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- GraphPaper
- ----------
- This program and its source code are public domain. Do whatever you want
- with it.
- This program creates graph paper. You specify what spacings and such you
- want, and the program prints a sheet of graph paper onto on any preferences
- supported printer that is capable of printing graphics. System 2.0 or later
- is required.
- There are two grids; a major grid and a minor grid. You can set the size
- of the major grid, and the number of major grids per page. This can be done
- separately for the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) directions. You can set
- the thickness of the grid lines in pixels; typically you want the major grid
- thicker than the minor grid.
- The sliders make setting the grid sizes and such a little easier. The X and
- Y values can be set using the triangle shaped sliders. The square slider in
- the center sets both the X and Y values simultaneously. Remember that you
- can click above or below the sliders to make them move one step at a time. I
- do this a lot. The major grid-size slider moves in increments which cover
- both 1/8 and 1/10 inch steps. Of course, you can type anything you please
- into the numeric gadgets.
- The minor grid comes in 5 flavors. The little buttons below the MINOR GRID
- label show these. The first is no minor grid at all. The second is a
- simple linear grid. The third is logarithmic in the X direction and linear
- in the Y direction. The fourth is logarithmic in Y, linear in X. And, the
- fifth is logarithmic in both X and Y. The number of minor grids per major
- grids can be set in both the X and Y directions; these work both in linear
- and logarithmic modes.
- The PRINT button attempts to check and print the graph. It may fail if you
- specified an overall size that is too big. You can use the CHECK button to
- see if your graph fits without attempting to print.
- The Load/Save menu commands are for keeping the settings in a file. Use it
- if you print a particular graph a lot.
- If the file "s:GraphPaperDefaults" exists, it is read upon startup. You may
- save some settings you like there, especially if your printer dpi is not 300,
- or you prefer different axes thicknesses.
- Notes:
- Messages are displayed in the window title.
- The X direction is the long direction of the paper; the Y is the short
- direction.
- Enough chip memory is allocated to hold the bitmap of the entire graph.
- This is typically 1MB or so for a full page 300x300 dpi graph. I could
- probably do something fancier, but 1 MB isn't all that much any more.
- The size reported by the CHECK button includes the thickness of the grid,
- so a 1 inch 10x8 cycle graph will require slightly more than 10x8
- inches---probably more like 10.013x8.013 depending on the printer resolution
- and grid thickness. This is necessary to get the spacing correct while
- making the grid thickness at the outside edges the same as the thickness
- everywhere else. Please note that not all printers are capable of printing
- out to the edges. My HP LaserJetIIP seems to want a 1/2 inch margin on
- all four sides. The program will tell you if you try to print something
- that is too big for your printer.
- Doing a large graphics dump can take five minutes or more. If I'm doing
- something wrong here, please let me know. Practice with small graphs
- while experimenting.
- If anyone can tell me how to figure out automatically the printer DPI from
- preferences or somewhere please tell me. The user shouldn't have to
- specify this; the Amiga knows somewhere.
- I'm not planning on adding labels to the axes any time soon. There are too
- many variations on how people would want this to look. I also don't plan
- to support data plotting; there are many graphing programs out there already.
- The pw.h and main.c files are from PowerWindows v 2.5 by Inovatronics, and
- I used the Aztec C compiler. Images were created with DPaintIV.
- Author: Bill Ames
- 1447 Richardson Ave
- Los Altos, CA 94024-6139
- Internet Address: You can send internet email to me via my wife:
- knibbe@cisco.com Please put my name in the Subject
- line so she'll know that it's for me.