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AddressPrint V4.0 (c)
By Paul Lathwell
December 1993
Welcome to AddressPrint V4.0 the greatest address labelling utility ever!
This program is Shareware, and as such has some limitations enforced upon it.
Please read the 'ReadMe.1st' document for more details.
New Features & Alterations:
All features and options are now accessible from a single screen, making
AddressPrint even easier to use.
Previously it was necessary to load each individual address file prior to
printing. Version 4 allows you to create data-base (.ADP) style files
containing a number of address records. The addresses in these files may be
printed in three different ways:
1. As a single address.
2. All the addresses can be printed in one batch.
3. A list of up to 15 address records can be created.
It is also possible to print upto 10 copies of each address in one operation,
with exception of option 3 above.
The ability for creating, loading and saving single address files has also
been retained. It is not however possible to load the old .AB addresses
directly into AddressPrint V4.0, they must first be converted to the new .AP
format using the 'Convert' program supplied. Please note that .AP address
files must be saved manually unlike earlier versions. The .AB file format has
been replaced to enable AddressPrint to be compatible with 'OnForm' my
order/invoice printing program. Further details about 'OnForm' may be
obtained by writing to me at the address found at the end of this document.
Printer options have been revamped and are now listed under 'Preferences'.
An option for altering character spacing has now been included and offers a
choice of Pica, Elite, Proportional or Condensed. 'Label Pitch' replaces
'Label Spacing' which was found to contain a bug.
Top Control Panel:
Load .AP - LMB (Left-Mouse-Button) load a single address file. WARNING: If a
.ADP file is open, the current address will be over-written with the file
being loaded. Use RMB (Right-Mouse-button) to delete a .AP file from the
Open .ADP - LMB to load an AddressPrint data-base file. Data-base files
contain several address records, this is handy for printing several addresses
at one time. Use RMB to remove a .ADP file from the disk.
Print - LMB prints the currently displayed address by the number of copies
specified under Preferences and allows selected records to be printed. RMB
skips the current label on the printer. The skip feature ignores the 'No. Of
Copies' setting.
Print All - Only applies to .ADP files. LMB prints all the records in the
file using the 'No. Of Copies' setting. Clicking the RMB allows you to create
a list of records to be printed, a maximum of 15 records can be selected.
'No. Of Copies' is ignored when printing a list of records.
Save .AP - Saves the currently displayed address as a single address file.
Close .ADP - Closes the current data-base file. AddressPrint only allows one
.ADP file to be open at a time.
Create .ADP - Create a new data-base file.
Append - For adding more records to the end of a .ADP file. If selected with
the LMB new records must be typed in. RMB allows existing .AP files to be
added to a .ADP file.
Preferences settings apply to the printer. Altering preferences is achieved
by using the LMB to either cycle through the options or by selecting a
preference and entering a new value.
Quality - Sets the print quality to Draft or NLQ (Near-Letter-Quality).
Pitch - Sets character spacing: Pica, Elite, Proportional or Condensed.
Style - Upright or Italic characters.
Colour - Er... Text colour perhaps?
Left Margin - Sets the position of labels from the left margin in characters.
This value may require altering when using a different pitch.
Label Pitch - Sets the number of lines between the first line of each address
No. Of Copies - Allows several copies of an address to be printed in one
operation. Upto 10 copies may be printed in one go.
Load - Loads the preferences file from the disk. The preferences file is
automatically loaded when AddressPrint is run.
Save - Saves the current settings to the preferences file for future use.
This is not available in the Shareware version.
Addresses no longer need to be saved to disk as in previous versions of
AddressPrint, they can now by typed in directly and printed.
Entering a new address:
1. Click inside the address display with the RMB.
2. Type in the name then press <RETURN>. WARNING: Commas can NOT be used.
3. Repeat process 2 for the remaining lines. Don't forget to press <RETURN>.
If a mistake has been made select the incorrect line with the LMB, and enter
the correct details.
The file may now be printed and/or saved for future use.
WARNING: The above procedure is also used to amend .ADP files. If a .ADP file
is open and the address display is selected, any existing details of lines
selected will be lost. Please be careful!
Control Panel:
The Control Panel is used to view .ADP address records.
|<< - First record.
<< - Previous record.
# - Allows you to specify a record number. This was intended to be a search
feature on the first line of the address, but I couldn't get it to work!
>> - Next record.
>>| - Last record.
Key Board Short Cuts:
ESC - Quit AddressPrint & abort the select records feature.
HELP - Read this document.
Left-Arrow - Previous record.
Right-Arrow - Next record.
Shift + Left-Arrow - First record.
Shift + Right-Arrow - Last record.
Shift + Help - Specify a record number.
Right-Amiga + P - Print current address & print selected files.
Right-Amiga + Shift + P - Print all records.
Using The File Requester:
The requester consists of three areas: A window containing a list of existing
files, a section of control buttons, and two input lines for direct input.
The window of files allows you to select files to be loaded, saved or
deleted. If you double click the LMB on a file name, that file will be
loaded, saved or deleted, and you are returned to the program. Alternatively,
single click on a file and press RETURN. Please note that the .AP & .ADP
extensions are NOT required when typing filenames directly into the
OK - If selected it assumes you are satisfied with your selection and acts
accordingly. If no file has been entered the operation is cancelled and you
return to the program.
CANCEL - Cancels any selection and returns you to the program.
PARENT - Returns to the parent directory of the current directory. (If it
DEVICES - Displays a list of all available devices in the files window.
Devices are hardware devices such as disk drives or the RAM disk.
ASSIGNS - Lists currently available disks by their volume names.
SORT - When selected, all files & directories are sorted when read from the
SIZES - If selected files are listed with their size.
GET DIR - Updates the current directory. This is useful if you have changed
STORE - When selected, directories are stored in memory. When the requester
is next called it will display the last directory. When the store button is
not selected the disk is read every time the requester is called.
If you have any difficulties with AddressPrint or have any suggestions,
please write to:
Paul Lathwell
3 Sweetbriar Close
Hemel Hempstead
Herts HP1 3PA.
* * * BYE! * * *