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copyright by Jan Geissler
Hermann-Rombach-Str. 17
D-7120 Bietigheim-Bissingen
(West) Germany
FIDO: "Jan Geissler" @ 2:247/706.5
This program is SHAREWARE!
This is an evaluation version. If you like DiskPrint, please send me
the contribution of $20/$25 (see registration form). As all other program-
mers, I am also dependent upon the sale of my program, and as I still be-
lieve in the system of shareware or tryware. There has not been much feed-
back to my program yet, and so I am thinking about to sell future develop-
ments to commercial software companies because it's not worth working on
a program for about two years just to get some 60 bucks out of it (that's
all I got from non-german speaking countries yet).
The Amiga is a great computer and its FD scene is unique, so keep this
software system alive and support programmers to keep on developing share-
DiskPrint is shareware. This evaluation version was designed to be redis-
tributed only under the following restrictions:
· The whole package is complete and is contained in a separate drawer.
The package includes the following files:
FredFish_580-650.cc DiskPrint_NTSC.info MuchMore
Disk.info DiskPrint_PAL Registration
DiskPrint.doc DiskPrint_PAL.info Registration.info
DiskPrint.doc.info InstallLibrary reqtools.library
DiskPrint.hlp InstallLibrary.info Title
DiskPrint_NTSC Labels.info Title.info
Version Version.info XIcon
· None of the files listed is changed in any way without the written
permission of the author (Jan Geissler). The package may be archived
with a program like LHA, LHARC or ZOO as long as the all files of the
package remain unchanged (= can be extracted to their original state)
and no files are added to the archive.
· Download form BBSs is allowed as long as no download fee is charged.
· A fee may be charged to recover distribution costs. The fee for this
distribution must not be more than obtaining a public domain diskette
from Fred Fish.
I. Configuration
II. About DiskPrint
III. Getting started
IV. DiskPrint main window
V. The Directory Tool
VI. The defaults window
VII. Editing the data mem
VIII. Multiple printing / Print a range
IX. Keyboard functions
I . C O N F I G U R A T I O N
This program runs on all Amigas with AmigaDos 1.2/1.3/2.0.
"reqtools.library" is needed for DiskPrint to run.
"asl.library" (under OS2.0) is optional.
The "printer.device" is used so your printer driver should be set properly.
What you also need are labels to print on. Possible label formats are:
70x70 mm, 70x50 mm and 70x36mm (sorry, I don't know the size in inch...)
I I . A B O U T T H E P R O G R A M
DiskPrint is used for printing 3,5" and 5.25" disk labels. It was designed
mainly for the public domain area (for printing labels for FD-disks). The
main feature is that label data libraries are included (over 2500 labels
in the registered version) and can be loaded into memory so labels for
special FD-disks, e.g. Fishdisks, are available without use of the key
board and without waiting for AmigaDos until the disk directory is read
in. (though DiskPrint is able to read in disk directories).
The easiest way to figure out what advantages DiskPrint has is to run the
program and print out some Fish-labels...
I I I . G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
The Program can be started either from Workbench or from CLI.
Workbench: Use your mouse and click on the DiskPrint icon or
double-click (or shift-click) a label data file
CLI: "DiskPrint [-m]/[-i]/[-mi]/[-im]"
-m Allocates 80000 bytes as data mem for label data libraries.
(Memory requester won't appear)
-i Start DiskPrint "sleeping" (=iconify).
-im or -mi a combination of -m and -i
Version 3.5 detaches from the CLI.
The prefs entered in the "preferences" window of DiskPrint are being stored
in the s: directory of the disk (or harddisk) you booted from.
Note to users of V3.4.3 or earlier versions:
Because the format of this file has canged since earlier versions, you have
to reconfigure DiskPrint 3.5 first.
I V . T H E D I S K P R I N T W I N D O W
In the top of the DiskPrint window there are 21 names of FD-disk series. I
know most of them are german, but only two americans sent me the share for
diskprint so there seems to be no interest for my program non-german spea-
king countries. Three of these gadgets on the right are configurable.
If selected, the name of the gadget is copied into the "diskname" gadget.
The gadget containing a <B> specifies the width of the diskname on the
label (normal width (10 cpi) / double width (5 cpi))
Below this are two gadgets where you can skip forward/backward by one
label in data memory. (These functions are also available on the arrow keys
Between these there's a gadget with a number in it (described below). If
you hit this gadget a label with this number will be searched in data me-
Below you'll find the "disktype" gadget where general information about the
disk contents should be given, for example "backup disk", "public domain",
"amiga FD software". Three descriptions can be defined in the prefs window.
They are copied in the disktype gadget by selecting the @-Gadgetnext to the
disktype. (keyboard equivalent: cursor up)
Below the disktype gadget are seven string gadgets where detailed infor-
mation about the contents should be given (for example program names, copy-
right, ...).
All string gadgets can be cleared by selecting the "C" gadget. The disktype
gadget is filled with a default then.
Next to these string gadgets are fourteen small gadgets with which boldface
and color printing can be enabled/disabled. If selected, black gadgets
mean boldface and blue gadgets mean color on.
The disk number which can be increased/decreased with the proprtional gad-
get above is stored next to the diskname gadget. This number is appended to
the diskname by clicking on the number.
"+500" increased/decreases this number by 500.
By clicking on the number below the diskname gadget this number is searched
in a loaded label file.
Labels in the data memeory can be marked by changing the "-> D" gadget into
a big "D" and then write the label into the memory. (see below).
The Sleep/Iconify function closes the DiskPrint screen and opens a small
window on the workbench screen to minimize CPU and memory usage. Activate
this little window and then press the right button to wake up DiskPrint.
DiskPrint has some more functions:
- Clear data mem Clears the data mem. The labels (currently in
memory) will be lost!
- Load label data Load a label data file from disk into memory
(requester will open)
- Save label data Save a label data file on disk
(!!! disabled in demo version)
- Delete file Delete a label file (-> requester)
- >Label into mem Write the (in the window) actually displayed
label into mem at the position by using the
write mode shown in the mode gadget (described
- Print label Print the label on your printer. Uses the
printer.device. Your printer should be set
correctly with "preferences" !
- Mode: append/edit This is the mode used at "Write into mem":
* if in append mode: the label will be appen-
ded after the last label in memory
(the actual position in memory is ignored)
-> use this to append new labels to the end of
your data file
* if in edit mode: the label in the actual
position will be overwritten by the displayed
-> use this to edit old label data. But please
be careful...
- Fish Contents Loads in the contents file of a fishdisk and
copies them to the string gadgets.
Also loads in version numbers of the files if
given in the contents file.
The drive where the contents will be loaded from
can be specified with the small gadget next to
the FishContents gadget (0 means df0:, 1 means df1:
and so on, "C" means the drive specified in the
prefs window).
- Search by name Search for an ASCII text in data memory
* Search first: Start searching at the first
label in data memory
* Search next: Start searching at the actual
position in memory
- AutoIncrease Increase the disk no. by 1 if the "clear"
gadget is used
- AutoWrite Activates the above listed function "Write
into mem" automatically if the "return"-key is
pressed in the last contents gadget
(be careful: the write mode is relevant)
- Directory tool Load in a disk directory. See below!
- Preferences Edit defaults. See below!
- Edit data mem Edit labels in data mem or change marks; see
- Multiprint win Print one label multiple or
print a range of labels. See below.
V . T H E D I R E C T O R Y T O O L
Since release 2.7 of DiskPrint it is also possible to read in disk direc-
tories and use them to create disk labels. "Load rootdir" reads the root
directory of the drive specified in the gadget on the right. A maximum of
36 filenames is listed below the string gadgets. Click on these names to
copy them into the string gadgets. "Undo" removes the last copied name.
"Clear gadgets" clears the string gadgets. "OK" copies the label from this
window into the main window, "Cancel" doesn't. "df0:" changes the drive.
(Only df0, df1, df2, df3 possible - send me a message if other drives are
Subdirectorys are printed in another color (OS2.0-cols: white). Use left
mousebutton to transfer name into the contents fields, click with RIGHT
MOUSEBUTTON to change into the subdirectory.
"Root dir" changes into the root, "parent" into the parent dir.
The root directory of a disk is being buffered.
Since version 3.5, the directory tool has its own preferences where several
filters (filter ".dok",".doc",".txt",".info" files) and the sorting method
(alphabetically or file type) can be enabled. These preferences are also
stored in the DiskPrint preferences file if saved in the main prefrences
Since V3.5 ASCII text files can be shown with the directory tool if an
external text viewer (for example MuchMore by Fridtjof Siebert which is
included in the DiskPrint package) was entered in the main preferences
window. To view an ascii file click on "Textfile" and then on the textfile
to be shown.
V I . D I S K P R I N T P R E F E R E N C E S W I N D O W
I tried to make DiskPrint's usage as easy as possible so I created the file
"DiskPrint.def" which is stored in the S: directory of the SYS-disk (or
harddisk) you booted from.
Data to be edited:
Label size: It is possible to print on three different label sizes.
The sizes are 70x70 mm, 70x50 mm and 70x36 mm (with or
without headline)
Send additional CR: An additional linefeed is sent to ensure compatibility
to some "exotic" labels where the space between the
labels is non-standard (ca. 6 mm).
Filrequester: Filerequester to be used for loading/saving/deleting.
ReqTools is default. ASL only available under OS 2.0
and Req only avaible is the "req.library" is available
in LIBS:
Pathname: The pathname of a directory containing all label
data files (used by the filerequester)
ASCII Reader: Enter the path & name of your ascii text reader with
"%s" where the filename of the file to be shown
will be inserted instead of "%s".
For example "Dh0:c/Muchmore %s".
(Press the return key in this gadget and DiskPrint will
check and correct your entry!)
DiskTypes: ASCII text, will be copied in the DiskType-Gadget every
time the "C" (clear)-Gadget is activated.
3 possible contents.
Double height ON: Enter hexcode for double height here (see below)
OFF: Hexcode to turn double height off (see below)
Color #: Number of the color if color printing is enabled in
the main window.
Perforation skip OFF:
Hexcode to turn perforation skip of your printer off
(Or use it for your own purposes, e.g. another linefeed
or a color printing). see below.
This sequence (if turned on) is sent to the printer
before the first linefeed of a label is sent. (When
"Print label" is selected.)
Test label pos.: Prints out two lines to help you to center the label in
your printer.
Custom-Names 1-3: 3 self-definable names (out of 21 in the main window)
Default amount of datamem: Enter your preferred amount of mem.
(Memwin won't open if entered)
Iconifywin X- and Y-Pos: Position (upper left edge) where the iconify-
window will appear.
Letter Quality LQ on/off (printer)
Double height Print diskname normal (off) / double height (on)
(if hexcode is entered properly)
Headline: 1 blank Print one blank left of the headline (if "on")
(leaves some space to the edge of the label)
Headline: 15 cpi Print headline condensed (on) or normal width (off)
Perf. skip off Send hex-sequence (see above) to printer if "on"
App. # to diskno Copy "#"-char left of diskno. if arrow gadget (to copy
the diskno into the diskname field) is hit (and if
turned on)
Send n/60 + lf Send code entered in "Code for n/60"
Create Icons Create Icons if a label file is saved
Center printout If on, the printout is centered.
Text on backside Print information on 70x70 labels whether the disk
is write enabled or not.
The printer.device doesn't support some printer functions like double
height or perforation off (or special functions of YOUR printer). You can
enter hexcodes there to use these functions.
Please refer to your printer manual.
An example (here: Epson LQ 850)
In your manual: Double height
ON: Hex: 1b 77 01
OFF: Hex: 1b 77 00
so enter in the "ON:" field: 1b7701
(don't leave spaces, use only chars from 0 to 9 and a to f. Always enter
pairs of two digits, e.g. zero should be entered as "00")
If your input was wrong, the screen flashes and the field is cleared).
Hexcodes for Epson LQ-850:
Double height on: 1b7701
off: 1b7700
Perf.skip off: 1b4f
V I I . E D I T I N G D A T A M E M
In this window you can edit the contents of the data mem. The functions
always depend on the label shown in this window.
- Delete label: Delete the actual label.
- Insert blank: Insert a blank label at the actual position.
- Clone label: "double" the actual label (insert the actual label
at the actual position)
- Cancel: Exit this window
- Clear all: Clear all marks in label memory.
- Mark all: Set all marks (mark all labels) in label memory.
- reverse: invert all marks.
V I I I . M U L T I P L E P R I N T / P R I N T A R A N G E
Enter the number of labels to print and use the gadgets to adjust
the label you wish to print. Then press the "Print labels" gadgets.
Adjust the first and last label to print.
Pressing "Print labels" starts to print all labels from the first
to the last one.
All marked labels stored in the data memory are printed.
I X . K E Y B O A R D
When no string gadget is active, some gadget functions are also available
on the keyboard as equivalents to some gadgets.
ESC-key Leave DiskPrint (= Close-gadget)
F1 Preferences window
F10 Repeat last function
4 (num. kpd) Jump to first label in data memory
6 (num. kpd) Jump to last label
5 (num. kpd) Toggle mark
+ (num. kpd) Increase number by 1
- (num. kpd) Decrease number by 1
] (num. kpd) Increase number by 10
[ (num. kpd) Decrease number by 10
* (num. kpd) Increase/Decrease Number by 500
/ (num. kpd) Search number in data memory
TAB-key Sleep
DEL-key Clear input fields (= gadget "C")
Cursor-keys lt/rt One label back/one forward
Cursor-key up Change disktype
Enjoy! Jan Geissler, 21-May-92