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- DH0:DP3E/Version 17.10.91
- ==========================================================================
- V2.3.5b 05-01-91 -> Fish 441
- Some users discovered a minor bug in the printing routine
- which caused problems to some printers. Solved now.
- V2.4 07-01-91
- Typed in more than 1000 labels. Some minor changes.
- Help utility "DPTrans" for entering labels
- V2.5 19-01-91
- Three different label sizes possible (70x70 mm, 70x50 mm
- and 70x36 mm)
- V2.6.1 23-01-91
- "Fish Contents" / "Load Contents" rewritten
- (bug: didn't work with newer fishdisks)
- New icons
- V2.6.2 New: NLQ on/off
- V2.6.3 27-01-91
- Printing routine rewritten.
- Now including two modes to print on 70x50 mm labels
- V2.6.4 09-02-91
- NLQ on/off in Def-file
- V2.7.1 11-02-91
- New: "Directory tool", "Save defaults"
- V2.7.2 17-02-91
- "Directory tool" now loads in diskname
- New: "Defaults", "Bold on/off"
- V2.7.3 "Directory tool" now changes in subdirs, sorts filenames
- Using tool.library now.
- V2.7.4 Possibility to print title in double height/double width
- Condensed headline on/off
- V2.7.5 1 custom name possible
- V2.7.6 Securitycheck to leave program only if data has been
- changed
- V2.7.7 Option to test label position
- 3 custom DiskTypes definable
- V2.7.8 Labelsize 70x36 now with or without headline
- V2.8.1 Some keyboard-shortcuts possible
- Default window totally rewritten and extended
- 3 possible custom names
- New: "Perf.skip off", "Headline: 1 space", "App. #-char"
- FishContents-drive selectable
- V3.0 - V3.4.2: (no english version available)
- V3.4.3 (Oct-91) now fully compatible to OS2.0 (37.175) and OS1.2/1.3
- opens its own screen; status line,
- proportionalgadget for disk number (easy handling)
- shows free/used data mem
- uses req.library instead of tool.library (>requester)
- (optional asl.library under OS2.0)
- uses topaz/8 (no problem if bigger font than topaz/8
- is chosen as system font under OS2.0)
- 200kb data mem by default
- direct loading of data files (using right mousebutton)
- "iconify" now accessed by gadget
- new function: "delete file"
- >> a lot of bugfixes and some more enhancements <<
- ...
- Directory Tool: totally rewritten, "undo" now bug-free
- root dir is buffered, status line
- Preferences: print test label to test position
- n/60 or n/72" adjustment of spacing
- between labels
- Enter iconify window position
- Amount of data mem to be allocated
- now selected in this window
- ...
- V3.5 (April-92) CLI-detach
- Online help (uses "s:DiskPrint.hlp" - helpfile!)
- Double-clicking of label files possible
- Icon creation for saved label files optional
- Now uses Topaz/8 in every window
- All Requesters rewritten
- Now uses features of ReqTools.library
- No Enforcer-hits
- Fixed some bugs in low-memory condition
- New Option: Mark labels (print out all marked labels)
- Fixed a bug in search routine
- Fixed a bug in MultiPrint (caused 80000003 guru)
- Iconify-Window now has depth gadgets
- AutoWrite now supported in FishContents
- Changed and expanded Preferences file structure
- Added "search next" routine in search window
- Search window totally rewritten. Has not to be closed now.
- Prefs requester added to DirectoryTool.
- DirectoryTool now optionally filters filenames and sorts
- them alphabetically or by their filetype.
- Fixed a bug which sometimes caused errors in the puffer
- routine of DirectoryTool.
- Showing ASCII-Textfiles with the DirectoryTool added.
- Replaced "n/60 adjustment" with "Send additional CR".
- Added boldface and color feature for every line.
- Additional backside text for 70x70mm labels.
- Centering of text can be disabled.
- OS 2.0 version string in the code.
- English __PAL__ version now also available
- 3.51: Minor bug fixes
- Please use Fullview instead of MuchMore in the textview function)
- Fishcontents drive now selectable in the main window
- Cancelling "MultiPrint" and "Print a Range" now possible
- "AutoWrite" now also works with DirectoryTool