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119 lines
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* Video Titler V2.2 *
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--- Written By Paul Hickman ©Sep 1993 - E-Mail: ph@doc.ic.ac.uk ---
--- Using AMOS V1.36 ---
Distribution: This program may be freely distributed in any way, as long
as profit is made from it. Anyone wishing to distribute
this program for profit should contact me.
Installation (Floppy)
Extract the archive onto an installed formatted disk, then copy the
following files to the appropriate directories from your workbench disk:
C Directory: Assign
L Directory: Ram-Handler (KS1.x only)
Libs Directory: Diskfont.Library
Then copy any bitmaped fonts you wish to use with the program other than
the selection suppied to the fonts directory of the disk, or edit the
start-up sequence to assign FONTS: to another disk/device where you keep
your font collection.
Installation (Hard Disk)
Extract the archive onto a floppy disk, or temporary directory.
Create a directory to hold the program, copy the file VIDEO to it, and
make a subdirectory titles.Then create a script along the lines of:
Assign FONTS: dh0:fonts (If not already done)
Assign Titles: dh0:« Program's directory »
dh0:« Program's directory »/VIDEO
Copy the fonts supplied with the program to your FONTS: directory if you
wish to use them.
Running the program
Floppy disk: Boot the disk or type Video from a CLI/Shell window.
Hard disk: Execute the script created above.
The program will automatically detatch itself from the CLI, so there is no
need to use the AmigaDOS Run command. When run the program looks for it's
configuration file S:VideoTitler2_2.prefs. If this cannot be accessed, a
built in default configuration is used.
Using the program
Video titler V2.2 has full on-line hypertext help in place of a instruction
file. Load the program, then press the Help button in the centre of the
control panel with the left mouse key. Read the sections Using Help and
Introduction / Manual first.
Revision History
Version 2.2: 2nd Public release.
- Front end graphics redrawn.
- I/O Error detection added.
- On-Help facility re-written to use hypertext links.
- Centre button now re-centres text when you edit it
- automatically.
- You can now select any background colour.
- Font loading system changed. Now doesn't try to load every
font, doesn't hang from AMOS font command bugs, and allows
you to change font quickly without scrolling a font
- Configuration File now saved.
Version 2.1: Version for Imperial College TV & My Home Use only.
- Floating title system added.
- Mouse pointer bug fixed.
- Permanent title added.
- Text Style controls added
- Palette editor added.
Version 2.0: 1st Public release.
- Front end redesigned completely.
- Colour, Font & Position now set via graphical interface
instead of typing into numeric gadgets.
- Now uses multiple fonts instead of enlarging topaz 8 by
different scale factors.
- Scrolling is now smoother.
Version 1.0: First version - never released.