"This procedure will install an icon for the Preferences Editor. Note that to use BootScreen, you *MUST* have an icon for the Preferences editor.\n\n\n"
"Explanation of choices:\n\n"
"MagicWB -- This is an eight-color icon system devised by Martin Huttenloher. If you use Workbench 3.0, install the 8-bitplane icon; if you use Workbench 2.x, install the 3-bitplane icon. The icons are identical except the 8-bitplane version is larger and slower, but is required in a default Workbench 3.0 setup. Note that if you use ProcurePens to map your MagicWB colors permanently onto positions 3-7, you should use the 3-bitplane icon.\n\n"
"Standard OS2.x+ four-color -- This option will install an icon similar to the ones originally provided with your system software."
(" package and will take less than five minutes to complete.\n\nThe recommended user level is \"Intermediate\" -- \"Expert\" can let you perform an incomplete installation.\n\n")
(if (= @user-level 0) (abort ("An already installed copy of BootScreen has been found. Please use the \"Update\" utility first.") ) )
("WARNING: An already installed copy of BootScreen has been found on your system disk.\n\n")
("This installation utility is designed for a new installation. To remove your old version of BootScreen, please run the \"Update\" utility first.\n\n")
("Select \"Abort Install\" to exit.")
(prompt "Installing iff.library")
(help (cat
"Christian A. Weber's iff.library is necessary to run BootScreen. The small file will be copied to your LIBS: directory.\n\n"
(source "libs/iff.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(prompt "Installing BootScreen Program")
(help (cat
"This procedure will install the main BootScreen program in your C: directory.\n\n"
(source "bin/c/BootScreen")
(dest "C:")
(prompt "Installing BootScreen Close Daemon")
"This procedure will install the BootScreen close daemon in your C: directory. The close daemon is required to shut down the screen and must be invoked only from within BootScreen (you do not need to worry about it, just make sure it's in C:)\n\n"
("I've provided several sample pictures (only one in the unregistered package). Please select which ones you would like to have available on your hard disk.")
(source "SampleScreens")
(dest "SYS:Prefs/Presets")
(pattern "#?")
(prompt "Installing Preferences Editor")
(help (cat
"This procedure will install the BootScreen Preferences editor in SYS:Prefs, where all the other Preferences editors are also kept. The Editor's icon stores the BootScreen configuration, so you must not rename or delete it.\n\n"
(source "bin/Prefs/BootScreen")
(dest "SYS:Prefs")
(if (= @user-level 0)
(set #icon "Icons/PrefsSTD.info")
(set #choice
(prompt "Please select which icon system you use:")
(help #IconHelp)
("MagicWB (OS3.0 and up - 8-bitplane icon)")
("MagicWB (OS2.x - 3-bitplane icon) ")
("Standard OS2.x+ four-color")
(if (= #choice 0)
(set #icon "Icons/PrefsMWB8.info")
(if (= #choice 1)
(set #icon "Icons/PrefsMWB3.info")
(if (= #choice 2)
(set #icon "Icons/PrefsSTD.info")
(prompt "Copying Preferences Editor icon..")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source #icon)
(dest "SYS:Prefs")
(newname "BootScreen.info")
; now modify s:startup-sequence
(prompt "\n\nSelect \"Proceed\" to finish the installation by adding the BootScreen command to s:startup-sequence.")
(help #AddCommandHelp)
(default 1)
(choices "Proceed" "Cancel")
(run ("bin/c/AddCommand"))
(prompt "\n\nAre you sure you want to cancel this? If so, you will need to manually edit your startup-sequence as specified in the documentation." )
(help #AddCommandHelp)
(choices "No, do it for me" "Yes, I'll do it myself")
(run ("bin/c/AddCommand"))
; that's it!
(set @default-dest "SYS:")
"All done! To begin using BootScreen, all you need to do is run the \"BootScreen\" Preferences editor in your SYS:Prefs drawer.\n\n"
"Please remember that BootScreen is ShareWare and you are required by law to pay the requested fee of $5. You may try BootScreen for up to one month without doing so, but if you find it useful you should register it. More details are provided in the \"About...\" requester in the Preferences program. Thank you!"
; "Thank you for registering BootScreen! Your name and address are encoded into the executables, so please do not distribute them to ANYONE. Legal action will be taken if you are caught. You are granted a license for use of BootScreen on one computer at any given time."