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- *********************************************************************
- * PrintFiles *
- * Version 1.4e *
- * *
- * Copyright © 1992 by K.Klingbeil *
- * All rights reserved *
- *********************************************************************
- *********************************************************************
- The author cannot be held liable for the suitability or accuracy
- of this manual and/or the program(s) it describes. Any damage
- directly or indirectly caused by the use or misuse of this manual
- and/or the program it describes is the sole responsibility of the
- user her/him self.
- *********************************************************************
- ***********************************************************************
- If you carelessly change the default settings of the printer spooler
- directory, programs and data may be deleted !!!
- Read chapter 6 before using the printer spooler directory !!!
- ***********************************************************************
- *********************************************************************
- PrintFiles, © Copyright 1992,1993 K.Klingbeil. All rights reserved. This
- Program is FREEWARE so no financial donations are required ( but welcome ).
- This program may be freely distributed as long as all source code,
- documentation and executable remain unchanged and are included with the
- distribution.
- *********************************************************************
- * Contents of this manual *
- *********************************************************************
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Installation
- 2.1 Requirements
- 2.2 Installation
- 3. Quickstart
- 4. How to use PrintFiles
- 4.1. The printer icon
- 4.2. The control window
- 4.2.1 open the control window
- 4.2.2 close the control window
- 4.2.3 the settings of the control window
- 4.3. The prefs window
- 4.3.1 open the prefs window
- 4.3.2 close the prefs window
- 4.3.3 the settings of the prefs window
- 4.4. The filehandler window
- 4.4.1 open the filehandler window
- 4.4.2 close the filehandler window
- 4.4.3 the settings of the filehandler window
- 4.5. the replace window
- 4.5.1 open the replace window
- 4.5.2 close the replace window
- 4.5.3 the settings of the replace window
- 5. The Arexx-Port
- 5.1. Command summary of the Arexx-Port
- 6. The Spooler directory
- 6.1 Usage
- 7. Starting Printfiles
- 7.1. Usage from CLI/Shell
- 7.2. Usage from Workbench
- 8. Notes
- *********************************************************************
- * 1. Introduction *
- *********************************************************************
- PrintFiles is designed to replace the Printfiles-command distributed
- with your Workbench disk. Unlike the original printfiles it is more
- user-friendly and offers you much more possibilities , e.g. Headlines,
- date,time...
- The features are:
- - Printer Icon on the Workbench.
- To print a File simply drag its icon onto the printer icon.
- - A print list of unlimited size.
- - Files are also inserted into the print list by dragging their
- icons into the control window.
- - every file in the list may have its own printer settings
- - You can print headlines, baselines, date, time, filename,
- page numbers and line numbers.
- - You can set your printer to draft/lq quality.
- - Arexx-Port gives you full control over Printfiles.
- - Saves its preferences as Arexx-Scripts #
- - Saves Icons for Arexx-Scripts which are prepared to be
- executed by double-clickicng them.
- - Prints Icon Images
- - Passes filenames to external programs for other purposes than
- printing
- - Output can be directed to the printer or into a file
- Try it !
- *********************************************************************
- * 2. Installation *
- *********************************************************************
- 2.1 Requirements
- Printfiles runs only under OS 2.04 with system libraries V37+.
- Printfiles uses only about 70K memory so that it will run even on
- 512K Amigas. Harddisk and/or additional memory are not required, but
- (always) useful.
- 2.2 Installation
- Printfiles needs no complex installation procedures. Just copy the
- program into your c: or WBStartup directory.
- If you want to use the Arexx-Port of Printfiles, be sure that the
- RexxMaster Process is running before you attempt to run Printfiles.
- Printfiles will not work if the Workbench is closed, so be sure that
- you start PrintFiles after the LoadWB command.
- NOTE: PrintFiles cannot be started twice !
- To start Printfiles automatically at Startup you can:
- a. add the line 'PrintFiles' to the File s:user-startup
- b. copy Printfiles into the WBStartup Drawer.
- In this case you may add the ToolType DONOTWAIT to the
- PrintFiles icon.
- c. copy a Printfiles-generated Arexx-Script (with Icon !) into
- the WBStartup drawer. This is the easiest way to bring up
- the program with your desired settings.
- *********************************************************************
- * 3. Quickstart *
- *********************************************************************
- This chapter gives you an example how to use Printfiles.
- Step 1 . Turn your printer on.
- Step 2 . Doubleclick the Printfies icon or type
- 'PrintFiles'[return] into a shell window
- Step 3 . Now you have an additional printer icon on the
- Workbench
- Step 4 . Drag the icon of this .doc File on the Printer icon
- and it will be printed.
- Step 5 . Open the control window by double-clicking on the
- printer icon.
- Step 6 . Now You see the control window with the print list in
- the center of the window
- Step 7 . Drag more icons on the printer icon or into the control
- window to insert them into the print list. you can also
- insert files by typing the names into the StringGadget under
- the list. To select files from a Filerequester click the
- Request-Button.
- Step 8 . Select some buttons, e.g. Date,Time ...
- Step 9 . Click the Print-button and the whole list will be printed.
- Step 10. After the print select the quit-button or the Close-Gadget
- of the window. A requester will appear.
- Step 11. Select the quit-button of the Requester.
- *********************************************************************
- * 4. How to use Printfiles *
- *********************************************************************
- The main Element in PrintFiles is the print list. The main operation
- in PrintFiles is to insert filenames into this list and print a list.
- You can insert names in several ways: At Startup by the commandline or
- selected icons, by dragging icons onto the printer icon or into the
- control window, by using FileRequster or the Arexx-Port.
- Filenames can be passed to other programs (sorted by the Type of the File)
- You can e.g. pass an IFF-ILBM File to a display program or execute script
- files by dragging their icon onto the printer icon.
- 4.1 The printer icon
- PrintFiles adds a printer icon to the workbench. You can insert
- files by dragging icons onto the printer icon.
- If the control window is closed, this files are printed immediately.
- If the window is open, they are added at the end of the list.
- 4.2 The control window
- This window contains all settings for the printer. It can be opened
- or closed as you like and it remembers its position on re-opening.
- NOTE: If you use a NTSC-machine check chapter 2.1 !
- 4.2.1 Opening the control window
- The window is normally closed at startup. You can open it
- a. at startup (see also chapter 6)
- - from CLI/Shell by using option -w.
- - from Workbench by using the TOOL TYPE
- WINDOW=<left edge><top edge>.
- b. at runtime
- - by double-clicking on the printer icon.
- - by selecting the Item 'Printfiles' in the
- Workbench-Tool-Menu.
- - by sending the command 'openwindow control <left edge><top edge>'
- to the Arexx-Port of Printfiles. (see also chapter 5)
- 4.2.2 Closing the control window
- - Double-click on the printer icon
- - Select the Item 'Printfiles' in the Workbench-Tool-Menu.
- - Send the command 'closewindow control' to the Arexx-Port of Printfiles.
- (see also chapter 5)
- *********************************************************************
- * 5. Settings *
- *********************************************************************
- The setting of the control window are ( top down ):
- -Prefs
- AREXX : openwindow prefs <LeftEdge><TopEdge>
- opens the printer preferences window at <leftedge><topedge>
- -filehandler
- AREXX : openwindow handler <leftedge><topedge>
- opens the filehandler window
- -Replace
- AREXX : openwindow replace <leftedge><topedge>
- opens the replace window
- -about
- AREXX : version
- Displays a requester containing the version number
- -Button date/Time/File
- AREXX : date on/off
- time on/off
- file on/off
- CLI : -d -t -n
- If one of these buttons is checked, additional headline with
- the requested information is generated.
- -Stringgadget headline/footline
- AREXX : headline [...] sets headline string
- footline [...] sets footline string
- TOOL TYPE: headline=[...] footline=[...]
- If a string is set, it will be printed on the top/foot of each
- page.
- -Pagenumbers
- AREXX : page on/off
- CLI : -p
- If checked, the string *** Page: xxxxx *** will be printed
- on the foot of each page. Additionally, at the end of a file
- the count of pages of this file is printed.
- -LineNumbers
- AREXX : line on/off
- CLI : -l
- If checked, each line will have a number.
- -FF/Page
- AREXX : fpage
- CLI : -c
- If checked, printfiles generates a form feed after each page.
- -Form Feed
- AREXX : ff on/off
- CLI : -f
- If checked, a Form Feed is printed after each file.
- -Replace
- AREXX : replace on/off
- if checked, text replace commands in the file are executed
- -File List
- Displays the current file list.
- Every file in the list may have its own printer preferences;
- these are the current (visible) settings of the Control window
- (and the printer related parts of the prefs window) as they are when
- you insert the file into the list.
- If you want to edit the settings of a certain file, click onto its
- name in the file list and the settings of that file become the current
- settings. You may now change them and re-insert the file by activating
- the string gadget that holds the name and pressing the ENTER button on
- the keyboard.
- NOTE: If you don't re-insert the file, the changes will not be
- executed.
- -Request
- Displays a FileRequester and adds the choosen file to
- the list.
- -Remove
- AREXX : remfile remfile <File>
- If you click onto a filename in the list, this file will be
- displayed in the stringgadget beneath the remove-button.
- If you then click this button, the file is removed from the
- list. If the stringgadgets contains no name, the last file
- of the list is removed.
- -Print
- AREXX : print
- Begins printing the list. While Printing, this gadget is disabled.
- You can perform all other functions like adding files, removing
- files and so on. All changes are immediately recognized.
- NOTE: It depends on the size of the printer buffer how fast the
- changes will appear on the paper !
- -Quit (and CloseGadget of the window)
- AREXX : quit
- If the program is currently printing it will request you to abort
- or continue the print.
- If the program is not printing it will request you to quit the
- program or to close the window (see chapter 4.2.1 and 4.2.2)
- NOTE: the Arexx command will not display a requester !
- 4.3. The Prefs Window
- 4.3.2 Opening the prefs window
- - click the 'Prefs' button in the control window
- - send the 'openwindow prefs <Leftedge><TopEdge>' command to
- the Arexx-Port.
- 4.3.3 Closing the prefs window
- - click the closegadget of the prefs window
- - send the 'closewindow prefs' command to
- the Arexx-Port.
- 4.3.3 Settings of the prefs Window
- -button Draft/Lq
- AREXX : draft
- lq
- CLI : -a -q
- Set the print quality to draft or lq
- -button 6 lines/inch 8 lines/inch.
- AREXX : 6li
- 6li
- CLI : -6 -8
- Set the spacing to 1/6 inch or 1/8 inch.
- -button 10cpi/12cpi/15cpi
- AREXX : 10cpi
- 12cpi
- 15cpi
- CLI : -0 -2 -5
- Set the pitch to Normal (10cpi) / Elite (12cpi) / condensed (15cpi).
- -stringgadget Lines/page
- AREXX : lines <number>
- TOOL TYPE : LINES=<number>
- Print <number> lines on each page.
- -stringgadget Left Margin
- AREXX : lmargin <number>
- TOOL TYPE : LMARGIN=<number>
- Set the left margin to column <number>
- -stringgadget Right Margin
- AREXX : rmargin <number>
- TOOL TYPE : RMARGIN=<number>
- Set the right margin to column <number>
- -button Print
- same as Print-button in the control window.
- --------------------------------------------------
- the following gadgets are to choose, which information
- will be saved as an Arexx-Script.
- the flags are for the saveprefs-command (in the Arexx-chapter)
- --------------------------------------------------
- - Comments adds comments to the arexx script
- flag : '-c' turns this option on
- flag : '-C' turns this option off
- - Files adds the filenames of the print list
- flag : '-f' on
- flag : '-F' off
- - Windows adds openwindow commands for all windows
- flag : '-w' on
- flag : '-W' off
- - Start adds a startup code which tries to launch the
- PrintFiles program if it isn't already running
- flag : '-s' on
- flag : '-S' off
- - Reset adds a Reset command
- flag : '-r' on
- flag : '-R' off
- - Print adds a print command
- flag : '-p' on
- flag : '-P' off
- - Icon saves an Icon
- flag : '-i' on
- flag : '-I' off
- - Printer saves the settings of the control window (except the
- file list), the print Quality, the lines/inch, the
- CPI, and margin settings of the prefs window.
- NOTE: the Head- and Footline will not be saved
- until the H/F Arexx button is checked.
- flag : '-d' on
- flag : '-D' off
- - Handler saves the settings of the FileHandler window
- flag : '-h' on
- flag : '-H' off
- - Extras & AREXX
- saves the settings of the ARexx-buttons and
- the default paths of the File- and SaveRequester
- flag : '-e' on
- flag : '-E' off
- - Head/Footline saves the current Head/Footline
- NOTE: only if the 'Printer' button (AREXX-button)
- is checked.
- flag : '-l' on
- flag : '-L' off
- - Printer
- --------------------------------------------------
- -button Save
- AREXX : saveprefs <filename> <-flags>
- Saves the current setting as an Arexx-Script.
- flags are (see above)
- -cfwsrpildeh
- 4.4 the Filehandler Window
- 4.4.1. Open the filehandler window
- - select the Item 'Printfiles Filehandler window' in the
- Workbench-Tool-Menu.
- - press the button 'FileHandler' in the control window.
- - send the command 'openwindow handler <left edge><top edge>'
- to the Arexx-Port of Printfiles.
- 4.4.2 Closing the control window
- - Select the Item 'Printfiles filehandler window' in the Workbench-Tool-Menu.
- - Send the command 'closewindow handler ' to the Arexx-Port of Printfiles.
- 4.4.3 The settings of the Filehandler window
- - The Files (of the print list) are divided into 4 groups:
- - text
- - icon
- - prog
- - iff
- Each of these groups has a button 'Intern' and 'To Program->' and
- a corresponding command line.
- 'Intern' means that a file of the corresponding type will be
- processed by the PrintFiles program.
- 'To Program->' means that a command line is build from the
- string gadget content followed by the name of the file.
- This command line will be passed to the Shell.
- Example: Imagine that you have a text files 's:startup-sequence' in
- your print list. If text is 'Intern' this file will be
- printed out using the control- and prefs window settings.
- If text is 'To Program->' and the command line contains
- 'type >con:0/0/640/200/PrintFiles/AUTO/WAIT/CLOSE'
- this file (and all other text files) will be printed into
- a console window on the screen.
- Since IFF-Files can be of different types (ILBM,ANIM...)you can
- have a command line for every IFF-type.
- These lines are kept in the IFF-ID list.
- Example: Imagine that you have a file 'work:dpaint/picture/KingTut.ham'
- in the print list. If IFF is 'Intern', the file is (yet) igonred.
- If IFF is 'To Program->' and the IFF-ID List contains the line
- 'ILBM sys:utilities/display' the file (and all other IFF-ILBM Files)
- is passed to the display program which will show the picture on the
- screen. (got a graphics print program ?)
- You can insert any IFF Form Chunk into this list, e.g
- - 8SVX for sample voices
- - ANIM for animations
- - VDEO for Deluxe-Video animations
- and so on ...
- - Output Printer/File
- Select Output to Printer or to a file which name is built from the
- name in the string gadget followed by an index number
- Example: if you have selected the output file name t:prf, the printed
- files will be named t:prf.0, t:prf.1, t:prf.2 ...
- 4.5. The Replace Window
- 4.5.2 Opening the replace window
- - click the (upper) 'Replace' button in the control window
- - send the 'openwindow replace <Leftedge><TopEdge>' command to
- the Arexx-Port.
- 4.5.3 Closing the replace window
- - click the closegadget of the replace window
- - send the 'closewindow replace' command to
- the Arexx-Port.
- 4.5.3 Settings of the replace Window
- there are only 3 items in the replace window.
- - prefix
- - command list
- - remove button
- this items are described in the chapter "Arexx-Port"
- - prefix
- - insertreplace
- - removereplace
- *********************************************************************
- * 5. The Arexx-Port *
- *********************************************************************
- The Arexx-port of Printfiles is named 'PRINTFILES'
- 5.1. Command summary
- - clear
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : none
- Clears the print list.
- - closewindow <control|prefs|handler|replace>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : control // close control window
- prefs // close prefs window
- handler // close FileHandler window
- replace // close the replace window
- Closes the specified window. If the window is currently closed, the
- command is ignored.
- - date <on><off>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : on or off
- sets/clears the date-button
- - draft
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : none
- Sets the printer to draft mode.
- - file <on><off>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : on or off
- sets/clears the filename-button.
- - ff <on><off>
- Returns: none
- Arguments : on or off
- sets/clears the FormFeed-button.
- - fpage <on><off>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : on or off
- sets/clears the button FF/Page
- - footline <string>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : string
- Sets the footline string.
- - headline <string>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : string
- Sets the headline string.
- - header <on|off>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : on or off
- determines whether control codes are sent to the printer or not
- - icon <none | text | image | all>
- return : nothing
- Arguments : string
- determines the print mode for icons
- none : Icons are ignored
- text : print a text info (similar to the workbench info command)
- image : print Image (if your printer is able to print graphics)
- all : print both text and image
- - insertiff <line>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : string
- inserts a command line at the end of the IFF-ID List.
- e.g. insertiff 'ILBM sys:utilties/display'
- - insertreplace <command> <replace>
- returns : nothing
- Arguments : strings
- NOTE: see also the 'replace' command
- defines a <command> and a <replacement string>. If the
- <command> string is found in the file (and ->replace is on),
- it will be removed and replaced by the <replacement string>
- Note: all commands MUST start with the same character, which
- determined by the 'prefix' Arexx-Command.
- The command is always a single word with no white spaces,
- and the replacement is the string (can be more than a word)
- that comes after the command word (separated by at least one
- white space character).
- Example: prefix is '\' (Backslash)
- insertreplace 'command will be replaced'
- If your file contains the word \command (with backslash)
- this word will be replaced by the string 'will be replaced'
- (of course without the quotes).
- within a macro you can determine some special replacements, all of
- which begin with an '_' (Underscore). This commands are case
- dependant !
- _PPage evaluates to the current page number
- _NPage evaluates to the total number of pages
- of this file
- NOTE: this two commands are only useful in the
- head- or footline strings. Used within a file leads
- to unpredictable results!
- _FFull evaluates to the full filename (including path)
- _FFile evaluates to the filename
- _FPath evaluates to the pathname
- _Mon evaluates to the month number (1..12)
- _Day evaluates to the day (1..31)
- _Year evaluates to the year (two digits, e.g. 93)
- _MNameD monthname in german
- _MNameE monthname in english
- _MNameF monthname in french
- _MNameS monthname in spanish
- _WDayD dayname in german
- _WDayE dayname in english
- _WDayF dayname in french
- _WDayS dayname in spanish
- _H24 hour (24-hour format)
- _H12 hour (12-hour format)
- _AP evaluates to 'AM' or 'PM' depending on the time
- _Min minute
- _Sec second
- NOTE: the macros concerning the time are
- evaluated during printing.
- _ESC evaluates to the ESC character
- _CTRL<x>evaluates to control character number <x>
- _CTRL27 = _ESC
- _CTRL32 = white space character
- NOTE: Do not use _CTRL0, use _NULL instead
- _NULL Null Byte
- Examples:
- 1: assume the prefix is '\' (Backslash) and a command is
- 'date WDayE ,_MNameE _Day, 19_Year at _H12:_Min:_Sec _AP'
- then every occurence of the command \date in your file
- will evaluate to the date and time of printing, for
- example
- Sunday, April 11, 1993 at 1:30:00 PM
- when you are printing the file at this time.
- 2: To set your printer to proportional spacing (if it
- supports this) make two commands
- 'prop_on _ESC[2p'
- 'prop_off _ESC[1p'
- and type the commands \prop_on and \prop_off into your
- files wherever you want. These commands are then replaced
- into the invisible control codes.
- Note: the control codes in this example are codes that are
- interpreted by the printer device itself. Note that
- the printer device cuts out codes that it doesn't
- understand. So if you have to send such codes, use the
- printer device command which sends a number of bytes
- unchanged to the printer.
- Example: Set an EpsonLQ printer to script typeface
- 'script _ESC[3"r_ESCk_CTRL1'
- in which _ESC[3"r is the command that
- passes the next 3 bytes unchanged to the
- printer.
- To reset to the normal (roman) typeface, use
- 'roman _ESC[3"r_ESCk_NULL'
- Note that _NULL is used to send a null byte to
- the printer.
- - insfile <filename>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : filename
- Adds the <filename> to the print list
- - line <on><off>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : on or off
- sets/clears the LineNumber-button.
- - lines <zahl>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : number
- <number> lines per page will be printed.
- - lmargin <number>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : number
- Sets the left margin to column #<number>
- - lq
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : none
- Sets the printer to NLQ mode.
- - openwindow <control|prefs|handler|replace> <left edge> <top edge>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : <which> control //open the control window
- prefs //open the prefs window
- handler //open the Filehandler window
- replace //open the replace window
- <left> number
- <right> number
- Opens the specified window at <left edge> <top edge>.
- If the edges doesn't fit on the screen the window
- will be adjusted, e.g. 'openwindow control 10000 10000' will
- place the window in the right bottom edge of the screen.
- If no numbers are given, the window will be opened on
- the position where it was closed.
- if the window is already open, the command is ignored.
- - output <printer | <filename>>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : keyword printer or a filename
- sends the output to the printer or into the file <filename>
- - page <on><off>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : on or off
- sets/clears the Pagenumber-button.
- - pass <text | prog | icon | iff> <intern | on | <line>>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : keywords text,prog,icon,iff,intern,on
- string line
- passes filenames of a given type to other programs
- Examples:
- 'pass text intern' : text files are processed by the
- PrintFiles program.
- 'pass text on' : a command line is build from
- the (existing) line and the filename.
- the command line is then passed
- to the shell.
- 'pass text type >con:0/0/640/200/Printfiles/AUTO/WAIT/CLOSE'
- : a command line is build and text files
- will be passed to the shell using this
- line.
- Note: the IFF button allows only the keywords 'intern' and 'on'
- Connections to other files are build using the IFF-ID List.
- - prefix <character>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : single character
- determines the single character that introduces a text
- replace command. Default is '\' (Backslash). For performance
- reasons, use a character that does appear only as a prefix
- in your files.
- - print
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : none
- Starts printing the list.
- - prog <none | text | icon | all>
- return : nothing
- Arguments : string
- determines the print mode for program files
- none : ignore programs
- text : print a TextInfo (similar to the shell command list)
- icon : print the icon (if the program has one) in the selected print
- mode for icons.
- all : print both text and icon
- - remfile <filename>
- Returns: "NOT-IN-LIST" if the filename isn't in the list
- "LIST_EMPTY" if the list was empty
- "" o.k.
- Arguments : filename
- Removes the file <filename> from the list.
- if no filename is given the last file of the list is removed.
- - removeiff <line>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : string
- deletes a command line from the IFF-ID List.
- e.g. removeiff 'ILBM sys:utilties/display'
- if no line is given, the last item of the list is deleted.
- - removereplace <command>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : string
- removes the <command> from the text replace list
- - replace <on><off>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : on or off
- if replace is 'on' the file is searched for commands to
- replace, if replace is 'off', even text replacement commands
- fo unchanged to the printer.
- - replyport <portname>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : string
- Every time a list is fully printed, the port with the name
- <portname> is signaled.
- NOTE: it is important to reply the message immediately without
- examining it; it contains no valid data !.
- - reset
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : none
- Clears all buttons, clears the list and sets the printer to
- draft mode.
- - rmargin <number>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : number
- Sets the right margin to column #<number>
- - saveprefs <filename> <-flags>
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : strings
- if a filename is given, the current settings are saved as
- an Arexx-script.
- The flags are described in -chapter 4.3.3 Save-
- - status
- Returns : "PRINTING" if Printfiles is currently printing
- "WAITING" if PrintFiles isn't printing
- Arguments : none
- - time <on><off>
- Returns: none
- Arguments : on or off
- sets/clears the time-button.
- - quit
- Returns : nothing
- Arguments : none
- if PrintFiles is currently printing, the print will be aborted.
- if PrintFiles isn't printing, the program will be quit.
- NOTE: No requesters are displayed !
- - version
- Returns : Version string (e.g. "Version 0.9e")
- Arguments : none
- *********************************************************************
- * 6. The spooler directory *
- *********************************************************************
- 6.1 Usage
- At startup, PrintFiles creates a directory ram:printer and gives it
- the device name PRINTER:
- All files that are copied into this directory will be inserted into
- the print list. If the control window is closed, the list will be printed.
- **********************************************************************
- After they are printed, the
- F I L E S
- in the PRINTER: directory
- W I L L B E D E L E T E D !!!!
- If you re-assign the name PRINTER: to an existing directory, the files in it
- will be lost !!!
- **********************************************************************
- When you quit PrintFiles, the PRINTER: directory is scanned for new files.
- If there are any, they will be printed out before quitting.
- *********************************************************************
- * 7. Starting PrintFiles *
- *********************************************************************
- Printfiles loads the file s:printfiles.config at startup. This is a plain
- ascii file containing valid PrintFiles Arexx-Commands. It can (and should)
- be file generated by PrintFiles itself via the ->saveprevs command.
- 7.1. Usage from Shell/CLI
- printfiles -<flags> file file ....
- There is no need to 'run' Printfiles.
- The following flags are supported:
- -t sets the time-button
- -f sets the formfeed-button
- -n sets the filename-button
- -d sets the date-button
- -p sets the pagenumber-button
- -l sets the linenumber-button
- -c sets the CR/LF-button
- -a sets the draft-button (Default)
- -q sets the NLQ-button
- -w open the control window at startup
- -0\
- -2 > set the print pitch to 10cpi/12cpi/15cpi
- -5/
- -6\
- -8/ set the spacing to 1/6 inch or 1/8 inch
- The flags can be given as single (e.g. printfiles -w -p -f)
- or grouped (e.g. printfiles -wpf)
- All names without hyphen are treated as filenames and are
- added to the print list. If you have specified filenames on
- the command line, they will be printed immediately after
- startup.
- 7.2. Usage from Workbench
- Tool types can consist of all valid PrintFiles Arexx-commands,
- e.g. headline 'test headline' , page on ...
- They must be typed into the TOOLTYPE array in the syntax similar to
- the Printfiles-generated Arexx-files.
- NOTE: This is not the standard syntax for TOOLTYPES !
- You can add files to the list by extended selection with the
- program icon and file icons.
- All selected files are added to the print list and will be
- printed immediately after startup.
- *********************************************************************
- * 8. Notes *
- *********************************************************************
- PrintFiles is Copyright ©1992 K.Klingbeil, All Rights Reserved. There
- are 2 Versions, 1.4d in german and 1.4e in english.
- Printfiles first was programmed with SAS/C 5.10b on an A2000/68030 with
- 1 MB chip memory, 4MB fast memory and A2091 SCSI-Controller with Quantum
- LPS40 under OS 2.04 (Kick 37.175).
- For version 1.4 SAS/C 6.0 was used on an Amiga 4000/68040 25 MHZ,2MB chip,
- 4MB fast memory under Kickstart 39.106, Workbench 39.29.
- Bug reports, suggestions, criticism, money, jewellery and other gifts
- to
- Karlheinz Klingbeil
- Elzstr. 42
- W-7809 Gutach
- Federal Republic of Germany
- And now: Enjoy !!!
- *********************************************************************