MultiRequestChoice "Information" " So so??? " "Hmmm..."
If $Result EQ 0
MultiRequestChoice "Information" "What??? Try to program it yourself!!!" "Once again!"
If $Result EQ 0
Skip Back Tedious
MultiRequestChoice "Multi-Line-Requester I" "Look, there are some\n»\\n«\ncharacters in the\nbodytext." "Looks nice"
MultiRequestChoice "Multi-Line-Requester II" "But here is the bodytext centred.\nThis is possible via the\n\n»CENTRETEXT« option.\n\nNow it's nice!" "Amazing" CENTRETEXT
MultiRequestChoice "Information" "Now we will practice a bit on-screen jumping!" "Go on!"
MultiRequestChoice "Information" "This is the SCREENTOPLEFT position!" "Ordinary" SCREENTOPLEFT
MultiRequestChoice "Information" "This is the SCREENCENTRE position!" "Clever" SCREENCENTRE
MultiRequestChoice "Information" "This is the MOUSECENTRE position!" "Well-known" MOUSECENTRE
MultiRequestChoice "Information" "It's a bit difficult to offer you the PUBSCREEN option\nbecause I don't know if you have a PublicScreen open.\nSo I suggest you: Try it yourself.\nWe want to continue with the keyboard response option." "I agree with you." CENTRETEXT
MultiRequestChoice "Information" "See the two response gadgets and\ntry to answer with the keyboard." " _Ok |_Cancel" CENTRETEXT