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428 lines
Robert Jenks
TurboTitle was created for the purpose of subtitling Japanese
Animation films and to create a standard Amiga subtitle format. Although
created to subtitle Japanese Animation this program is perfectly suited
for subtitling any foreign film. It is also very usefull for subtitling
for the hearing imparred. TurboTitle version 0.80 is released as a
shareware product and can be distributed as such in it's original
un-modified form.
The following files MUST acompany TurboTitle:
Root dir:
TurboTitle : The main program.
TurboTitle.DOC : This File.
Libs <directory>
req.library : requester library
ForProgrammmers <directory> : requester docs, etc...
All other files are optional, but suggested.
Please spread this program around as much as possible! The more people
that use it, the more scripts that will be publicly available.
The Shareware registration for this program is $15 and includes the
following services:
- If you send me a disk with a script(s) (timed or un-timed) that
you or a friend typed, I will send you the disk(s) back with the
latest version of TurboTitle and as many scripts as I can fit on
the disk. (as of 3/28/91 I have approx. 168 scripts)
- When my BBS goes on-line you will be granted Un-Limited script
download time. And will also be able to download the latest
version of TurboTitle and many other fine shareware products.
Please send you registration fee of $15 and your Name, Comapny,
Address, and Phone to:
Robert Jenks
1322 20th Court
Oceano, Ca 93445
You can reach me for technical support on:
BIX as 'rjenks'
The Blue Star BBS as 'Robert Jenks' (214) 234-1647
Animation Fido-Net Echo as 'Robert Jenks'
User Manual
The folowing is an abridged version of the final documentation that
will be released with version 1.0. This is written for users familiar
with basic Subtitling and CLI experience.
Steps to install TurboTitle on a Workbench disk:
1. Load up workbench 1.3 or higher.
2. Make a copy of your workbench 1.3 or 2.0 disk 1.
3. Modify the contents to resemble the following:
System (dir)
.info CLI
DiskCopy FastMemFirst
c (dir)
AddBuffers Assign
Avail Binddrivers
Break CD
Copy Delete
Dir DiskChange
Echo Ed
EndCLI Execute
Failat FF
Info Install
Join LoadWB
Makedir More
Mount NewShell
Path Prompt
Quit Relabel
Rename Resident
Run SetPatch
Prefs (dir)
.info Preferences
l (dir)
Aux-Handler Disk-Validator
Newcon-Handler Pipe-Handler
Port-Handler Ram-Handler
Shell-Seg Speak-Handler
devs (dir)
keymaps (dir)
printers (dir)
clipboards (dir)
MountList ramdrive.device
s (dir)
Shell-Startup Startup-Sequence
fonts (dir)
helvetica (dir)
.info 29.4C
libs (dir)
diskfont.library icon.library
info.library req.library
T (dir)
.info ColorText
ColorText.info Disk.info
Prefs.info Shell
Shell.info TurboTitle
TurboTitle.DOC TurboTitle.DOC.info
4. Use a standard text-editor such as ED, CED, etc... to add these
lines to your s:startup-sequence file:
assign TT: df0: ;The location of TurboTitle executable files.
assign TTS: ram: ;The location of script files.
assign SPELL: df0:spell ;Included for future versions.
5. Boot off this disk with your genlock connected to a VCR, LD and
a TV set (Not a monitor!) Then adjust your workbench preferences so that
the Worbench screen is centered on your screen (LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, and
BOTTOM!) Make sure you have a video signal going into your genlock before
doing this though and use a TV set not a Monitor so that you can be sure
that the screen will be fully visible on any standard TV set.
6. TurboTitle can be executed from either Workbench 1.3+ or from
CLI or Shell windows. From workbench double-click on the TurboTitle
icon or from CLI type 'run TT:TurboTitle'.
Steps for subtitling a film:
1. Type or convert an ascii text file to the TurboTitle ASCII format.
(described latter under the FILE/LOAD ASCII menu function). This can be
accomplished in any standard ascii text editor such as: Ed, CED, Memacs,
TxEd, etc... WordPerfect users must save the files as standard ascii
format, NOT WP format!
2. If you have ColorText run it now. Alternatly you may wish to run
it in your startup-sequence.
3. Run TurboTitle in Workbench 1.3 or higher. You can do this by
double-clicking on the Icon in workbench or by typing in a CLI or shell
window; 'run TT:TurboTitle'
4. Load the ASCII script with the FILE/LOAD ASCII menu option.
5. Then save the file with the FILE/SAVE menu option. Make sure you
change the name to .TTS though.
6. Use the PREFS/FONT/VIEW to load your prefered subtitling font.
(Helvetica 29 & 36 are supplied, but need ColorText to be used.)
7. Then use the SCRIPT/VIEW menu function to make sure all of the
pages are 1, 2, or 3 lines long. Not 4 lines! Make a note of all the
pages than need correcting. If the output is just 'ERROR' for any
page then the page was more than 4 lines long or a word on that page
would not fit on one line.
8. FILE/QUIT TurboTitle.
9. Then use your text-editor to edit the .TTS script file. Make
the needed changes to the script from step 7.
10. Repeat steps 6 thru 9 until the script is the way you want it.
11. Re-Load TurboTitle and load the script. Then use the SCRIPT/TIME
menu funtion to time the file. Remember: It is not critical to time it
perfectly, just try to be consistantly off. Then you can use the
SHIFT/TIME SHIFT/ALL function to adjust the script to your sync point.
I find that I usualy am off by about 2/10 of a second on my initial
timing run.
12. Then I ususaly will use the SCRIPT/PLAY function and record the
results to a temporary tape. Then manualy adjust the timing on any lines
that are off by wathing the temporary tape and editing the script at the
same time.
13. Repeat any of the steps above as necessary and be sure to save
your work as you go. It is also handy to save to a different file name
often so you can always revert back to an older version. (read the
description of the FILE/LOAD SCRIPT function for a description of file
standard script file naming)
Menu Functions:
Below is a brief summary of the menu functions. Please notify me
if you expirience any problem in using my program or any bugs in the
software. I would also be glad to hear any suggestions or coments about
the program. Remember: Support the developer and he will suport you!
Menu Comands:
FILE menu-------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD SCRIPT - This Option loads script files in in the following
format: (every line in the file must look like this)
H = Hours (range 0-9)
MM = Minutes (range 0-59)
SS = Seconds (range 0-59)
DD = Hundredth of a second (range 0-99)
NAME = Name of the Character who is speaking
(Cannot contain any spaces)
(if no name is used put a tilde(~) for the NAME)
(The name can not be longer that 10 characters)
QUOTE = What the character is saying
(cannot be longer than 200 characters)
The Puctuation must be exact. Any misused or misplaced
punctuation will cause an error. Be sure to use a .(period)
between the SS and the DD and one space or a tab character
between the NAME and the QUOTE.
The first time is used for the Starting time and the second
is for the ending. The NAME will not be printed when playing
the script, but will only be used for ease in timing.
The standard file name format for TurboTitle scripts is:
[side] is a letter representing the side of the media source
and is only used when the media being subtitled is a laser disk
or other source with more than one side. The first side should
be 'A' the second 'B' and so forth.
[-version] is a numeral representing the timing version of the
script. The untimed version should be '-0', and the final timing
should be the highest version number.
An example would be:
Venus Wars is the movie, the side is A, it is Un-Timed and the
script format is TTS (standard TurboTitle format).
Please use this naming convention for all of your scripts for
LOAD TJP SCRIPT - This option was included for compatability for
with another subtitling program I have, until now, been using.
It will convert all timing for you and should run with the
same or better acuracy.
Scripts loaded with this option are not guaranteed to run on
time due to inherent flaws in the TJP-Subtitling program.
(The TJP program was good, but it's main flaw was that it was
written in BASIC. BASIC was not able to keep up with the titles
on many of the films I subtitled with it and so they ran behind.
Sometimes just time-shifting them will correct the problem, but
not always.)
There is no standard file extension for this, but I would
suggest that you use .TJP
LOAD ASCII SCRIPT - This option is usefull when loading a script for
the first time. It is suggested that all scripts be typed in
the following format and read in with this option.
This is exactly like the TTS format except that there are no
start and end time fields. You can use either a space or a
tab character in between the fields. If there is no name use
a tilde '~' for the NAME field.
Files typed this way should be named in the folowing format:
[side] is a letter representing the side of the media source
and is only used when the media being subtitled is a laser disk
or other source with more than one side. The first side should
be 'A' the second 'B' and so forth.
An example would be:
The movie is Venus Wars, the side is A, and file type is ASCII.
SAVE SCRIPT - This option saves the current file as a .TTS file
that can be re-loaded with the LOAD SCRIPT option.
ABOUT - Display's the shareware notice for this program.
SCRIPT menu-----------------------------------------------------------
Special Note - it is always a good idea to save before using a
SCRIPT menu option. If the program is going to crash it will
do it here! Also, there will be a short pause after you
select one of these options. This is normal and sould not
take more that a few seconds.
VIEW - Displays the entire script so that you can scan for posible
errors and long pages. A page refers to one line in the text
file and a set of 1-4 lines on the view-screen. At any time
you can stop the display by pressing 'q'.
Use this function after every LOAD opion to be sure that the
file was loaded corectly and entirely. If there were any
errors the display will proably be garbled after completion
of this option. If so, quit without saving and manualy edit
the script with an editor (e.g. ED) and correct the problem.
A faster way to make sure the file was loaded properly is to
check the total pages on the status line and compare it to
the number of lines in the text file.
TIME - This option allows you to edit the start and end timeing on
all of the pages withing your script in real-time.
With a gen-loc attached to your computer, hook up your source
media to the input on the gen-loc and cue it to the begining.
Then hook the output to a monitor or TV to watch the titles.
Next select the TIME option. It will blank the screen and
a reqester will appear. Find a spot in the beging or before
the Movie starts and we will call that the Sync point. Re-cue
the movie to the begining and wait for the sync pont. At the
exact moment of the sync pont click on the SYNC gadget in the
requester. You should see a small line of text at the bottom of
your screen this is the NAME and QUOTE of the next page. When
the time comes for the first QUOTE to be on the screen press
the [RETURN] key. this will display the page and print the
NAME and QUOTE of the page after it on the bottom of the screen.
You can press:
'q' to quit
[RETURN] to display the next page
[SPACE BAR] to clear the current page
An important fact to remember is that this option saves the
time when you press the RETURN or SPACE BAR key, NOT when
the title appears. (Although there should not be much
of a difference between the two)
PLAY - Works exactly like the TIME function but does not display the
next page at the bottom of the screen and will not alow you to
modify the timing.
You can press 'q' to quit
PREFS menu------------------------------------------------------------
WORKBENCH - Toggle menu funtion that allows you to close workbench
to free up more memory. This MAY allow TurboTitle to run with
only 512k and very short scripts. Caution: I have noticed
that this sometimes has ill effects under WorkBench 1.3, but
always works perfectly in 2.0. If you have problems PLEASE
let me know.
INTERLACE - Toggle menu function that allows you to edit your script
in interlaced or non-interlaced mode. This option does not
effect the VIEW screen.
LINE SPACING - Allows you to adjust the space between the lines on
the view page.
TEXT MODE - Allows you to set the TEXT mode to either display the
font on the background color or set a specific background
color. Usefull if you don't have ColorText.
FONT - Selects the font you wish to subtitle in. Run ColorText for
multiple color fonts if using workbench 1.3 or lower.
PALETTE - Modifies the current palette for the VIEW or EDIT screen.
SAVE PREFS - saves your current prefrences.
SHIFT menu------------------------------------------------------------
TIME SHIFT - Shifts the start and end times by a specific value.
It is usualy best to time shift by 0:00:00.20 SpeedUp after the
first use of the TIME option.
RAMP TIME - Allows you to do a very complex time shift where the
beggining of the film needs to be delayed and the end needs to
be sped up or visa-versa. Usefull for converting scripts that
have been timed out on different machines. Not currently
available, probably next version :-).
AUTO SHUT-OFF - Computes the optimum time a title should be on for
and adjusts the End Time accordingly.