 0 Grid 2: 1 Grid 3: 9
28672-32767 Same as above but:
Colors: Grid 1: Off Grid 2: Off Grid 3: Off
Routinename: Stars
Authors: Public Domain source, converted by Peter van Campen.
Versions: L8
Description: Shows a 3D moving starfield.
Nothing more to explain.
Routine mode Description
0 Normal
1 Rotates stars left.
2 Rotates stars right.
Routinename: Vector
Authors: Programmed by Peter van Campen, with help from
Roger Heykoop.
Versions: L2,L4,L8,L16,L32,L64,H2,H4,H8,H16
Description: Shows 3D pixel vector, line vector, glass-filled vector
filled vector, ball vector, symmetric-filled
vector objects and rotates them.
The routine needs a vector-file wich can be a
Imagine-object, a Rot-object or a IFF-brush.
The colors of the vector-files are also used.
These are the possible view-modes:
0 Pixel Shows only the vector-coordinates as
pixels, very fast speed.
1 Line Shows the vector-lines, fast speed.
2 Glass-filled Shows the object with filled faces.
You can see the faces through
eachother which gives a glass-effect.
Medium speed.
3 Filled Shows the object with solid filled
faces. Slow speed.
4 Balls Shows only the vector-coordinates as
"Objects" (brushes or animbrushes).
Medium speed.
The color of a vector selects the
object-number, so you can use, for
example, 16 different blitter-objects
in one vector-object.
When you use a animbrush with, for
example, 10 frames. The first frame
will be shown when the vector is
distant, and the last frame will be
shown when the vector is forward.
So for a cool 3D effect, size
the frames from small to big.
The colors of the objects will be
copied and the number of colors must
be the same as the screen-colors.
Tricky modes:
(To speed up drawing)
5 Symmetric- Shows the object with solid filled
filled faces but draws only the most forward
faces. Is only usefull on symmetric
objects like, for example, cubes or
soccerballs. Medium speed.
You can choose for each of the X/Y/Z coordinates if they
must rotate and if the object is moving forward or backwards.
You can also set the speed of rotating and for special
effects you can turn the double-buffering on/off so you can,
for example, see how a big imagine-object is drawn as a
solid filled-vector.
You can also turn the clearscreen on/off so you can make
a track of objects and you can clear the rotate-positions.
RoutineMode 16-bits (65536) bitusage:
8 4 2
1 0 0 1
9 9 4 2 6
2 6 8 8 4 8 4 2 1
|15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00|<-Bitnumber
| | | | | | | | | | |
| |R |S |D | |F | | X| Y| Z|
| |o |c |o | |o | | | | |
| |t |r |u | |rB| | R| R| R|
| |a |e |b | Rotation |wa| Vector | o| o| o|
| |t |e |l | speed |ac| mode | t| t| t|
| |e |n |e | |rk| | a| a| a|
| | | | | |dw| | t| t| t|
| |c |c |b | | a| | e| e| e|
| |l |l |u | |or| | | | |
| |r |r |f | |rd| | | | |
| | |. |. | | | | | | |
2 2 16 2 8 2 2 2
Routine mode Description
0 Moves forward. Double-buffer on, Screenclear on,
No rotation. Mode: Pixel-vector, Rotatespeed 0.
1 Rotates Z.
2 Rotates Y.
3 Rotates YZ.
4 Rotates X.
5 Rotates XZ.
6 Rotates XY.
7 Rotates XYZ.
8-15 Same as above but with Mode: Line
16-23 Same as above but with Mode: Glass
24-31 Same as above but with Mode: Solid
32-39 Same as above but with Mode: Ball
40-47 Same as above but with Mode: Symmetric
64-127 Same as above but moves backwards.
128-255 Same as above but with rotatespeed 1.
256-383 Same as above but with rotatespeed 2.
384-511 Same as above but with rotatespeed 3.
512-639 Same as above but with rotatespeed 4.
640-767 Same as above but with rotatespeed 5.
768-895 Same as above but with rotatespeed 6.
896-1023 Same as above but with rotatespeed 7.
1024-1151 Same as above but with rotatespeed 8.
1152-1279 Same as above but with rotatespeed 9.
1280-1407 Same as above but with rotatespeed 10.
1408-1535 Same as above but with rotatespeed 11.
1536-1663 Same as above but with rotatespeed 12.
1664-1791 Same as above but with rotatespeed 13.
1792-1919 Same as above but with rotatespeed 14.
1920-2047 Same as above but with rotatespeed 15.
2048-4095 Same as above but with double-buffer off.
4096-8191 Same as above but with screen-clear off.
8192-16383 Same as above but with the rotate-positions cleared.
Routinename: VectorShade
Authors: Programmed by Peter van Campen, with help from
Roger Heykoop.
Versions: L2,H2
Description: This is the same routine as the "Vector" routine
and it uses the same routine-modes but this
routine draws the object in 2 colors and shows
the 4 last drawed frames behind the object which
gives a very nice effect. (Used in the "House" video)
It uses a copperlist to do this trick so you
can't use double-playfield on this routine.
Routinename: Wave
Authors: Programmed by Peter van Campen.
Versions: -
Description: Puts a horizontal wave of 16 pixels into any picture or
The picture or brush width must be a multiply of 16.
(example:240,368,144 etc.)
Routine mode Description
0 Saw shaped.
1 Saw shaped growing.
2 Sinus shaped.
3 Sinus shaped 4 sizes.
4 ")" shaped.
5 ")" shaped 3 sizes.
6 "(" shaped.
7 "(" shaped 3 sizes.
8 Sinus shaped "Double Playfield" mixed.
9 Sinus shaped normal mixed.
16-31 Same as above but scrolling up.
32-47 Same as above but scrolling down.
64-127 Same as above but with 2 times vertical size.
128-255 Same as above but with 3 times vertical size.
256-511 Same as above but with 4 times vertical size.
512-1023 Same as above but with 5 times vertical size.
Routinename: PictureMove
Authors: Programmed by Peter van Campen.
Versions: -
Description: Moves pictures that are bigger then the viewable
screen in several ways.
There are 2 seperate moves: the even planes and
the odd planes.
So when you use double playfield, you can give
each picture it's own move:
In double playfield, the front picture uses the
even planes, the back picture uses the odd planes.
In normal mode, the picture uses the even AND
odd planes.
When you don't use double playfield, you must
set both moves the same if you want to see the
picture like it is.
If you don't, you get a weird effect that can be
nice too, like you can see in the demo-video of
this routine and in the "House" video.
These are the moving-shapes:
Value | Description
0 | No move.
1 | "-" Horizontal.
2 | "|" Vertical.
3 | "O" Circle-shaped.
4 | "(X)" Eigth-on-its-side.
5 | "8" Eight.
6 | Weird shape
7-15 | Not used.
RoutineMode 16-bits (65536) bitusage:
6 1
|15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00|<-Bitnumber
| | | |
| | Odd | Even |
| (not used) | planes | planes |
| | shape | shape |
| | | |
16 16
Routine modes:
Routine mode Description
0 No moves.
1 Even planes move "-" Horizontal.
2 Even planes move "|" Vertical.
3 Even planes move "O" Circle-shaped.
4 Even planes move "(X)" Eigth-on-its-side.
5 Even planes move "8" Eight.
6 Even planes move Weird shape.
16-31 Same as above but the odd planes move "-" Horizontal.
32-47 Same as above but the odd planes move "|" Vertical.
48-63 Same as above but the odd planes move "O" Circle-shaped.
64-79 Same as above but the odd planes move "(X)" 8-on-its-side.
80-95 Same as above but the odd planes move "8" Eight.
96-111 Same as above but the odd planes move Weird shape.
(Future expansion)
Routine modes:
RoutineMode 16-bits (65536) bitusage:
|15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00|<-Bitnumber
| | | |
Routine mode Description
Hard Disk Installation
VideoTracker searches for the "VideoTracker:" device when it starts up.
When it hasn't found it, it uses the current directory.
So, first make a directory on your harddisk where you want to have the
VideoTracker directories.
I use the same directory where DeluxePaint and ProTracker get their files
Let's say, you use the "Expansion" directory on your WorkBench. (Like I do)
You then must put this line in your startup-sequence:
"Assign VideoTracker: Expansion"
VideoTracker loads the fonts from your fonts-directory (Fonts:) so you
must copy the VideoTracker font-directory to the "Fonts:" directory.
Copy the "Libs" directory to your "Libs:" directory.
Then copy the data-directories (Modules, Video, Picture, etcetra)
to the expansion-directory.
You then can move "VideoTracker" to your WorkBench, or expansion-directory.
VideoTracker uses the following libraries:
A Public Domain requester library used on 1.0-1.3 Amigas by the
Interactive VideoTracker.
On 2.0 and higher Amigas the Commodore "ASL.Library" is used when
it is found.
Used to decrunch modules, wich are packed with PowerPacker.
Is used for loading IFF-files into VideoTracker, but VideoTracker
has it's own realtime animationplayer, so you DO NOT need to spread
this library with your vidules !
VERSION 22.1, 02-Jun-92
INTERNET: weber@amiga.physik.unizh.ch
(E-MAIL: cbmehq!cbmswi!mighty!chris@cbmvax.commodore.com)
The iff.library is an easy to use Amiga library which gives you some
powerful routines to deal with IFF files, especially ILBM files (pictures),
ANIM files (animations) and 8SVX files (digitized sounds).
It was fully written in Assembler and is only 3.2 KBytes long. The de-
compression routines are the fastest I've ever written :-)
To use iff.library, copy it to the 'LIBS:' directory of your boot partition
or Workbench disk.
Since the iff.library is a standard Amiga library, it can be used from any
programming language such as C, C++, Modula-2, Assembler, Pascal, ARexx and
many more.
I started writing this library in September 1987, and now it is really bug-
free (I hope) and it can handle any IFF files I know, including DPaint pic-
tures with stencil, HAM and halfbrite pictures, ANIM files (with a trick),
SHAM files, SoundFX instruments, and all other IFF files which do not con-
tain nested chunks.
If you have questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me!
Demo Vidules info:
Programs I used to create the modules, pictures, anims, vectors, etcetra:
(Not ment to make you buy them, but I think they're great !)
PROTRACKER 3.10 Beta. Amiga Format version, FreeWare.
Protracker 3.10 is (C) Copyrighted 1992-93 by the Authors.
This version of Protracker is a betaversion exclusively for the Amiga Format
magazine. Protracker 3.10 by Cryptoburners is the latest edition to the
Protracker family and is entirely based upon Protracker 1.3/2.0 by
Lars Hamre of The Amiga Freelancers.
Protracker V2.2 Release A - (C) 1992 Mushroom Studios/Noxious 22/06-1992
By Peter Hanning & Anders Ramsay, Public Domain.
(On the "VideoTracker Utilities 1" disk.)
FFEX - The Fast Fractal Exploration Set V4.0
FFEX computes the well known Fractals and has all usual features like
loading and saving (as IFF picture), different resolutions and different
algorithms (Int_16 and Int_32 are faster, but have less precision than
This program is public domain.
Programmed by:
Robert Brandner / Schillerstr. 3 / A-8280 Fürstenfeld / AUSTRIA / EUROPE
(On the "VideoTracker Utilities 1" disk.)
Spirograph V1.0, Public Domain, by Peter van Campen.
A program based on the kids toy "Spirograph".
It calculates al kinds of spiral pictures using sinusses.
(On the "VideoTracker Utilities 1" disk.)
Digital Illusions
Digital Illusions, ShareWare, by Tonny Espeset.
Digital Illusions is a higly professional image processing program. Not
only is it capable of processing still pictures, but it will also let you
create stunning animations from ordinary flat pictures using a powerful
'In between' tecnique.
(On the "VideoTracker Utilities 1" disk.)
Imploder V4.0, FreeWare, by Peter Struijk & Albert J. Brouwer.
A great executable-file cruncher.
Used to crunch the vidules.
(On the "VideoTracker Utilities 1" disk.)
Rot V0.5, FreeWare.
Copyright (c) 04/04/87 C. French, Non-commercial copying encouraged!
All other rights reserved
ROT is a program to generate and display 3D objects. It is made up of
two sections: the OBJECT editor and the ACTION editor. The first is used
to create the database of your 3D object- each point's coords, and the
points used as verticies for each polygon. The second section defines
an action of 24 steps. At each step the position or orientation of the
object may be changed. When these steps or frames are replayed quickly
the object performs your action.
(On the "VideoTracker Utilities 1" disk.)
WB Fed
WorkBench Font Editor v0.9, Copyright 1991 Patrick F. Clark.
A ShareWare (Color)Font editor, remember to set your WorkBench to
16 colors.
(On the "VideoTracker Utilities 1" disk.)
Fractal Mania
Fractal Mania v0.37, Public Domain, by Zsolt Nagy.
Generates fractals with many options.
(On the "VideoTracker Utilities 1" disk.)
DEMMER (C) COPYRIGHT 1992 Bill McCarter All Rights Reserved, CRIPPLEWARE.
The purpose of this utility is to be able to take an IFF
graphic and transform it to a format readable by VISTAPRO. I
wanted to have a freeform method to produce landscapes and to
have an easy way to digitize topo maps rather than relying on
someone else to supply me with USGS data. VISTAPRO provides an
excellent engine for the development of realistic landscape
There are also a few extra features that I added to provide
some image processing to smooth out transitions.
(On the "VideoTracker Utilities 2" disk.)
Plasma_32 v1.G, by Roger Uzun.
This program generates very colorful Plasma Cloud Fractals in 32 colors.
(On the "VideoTracker Utilities 2" disk.)
Slicer v2.1, FreeWare, Copyright 1992 by Gary Teachout.
Slicer is a program for creating abstract art based on mathematical
functions, such as the Mandelbrot set, Julia sets, and related abstractions
(chaotic dynamical systems). Features include; fast fixed or floating point
arithmetic, many different functions (z²+c, z³-3a²z+b, sin(z) ...), many
computation options (level sets, binary decomposition, epsilon cross,
distance estimate), many coloring and rendering options, images may be
recolored without recomputing, batch mode, focus, multi pass, zoom in, zoom
out, pan, quick 2x zoom, and four dimensional navigation. The program is
named "Slicer" because the pictures it makes can be thought of as cross
sections or "slices" revealing the insides of solid (if imaginary) objects.
(On the "VideoTracker Utilities 2" disk.)
TreeGrow V1.0, © 1992 by PARADISE SOFT, FREEWARE, by Benjamin Stegemann.
TreeGrow is a program which generates quasifractal trees or plants. Since
only a couple interations are done, they are not really fractal. I found
the idea in "Spectrum der Wissenschaft", the german release of "Scientific
(On the "VideoTracker Utilities 2" disk.)
Scenery v1.0, Public Domain, by Brett Casebolt.
Creates nice landscape-pictures.
(On the "VideoTracker Utilities 2" disk.)
`Mostra' is (C) 1990,1991,1992 Sebastiano Vigna and it's $20 ShareWare.
`Mostra' 1.09, a shareware IFF utility featuring
real-time unpacking scroll, dozens of options, "smart" analysis of any
IFF file (FORMs, LISTs,... also nested ILBM!), total control over
display modes, simple slideshow processing, pattern matching,
multipalette, double buffering, fast decompression, color cycling,
TeXdocs, startup files for easy custom configurations and complete WB
(On the "VideoTracker Utilities 2" disk.)
Cinemorph V2.06, Copyright 1992 Nova Design, by Thomas Krehhiel
It calculates smooth changing between 2 brushes.
(I love this one, You can also morph with Deluxe Paint 4, but this
program has more possibilities.)
Deluxe Paint
Deluxe Paint V4.1, Copyright 1985-1992 Electronic Arts, by Daniel Silva,
Lee Taran & Steve Shaw.
A great drawing program that also handles animations.
(Is mostly sold with your Amiga, so a lot of people have it.)
PIXmate v1.0, Copyright 1986-1987 Progressive Peripherals & Software,
by Justin V. McCormick.
Nice program to process a picture or its palette.
Calligrapher, Copyright 1986 Inter/Active SoftWorks, by Edward Kilham.
A very good ColorFont editor, you can use the fonts in DeluxePaint and
VideoTracker created by: Peter van Campen
Routines created by: Peter van Campen & Roger Heykoop
Modules created by: Dick Jansen, Robert Verkort &
Peter van Campen
Some graphics created by: Peter van Campen, Roger Heykoop,
Maarten Kreuger & Peter van Burgh
Hints & Tips: Roger Heykoop, Jaap Bleumink &
Martijn Thieme
Testing: Roger Heykoop A500 + 030/882
Klaas Reimes A1200
Wim Rumping A2000 + 030/882
Patrick Vervoorn A4000
To contact Peter "RattleHead" van Campen:
Paper mail: Peter van Campen
Tuinstraat 17
1944 VTBeverwijk
The Netherlands
PostBank 5739358 P.J. van Campen Jr.
- I answer all letters/requests, but include money or a disk as
payment for stamps.
- Self-adressed envellopes can't be send out of The Netherlands
with a foreign stamp on it. I mail these enveloppes but I'm not
sure if they'll reach you.
- Foreign cheques are useless: the banks ask about 10 dollars to
cash them.
Dollars or disks are the best way to pay.
Digital mail:
Handle: "Peter van Campen" Networks: AMY (International!), NLA,
Bosnet & DAN. (Software areas.)
BBS "The Red Dwarf": +31(0)2510-39479/47830 24H 2400-14400 v32bis
File-Area: 50: "RattleSoft" Updates,Docs,Previews,Vidules etc.
Mail-Area: 9: "RattleHead Weet Raad" Questions,hints,bug-reports etc.
You can order my collection, preview and update-disk by sending 5 dollars
in CASH (to small amount for cheques) to the above address.
If you want it, I can sent you the disk when I have released a new program.
You can also order the following Public Domain disks at 5 dollars a disk
or download them from the support-BBS:
"VideoTracker Video Examples 1"
Contains 2 house-videos, a 512k and a 1024k chipmem-version,
that demonstrate the power of VideoTracker. 120bpm
"VideoTracker Video Examples 2"
Contains "Gabberuh!", a mega-big GabberHouse video which will need
2mb of ChipMem. It's 6 minutes long, and reaches 240bpm. :-)
This one is really cool !
The following Amiga's have 2mb ChipRam: A1200, A4000.
The following Amiga's are expandable to 2mb ChipRam: A600, A3000
"VideoTracker Scroll Examples"
Contains example-videos that use the scroll-routines.
"VideoTracker Object Examples"
Contains example-videos that use the object-routines.
"VideoTracker Vector Examples"
Contains example-videos that use the vector-routines and
the rest of the routines.
"VideoTracker Utilities 1"
Look at the "Demo Vidules Info" to see what's on this disk.
"VideoTracker Utilities 2"
Look at the "Demo Vidules Info" to see what's on this disk.
"VideoTracker Vector-Objects 1"
Contains a large collection of Imagine and Rot 3D vector-
objects which you can use in your videos.
"VideoTracker Developer Kit 1"
Contains the current routine-sources with comments so, when
you're a coder, you can make your own VideoTracker routine-files.
I'm collecting PD ColorFont disks, Imagine 3D objects,
and more usefull utilities.
I'll keep you informed in the VideoTracker news-file wich can
be downloaded from the above BBS and will be spread with the
above disks.
VideoTracker is programmed on:
A600HD 2M chip 0K fast PAL Kick V2.0
It has been regular tested on:
A600HD 512K chip 0K fast PAL Kick V1.3 Emulate
A600HD 512K chip 0K fast NTSC Emulate Kick V1.3 Emulate
A600HD 1M chip 0K fast NTSC Emulate Kick V2.0
A600HD 2M chip 0K fast NTSC Emulate Kick V2.0
A2000HD 030/882 1M chip 4K fast PAL Kick V2.0
A500HD 030/882 1M chip 4K fast PAL Kick V2.0
A1200HD 2M chip 0K fast PAL Kick V3.0
A1200HD 2M chip 2K fast PAL Kick V3.0
A4000HD 2M chip 4K fast PAL Kick V3.0
It should work on all configurations, GenLock and NTSC Amigas.
The current routines are written for 68000 Amigas, but they've been
tested on 68010 or higher.
When I have an Amiga 1200, I'll start to make special routines for
AGA, 68020 and 68882. (MBX 1200)