(" package and will take less than five minutes to complete.\n\nThe recommended user level is \"Intermediate\" -- \"Expert\" can let you perform an incomplete removal.\n\n")
(if (NOT (exists "C:BootScreen") )
(if (= @user-level 0) (abort ("I couldn't find an installed copy of BootScreen. This utility is meant to UN-install BootScreen. Please use the \"Install\" utility to perform the installation, then come back to this one if you want to remove BootScreen from your hard disk.") ) )
("WARNING: Couldn't find C:BootScreen.\n\n")
("This utility is for UN-installing the BootScreen package. If you would like to remove an incomplete installation, select \"Proceed\"; otherwise, please use the \"Install\" utility to perform the installation first, then come back to this one if you want to remove BootScreen from your hard disk.\n\n")
("Select \"Abort Install\" to exit.")
(if (> @user-level 0)
(NOT (askbool
(prompt "LAST CHANCE: Are you SURE you want to remove BootScreen 2.2?")
(help "This procedure will completely remove all files installed by the \"Install\" utility, with the exception of iff.library (but Expert users have the option of doing so). Iff.library is used by many programs, and it is likely that some other program might require it.")
(delete "C:BootScreen"
(prompt "Delete BootScreen Program")
(help "This procedure will remove the main BootScreen program from C:")
(delete "C:BootScreenClose"
(prompt "Delete BootScreen Close Daemon")
(help "This procedure will remove the BootScreen close daemon from C:")
(delete "SYS:Prefs/BootScreen"
(prompt "Delete Preferences Editor")
(help "This procedure will remove the BootScreen preferences editor from SYS:Prefs")
(delete "SYS:Prefs/BootScreen.info"
(prompt "Delete Preferences Editor Icon")
(help "This procedure will remove the BootScreen preferences editor from SYS:Prefs")
(prompt "Remove sample picture file(s)?")
(help "This procedure will remove all picture files that are included in this release from SYS:Prefs/Presets")
(default 1)
(foreach "SampleScreens" "#?"
(set #picspec "SYS:Prefs/Presets")
(set #picspec (tackon #picspec @each-name) )
(delete #picspec
(prompt #picspec)
(help "Removing picture files..")
"About to remove startup-sequence modification. A call to BootScreen was placed in your startup-sequence as part of the installation procedure."
(run "bin/c/RemoveCommand")
(if (= @user-level 2)
(prompt "Remove iff.library? (not recommended)")
(help "Removing iff.library is not recommended because other programs might require it.")
(delete "LIBS:iff.library"
(prompt "Removing iff.library.")
(help "Removing iff.library.")
"All done!\n\nBootScreen 2.2 has been removed from your hard disk. Thank you for giving it a try!"