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- =========
- Changes from 5.38 to 5.39 (public release)
- -------------------------
- - New builtin variable "_timeout" (in microseconds) sets maximum response
- time for terminal to answer WINDOW STATUS REQUEST (for window bounds).
- Defaults to 1 (for local usage), must be set to higher value for remote
- connections. Only used, if window pointer is not available.
- - Removed command line length limitation (140 chars) for ARexx scripts that
- ends with ".rexx" but are started without the trailing ".rexx".
- - Removed command line length limitation (518 chars) for ARexx scripts and
- external shells (#! in first line), this was a limitation in AmigaOS'
- System() function. DOS scripts still have this limitation, because you
- cannot RunCommand() "execute".
- - Not only "*" and "?" but also "[" and "]" recognized as AmigaDOS pattern.
- (that means, to use "[" and "]" you must quote (") or escape (\) them!)
- - ... and much more workarounds for serious bugs in DateToStr() and Locale
- - Fixed bug: making an assign to an executable and calling the executable
- by its assign crashed machine.
- - Fixed bug: builtin command "cp" sometimes used already freed memory for
- generating error messages (resulted in some strange error messages)
- - New flag for for command abbreviation ($_abbrev):
- 8, search DOS path-list if command wasn't found in Cshell's internal
- program hash list (see "rehash" command)
- Changes from 5.37 to 5.38 (internal beta release)
- -------------------------
- - CTRL-D now shows matching files if current word is not a directory.
- (if directory then shows contents of directory -- as usual)
- In its current implementation this may have unexpected side effects
- if current word is already a pattern.
- - Class definition for AmigaE in class.sh
- [thanks to Joseph E. Van_Riper III]
- - Now internal timer (eg, %e in the titlebar) not set to zero when a null
- command is encountered. (same for return code, %x in titlebar)
- - The idea of always using the variable "_dirformat" for "dir" wasn't a
- good idea. So, "_dirformat" is only used if option -z is given (when
- "_dirformat" is unset then use first argument as format string).
- - New control-code for line-editing: "^V" (ctrl-v) quotes next char.
- - New builtin variable "_kick" holds version number of Operating System.
- - Builtin command "assign" now prints volume name if assign points to
- an unmounted volume (eg, a removed floppy disk) and doesn't pop up
- a requester "Please replace volume ..."
- - It was a stupid idea to force redirecting of all Cshell-related
- system requesters to CSH's screen, because requester windows inherit
- the window title of their "initiator". They appear now again on your
- default public screen.
- - Fixed serious bug (crashed machine) with redirection and launching
- programs into background. (files closed twice)
- Known bug: it's still not possible to run pipes into background...
- - When running programs into background (run, rback, &), internal commands
- and aliases are recognized and executed with "csh -c". Aliases WON'T be
- resolved on this level so they must be declared in .cshrc to run them
- into background.
- - Execution of Rexx-Scripts (without trailing ".rexx") and any other program
- with "#! my_prog" or ";! my_prog" in first line of script now possible
- also from DOS search path and not only $_path.
- - New builtin variable "_mappath" (see manual), enables pathname-mapping for
- commands if script starts with "#!" or ";!" in first line. Converts Unix
- pathes like "/usr/..." to "usr:...".
- - New option "-w" for Cshell, don't use window pointer (useful for KingCON).
- - New option "-V" for Cshell, send only VT100 compatible control sequences
- - Internal variable "o_vt100" now used (if option -t or -V is set),
- don't send control sequences that are not VT100 compatible (eg,
- special Amiga control sequences).
- Changes from 5.36 to 5.37 (public release)
- -------------------------
- - Builtin command "mkdir" now strips off trailing slash (if any).
- - Builtin command "chmod" now supports "a" for all bits (ugo),
- and if no ownership-bit is specified "chmod" really modifies
- only the user-bits (as stated in the doc) and not all bits.
- - Builtin commands "chown/chgrp" now also run under AmigaOS 2.0+
- (direct DOS packets), not only under AmigaOS 3.0+ (SetOwner).
- [thanks to Carsten Heyl]
- - No requester "please insert volume ..." when you press return
- and your current directory is on an "unmounted" volume
- (eg, a removed floppy disk).
- - Builtin command "dir" now uses contents of variable "_dirformat"
- (if set) automatically as default output format (option -z not
- neccessary for _dirformat anymore). Option -z (followed by an
- argument with format string) can now be used again for another
- custom format for current call as in Cshell 5.19 and before.
- [thanks to Laurent Faillie for his letter]
- - Builtin command "protect" was broken in beta-version 5.36.
- - Source code now "indent" clean.
- (some warnings on first run, but no errors)
- - New option "-c" for builtin command "qsort": be case-sensitive.
- Changes from 5.35 to 5.36 (internal beta release)
- -------------------------
- - Now output in "path -r" only if at least 1 memory block could not be
- freed.
- - Fixed layout bug in "rm -r <wildcard>" if one or more items could not
- be removed.
- - Fixed serious bug in "rehash", access to already freed memory under
- certain circumstances. (always think twice before using "char ***" ;-)
- - Manual entry for builtin command "relabel".
- - Error checking code for all NameFromLock() calls.
- - Now 100% Commodore-compatible version string.
- - Now @rnd( ) accepts optional seed parameter.
- - Fixed bogus output for NULL pointers in pattern-matching-routine.
- - Fixed bug in "rehash", recognition of executables was broken.
- - Now multiple drive names are allowed for "diskchange".
- - Now @age() returns null-string if file was not found (instead of 99999).
- [thanks to Gary Duncan]
- - New function @age_mins() returns age of file in minutes.
- [thanks to Gary Duncan]
- - Now requesters appear on same screen as CSH's window.
- - Variable "_abbrev" now handled somewhat different: it enables/disables
- the different modes of command-abbreviation. See manual for details!
- - Output of "dir -k" and "dir -i" (show classes) looks much nicer now.
- - Added class "gzip" to csh:class.sh.
- - Added support for MultiUser. %U in prompt/titlebar shows current user
- of CSH. Out-comment "#define MULTIUSER_SUPPORT 1" in shell.h to compile
- without MultiUser stuff.
- [thanks to Magnus Lilja]
- - New builtin commands "chown" and "chgrp".
- - Builtin command "chmod" now supports User/Group/Other bits.
- - New placeholders for custom output format (option "-z"),
- "%F" shows group/other bits, %U shows user-id, %G shows group-id.
- Changes from 5.34 to 5.35 (public release)
- -------------------------
- - Now CSH executes "s:.logout" on exit.
- New option "-L" (noLogout) disables sourcing of "s:.logout".
- - Fixed option "-n" in builtin command "dir", never worked before.
- - Some minor layout changes in builtin command "help".
- - Builtin command "window -q" (query) shows public screen names.
- - New/Changed options for builtin command "strings".
- (not compatible with previous versions!)
- - More sophisticated memory-cleanup for builtin command "path -r" (reset).
- - New option "-M" for CSH, don't clear menus (especially for KingCON).
- - Support for soft-links in builtin command "dir".
- [thanks to Carsten Heyl]
- Changes from 5.33 to 5.34 (internal beta release)
- -------------------------
- - New section SCROLLING in the manual (at the end). Read it !
- - New variable "_prghash" holds filename where program hash list
- is loaded from and saved to.
- - Now CSH also finds programs in resident list if they start with "C:"
- (even if there is no corresponding program in C: directory).
- This is for compatibility reasons (Commodore Shell).
- - In previous versions CSH aborted the commandline if one pattern
- did not match. Now CSH only aborts if all patterns does not
- match.
- - Totally new meaning of variable "_nomatch". It's now unset by
- default and if you set it then CSH will _not_ abort if all
- patterns does not match.
- - Added option "-m" to CSH, sets "_nomatch" variable.
- (for compatibility reasons)
- - Fixed bug in date command (s/r options).
- [Gary Duncan]
- - New option -a for "copy" command, don't clear archive bit.
- [Gary Duncan]
- - Rewritten code for "window -q", no longer crashes system.
- - New option "-w" for builtin command "window".
- (ignore window width for option -q, so that very long window/screen
- titles are printed completely)
- - Input/output redirection with "<>", the file must be either
- "NIL:" or an interactive file.
- - New variable "_cquote" enables Commodore-style handling of
- quotation marks (eg, for use with ReadArgs);
- variable is unset by default (UNIX-style handling of quotes).
- - Increased some (very small) buffers in "ls" code (could crash
- machine), line limit is now around 1000 chars per line. Had
- to increase internal stack size to 17500.
- Changes from 5.32 to 5.33 (internal beta release)
- -------------------------
- - New builtin command "rehash", buffers programs in DOS search path
- and offers program name completion (ESC-p, ESC-P). Two new "completion
- functions" for keymaps:
- 36, CompPrg1 Insert first matching program (or cycle)
- 37, CompPrgAll Shows all matching programs
- - Fixed input-stream problem for DOS scripts.
- - Kludge for running DOS scripts from devices with spaces in their name.
- - Fixed Enforcer hit in "set" command (eg, "set a ="),
- just curious: this Enforcer hit was misinterpreted by an user to be
- a bug in "_every" variable and accidently I found another bug there
- which caused CSH to ignore "_every" if the previous shell command was
- aborted (^C)
- - Fixed Enforcer hit: "unset _path"
- - Builtin command "date" can now read battery-backed up clock directly
- [thanks to Gary Duncan]
- Changes from 5.31 to 5.32 (internal beta release)
- -------------------------
- - Removed "No match" output if "dir" was used on empty directories.
- This was a feature, not a bug. But misunderstood by most users.
- - New "edit function" for keymaps: 29, insert last word of previous line
- (e.g. "keymap 0 12=29" assigns that function to CTRL+L)
- - Option "-q" of builtin command "rm/delete" didn't work in previous
- versions. Now aborts as documented.
- This does _not_ affect non-matching wildcards, use "_nomatch" instead.
- - Checking of requested stack size (builtin command "stack").
- - Builtin command "mem" now calls AllocMem(0x7fffffff,0) ten times
- to flush unneeded memory. (similar to "avail flush")
- - fixed possible rounding bug in "itok()", caused display of wrong size
- for harddisk partitions around 1 GB etc.
- Changes from 5.19 to 5.31 (The Essential)
- -------------------------
- - ARP free
- - OS 2.0+ only
- - slightly changed pattern matching (pattern.library, dos.library)
- - better support for DOS' command search path and resident list
- - supports "PROGDIR:"
- - supports AmigaOS-scripts
- - Unix-like automagic execution of ".login" and ".cshrc"
- - more builtin commands support ^C (ctrl-c)
- - more reliable support of WILDSTAR-Flag
- - enhanced commands (new options, bug fixes, changed behaviour):
- dir
- path
- info
- rename
- delete
- assign
- touch
- ps
- mkdir
- addbuffers
- cd
- stack
- help
- strings
- menu
- resident
- head
- tail
- set
- - new commands
- ln/makelink
- chmod
- - new (or modified) functions
- @stricmp
- @filedate
- @filenote
- @hextodec
- @confirm
- @ask
- - new variables
- _clipri
- _dirformat
- _nomatch
- - new prompt variable(s)
- - new "edit function" for keymaps
- - detects if current directory was changed by other programs
- - uses ASL file-requester
- - arguments in scripts passed via $0, $1, $2 etc., number of
- arguments in $#
- - enhanced quoting mechanism for filename completion
- - lots of internal changes
- - lots of other bug fixes
- - and lots of changes and new features I forgot to write down ;-)