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- /* *************************************************** */
- /* printfiles Arexx Macro */
- /* © 1992 by K. Klingbeil */
- /* inserts files into the print list using AmigaDos */
- /* pattern matching facilities */
- /* USAGE: rx prf -f<Arexx-Script> <insert> -r<remove> */
- /* Example : rx prf -ftest.rexx #?test#? -rtest.h */
- /* this examples inserts all files which contain */
- /* the pattern 'test' info the print list, removes */
- /* the file test.h and executes the Arexx-script */
- /* test.rexx */
- /* NOTE: Scripts that are generated from PrintFiles */
- /* itself (Save button in the prefs window) contain */
- /* a 'reset' command at the first line. You should */
- /* call the prf macro with such a script as the first */
- /* argument. */
- /* *************************************************** */
- options results
- options results
- if ~show(ports,'PRINTFILES')then do
- address command 'printfiles'
- end
- if ~(show(ports,'PRINTFILES')) then return 5
- parse arg CmdLine
- p = words(CmdLine)
- do i = 1 to p
- pattern = word(CmdLine,i)
- if left(pattern,2) == '-r' then removefile(substr(pattern,3))
- else
- if left(pattern,2) == '-f' then rxfile(substr(pattern,3))
- else insertfile(pattern)
- end
- exit
- rxfile: procedure
- parse arg template
- cmd = 'rx ' template
- address command cmd
- return 1
- removefile: procedure
- parse arg template
- cmd = 'list >pipe:prf' template 'quick'
- address command cmd
- open('p','pipe:prf','r')
- do while ~eof('p')
- file = readln('p')
- a = subword(file,1,1)
- b = subword(file,2,1)
- if a ~== '' & b == '' then address printfiles remfile a
- end
- close('p')
- return 1
- insertfile: procedure
- parse arg template
- cmd = 'list >pipe:prf' template 'quick'
- address command cmd
- open('p','pipe:prf','r')
- do while ~eof('p')
- file = readln('p')
- a = subword(file,1,1)
- b = subword(file,2,1)
- if a ~== '' & b == '' then address printfiles insfile a
- end
- close('p')
- return 1