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2,755 lines
│ │
│ DEMO21.PRG │
│ │
│ Clipper 5.0 Interface Library │
│ │
│ Copyright ( C ) 1993 by Trilateral Systems Development Ltd. │
│ All Rights Reserved * Version 2.10 * Release Date: Dec 20, 1992 │
│ │
│ 18 Bond St. South │
│ Dundas, ON, Canada │
│ L9H 3H1 │
│ 416-628-5086 │
│ │
│ Documented: 02-06-93 at 04:50:02pm │
#include "twinkey.ch"
#include "tsdwin.ch"
#include "demo21.ch"
#include "getexit.ch"
#define K_UNDO K_CTRL_U
static lMono := .f., lOKMouse := .f.
│ Description: Main Menu for demo21 │
│ │
│ function Main( cCmdLine ) │
│ │
│ Args: cCmdLine (/THIN /M /50 /?) │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:50:11pm ───────────────────────────*/
function Main( cCmdLine )
local nChoice := 1, nStartRow, nStartCol, nX, lexitRequested := .f.
local aMenu := {}, nexit, nThickness := 2, cClrTemp, aArea := { 24, 24 }
local aPrompts := { " «1.» TSDWIN Highlights ",;
" «2.» Window functions ",;
" «3.» Message functions ",;
" «4.» Menu functions ",;
" «5.» Browse Systems ",;
" «6.» Mouse Support ",;
" «7.» Miscellaneous ",;
" «8.» Hardware functions ",;
" «9.» Placing an Order ",;
" «Q.» End the Demo " }
│ Set Up Environment
set cursor off
set scoreboard off
set wrap on
│ Link in the Screen Savers
external twSSaveAsc
external twWSaveAsc
set key K_ALT_S to twSSaveAsc
set key K_ALT_W to twWSaveAsc
external twHelp
external twMakeHelp
setkey( K_F1, {|p,l,v| twHelp(p,l,v)} )
setkey( K_ALT_H, {|p,l,v| twMakeHelp(p,l,v)} )
twEvTimeOut( {|| twWorm() })
setkey( K_ALT_L, {|| ListProcs() })
│ Parse the command line
lMono := iif( ISCOLOR(), .f. , .t. )
if cCmdLine != nil
if "/THIN" $ upper( cCmdLine )
nThickness := 1
if "/M" $ upper( cCmdLine )
lMono := .t.
if "/50" $ upper( cCmdLine )
aArea := { 49, 49 }
setmode( 50, 80 )
if "/?" $ cCmdLine
cClrTemp := setcolor( iif( !lMono, "gr+/n", "w+/n" ))
QOUT( " Usage: demo21 <options>" )
QOUT( "" )
setcolor( iif( !lMono, "bg+/n", "w+/n" ))
QOUT( " Options: '/THIN' for Thin Shadows." )
QOUT( " '/M' for Monochrome" )
QOUT( " '/50' for VGA Mode" )
setcolor( iif( !lMono, "rb+/n", "w+/n" ))
QOUT( "" )
QOUT( " Clipper 5.01 Interface Library" )
QOUT( " Trilateral Systems Development Ltd." )
QOUT( " 416-628-5086" );QOUT( "" );QOUT( "" )
setcolor( cClrTemp )
return nil
│ Initialize windows to thick or thin shadows
│ and allow for Monchrome Override if Graphics card installed
│ Save environment and DOS screen
twInit( nThickness )
│ Initialize the Mouse
#ifndef NOMOUSE
lOKMouse := twMouseInit()
│ Initialize TSDWIN 'meta' variables from the header file.
│ Initialize TSDWIN Message Systems
twAlertInit( , { { CBUTTON, CFBUTTON }, ;
{ CRADIO, CFRADIO } } ) // Alert Initialization
twAMsgInit( , { COLORW, COLORN }, aArea ) // Area Message Initialization
twMsgInit( , { { COLORE, TCOLOR },;
{ COLORW, TCOLOR } }) // Messages
│ Initialize the TSDWIN Help System
│ Begin Main Menu
setcolor( iif( ! lMono, "n/bg", "n/w" ))
twExplode( .t. )
twExplode( DEXPLODE )
setblink( DBLINK )
twInfoLine( -2, " ", "C", 0 )
twStrSlide( "C", -1, 19, "TSDWIN Interface Library for Clipper 5.01", twStdClr( COLORW ) )
twInfoLine( -2, "«T»rilateral «S»ystems «D»evelopment Ltd.", "C" )
twStrSlide( "L", -1, 1, "F1-twHelp", twStdClr( TCOLOR ) )
twStrSlide( "R", -1, 63, "ALT_H-twMakeHelp", twStdClr( TCOLOR ) )
TSDSetup( lMono )
nStartRow := 2;nStartCol := 2
for nX := 1 to 10
twCreateButton( nStartRow, nStartCol, SPACE( 21 ), .t.,, DSHADOW );nStartRow += 2
twAttrib( .f., "n/w", 2, 28, 20, 75 )
twBox( 2, 28, 20, 75, 1, "n/w" )
twReplicate( 21, 29, "▀", 48, iif( ! lMono, "n/b", "n/w" ))
@ twRow( 2 ), twCol( 76 ) say "▄" COLOR iif( ! lMono, "n/b", "n/w" )
for nX = 1 to 18
@ twRow( nX + 2 ), twCol( 76 ) say "█" COLOR "n/n"
do while .t.
nStartRow := 2;nStartCol := 2
twMenuInit( 2, twRow( 3 ), twCol( 30 ), iif( ! lMono, "n/w,r/w", "n/w,w+/n" ), .t., "n/w,gr+/r,,gr+/w,n/w" )
for nX := 1 to 10
@ nStartRow, nStartCol WPROMPT aPrompts[ nX ] MESSAGE StoreDesc( nX ) COLOR MENUCLR ;nStartRow += 2
WMENU to nChoice HELPVAR MainMenu
do case
case nChoice = 1;TSD10000()
case nChoice = 2;TSD20000()
case nChoice = 3;TSD30000()
case nChoice = 4;TSD40000()
case nChoice = 5;TSD50000()
case nChoice = 6;TSD60000()
case nChoice = 7;TSD70000()
case nChoice = 8;TSD80000()
case nChoice = 9;TSD90000()
case nChoice = 10 .or. nChoice = 0 .or. lastkey() = K_ESC
nexit := AskUser({ "Yes, I'm Finished", "No, Resume the Demo" },;
"Are you sure you've seen enough?" )
if nexit != 2
nChoice := 1
setmode( 25, 80 )
return nil
│ Description: TSDWIN Highlights (Quick Reference File) │
│ │
│ function TSD10000() │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:50:57pm ───────────────────────────*/
function TSD10000()
{|| twTitle( "TSDWIN Quick Reference", "n/w" )})
return nil
│ Description: Basic Window Operations │
│ │
│ function TSD20000() │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:51:23pm ───────────────────────────*/
function TSD20000()
local nWin1, nWin2, nWin3, nWin4, nWin5, nWin6, nKey := 0
local nCol := 14, nRow := 4, nHandle, nX, nType, xTemp, bK_F1
local aColors := { iif( ! lMono, "gr+/r" ,"n/w" ),;
iif( ! lMono, "w+/g" ,"w/n" ),;
iif( ! lMono, "n/*gr" ,"w+/n" ),;
iif( ! lMono, "r/w" ,"n/w" ),;
iif( ! lMono, "n/bg" ,"w/n" ),;
iif( ! lMono, "gr+/*b" ,"w+/n" ),;
iif( ! lMono, "w+/r" ,"n/w" ),;
iif( ! lMono, "rb+/n" ,"w/n" ),;
iif( ! lMono, "n/w" ,"w+/n" ),;
iif( ! lMono, "g+/bg" ,"n/w" )}
│ Shadowing
twTitle( padc( "Window Shadows", 30 ), TCOLOR, "T", "C" )
twTitle( "Press a Key or Button or Wait", TCOLOR, "B", "C" )
twOpen( 4, 5, 10, 34, COLORM, 1, DFRAME )
twCenter( 3, "Shadow Type 1" )
twOpen( 4, 45, 10, 74, COLORM, 7, DFRAME )
twCenter( 3, "Shadow Type 7" )
twOpen( 14, 5, 20, 34, COLORM, 9, DFRAME )
twCenter( 3, "Shadow Type 9" )
twOpen( 14, 45, 20, 74, COLORM, 3, DFRAME )
twCenter( 3, "Shadow Type 3" )
DemoWait( 3, "Win1" )
UserMsg( { "Remember, You Can Change Your", ;
"Shadow Thickness with twInit()",;
" Try 'demo21 /THIN'" }, 3 )
for nX = 1 to 4
│ Frames
twTitle( padc( "Window and Box Borders", 30 ), TCOLOR, "T", "C" )
twOpen( 3, 10, 21, 70, COLORM, DSHADOW, DFRAME,, COLORFM )
twCenter( 2, "Windows and Boxes can have 14 different frames." )
for nX = 1 to 14
twFrame( nX );DemoWait( .5 )
twFrame( DFRAME )
DemoWait( 1 )
twCenter( 4, "You can also vary the frame colour." )
DemoWait( 1 )
twFrame( 2, iif( !lMono, "gr+/r", "w/n" ))
DemoWait( 1 )
twFrame( 2, iif( !lMono, "n/bg", "n/w" ))
DemoWait( 1 )
twFrame( 2, iif( !lMono, "w+/*rb", "w+/n" ))
DemoWait( 1 )
twCenter( 6, "You can also specify separate colours to be used" )
twCenter( 7, "to identify ACTIVE and INACTIVE windows!" )
DemoWait( 2, "Win2" )
UserMsg( "See What I Mean!!",2, 2, 2 )
│ Lines
nHandle := _twHandle( nWin1 )
twTitle( padc( "Lines and Boxes", 30 ), TCOLOR, "T", "C" )
_twHandle( nHandle )
twClear( .f. )
twCenter( 2, "There are a variety of horizontal line options." )
for nX = 1 to 11
nType := padl( STRINT( nX ), 2 )
twLeft( nX + 3, " Type " + nType + ":" )
twHLine( nX + 3, 23, 24, nX )
DemoWait( 3, "Win3" )
twClear( .f. )
twCenter( 2, "And vertical lines as well." )
twCenter( 4, "Types")
twCenter( 5, " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12" )
for nX = 1 to 12
twVLine( 7, 14 + 3 * ( nX - 1 ), 8, nX )
DemoWait( 3, "Win4" )
│ Titles
nHandle := _twHandle( nWin1 )
twTitle( padc( "Window Titles", 30 ), TCOLOR, "T", "C" )
_twHandle( nHandle )
twClear( .f.)
twFrame( DFRAME,,, .f. )
twLeft( 3, " You can center headers." )
DemoWait( 1 )
twTitle( "TSDWIN",, "T", "C" )
DemoWait( 1 )
@ twRow( 3 ), twCol( 27 ) say "Or right and left justify them!"
DemoWait( 1 )
twTitle( "Has",, "T", "L" )
DemoWait( 1 )
twTitle( "Windows",, "T", "R" )
DemoWait( 1 )
twCenter( 5, " You can do the same with footers." )
DemoWait( 1 )
twTitle( "Interface Library",, "B", "C" )
DemoWait( 1 )
twTitle( "For",, "B", "L" )
DemoWait( 1 )
twTitle( "You",, "B", "R" )
DemoWait( 1 )
twCenter( 7, " You can even choose their colour!" )
twTitle( "TSDWIN", aColors[1], "T", "C" )
twTitle( "Has", aColors[2], "T", "L" )
twTitle( "Windows", aColors[3], "T", "R" )
twTitle( "Interface Library", aColors[4], "B", "C" )
twTitle( "For", aColors[5], "B", "L" )
twTitle( "You", aColors[6], "B", "R" )
DemoWait( 1 )
for nX = 1 to 5
twTitle( "Has", aColors[1], "T", "L" )
twTitle( "TSDWIN", aColors[2], "T", "C" )
twTitle( "Windows", aColors[3], "T", "R" )
twTitle( "You", aColors[4], "B", "R" )
twTitle( "Interface Library", aColors[5], "B", "C" )
twTitle( "For", aColors[6], "B", "L" )
xTemp := aColors[1]
adel( aColors, 1 )
aColors[6] := xTemp
DemoWait( 2, "Win5" )
twCenter( 9, "Delimiters can be inserted." )
DemoWait( 2 )
for nX = 1 to 5
twTitle( "Has", aColors[1], "T", "L", "[]" )
twTitle( "TSDWIN", aColors[2], "T", "C", "" )
twTitle( "Windows", aColors[3], "T", "R", "**" )
twTitle( "You", aColors[4], "B", "R", "╣╠" )
twTitle( "Interface Library", aColors[5], "B", "C", "││" )
twTitle( "For", aColors[6], "B", "L", "╡╞" )
xTemp := aColors[1]
adel( aColors, 1 )
aColors[6] := xTemp
DemoWait( 4, "Win6" )
twFrame( DFRAME,,, .f. )
│ Text Formatting
nHandle := _twHandle( nWin1 )
twTitle( padc( "Text Formatting", 30 ), TCOLOR, "T", "C" )
_twHandle( nHandle )
twClear( .f. )
twLeft( 2, "It's easy to left justify text." )
DemoWait( .5 )
twCenter( 4, "And center it too!" )
DemoWait( .5 )
twRight( 6, "You can right justify, of Course." )
DemoWait( .5 )
twLeft( 8, " You can replicate any character." )
DemoWait( .5 )
twReplicate( 8, 35, "■", 24 )
DemoWait( .5 )
twCenter( 10, "You can also:" )
DemoWait( .5 )
twSay( 12, 10 + 4, "PUT" )
DemoWait( .1 )
twSay( 13, 12 + 4, "TEXT" )
DemoWait( .1 )
twSay( 14, 14 + 4, "ANYWHERE" )
DemoWait( .1 )
twSay( 15, 12 + 4, "YOU" )
DemoWait( .1 )
twSay( 16, 10 + 4, "WANT" )
DemoWait( 1 )
twSay( 12, 46 - 5, " In ", aColors[1] )
DemoWait( .1 )
twSay( 13, 44 - 5, " Any ", aColors[2] )
DemoWait( .1 )
twSay( 14, 42 - 5, " Colour ", aColors[3] )
DemoWait( .1 )
twSay( 15, 44 - 5, " You ", aColors[4] )
DemoWait( .1 )
twSay( 16, 46 - 5, " Want ", aColors[5] )
DemoWait( 1 )
twScroll( 2, .f. )
twType( 16, 10, "You can emulate a typewriter if you want.",, .t. )
twType( 17, 11, " And you can turn off the sound, too! ", aColors[ 3 ], .f. )
twScroll( 2, .f. )
twType( 17, 17, "Scrolling your screen can",, .f. )
twScroll( 1, .f. )
twType( 17, 17, "make your application look",, .f. )
twScroll( 1, .f. )
twType( 17, 17, "neat. With TSDWIN Ver 2.10",, .f. )
twScroll( 1, .f. )
twType( 17, 17, "Library you can scroll all",, .f. )
twScroll( 1, .f. )
twType( 17, 17, "or part of a window, with",, .f. )
twScroll( 1, .f. )
twType( 17, 17, "or without the border. ",, .f. )
for nX = 1 to 17
twScroll( , .f. )
twInkeyWait( .1 )
twCenter( 2, "Neat Tricks are Easy to Perform" )
twBox( 5, 4, 15, 27, 1, BLA_CYH )
twShadow( 5, 4, 15, 27, 1 )
twBox( 5, 33, 15, 56, 1, BLA_CYH )
twShadow( 5, 33, 15, 56, 3 )
nX := 1
do while nX <= 6
twSay( 6, 05, " Use Your Imagination ", YEL_RDH )
twSay( 14, 34, " Use Your Imagination ", YEL_RDH )
twInkeyWait( .1 )
twScroll( -1, .f., 6, 5, 14, 26 )
twScroll( 1, .f., 6, 34, 14, 55 )
twInkeyWait( .1 )
twSay( 6, 05, " ** Have a Ball ** ", BLA_GNH )
twSay( 14, 34, " ** Have a Ball ** ", BLA_GNH )
twInkeyWait( .1 )
twScroll( -1, .f., 6, 5, 14, 26 )
twScroll( 1, .f., 6, 34, 14, 55 )
twInkeyWait( .1 )
twSay( 6, 05, " CLIPPERING is a joy, ", WHH_BLH )
twSay( 14, 34, " CLIPPERING is a joy, ", WHH_BLH )
twInkeyWait( .1 )
twScroll( -1, .f., 6, 5, 14, 26 )
twScroll( 1, .f., 6, 34, 14, 55 )
twInkeyWait( .1 )
twSay( 6, 05, " with TSD's Windows ", RDH_YLH )
twSay( 14, 34, " with TSD's Windows ", RDH_YLH )
twInkeyWait( .1 )
twScroll( -1, .f., 6, 5, 14, 26 )
twScroll( 1, .f., 6, 34, 14, 55 )
twInkeyWait( .1 )
twSay( 6, 05, " **Happy Clippering** ", WHH_VIH )
twSay( 14, 34, " **Happy Clippering** ", WHH_VIH )
DemoWait( 2 )
twScroll( 22, .t. )
DemoWait( .5 )
│ Boxes
twTitle( padc( "Boxes with Shadows", 30 ), TCOLOR, "T", "C" )
twTitle( "Press a Key or Button or Wait", TCOLOR, "B", "C" )
twBox( nRow, nCol, nRow + 6, nCol + 20, 1, BLA_CYH, " " )
twShadow( nRow, nCol, nRow + 6, nCol + 20, 7 )
twSay( nRow + 01, nCol + 3, "████████", RDH_CYH )
twSay( nRow + 02, nCol + 3, " ██ ", RDH_CYH )
twSay( nRow + 03, nCol + 3, " ██ ", RDH_CYH )
twSay( nRow + 04, nCol + 3, " ██ ", RDH_CYH )
twSay( nRow + 05, nCol + 3, " ██ ", RDH_CYH )
twSay( nRow + 05, nCol + 9, "RILATERAL", BLU_CYH )
twBox( nRow, nCol + 32, nRow + 6, nCol + 52, 1, BLA_CYH, " " )
twShadow( nRow, nCol + 32, nRow + 6, nCol + 52, 9 )
twSay( nRow + 01, nCol + 35, "████████", YEL_CYH )
twSay( nRow + 02, nCol + 35, "██ ", YEL_CYH )
twSay( nRow + 03, nCol + 35, "████████", YEL_CYH )
twSay( nRow + 04, nCol + 35, " ██", YEL_CYH )
twSay( nRow + 05, nCol + 35, "████████", YEL_CYH )
twSay( nRow + 05, nCol + 44, "YSTEMS", BLU_CYH )
twBox( nRow + 9, nCol, nRow + 15, nCol + 24, 1, BLA_CYH, " " )
twShadow( nRow + 9, nCol, nRow + 15, nCol + 24, 1 )
twSay( nRow + 10, nCol + 3, "████████", WHI_CYH )
twSay( nRow + 11, nCol + 3, "██ ▐", WHI_CYH )
twSay( nRow + 12, nCol + 3, "██ ▐", WHI_CYH )
twSay( nRow + 13, nCol + 3, "██ ▐", WHI_CYH )
twSay( nRow + 14, nCol + 3, "████████", WHI_CYH )
twSay( nRow + 14, nCol + 12, "EVELOPMENT", BLU_CYH )
twBox( nRow + 9, nCol + 32, nRow + 15, nCol + 52, 1, BLA_CYH, " " )
twShadow( nRow + 9, nCol + 32, nRow + 15, nCol + 52, 3 )
twSay( nRow + 12, nCol + 39, "Limited", BLU_CYH )
DemoWait( 1, "Win7" )
twTitle( padc( "You Can Clear a Box", 30 ), TCOLOR, "T", "C" )
DemoWait( 1 )
twClear( .f., " ", nRow, nCol, nRow + 6, nCol + 20 )
DemoWait( 1 )
twTitle( padc( "Or Include the Border", 30 ), TCOLOR, "T", "C" )
DemoWait( 1 )
twClear( .t., " ", nRow, nCol + 32, nRow + 6, nCol + 52 )
DemoWait( 1 )
twTitle( padc( "And You Can Fill It", 30 ), TCOLOR, "T", "C" )
DemoWait( 1 )
twClear( .t., "▒", nRow + 9, nCol, nRow + 15, nCol + 24 )
DemoWait( 1 )
twClear( .f., "▒", nRow + 9, nCol + 32, nRow + 15, nCol + 52 )
DemoWait( 1 )
twTitle( padc( "You Can Also Change Colours", 30 ), TCOLOR, "T", "C" )
DemoWait( 1 )
twSay( nRow + 11, nCol + 3, "See What" )
twAttrib( .t., YEL_RED, nRow + 9, nCol, nRow + 15, nCol + 24 )
DemoWait( 1 )
twSay( nRow + 11, nCol + 35, "I Mean" )
twAttrib( .f., iif( ! lMono, "w+/br*", "w+/n" ), nRow + 9, nCol + 32, nRow + 15, nCol + 52 )
DemoWait( 1 )
twAttrib( .f., iif( ! lMono, "b+/w", "n/w" ))
DemoWait( 1 )
twAttrib( .t., iif( ! lMono, "gr+/rb", "w+/n" ))
DemoWait( 1 )
twCenter( 0, "Patterns can Easily be made!" )
twClearWith( .f., " TSDWIN ",,,,, iif( ! lMono, "gr+/b", "w+/n" ) )
DemoWait( 1 )
twClearWith( .f., "▓▓▒▒▒░░░░",,,,, iif( ! lMono, "gr+/b", "w+/n" ) )
DemoWait( 1 )
twClearWith( .f., "██│█▐▄",,,,, iif( ! lMono, "gr+/b", "w+/n" ) )
DemoWait( 1 )
twClearWith( .f., "│░▒▓█▓▒░│",,,,, iif( ! lMono, "gr+/b", "w+/n" ) )
DemoWait( 1 )
twClearWith( .f., "│▐▄▌█▐▀▌│",,,,, iif( ! lMono, "gr+/b", "w+/n" ) )
DemoWait( 1 )
twClear( .f. )
│ Activation
twTitle( "Window Activation: USE 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'ESC to exit'", TCOLOR, "T", "C" )
twTitle( "Press a Key or Button or Wait", TCOLOR, "B", "C" )
nWin1 := twOpen( 02, 05, 12, 44, COLORN, 1, DFRAME,, COLORFN )
twTitle( "Window 1", TCOLOR )
nWin5 := twOpen( 12, 42, 20, 70, COLORE, 1, DFRAME, "", COLORFE )
twTitle( "I'm an Extra!!", TCOLOR )
nWin2 := twOpen( 05, 10, 15, 49, COLORE, 7, DFRAME,, COLORFE )
twTitle( "Window 2", TCOLOR, "T", "L" )
nWin3 := twOpen( 08, 15, 18, 54, COLORM, 9, DFRAME,, COLORFM )
twTitle( "Window 3", TCOLOR, "T", "R" )
nWin4 := twOpen( 11, 20, 21, 59, COLORW, 3, DFRAME,, COLORFW )
twTitle( "Window 4", TCOLOR, "B", "L" )
bK_F1 := setkey( K_F1, nil )
do while nKey != K_ESC
nKey := DemoWait( 0 )
do case
case nKey == K_F1
Window( nWin1 )
case nKey == K_F2
Window( nWin2 )
case nKey == K_F3
Window( nWin3 )
case nKey == K_F4
Window( nWin4 )
setkey( K_F1, bK_F1 )
nWin6 := twNew( 2, 2, 21, 76, COLORN, 3, 4, "░", COLORFN, "Complex Windows can be Displayed FAST!!!" )
twBox( 1, 2, 10, 10, 2, YEL_BLU, " ",, 3, nWin6 )
twBox( 12, 2, 17, 10, 2, YEL_BLU, " ",, 3, nWin6 )
twBox( 1, 14, 17, 70, 2, YEL_BLU, " ",, 3, nWin6 )
twVLine( 2, 35, 15, 2, YEL_BLU, nWin6 )
twSay( 1, 35, "╦", YEL_BLU,, nWin6 )
twSay( 17, 35, "╩", YEL_BLU,, nWin6 )
twHLine( 3, 35, 35, 5, YEL_BLU, nWin6 )
twSay( 3, 35, "╠", YEL_BLU,, nWin6 )
twSay( 3, 70, "╣", YEL_BLU,, nWin6 )
twSay( 2, 38, "Continental Information", YEL_BLU,, nWin6 )
twHLine( 8, 15, 20, 4, YEL_BLU, nWin6 )
twSay( 8, 14, "╟", YEL_BLU,, nWin6 )
twSay( 8, 35, "╢", YEL_BLU,, nWin6 )
twVLine( 4, 40, 13, 1, YEL_BLU, nWin6 )
twSay( 3, 40, "╤", YEL_BLU,, nWin6 )
twSay( 17, 40, "╧", YEL_BLU,, nWin6 )
for nX := 1 to 13
twSay( 3 + nX, 37, padl( STRINT( nX ), 2 ), WHH_BLU,, nWin6 )
for nX := 1 to 8
twSay( 1 + nX, 5, padl( STRINT( nX ), 3, "0" ), WHH_BLU,, nWin6 )
use Windemo index Windemo
for nX := 1 to 13
twSay( 3 + nX, 42, Windemo->Continent, WHT_BLU,, nWin6 )
for nX := 1 to 6
twSay( 1 + nX, 17, Windemo->Codekey, WHT_BLU,, nWin6 )
twSay( 1 + nX, 23, Windemo->Codekey, WHT_BLU,, nWin6 )
twSay( 10, 20, "T S D W I N", WHT_BLU,, nWin6 )
twSay( 12, 20, " IS ", WHT_BLU,, nWin6 )
twSay( 14, 20, " Beautiful ", WHT_BLU,, nWin6 )
twSay( 13, 4, "Jack", WHT_BLU,, nWin6 )
twSay( 14, 4, " 'n ", WHT_BLU,, nWin6 )
twSay( 15, 4, "Jill", WHT_BLU,, nWin6 )
twSay( 16, 4, "Went", WHT_BLU,, nWin6 )
close Windemo
twShow( nWin6 );DemoWait( 15, "Win8" );twPop()
UserMsg( { "It's Easy to Hide and", ;
" Unhide Windows with ",;
" TSDWIN v2.10 " }, 3 )
twActivate( nWin1 )
twActivate( nWin2 )
twActivate( nWin3 )
twActivate( nWin4 )
twHide( nWin1 );DemoWait( .5 )
twHide( nWin2 );DemoWait( .5 )
twHide( nWin3 );DemoWait( .5 )
twHide( nWin4 );DemoWait( .5 )
twHide( nWin5 );DemoWait( .5 )
twUnHide( nWin5 );DemoWait( .5 )
twUnHide( nWin4 );DemoWait( .5 )
twUnHide( nWin3 );DemoWait( .5 )
twUnHide( nWin2 );DemoWait( .5 )
twUnHide( nWin1 );DemoWait( .5 )
twFrame( DFRAME,,, .f. )
twTitle( "Moving Windows is Easy!", TCOLOR )
twMove( -8, -20 )
DemoWait( 1, "Win9" )
twFrame( DFRAME,,, .f. )
twTitle( "I Move Around a Lot!", TCOLOR )
twMove( 8, -20 )
DemoWait( 1 )
twFrame( DFRAME,,, .f. )
twTitle( "Sliding is Fun!", TCOLOR )
twSlide( "R", 30 );twSlide( "U", 7 );twSlide( "R", 6 );twSlide( "U", 5 )
twSlide( "L", 50 );twSlide( "D", 10 );twSlide( "R", 15 );twSlide( "U", 2 )
DemoWait( 1, "WinA" )
twFrame( DFRAME,,, .f. )
twTitle( "Watch me go too!", TCOLOR )
twSlide( "R", 30 );twSlide( "D", 7 );twSlide( "R", 6 );twSlide( "D", 5 )
twSlide( "L", 50 );twSlide( "U", 10 );twSlide( "R", 15 );twSlide( "D", 2 )
DemoWait( 1 )
twSlide( "L", 30 )
twSlide( "U", 10 )
twTitle( "Try Sizing this window", TCOLOR )
twTitle( "Use the Cursor Keys", TCOLOR, "B", "C" )
do while .t.
nKey := DemoWait(0, "WinB")
do case
case nKey == K_UP
twSize( "V", -1 )
case nKey == K_DOWN
twSize( "V", 1 )
case nKey == K_LEFT
twSize( "H", -1 )
case nKey == K_RIGHT
twSize( "H", 1 )
return nil
│ Description: Window Activation Routines │
│ │
│ procedure Window( nHandle ) │
│ │
│ Args: nHandle - Window Handle to Activate │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:52:00pm ───────────────────────────*/
procedure Window( nHandle )
static nRow1 := 0, nRow2 := 0, nRow3 := 0, nRow4 := 0
local nRow, lOk := .t., GetList := {}
do case
case nHandle = 4
nRow1 := iif( nRow1 > 6, 1, nRow1 + 1 ); nRow := nRow1
case nHandle = 6
nRow2 := iif( nRow2 > 6, 1, nRow2 + 1 ); nRow := nRow2
case nHandle = 7
nRow3 := iif( nRow3 > 6, 1, nRow3 + 1 ); nRow := nRow3
case nHandle = 8
nRow4 := iif( nRow4 > 6, 1, nRow4 + 1 ); nRow := nRow4
twActivate( nHandle )
if nRow = 1
//twClear( .f. )
tw_Say2( twRow( nRow + 1 ), twCol( 1 + nRow ), "Activation «" + alltrim( str( nRow )) + "»", twVattr( twStdClr( _twColor())), twVattr( twEnhClr( _twColor())))
@ twRow( nRow ), twCol( 27 ) say "OK?" get lOk picture "Y"
twReadModal( GetList, .t. )
AskUser({ "How's That?", "Window Activation Works!" },;
"TSDWIN Activation Test" )
│ Description: Message System Functions │
│ │
│ function TSD30000() │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:52:29pm ───────────────────────────*/
function TSD30000()
local lexit := .f., nGetexit
local aActionKeys := {{ 1, { || TSD30001() }},;
{ 2, { || TSD30002() }},;
{ 3, { || TSD30003() }},;
{ 4, { || TSD30004() }}}
twTitle( padc( "TSDWIN Message Systems", 30 ), TCOLOR )
do while !lexit
nGetexit := twButtonBox( "V", ;
" Welcome to «TSDWIN»'s Message Systems.^ ^ ^"+ ;
" With «TSDWIN V2.10» looking after the^details,you get "+ ;
"more time to look after^the important part of "+ ;
"your application...^ ^ «The Data»!", ;
{ "This is a twButtonBox() Acting Like a Menu", TCOLOR },, ;
{ "Alert Messages", ;
"Windowed Messages", ;
"Line/Area Messages", ;
"Mouse Support", ;
"Main Menu" },, ;
4, 5, 17, 74, DSHADOW, DFRAME,, aActionKeys,,, "AlertMain" )
if nGetexit = 5 .or. nGetexit = 0
lexit := .t.
return nil
│ Description: Alert System │
│ │
│ function TSD30001() │
│ │
│ Args: │
│ │
│ Return: │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:52:52pm ───────────────────────────*/
function TSD30001()
local RetVal, cClrTemp
local AText1 := ;
"One function is used in TSDWIN to create various types of " + ;
"alert boxes: PushButton Boxes, Radio Boxes and Select Boxes. " + ;
"Default buttons are created of none are passed, or, if passed " + ;
"as an array, buttons are created and displayed. In the case of " + ;
"PushButtons, they are shadowed with a thin shadow of the same " + ;
"type as the controlling window. The frame type is the same as " + ;
"that of the controlling window. The colour for each type of box " + ;
"defaults to an initial value, but is defineable. Shadow and frame " + ;
"type are defineable with each function call. The Buttons, or other " + ;
"select devices may be positioned horizontally or vertically."
local ATEXT2 := ;
"The return values are, for twButtonBox() and twRadioBox(), the element " + ;
"of the array in which the buttons are held. for twCheckBox(), an array " + ;
"of checked elements is returned. All three of these functions act " + ;
"like similar constructs in MS-Windows. for the twButtonBox() function, " + ;
"the default exit key is the Enter or Escape key. for twCheckBox() and " + ;
"twRadioBox(), Enter or Space toggles the selection and the Escape key " + ;
"exits the routine. Only SINGLE choices are allowed with twButtonBox() " + ;
"and twRadioBox(). Multiple choices are allowed with twCheckBox(). " + ;
"You may pass either new exit keys or additonal " + ;
"Action keys to the function. With this feature, you may use any one " + ;
"of these functions to present a pop-up menu with very little " + ;
"code. The menu choice can then be simply the function itself. With " + ;
"Action keys, you can extend the usefulness of these functions in any " + ;
"number of ways. More examples will be available on the TSD support " + ;
local AText3 := ;
"Watch while we demonstrate the same functions called with a vertical " + ;
"configuration. Remember, all that need be passed is the message text " + ;
"and an array of choices! We'll show the return values with another " + ;
"TSDWIN Messaging function twInfo(), after you make a selection."
twCheckBox( "H", ; // Style
AText1, ; // Message
{ "twCheckBox() with Custom Features", TCOLOR },, ; // Title ( No Button Number )
{ "Check", "As", "Many", ; // Button
"As", "You", "Want" }, ; // Array
2, 3, 5, 18, 74, DSHADOW, DFRAME,; // Start, Coords, Shadow, Frame
,,,, "Check1")
twRadioBox( "H", ; // Style
AText2, ; // Message
{ "This Uses twRadioBox()", TCOLOR },, ; // Title ( No Button Number )
{ "What's On", "The Radio", ; // Button
"Tonight", "Dear" }, ; // Array
3, 2, 3, 21, 76, DSHADOW, DFRAME,; // Start, Coords, Shadow, Frame
,,,, "Radio1")
RetVal := twCheckBox( "V", ;
AText3, ;
{ "Here's twCheckBox() Vertical", TCOLOR },, ;
{ "Who Says", "You Can", "Only Pick", "One??" }, ;
1,, 7,, 71, DSHADOW, DFRAME,;
,,,, "Check2")
CheckRtn( RetVal )
RetVal := twRadioBox( "V", ;
AText3, ;
{ "I Know Why These are Called Radio Boxes!", TCOLOR },, ;
{ "WKRP", "CHFI", "WNYC", "CKFM", "C100", "TSDL" }, ;
5, 2, 5, 16, 54, DSHADOW, DFRAME,;
,,,, "Radio2")
CheckRtn( RetVal )
RetVal := twButtonBox( "V", ;
AText3 + " Have a look at the DEMO to see how easy " + ;
"it is to do things like this!", ;
{"Well Now", ;
"It's About Time", ;
"We Got", ;
"A Few Things Straight, Dont' You?", ;
"TSDWIN Can", ;
"Make Your Life Easier", ;
"And Your Applications", ;
"More Coherent", ;
"Have No Doubt About That" }, ;
5, 2, 5, 22, 73, DSHADOW, DFRAME,;
,,,, "Button1")
CheckRtn( RetVal )
twButtonBox( "H", "Now, wasn't that fun? You have seen some of the best Clipper functions"+;
" ever made. "+;
" TSD Ltd. will also be the first to provide Clipper users with a pseudo-object which turns lead into"+;
" gold, with the correct parameters! The parameter list will be supplied on"+;
" registration. One of the parameters will trigger a previously undocumented DOS"+;
" interrupt which starts a process rolling which will ultimately set the lead into gold routine into motion."+;
" After a suitable processing time, thin sheets of pure gold will start issuing"+;
" from the access door of the floppy drive designated as 'A' on your machine. "+;
" TSD recommends you advise your customers to have Brinks on hand when using this function."+;
" Please be warned that this particular routine may fail with some combinations of hardware."+;
" This routine has been tested on some types of hardware."+;
" Consult your hardware dealer for details about your BIOS if it doesn't work for you...", "GOLD! GOLD!! GOLD!!!", ;
1,,, 2, 5, 22, 75, DSHADOW, DFRAME,;
,,,, "Button2")
return nil
│ Description: Message System │
│ │
│ function TSD30002() │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:53:09pm ───────────────────────────*/
function TSD30002()
local Var2Read := SPACE( 20 ), Var2 := SPACE( 20 )
twWarn( " Trying a Warning Message ",,,,, DSHADOW, DFRAME, "Warn1" )
twInfo( " Trying an Info Message ",,,,, DSHADOW, DFRAME, "Info1" )
twTextMsg("Trying a Text Message. With this one we have to have the thing do a word"+;
"wrap to put it into the box.",,,5,5,15,45,, DSHADOW, DFRAME,,, "TextMsg1" )
twInquire( {"Trying out an Inquire Message:",;
"Let's see if more lines will work out OK too?",;
"3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13",;
},, Var2Read,,, DSHADOW, DFRAME,, "Inquire1" )
twInquire( "Trying out another Inquire Message:","Trying", Var2,;
,, DSHADOW, DFRAME,, "Inquire2" )
twInfo( {" Trying an Info Message ",;
"Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4", "Item 5", "Item 6",;
"Item 7", "Item 8", "Item 9", "Item 10", "Item 11", "Item 12" };
,,,,, DSHADOW, DFRAME, "Info2" )
twMsgInit( 1, iif( !lMono, "gr+/r,w/n,,,w+/n", "n/w,w+/n,,,w/n"))
twInfo( {" You can change colours ",;
"Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4", "Item 5", "Item 6", "Item 7" };
,,,,, DSHADOW, DFRAME, "Info3" )
twMsgInit( 1, { COLORE, TCOLOR })
return nil
│ Description: Area Message System │
│ │
│ function TSD30003() │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:53:25pm ───────────────────────────*/
function TSD30003()
twInfoLine( 5, "twInfoLine() Puts Messages in a Pre-Defined Area. ( «Any Key» or «Button» )" , "L" )
twInfoLine( 5, "You Pick the Justification ( «Any Key» or «Button» )" , "C" )
twInfoLine( 5, "You can also Change the Area! ( «Any Key» or «Button» )" , "R", 20 )
twInfoLine( 5, "You can have «TWO» Colour Attributes too! ( «Any Key» or «Button» )" )
twWarnLine( 5, "twWarnLine() is the same «EXCEPT» for the default colour." )
return nil
│ Description: Messages Mouse Support │
│ │
│ function TSD30004() │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:53:46pm ───────────────────────────*/
function TSD30004()
local aMsg := {}
aadd( aMsg, "Mouse support for the TSDWIN message systems is automatic." )
aadd( aMsg, "" )
aadd( aMsg, "When using twInfo() and twWarn() the right button returns" )
aadd( aMsg, "the ESC key and the left button, the ENTER key." )
aadd( aMsg, "" )
aadd( aMsg, "With the Alert Boxes, the Right Button always enters ESC" )
aadd( aMsg, "The left will 'Select' in twButtonBox() and 'Tag or Mark'" )
aadd( aMsg, "in twCheckBox() and twRadioBox()" )
aadd( aMsg, "" )
aadd( aMsg, "twInfoLine() and twWarnLine() simply wait for a button or" )
aadd( aMsg, "key press, if they are in a waiting state. " )
aadd( aMsg, "" )
aadd( aMsg, "The windowed and area messages may be called to:" )
aadd( aMsg, " Wait for a button or key press" )
aadd( aMsg, " Leave their display on the screen" )
aadd( aMsg, " Leave their display then remove it later." )
UserMsg( aMsg )
return nil
│ Description: Check a return value and display it. │
│ │
│ function CheckRtn( RetVal ) │
│ │
│ Args: RetVal - The Return Value │
│ │
│ Return: TRUE │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:54:04pm ───────────────────────────*/
function CheckRtn( RetVal )
local aTempArray := {}, aLen, Cntr
if valtype( RetVal ) == 'N'
aadd( aTempArray, "Your return Value Was:" )
aadd( aTempArray, "Element Number: "+STRINT( RetVal ))
twInfo( aTempArray,,,,, DSHADOW, DFRAME )
elseif valtype( RetVal ) == 'A'
aLen := len( RetVal );Cntr:=0
aadd( aTempArray, "You Picked:" )
aeval( RetVal, {|| Cntr++, aadd( aTempArray, RetVal[ Cntr] ) } )
twInfo( aTempArray,,,,, DSHADOW, DFRAME )
return .t.
│ Description: TSDWIN Menu Systems │
│ │
│ function TSD40000() │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:54:52pm ───────────────────────────*/
function TSD40000()
local amArray, nChoice, cHeader, aMsg, wT, wL, nX
local nRowSkip, cJustify, cUser, nStartRow, lSBar
local aItems := { "one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight",;
"twenty" }
local nRow := 5, nStartCol := 1, nEndCol := maxcol() - 1
local nStart := 0
UserMsg( { "The Main Menu in this demo uses 'twMenuTo().",;
"This demonstration shows how twPopMenu() and",;
"twPopChoice() can be used to create menus.", "",;
"The main differences between the two are the",;
"automatic handling of HotKeys in twPopMenu()",;
"and the different mouse confinement when you",;
"use twPopChoice().", "",;
"for a more detailed description of the Choice",;
"functions, see the section on Browses!", "",;
"twLineMenu() gives you an expandable bar line",;
"menu with indicators and mouse support." })
twTitle( padc( "TSDWIN Menus", 30 ), TCOLOR, "T", "C" )
amArray := { "«1.» Menu Item 1", ;
"«2.» Menu Item 2", ;
"«3.» Menu Item 3", ;
"«4.» Menu Item 4", ;
"«5.» Menu Item 5", ;
"«Q.» Quit" }
nChoice := 1
do while nChoice != 0
twMenuInit( 0,,,, .t., MENUPCLR )
cHeader := "twPopMenu()"
aMsg := nil
wT := 7
wL := 15
nRowSkip := 1
nChoice := twPopMenu( amArray, cHeader, aMsg, wT, wL, nChoice, MENUPCLR, ;
do case
case nChoice >= 1 .and. nChoice <= 5
UserMsg( "You Chose " + STRINT( nChoice ))
case nChoice = 6
nChoice := 1
setblink( .f. )
do while nChoice != 0
twMenuInit( 0,,,, .t., MENUPCLR )
cHeader := "twPopMenu()"
aMsg := nil
wT := 5
wL := 15
nRowSkip := 2
nChoice := twPopMenu( amArray, cHeader, aMsg, wT, wL, nChoice, MENUPCLR, ;
do case
case nChoice >= 1 .and. nChoice <= 5
UserMsg( "You Chose " + STRINT( nChoice ))
case nChoice = 6
nX := 0
aeval( amArray, {|| nX++, amArray[ nX ] := ;
strtran( strtran( amArray[ nX ], "»", "" ), "«", "" )})
nChoice := 1
do while nChoice != 0
cHeader := "twPopChoice()"
aMsg := nil
wT := 8
wL := 45
cJustify := "L"
cUser := nil
nStartRow := 3
lSBar := .f.
nChoice := twPopChoice( amArray, cHeader, wT, wL, nChoice, MENUPCLR, DSHADOW, ;
D2FRAME, MENUFCLR, cJustify, cUser, nStartRow, lSbar )
do case
case nChoice >= 1 .and. nChoice <= 5
twInfo( "You Chose " + STRINT( nChoice ))
case nChoice = 6
amArray := {}
for nChoice = 1 to 30
aadd( amArray, padl( STRINT( nChoice ), 2 ) + ". Menu Item " + STRINT( nChoice ))
nChoice := 1
setblink( .f. )
do while nChoice != 0
cHeader := "twPopChoice()"
aMsg := nil
wT := 8
wL := 45
cJustify := "L"
cUser := nil
nStartRow := 3
lSBar := .t.
nChoice := twPopChoice( amArray, cHeader, wT, wL, nChoice, MENUPCLR, DSHADOW, ;
D2FRAME, MENUFCLR, cJustify, cUser, nStartRow, lSbar )
if nChoice >= 1 .and. nChoice <= 30
twInfo( "You Chose " + STRINT( nChoice ))
do while .t.
nChoice := twLineMenu( nRow, nStartCol, nEndCol, aItems, 2, ;
MENUPCLR,,,,,,,,,, "FirstLine" )
if nChoice = 0
UserMsg( "You Chose " + aItems[ nChoice ] )
aItems := {}
nRow += 3
use Windemo
do while !eof()
aadd( aItems, " " +trim( Windemo->Ice_Cream ) )
do while .t.
nChoice := twLineMenu( nRow, nStartCol + 2, nEndCol - 2, aItems,, MENUPCLR;
,, .f.,, {|| twTitle( "Windowed twLineMenu() Test", TCOLOR) },;
, .t., DSHADOW, D2FRAME, MENUFCLR, "SecdLine" )
if nChoice = 0
UserMsg( "You Chose " + aItems[ nChoice ] )
close Windemo
return nil
│ Description: TSDWIN Browse Systems │
│ │
│ function TSD50000() │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:55:16pm ───────────────────────────*/
function TSD50000()
local nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, cUser, nStartItem, nWinRow, aSrch
local nTag, cACColor, cBarColor, wT, wL, wB, wR, nChoice, amArray, aLogicals
local nButRow, nButCol, aMouseID, f, nParts, nCost, nSell, aHelp, aColumns
local cTitle, cTopKey, bScopeBlock, lEditFlag, aActionKeys, wColor, wSType
local wFType, wFColor, lScBar, lMsgs, lAlite, nFreeze, lStabilize, bPreRun
local bPostRun, nexitKey, aSeparators, lOKAppend, lSound, nCount, aTemp
UserMsg( { "To conserve space, only the new browses in TSDWIN V 2.10",;
"will be demonstrated here. They automatically invoke mouse",;
"support if you have called twMouseInit() at the beginning",;
"of your program.", "",;
"We shall show you:", "",;
" twACChoice() - a moused replacement for ACHOICE()",;
" twABBrowse() - a simple array browser.",;
" twRABrowse() - a totally configurable array browser.",;
" twBRBrowse() - a totally configurable DBF browser.", "",;
"You should consult TSDWIN.NG for more information on these",;
"functions, as they are very flexible.", "",;
"During the demo, the line at the bottom of the screen, and",;
"displayed buttons will be Mouse Hot Spots." })
twTitle( padc( "TSDWIN Browse Systems", 30 ), TCOLOR, "T", "C" )
twOpen( 3, 3, 21, 76, COLORN, DSHADOW, DFRAME,, COLORFN )
nTop := twRow( 3 )
nLeft := twCol( 4 )
nBottom := twRow( 10 )
nRight := twCol( 22 )
cUser := nil
nStartItem := 1
nWinRow := 1
lScBar := .t.
nTag := 0
cACColor := iif( ! lMono, "w+/br,gr+/r,n/bg,w+/r,w/br", ;
"w+/n,n/w,n/w,w/n,w+/n" )
cBarColor := iif( ! lMono, "w+/g" , "n/w" )
twClear( .f.)
twTitle( padc( "twACChoice() with No Tagging + Logicals", 55 ), "n/w")
twSay( 12, 3, "Right Button: exit │ Left Button: Select" )
twSay( 13, 3, " ENTER: Select │ ESC: exit" )
twSay( 14, 3, 'cACColor := "w+/br,gr+/r,n/bg,w+/r,w/br"' )
twSay( 15, 3, 'cBarColor := "w+/g"' )
twSay( 16, 3, ' nTag := 0' )
twBox( 2, 3, 11, 24, 1 )
nChoice := 1
do while nChoice != 0
amArray := {}
for nChoice = 1 to 30
aadd( amArray, padl( STRINT( nChoice ), 2 ) + ". Menu Item " + STRINT( nChoice ))
aLogicals := array( 30 )
afill( aLogicals, .t. )
aLogicals[ 04 ] := .f.
aLogicals[ 14 ] := .f.
aLogicals[ 15 ] := .f.
aLogicals[ 20 ] := .f.
aLogicals[ 22 ] := .f.
aLogicals[ 23 ] := .f.
aLogicals[ 24 ] := .f.
aLogicals[ 25 ] := .f.
aLogicals[ 26 ] := .f.
nChoice := twACChoice( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, amArray, ;
aLogicals, cUser, nStartItem, nWinRow, ;
lScBar, nTag, cACColor, cBarColor )
UserMsg( "You Chose " + STRINT( nChoice ))
twClear( .f.)
nButRow := _twTop()
nButCol := 50
cACColor := iif( ! lMono, "w+/g,bg+/n,n/bg,w+/r,w/gr", ;
"w+/n,n/w,n/w,w/n,w+/n" )
cBarColor := iif( ! lMono, "n/bg+" , "n/w" )
aMouseID := array( 7 )
twCreateButton( nButRow, nButCol, padc( "Help", 13), .f., iif( !lMono, "gr+/r", "n/w"))
#ifndef NOMOUSE
aMouseID[ 1 ] := twACHotSpot( twRow( nButRow ), twCol( nButCol ), twRow( nButRow ), twCol( nButCol + 13 ), ;
{|| SpotDeactivate( aMouseID ),;
_twKBoard( K_F1 ),;
SpotActivate( aMouseID ) } , 1, , .t. )
nButRow += 2
twCreateButton( nButRow, nButCol, padc( "Tag All", 13), .f., iif( !lMono, "gr+/r", "n/w"))
#ifndef NOMOUSE
aMouseID[ 2 ] := twACHotSpot( twRow( nButRow ), twCol( nButCol ), twRow( nButRow ), twCol( nButCol + 13 ), ;
{|| _twKBoard( K_F7 ) } , 1, , .t. )
nButRow += 2
twCreateButton( nButRow, nButCol, padc( "UnTag All", 13), .f., iif( !lMono, "gr+/r", "n/w"))
#ifndef NOMOUSE
aMouseID[ 3 ] := twACHotSpot( twRow( nButRow ), twCol( nButCol ), twRow( nButRow ), twCol( nButCol + 13 ), ;
{|| _twKBoard( K_F8 ) } , 1, , .t. )
nButRow += 2
twCreateButton( nButRow, nButCol, padc( "Swap Tags", 13), .f., iif( !lMono, "gr+/r", "n/w"))
#ifndef NOMOUSE
aMouseID[ 4 ] := twACHotSpot( twRow( nButRow ), twCol( nButCol ), twRow( nButRow ), twCol( nButCol + 13 ), ;
{|| _twKBoard( K_F9 ) } , 1, , .t. )
nButRow += 2
twCreateButton( nButRow, nButCol, padc( "Tag Current", 13), .f., iif( !lMono, "gr+/r", "n/w"))
#ifndef NOMOUSE
aMouseID[ 5 ] := twACHotSpot( twRow( nButRow ), twCol( nButCol ), twRow( nButRow ), twCol( nButCol + 13 ), ;
{|| __keyboard( chr( 32 ))} , 1, , .t. )
nButRow += 2
twCreateButton( nButRow, nButCol, padc( "Select", 13), .f., iif( !lMono, "gr+/r", "n/w"))
#ifndef NOMOUSE
aMouseID[ 6 ] := twACHotSpot( twRow( nButRow ), twCol( nButCol ), twRow( nButRow ), twCol( nButCol + 13 ), ;
{|| __keyboard( chr( 13 ))} , 1, , .t. )
nButRow += 2
twCreateButton( nButRow, nButCol, padc( "Done", 13), .f., iif( !lMono, "gr+/r", "n/w"))
#ifndef NOMOUSE
aMouseID[ 7 ] := twACHotSpot( twRow( nButRow ), twCol( nButCol ), twRow( nButRow ), twCol( nButCol + 13 ), ;
{|| __keyboard( chr( 27 ))} , 1, , .t. )
setkey( K_F1, {|| HelpACChoice() } )
nTag := 1 // Allow Tagging, NOT pretagged
twTitle( padc( "twACChoice() with Default Tagging + nil Logicals", 55 ), "n/w")
twSay( 12, 3, "Right Button: Tag │ Left Button: Select" )
twSay( 13, 3, " ENTER: Select │ ESC: exit" )
twSay( 14, 3, " SPACE: Tag" )
twSay( 15, 3, 'cACColor := "w+/b,bg+/n,n/bg,w+/r,w/gr"' )
twSay( 16, 3, 'cBarColor := "n/bg+"' )
twSay( 17, 3, ' nTag := 1' )
nChoice := 1
do while nChoice != 0
amArray := {}
for nChoice = 1 to 30
aadd( amArray, padl( STRINT( nChoice ), 2 ) + ". Menu Item " + STRINT( nChoice ))
aLogicals := array( 30 )
aLogicals := nil
nChoice := twACChoice( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, amArray, ;
aLogicals, cUser, nStartItem, nWinRow, ;
lScBar, nTag, cACColor, cBarColor )
UserMsg( "You Chose " + STRINT( nChoice ))
nTag := 2 // Allow tagging - PreTagged
nChoice := 1
cACColor := iif( ! lMono, "n/bg,gr+/r,r/w,w+/g,w/b", ;
"w+/n,n/w,n/w,w/n,w+/n" )
cBarColor := iif( ! lMono, "w+/b" , "n/w" )
twTitle( padc( "twACChoice() with Pre-Tagging + True Logicals", 55 ), "n/w")
twSay( 12, 3, "Right Button: Tag │ Left Button: Select" )
twSay( 13, 3, " ENTER: Select │ ESC: exit" )
twSay( 14, 3, " SPACE: Tag" )
twSay( 15, 3, 'cACColor := "n/bg,gr+/r,r/w,w+/g,w/b"' )
twSay( 16, 3, 'cBarColor := "w+/b"' )
twSay( 17, 3, ' nTag := 2' )
do while nChoice != 0
amArray := {}
for nChoice = 1 to 30
aadd( amArray, padl( STRINT( nChoice ), 2 ) + ". Menu Item " + STRINT( nChoice ))
aLogicals := array( 30 )
afill( aLogicals, .t. )
for f = 1 to len( amArray )
// Create some tags
if f / 2 == int( f / 2 )
amArray[ f ] := amArray[ f ] + "√"
amArray[ f ] := amArray[ f ] + " "
nChoice := twACChoice( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, amArray, ;
aLogicals, cUser, nStartItem, nWinRow, ;
lScBar, nTag, cACColor, cBarColor )
UserMsg( "You Chose " + STRINT( nChoice ))
#ifndef NOMOUSE
for nChoice = 1 to 7
twACRemHotSpot( aMouseID[ nChoice ] )
setkey( K_F1,{|p,l,v| twHelp(p,l,v) } )
set deleted on
set confirm on
use PART index PART1 alias Part new
nParts := 0; nCost := 0; nSell := 0
DBeval( {|| nParts += Part->PonHand, ;
nCost += ( Part->PonHand * Part->PCost ),;
nSell += ( Part->PonHand * Part->PSell ) } )
go top
aHelp := {}
aadd( aHelp, {|| BRHelp( "GENHLP.DOC", "twBRBrowse() Demo Help", aMouseID ) } )
aadd( aHelp, {|| BRHelp( "COLHLP.DOC", "twBRBrowse() Demo Help", aMouseID ) } )
aadd( aHelp, {|| BRHelp( "ACTHLP.DOC", "twBRBrowse() Demo Help", aMouseID ) } )
aadd( aHelp, {|| BRHelp( "HOTHLP.DOC", "twBRBrowse() Demo Help", aMouseID ) } )
aadd( aHelp, {|| BRHelp( "MSEHLP.DOC", "twBRBrowse() Demo Help", aMouseID ) } )
aadd( aHelp, {|| BRHelp( "CARHLP.DOC", "twBRBrowse() Demo Help", aMouseID ) } )
wT := 3
wL := 11
wB := 21
wR := 68
aColumns := {}
cTitle := nil
cTopKey := nil
bScopeBlock := nil
lEditFlag := .t.
aActionKeys := {}
wColor := iif( ! lMono, "w+/b,gr+/r,,gr+/b,bg+/b,br+/b,g+/b,n/w", ;
"w+/n,n/w,,w/n,w+/n,w/n,w+/n,n/w" )
wSType := 3
wFType := 10
wFColor := iif( !lMono, { "w+/b", "w/b" }, { "w+/n", "w/n"} )
lScBar := .t.
lMsgs := .t.
lAlite := .t.
nFreeze := 3
lStabilize := .t.
bPreRun := {|x,y| twTitle( "Sample Inventory Maintenance", "n/w", "T", "C" ),;
x := twBRGetBrowse(), y := x:getcolumn( 2 ),;
y:colorblock := {|| { 5, 2 } },;
y := x:getcolumn( 3 ),;
y:colorblock := {|| iif( Part->POnHand > 500, { 1, 2 }, ;
iif( Part->POnHand < 100, { 7, 2 }, { 6, 2 } )) },;
x:ColPos := 1 }
bPostRun := nil
nexitKey := K_ALT_X
aSeparators := { "═", " ", "─" }
lOKAppend := .t.
lSound := .t.
aSrch array structure
{ Column Number in which to start key display,
Hilite Bar Exception Color
Code block for search access to dbf.
Prefix for common keys in scoped browses,
Mask for display bar. }
add columns
aadd( aColumns, { cHead, bBlk, nWid, cFoot, lEdit, cPic, bWhn, bVld, ;
bRdr, aClr, bClr, cCsep, cHsep, cFsep })
aColumns := {}
aadd( aColumns, { "Part;Number", ;
{|x| iif( x=nil, Part->Pnumber, Part->Pnumber := x ) } ;
,,, .t., "@! XXX-999999999",,, {|x| BRGetReader(x,,.t.) } })
aadd( aColumns, { "Part;Description", ;
{|x| iif( x=nil, Part->PDesc, Part->PDesc := x ) } ;
,, "Total;Values;", .t., "@X",,, {|x| BRGetReader(x,,.t.) } })
aadd( aColumns, { "Number;On Hand", ;
{|x| iif( x=nil, Part->POnHand, Part->POnHand := x ) } ;
,, transform( nParts, "999999" ) + "; $",;
.t., "9999",, {|x| ShowParts(x, @nParts, @nSell, @nCost ) }, {|x| BRGetReader(x,,.t.) } })
aadd( aColumns, { "Selling;Price", ;
{|x| iif( x=nil, Part->PSell, Part->PSell := x ) } ;
,, " ;" + transform( nSell, "9999999.99" ),;
.t., "9999.99",, {|x| ShowSell(x, @nSell ) }, {|x| BRGetReader(x,,.t.) } })
aadd( aColumns, { "Cost;Price", ;
{|x| iif( x=nil, Part->PCost, Part->PCost := x ) } ;
,, " ;" + transform( nCost, "9999999.99" ), .t., "9999.99",, {|x| ShowCost(x, @nCost ) } })
│ add actionkeys
aActionKeys := {}
aadd( aActionKeys, { K_F2, aHelp[ 1 ] })
aadd( aActionKeys, { K_F3, aHelp[ 2 ] })
aadd( aActionKeys, { K_F4, aHelp[ 3 ] })
aadd( aActionKeys, { K_F5, aHelp[ 4 ] })
aadd( aActionKeys, { K_F6, aHelp[ 5 ] })
aadd( aActionKeys, { K_F7, aHelp[ 6 ] })
#ifndef NOMOUSE
│ add hot spots
aMouseID := array( 6 )
aMouseID[ 1 ] := twBRHotSpot( 24, 0, 24, 9, aHelp[ 1 ], ;
1,, .t. )
aMouseID[ 2 ] := twBRHotSpot( 24, 11, 24, 20, aHelp[ 2 ], ;
1,, .t. )
aMouseID[ 3 ] := twBRHotSpot( 24, 22, 24, 34, aHelp[ 3 ], ;
1,, .t. )
aMouseID[ 4 ] := twBRHotSpot( 24, 36, 24, 47, aHelp[ 4 ], ;
1,, .t. )
aMouseID[ 5 ] := twBRHotSpot( 24, 49, 24, 56, aHelp[ 5 ], ;
1,, .t. )
aMouseID[ 6 ] := twBRHotSpot( 24, 58, 24, 65, aHelp[ 6 ], ;
1,, .t. )
aMouseID[ 6 ] := twBRHotSpot( 24, 67, 24, 74, {|| __keyboard( chr( K_ESC )) } , ;
1,, .t. )
twInfoLine( -2, "«F2»∙General «F3»∙Columns «F4»∙Actionkeys «F5»∙Hot Spots «F6»∙Mouse «F7»∙Cargo «ESC»∙exit" )
do while .t.
twBRBrowse( wT, wL, wB, wR, aColumns, cTitle, cTopKey, ;
bScopeBlock, lEditFlag, aActionKeys, wColor, wSType, wFType, ;
wFColor, lScBar, lMsgs, lAlite, nFreeze, lStabilize, ;
bPreRun, bPostRun, nexitKey, aSeparators, ;
lOKAppend, lSound,,,,, "FirstBR" )
if lastkey() == K_ESC
lAlite := .f.
bPreRun := nil
cTitle := "Now Try The Speed Searching"
aSrch := { 1, iif( ! lMono, "n/*gr" , "w+/n" ) }
do while .t.
twBRBrowse( wT, wL, wB, wR, aColumns, cTitle, cTopKey, ;
bScopeBlock, lEditFlag, aActionKeys, wColor, wSType, wFType, ;
wFColor, lScBar, lMsgs, lAlite, nFreeze, lStabilize, ;
bPreRun, bPostRun, nexitKey, aSeparators, ;
lOKAppend, lSound,,, aSrch,, "SecondBR" )
if lastkey() == K_ESC
│ Remove hot spots. MUST release memory
#ifndef NOMOUSE
for nCount = 1 to len( aMouseID )
twBRRemHotSpot( aMouseID[ nCount ] )
aTemp := {}
for nCount = 1 to 10
aadd( aTemp, "Array Element " + str( nCount, 3 ) )
wT := 3
wL := 25
wB := 21
wR := 54
wColor := iif( ! lMono, "bg+/rg,gr+/n,,w+/rg,bg+/b,r/w,w+/b,w+/g,n/w", ;
"w+/n,n/w,,w+/n,w/n,n/w,w+/n,w/n,n/w" )
wFColor := iif( !lMono, { "gr+/g", "w/b" }, { "w+/n", "w/n"} )
aColumns := {}
aadd( aColumns, { " Column Header", 1,, " Column Footer", .f.,,,,, ;
{ 5, 2 }, {|| iif( twRAGetCurrent() % 3 = 0,;
{ 4, 6 }, { 7, 8 } ) },;
, "═", "■" } )
twInfoLine( -2, "«Single Element» Array «ESC»∙exit" )
#ifndef NOMOUSE
│ add hot spots
aMouseID := array( 1 )
aMouseID[ 1 ] := twRAHotSpot( 24, 22, 24, 29, {|| __keyboard( chr( K_ESC )) } , ;
1,, .t. )
nChoice := twRABrowse( wT, wL, wB, wR, aTemp, aColumns, ;
"Single Element Array" , ;
.t.,, wColor, ;
3, 1, wFColor, .t., .t., 1, .t.,;
,, K_ALT_X,,, "Array Element New", .t. )
│ Remove hot spots. MUST release memory
#ifndef NOMOUSE
for nCount = 1 to len( aMouseID )
twRARemHotSpot( aMouseID[ nCount ] )
wT := 3
wL := 5
wB := 21
wR := 74
aTemp := twDirectory( "*.*" )
asort( aTemp,,, {|x,y| x[ 1 ] < y[ 1 ] } )
aColumns := {}
aadd( aColumns, { "File Name", 1,, "Col1", .t., "@X", {|| 1=1 }, {|| 1=1 }} )
aadd( aColumns, { "Size", 2,, "Col2", .t., "@X", {|| 1=2 }, {|| 1=1 },, ;
{ 4, 2 }, {|| iif( twRAGetElement( 2 ) > 2000, ;
iif( twRAGetElement( 2 ) > 10000, { 4, 2 },;
{ 7, 2 } ), { 5, 2 } ) },;
" > ", "═", "═" })
aadd( aColumns, { "Date", 3,, "Col3", .t., "@X", {|| 1=1 }, {|| 1=1 },,;
{ 5, 2 }, {|| { 8, 2 }}, " < ", "═", "═" } )
aadd( aColumns, { "Time", 4,, "Col4", .t., "@X", {|| 1=2 }, {|| 1=1 }} )
aadd( aColumns, { "Attribute", 5,, "Col5", .t., "@X", {|| 1=1 }, {|| 1=1 },,;
{ 7, 2 }} )
twInfoLine( -2, "«Nested» Array with special column display «ESC»∙exit" )
#ifndef NOMOUSE
│ add hot spots
aMouseID := array( 1 )
aMouseID[ 1 ] := twRAHotSpot( 24, 42, 24, 49, {|| __keyboard( chr( K_ESC )) } , ;
1,, .t. )
nChoice := twRABrowse( wT, wL, wB, wR, aTemp, aColumns, ;
"Directory of Files in " + curdir() , ;
.t.,, ;
iif( ! lMono, "bg+/rg,gr+/n,,g+/rg,gr+/rg,gr+/r,br+/rg,n/w", ;
"w+/n,n/w,,w/n,w+/n,n/w,w+/n,n/w" ), ;
3, 1, iif( ! lMono, "gr+/g", "w+/n" ), ;
.t., .t., 1, .t.,,, K_ALT_X )
UserMsg( "You Chose: " + STRINT( nChoice ) + iif( nChoice = 0, '', aTemp [ nChoice, 1 ]))
│ Remove hot spots. MUST release memory
#ifndef NOMOUSE
for nCount = 1 to len( aMouseID )
twRARemHotSpot( aMouseID[ nCount ] )
close PART
return nil
│ Description: Disable Mouse Spots in twACChoice() Demo │
│ │
│ function SpotDeactivate( xSpot ) │
│ │
│ Args: xSpot │
│ │
│ Return: │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:55:43pm ───────────────────────────*/
function SpotDeactivate( xSpot )
local nX
#ifndef NOMOUSE
if valtype( xSpot ) = 'A'
for nX = 1 to len( xSpot )
twACSpotOff( xSpot[ nX ] )
twACSpotOff( xSpot )
return nil
│ Description: Reactivate Mouse Spots in twACChoice() Demo │
│ │
│ function SpotActivate( xSpot ) │
│ │
│ Args: xSpot │
│ │
│ Return: │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:56:02pm ───────────────────────────*/
function SpotActivate( xSpot )
local nX
#ifndef NOMOUSE
if valtype( xSpot ) = 'A'
for nX = 1 to len( xSpot )
twACSpotOn( xSpot[ nX ] )
twACSpotOn( xSpot )
return nil
│ Description: Help for twACChoice() Demo │
│ │
│ function HelpACChoice() │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:56:20pm ───────────────────────────*/
function HelpACChoice()
local aMsg := {}, bF1 := setkey( K_F1, nil )
aadd( aMsg, "twACChoice() has different default key and mouse actions" )
aadd( aMsg, "depending on the setting of the 'tagging' parameter:" )
aadd( aMsg, "" )
aadd( aMsg, " nTag = 0 ( No Tagging )" )
aadd( aMsg, "" )
aadd( aMsg, "Left Button - Select │ Right Button - exit w/o choice" )
aadd( aMsg, " ENTER - Select │ ESC - exit w/o choice" )
aadd( aMsg, "" )
aadd( aMsg, " nTag = 1 ( Start with untagged array )" )
aadd( aMsg, " nTag = 2 ( Start with Pre-Tagged array )" )
aadd( aMsg, "" )
aadd( aMsg, "Left Button - Select │ Right Button - Tag current" )
aadd( aMsg, " ENTER - Select │ SPACE - Tag Current" )
aadd( aMsg, " ESC - exit w/o choice" )
aadd( aMsg, "" )
aadd( aMsg, " F7 - Tag All" )
aadd( aMsg, " F8 - Untag All" )
aadd( aMsg, " F9 - Swap tagged with untagged" )
twInfo( aMsg, "twACChoice() Help",,,, 3, 10 )
setkey( K_F1, bF1 )
return nil
│ Description: Read Help for twBRBrowse() Demo │
│ │
│ function BRHelp( cFile, cTitle, aMouseSpots ) │
│ │
│ Args: cFile - │
│ cTitle - │
│ aMouseSpots - │
│ │
│ Return: │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:56:41pm ───────────────────────────*/
function BRHelp( cFile, cTitle, aMouseSpots )
local aHandles, cMemo, nX
#ifndef NOMOUSE
for nX := 1 to len( aMouseSpots )
twBRSpotOff( aMouseSpots[ nX ] )
twInfoLine( -2, "«Up/Dn»∙«Page»∙Scroll Text «ESC»∙Done" )
twTextFile( 7, 08, 20, 71, cFile, "n/w", ;
3, 10, "b+/w", cTitle )
#ifndef NOMOUSE
for nX := 1 to len( aMouseSpots )
twBRSpotOn( aMouseSpots[ nX ] )
return nil
│ Description: Footers display for twBRBrowse() Demo VALID clause │
│ │
│ function ShowParts( oGet, nParts, nSell, nCost ) │
│ │
│ Arguments: oGet - Active get │
│ nParts - Parts on hand │
│ nSell - Selling price │
│ nCost - Cost price │
│ │
│ return Value: TRUE for the VALID │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:57:03pm ───────────────────────────*/
function ShowParts( oGet, nParts, nSell, nCost )
local oB := twBRGetBrowse(), oCol
local nOldValue := Part->POnHand, nDiff, nNewValue := eval( oGet:block )
local nNewDollars
nDiff := nOldValue - nNewValue
oCol := oB:getcolumn( 3 )
nParts -= nDiff
oCol:Footing := transform( nParts, "999999" ) + "; $"
nOldValue := Part->POnHand * Part->PSell
nNewDollars := nNewValue * Part->PSell
nDiff := nOldValue - nNewDollars
nSell -= nDiff
oCol := oB:getcolumn( 4 )
oCol:Footing := " ;" + transform( nSell, "9999999.99" )
nOldValue := Part->POnHand * Part->PCost
nNewDollars := nNewValue * Part->PCost
nDiff := nOldValue - nNewDollars
nCost -= nDiff
oCol := oB:getcolumn( 5 )
oCol:Footing := " ;" + transform( nCost, "9999999.99" )
return .t.
│ Description: VALID clause for selling price in twBRBrowse() Demo │
│ │
│ function ShowSell( oGet, nSell ) │
│ │
│ Arguments: oGet - Active get │
│ nSell - Selling price │
│ │
│ return Value: TRUE for the VALID │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:57:41pm ───────────────────────────*/
function ShowSell( oGet, nSell )
local oB := twBRGetBrowse(), oCol
local nOldValue := Part->PSell * Part->POnHand
local nDiff := nOldValue - ( Part->POnHand * eval( oGet:block ))
oCol := oB:getcolumn( 4 )
nSell -= nDiff
oCol:Footing := " ;" + transform( nSell, "9999999.99" )
return .t.
│ Description: VALID clause for cost price in twBRBrowse() Demo │
│ │
│ function ShowCost( oGet, nCost ) │
│ │
│ Arguments: oGet - Active get │
│ nCost - Cost price │
│ │
│ return Value: TRUE for the VALID │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:58:18pm ───────────────────────────*/
function ShowCost( oGet, nCost )
local oB := twBRGetBrowse(), oCol
local nOldValue := Part->PCost * Part->POnHand
local nDiff := nOldValue - ( Part->POnHand * eval( oGet:block ))
oCol := oB:getcolumn( 5 )
nCost -= nDiff
oCol:Footing := " ;" + transform( nCost, "9999999.99" )
return .t.
│ Description: Mouse Support Display │
│ │
│ function TSD60000() │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:58:59pm ───────────────────────────*/
function TSD60000()
local nCount := 0, nTime := seconds(), lShowPresses := .f.
local nMRow, nMCol, nButton := 0
UserMsg( { "In TSDWIN, Mouse support is almost automatic. A call to twMouseInit()",;
"at the beginning of a program is all it takes.",;
"All the message and browse systems have default mouse support which",;
"you can augment by creating Mouse Hot Spots with the right associated",;
"tw??HotSpot() or tw??MouseLine() functions. See TSDWIN.NG for more.",;
"When you use Mouse Hot Spots, be sure to release the memory they use",;
"with the correct tw??RemHotSpot() or tw??LinePop() function.",;
"In TSDWIN, the left button usually defaults to a 'Selection' key. For",;
"instance, in a browse, pressing the left button on the current choice",;
"will select it. The same holds for Alert Boxes.",;
"Sometimes the left button is used for tagging, if multiple selections",;
"are allowed. In browses in Edit mode, double clicking the left button",;
"initiates an edit.",;
"The right hand button usually defaults to the ESC key, except in case",;
"of multiple choice selections again, where it is a selction key.",;
"Scroll Bar arrows cause a line up or down with the left button and a",;
"page up or down with the right button. Both buttons take you to the",;
"top or bottom of the browse. Clicking in the scroll bars themselves",;
"moves the pointer proportionately." ;
} )
#ifndef NOMOUSE
if AskUser( { "Continue with Demo", "exit to Main Menu" }, ;
"The following demonstrates routines showing you " +;
"how the low-level mouse functions work.." ) != 1
return nil
twTitle( padc( "TSDWIN Low-Level Mouse Support", 30 ), TCOLOR, "T", "C" )
@ twRow( 03 ), twCol( 2 ) say " function 0 1 2"
@ twRow( 04 ), twCol( 2 ) say "------------------------------------------------------------------"
@ twRow( 05 ), twCol( 2 ) say " Which Button Pressed :"
@ twRow( 06 ), twCol( 2 ) say " X coordinate of Mouse :"
@ twRow( 07 ), twCol( 2 ) say " Y coordinate of Mouse :"
@ twRow( 08 ), twCol( 2 ) say " Status of Button 0 Pressed ( 0, 1, 2, 3 ) :"
@ twRow( 09 ), twCol( 2 ) say " No. of Presses of Button :"
@ twRow( 10 ), twCol( 2 ) say " get X coordinate of Last Button Pressed :"
@ twRow( 11 ), twCol( 2 ) say " get Y coordinate of Last Button Pressed :"
@ twRow( 12 ), twCol( 2 ) say " Status of Button released ( 0, 1, 2, 3 ) :"
@ twRow( 13 ), twCol( 2 ) say " No. of releases of Button :"
@ twRow( 14 ), twCol( 2 ) say " X coordinate of Last Button released :"
@ twRow( 15 ), twCol( 2 ) say " Y coordinate of Last Button released :"
@ twRow( 16 ), twCol( 2 ) say " Horizontal Direction of Mouse :"
@ twRow( 17 ), twCol( 2 ) say " Vertical Direction of Mouse :"
@ twRow( 19 ), twCol( 2 ) say " Counter for Presses/releases Display ( 0-400 ):"
@ twRow( 20 ), twCol( 2 ) say " Seconds to Full Display:"
@ twRow( 21 ), twCol( 30 ) say "Press ESC or Click Here to QUIT" COLOR twEnhClr( setcolor() )
do while inkey() != 27
if seconds() - nTime >= 60
lShowpresses := .t.
@ twRow( 20 ), twCol( 50 ) say str( 60 - ( seconds() - nTime ), 7, 2 )
@ twRow( 05 ), twCol( 50 ) say str( _twM3B(), 5 ) // get Which Button Pressed
@ twRow( 06 ), twCol( 50 ) say str( _twM3C() , 5 ) // get X coordinate of Mouse
@ twRow( 07 ), twCol( 50 ) say str( _twM3D() , 5 ) // get Y coordinate of Mouse
@ twRow( 08 ), twCol( 50 ) say str( _twM5A( 0 ), 5 ) + " " + str( _twM5A( 1 ), 5 ) + " " + str( _twM5A( 2 ), 5 ) // <int M2> Status of Button Pressed ( 0 = up, 1 = down )
if lShowPresses
@ twRow( 10 ), twCol( 50 ) say str( _twM5C( 0 ), 5 ) + " " + str( _twM5C( 1 ), 5 ) + " " + str( _twM5C( 2 ), 5 ) // <int M2> get X coordinate of Last Button Pressed
@ twRow( 11 ), twCol( 50 ) say str( _twM5D( 0 ), 5 ) + " " + str( _twM5D( 1 ), 5 ) + " " + str( _twM5D( 2 ), 5 ) // <int M2> get Y coordinate of Last Button Pressed
@ twRow( 14 ), twCol( 50 ) say str( _twM6C( 0 ) , 5 ) + " " + str( _twM6C( 1 ) , 5 ) + " " + str( _twM6C( 2 ) , 5 ) // <int M2> get X coordinate of Last Button released
@ twRow( 15 ), twCol( 50 ) say str( _twM6D( 0 ) , 5 ) + " " + str( _twM6D( 1 ) , 5 ) + " " + str( _twM6D( 2 ) , 5 ) // <int M2> get Y coordinate of Last Button released
lShowPresses := .f.
@ twRow( 12 ), twCol( 50 ) say str( _twM6A( 0 ), 5 ) + " " + str( _twM6A( 1 ), 5 ) + " " + str( _twM6A( 2 ), 5 ) // <int M2> Status of Button released ( 0 = up, 1 = down )
@ twRow( 16 ), twCol( 50 ) say str( _twM11C() , 5 ) // get Horizontal Direction of Mouse
@ twRow( 17 ), twCol( 50 ) say str( _twM11D() , 5 ) // get Vertical Direction of Mouse
if nCount = 400
@ twRow( 09 ), twCol( 50 ) say str( _twM5B( 0 ), 5 ) + " " + str( _twM5B( 1 ), 5 ) + " " + str( _twM5B( 2 ), 5 ) // <int M2> No. of Presses of Button
@ twRow( 13 ), twCol( 50 ) say str( _twM6B( 0 ) , 5 ) + " " + str( _twM6B( 1 ) , 5 ) + " " + str( _twM6B( 2 ) , 5 ) // <int M2> No. of releases of Button
nCount := 0
lShowPresses := iif( lShowPresses, .f., .t. )
@ twRow( 19 ), twCol( 50 ) say str( nCount, 7 )
nButton := twMGetPress( @nMRow, @nMCol )
nMRow := int( nMRow / 8 );nMCol := int( nMCol / 8 )
if nMRow = 22 .and. ( nMCol >= 30 .and. nMCol <= 47 ) .and. ( nButton == 1 )
return nil
│ Description: Miscellaneous functions │
│ │
│ function TSD70000() │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:59:25pm ───────────────────────────*/
function TSD70000()
local nKey, nGetTry := 0, GetList := {}, dGetTry := date()
local aNtxArray := {}, lMsgs := .f., nStartTime
local cFileSpec := "*.PRG,*.DOC "
local cDest := "A:", cPath := ".\ "
local wT := 3, wL := 10, wB := 15, wR := 70, cTitle := "Title String"
local cFooters := "Footer String"
local cMemo := "Printer Not Ready! You can try it if you want but it will not work."+;
" Oh Well... I knew you had to go ahead and see for yourself. That really"+;
" is a pity. Lack of trust will defeat us all, then that will be it! "+;
"I wonder where it will all end. Probably at my own crucification!"+;
" Whatever became of good old deceit and corporate skullduggery?"+;
" I guess Santa ain't coming to town yet, eh?"
local tString
local mUdf, ActionKeys
local wColor, wSType, wFType, wFColor, lWrap, lEditMode, nLineLength
local nTabSize, nTBufRow, nTBufColumn
local nWinRow, nWinColumn, lScBar, lWindow
memvar mDest
twOpen( 3, 10, 21, 70, COLORM, DSHADOW, DFRAME,, COLORFM )
twTitle( padc( 'TSD twCalculator()', 30 ), TCOLOR, 'T', 'C' )
twTitle( padc( 'Shift-F1 to Call Calculator', 30 ), TCOLOR, 'B', 'C' )
twCalcInit( 2, 3, MAINCLC, 3, 10,, .t. )
set key K_SH_F1 to twCallCalc()
do while .t.
@ twRow( 4 ), twCol( 10 ) say "Get a Value:" get nGetTry picture "##########.####"
twReadModal( GetList, .t. ); GetList := {}
if lastkey() == K_ESC
set key K_SH_F1 to
twOpen( 3, 10, 21, 70, COLORM, DSHADOW, DFRAME,, COLORFM )
twTitle( padc( 'TSD twCalendar()', 30 ), TCOLOR, 'T', 'C' )
twDateInit( 2, 3, MAINCYN, 7, 10,, .f. )
do while .t.
@ twRow( 6 ), twCol( 10 ) say "Get a Date:" get dGetTry picture "@D" when twCalendar( @dGetTry )
twReadModal( GetList, .t. ); GetList := {}
if lastkey() == K_ESC
twCenter( 02, "The TSDWIN Indexer makes use of the new GaugeBar Class." )
twCenter( 03, "It gives your users what they want to see... what's" )
twCenter( 04, "going on... and frees you from the drudgery of creating" )
twCenter( 05, "needed but complex routines." )
DemoWait( 1 )
twCenter( 07, "twIndexMaker function Description" )
DemoWait( 1 )
twSay( 09, 16, "Watch how these two lines of code operate:" )
twSay( 11, 6, "aadd( aNtxArray, { 'Windemo', 'Windemo', 'C', 'upper( CodeKey )' }) " )
twSay( 13, 6, "twIndexMaker( aNtxArray,,,,, COLORM, DSHADOW, D2FRAME, ; " )
twSay( 14, 16, "'Handy Index Maker',, .f. ) " )
DemoWait( 1 )
twCenter( 22, " Press a Key or Button or Wait!! " )
DemoWait( 5 )
aadd( aNtxArray, { "Windemo", "Windemo", "C", "upper( CodeKey )" } )
twIndexMaker( aNtxArray,,,,, COLORM, DSHADOW, D2FRAME, ;
"Handy Index Maker",, .f. )
twCenter( 16, "How was That??" )
DemoWait( 1 )
twClear( .f. )
twTitle( padc( "twBackUp() Demonstration", 30 ), TCOLOR, "T", "C" )
do while .t.
@ twRow( 2 ), twCol( 10 ) say " Path:" get cPath picture "@!@S25"
@ twRow( 4 ), twCol( 10 ) say " FileSpec:" get cFileSpec picture "@!"
@ twRow( 6 ), twCol( 10 ) say "Destination:" get cDest picture "@!"
@ twRow( 8 ), twCol( 10 ) say "Messages:" get lMsgs picture "Y"
twReadModal( GetList ); GetList := {}
if lastkey() == K_ESC
nStartTime := seconds()
twBackUp( cPath, cFileSpec, cDest, lMsgs, COLORM, DSHADOW, D2FRAME, COLORFM )
UserMsg( "Backup took: " + ;
alltrim( str( ( seconds() - nStartTime ) / 60 )) + " Minutes" )
memvar->mDest := cDest + "*.*"
erase &mDest
release mDest
twTitle( padc( "Memo Handling Demonstration", 30 ), TCOLOR, "T", "C" )
twClear( .f. )
lMsgs := .t.
lEditMode := .t.
nWinColumn := nil
lScBar := .t.
lWindow := .t.
nLineLength := 100
cTitle := "Testing twMemoEdit()"
cMemo := cMemo + cMemo + cMemo + cMemo + cMemo
cMemo := twMemoEdit( wT, wL, wB, wR, cMemo, cTitle, cFooters, mUdf, ActionKeys, ;
COLORM, DSHADOW, DFRAME, COLORFM, .t., lEditMode, .t., ;
nLineLength, nTabSize, nTBufRow, nTBufColumn, ;
nWinRow, nWinColumn, lScBar, lWindow )
twMemoView( wT, wL, wB, wR, cMemo, "Testing twMemoView()", cFooters, ;
return nil
│ Description: TSDWIN Hardware functions │
│ │
│ function TSD80000() │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 04:59:46pm ───────────────────────────*/
function TSD80000()
local nKey := 0, aKeyTry := {}, nX := 0, nRow := 3
local cDrStat := "0", nDrive := 0, GetList := {}, RetVal
twTitle( "twIsDrive()Demonstration", TCOLOR )
twTitle( "Get out a Diskette or Two!!!!!!!!!!!!!",, "B", "C" )
do while .t.
twSay( 2, 5, "Enter Drive to Check ( 0 for Drive A:, 1 for Drive B: )!" )
@ twRow( 4 ), twCol( 12 ) get nDrive picture "#"
twReadModal( GetList ); GetList := {}
if lastkey() == K_ESC
twIsDrive( nDrive, 3, 4 )
twTitle( "Testing tw_GetKSt() - Try the Keys!!!", TCOLOR )
aadd( aKeyTry, RSHIFT )
aadd( aKeyTry, LSHIFT )
aadd( aKeyTry, CTRL )
aadd( aKeyTry, ALT )
aadd( aKeyTry, SCROLLSTAT )
aadd( aKeyTry, NUMLOCKSTAT )
aadd( aKeyTry, CAPLOCKSTAT )
aadd( aKeyTry, INSERTSTAT )
aadd( aKeyTry, CTRLNUMLKSTAT )
aadd( aKeyTry, SCROLLOCK )
aadd( aKeyTry, NUMLOCK )
aadd( aKeyTry, CAPLOCK )
aadd( aKeyTry, INSERT )
twSay( nRow++, 15, " Right Shift:")
twSay( nRow++, 15, " Left Shift:")
twSay( nRow++, 15, " Control:")
twSay( nRow++, 15, " Alternate:")
twSay( nRow++, 15, " Scroll Lock Status:")
twSay( nRow++, 15, "Number Lock Status :")
twSay( nRow++, 15, " Caps Lock Status:")
twSay( nRow++, 15, " Insert Status:")
twSay( nRow++, 15, "Ctrl NumLock Status:")
twSay( nRow++, 15, " Scroll Lock Key:")
twSay( nRow++, 15, " Number Lock Key:")
twSay( nRow++, 15, " Caps Lock Key:")
twSay( nRow++, 15, " Insert Key:")
do while ( nkey := inkey()) != 27
twTitle( "Counter" + STRINT( ++nX ), TCOLOR, "B", "C" )
nRow := 3
twSay( nRow++, 35, str( tw_GetKSt( RSHIFT )), ;
iif( tw_GetKSt( RSHIFT )= 0,;
twStdClr( setcolor()),twEnhClr( setcolor())))
twSay( nRow++, 35, str( tw_GetKSt( LSHIFT )), ;
iif( tw_GetKSt( LSHIFT )= 0,;
twStdClr( setcolor()),twEnhClr( setcolor())))
twSay( nRow++, 35, str( tw_GetKSt( CTRL )), ;
iif( tw_GetKSt( CTRL )= 0,;
twStdClr( setcolor()),twEnhClr( setcolor())))
twSay( nRow++, 35, str( tw_GetKSt( ALT )), ;
iif( tw_GetKSt( ALT )= 0,;
twStdClr( setcolor()),twEnhClr( setcolor())))
twSay( nRow++, 35, str( tw_GetKSt( SCROLLSTAT )), ;
iif( tw_GetKSt( SCROLLSTAT )= 0,;
twStdClr( setcolor()),twEnhClr( setcolor())))
twSay( nRow++, 35, str( tw_GetKSt( NUMLOCKSTAT )), ;
iif( tw_GetKSt( NUMLOCKSTAT )= 0,;
twStdClr( setcolor()),twEnhClr( setcolor())))
twSay( nRow++, 35, str( tw_GetKSt( CAPLOCKSTAT )), ;
iif( tw_GetKSt( CAPLOCKSTAT )= 0,;
twStdClr( setcolor()),twEnhClr( setcolor())))
twSay( nRow++, 35, str( tw_GetKSt( INSERTSTAT )), ;
iif( tw_GetKSt( INSERTSTAT )= 0,;
twStdClr( setcolor()),twEnhClr( setcolor())))
twSay( nRow++, 35, str( tw_GetKSt( CTRLNUMLKSTAT )), ;
iif( tw_GetKSt( CTRLNUMLKSTAT )= 0,;
twStdClr( setcolor()),twEnhClr( setcolor())))
twSay( nRow++, 35, str( tw_GetKSt( SCROLLOCK )), ;
iif( tw_GetKSt( SCROLLOCK )= 0,;
twStdClr( setcolor()),twEnhClr( setcolor())))
twSay( nRow++, 35, str( tw_GetKSt( NUMLOCK )), ;
iif( tw_GetKSt( NUMLOCK )= 0,;
twStdClr( setcolor()),twEnhClr( setcolor())))
twSay( nRow++, 35, str( tw_GetKSt( CAPLOCK )), ;
iif( tw_GetKSt( CAPLOCK )= 0,;
twStdClr( setcolor()),twEnhClr( setcolor())))
twSay( nRow++, 35, str( tw_GetKSt( INSERT )), ;
iif( tw_GetKSt( INSERT )= 0,;
twStdClr( setcolor()),twEnhClr( setcolor())))
DemoWait( 3 )
return nil
│ Description: Place an Order │
│ │
│ function TSD90000() │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 05:00:08pm ───────────────────────────*/
function TSD90000()
local nWin1
twOpen( 16, 64, 22, 78, WHH_CYN )
twSay( 00, 0, " ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ", RDH_CYN )
twSay( 01, 0, " ▀ █ ▀ ", RDH_CYN )
twSay( 02, 0, " █ ", RDH_CYN )
twSay( 03, 0, " █ ", RDH_CYN )
twSay( 04, 0, " █ ", RDH_CYN )
twSay( 05, 0, " █ ", RDH_CYN )
twSay( 06, 0, " █ ", RDH_CYN )
twSay( 07, 0, " ▄█▄ ", RDH_CYN )
twSlide( "U", 13 )
twSlide( "L", 61 )
twOpen( 15, 63, 22, 77, WHH_CYN )
twSay( 00, 0, "▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄", YEL_CYN )
twSay( 01, 0, "█ █", YEL_CYN )
twSay( 02, 0, "█ █", YEL_CYN )
twSay( 03, 0, "█ ", YEL_CYN )
twSay( 04, 0, "▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█", YEL_CYN )
twSay( 05, 0, " █", YEL_CYN )
twSay( 06, 0, "█ █", YEL_CYN )
twSay( 07, 0, "█ █", YEL_CYN )
twSay( 08, 0, "█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█", YEL_CYN )
twSlide( "U", 7 )
twSlide( "L", 60 )
setcolor( YEL_CYN )
@ 5 + 3, 3 say "▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄▄▄▄"
@ 6 + 3, 3 say "█ ▄█▄ █"
setcolor( RDH_CYN )
@ 5 + 3, 10 say "█"
@ 6 + 3, 09 say "▄█▄"
twOpen( 16, 64, 22, 77, WHH_CYN )
twSay( 00, 0, " ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ", WHH_CYN )
twSay( 01, 0, " ██ █ ", WHH_CYN )
twSay( 02, 0, " ██ █ ", WHH_CYN )
twSay( 03, 0, " ██ █ ", WHH_CYN )
twSay( 04, 0, " ██ █ ", WHH_CYN )
twSay( 05, 0, " ██ █ ", WHH_CYN )
twSay( 06, 0, " ██▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█ ", WHH_CYN )
twSlide( "U", 02 )
twSlide( "L", 61 )
setcolor( YEL_CYN )
@ 11 + 3, 3 say "█ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ █"
@ 12 + 3, 3 say "█▄██▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█▄█"
setcolor( WHH_CYN )
@ 11 + 3, 5 say "▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄"
@ 12 + 3, 5 say "██"
@ 12 + 3, 14 say "█"
_twHandle( nWin1 )
twSay( 15 + 2, 20, "█ █ ▀█▀ █▄▄▄" )
twSay( 16 + 2, 20, "█ █ █ █ █ █" )
twSay( 17 + 2, 20, "█▄█▄█ ▄█▄ █ █ CLIPPER 5.01 Windowing Library" )
DemoWait( .5 )
twCenter( 21, "VISA - MasterCard - American Express - Discover", GNH_CYN )
twHLine( 01, 21, 56, 1, BLH_CYN )
twSay( 02, 21, "TSDWIN.LIB v2.10 is a ShareWare Product. You are free to", RED_CYN )
twSay( 03, 21, "use it in order to judge its usefulness to you in your", RED_CYN )
twSay( 04, 21, " situation. if you like and continue to use TSDWIN, ", RED_CYN )
twSay( 05, 21, " please register: ", RED_CYN )
twSay( 09, 29, " Register Your Version 2.10 $ 145.00 US" )
twSay( 11, 29, "All include your Disk Format with Manual" )
twSay( 12, 29, "and NG on disk. Support BBS membership." )
twSay( 14, 29, "See ORDERFRM.DOC for Details." )
twSay( 17, 36, "TSDWIN's customers are the most important", BLA_CYN )
twSay( 18, 36, " factor in its evolving design!", BLA_CYN )
DemoWait( 30 )
_twHandle( nWin1 )
twTitle( "Any Key or Button", TCOLOR, "B", "C" )
DemoWait( 30 )
twSay( 17, 36, " ", BLA_CYN )
twSay( 18, 36, " Here's where you can place your order!", RED_CYN )
DemoWait( 3 )
twScroll( 15, .f., 1, 21, 16, 77 )
DemoWait( 1 )
twSay( 02, 21, " CANADA U.S.A. - Central/West " , RED_CYN )
twSay( 03, 21, " TSD Limited FOX Business Systems " , WHH_CYN )
twSay( 04, 21, " 18 Bond St. South 217 McCall Rd. " , BLA_CYN )
twSay( 05, 21, " Dundas, ON, Canada Manhattan, KS, 66502 " , BLA_CYN )
twSay( 06, 21, " L9H 3H1 Voice: 913-776-1452 " , BLA_CYN )
twSay( 07, 21, " Voice: 416-628-5086 BBS: 913-776-0111 " , BLA_CYN )
twSay( 08, 21, " BBS: 519-650-0389 " , BLA_CYN )
twSay( 10, 21, " U.S.A - East " , RED_CYN )
twSay( 11, 21, " Ahlstedt Software " , WHH_CYN )
twSay( 12, 21, " 2212 Wade Hampton Blvd. " , BLA_CYN )
twSay( 13, 21, " Greenville, SC, 29615-2249 " , BLA_CYN )
twSay( 14, 21, " Voice: 803-292-2249 " , BLA_CYN )
twSay( 15, 21, " " , BLA_CYN )
twTitle( "Press a Key or Button to exit or Wait", TCOLOR, "B", "C" )
DemoWait( 30 )
_twHandle( len( _twStack()))
return nil
│ Description: Black Box for twButtonBox() │
│ │
│ function AskUser( aChoices, cQuestion, cTitle ) │
│ │
│ Arguments: aChoices - array of prompts │
│ cQuestion - prompt string │
│ cTitle - optional title for window │
│ │
│ │
│ return Value: Choice number or zero on K_ESC. │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 05:00:27pm ───────────────────────────*/
function AskUser( aChoices, cQuestion, cTitle )
local nRetVal, nRowAdd
local nWinWidth := 0, nLeft, nRight, x := 0
DEFAULT aChoices to { "Yes", "No" },;
cQuestion to "Proceed?",;
cTitle to nil
aeval( aChoices, {|x| nWinWidth += ( len( x ) + 4 ) } )
nWinWidth += 3
nLeft := int( ( maxcol() / 2 ) - ( nWinWidth / 2 ))
nRight := int( ( maxcol() / 2 ) + ( nWinWidth / 2 ))
nRowAdd := int( len( cQuestion ) / ( nRight - nLeft ))
return ( twButtonBox( "H", cQuestion, cTitle,, aChoices,, 6, nLeft, ;
12 + nRowAdd, nRight, DSHADOW, DFRAME ))
│ Description: Informative Message Black Box │
│ │
│ function UserMsg( xMessage, nWait, nT, nB ) │
│ │
│ Arguments: nT, nB - Coordinates to start the box │
│ xMessage - Display string or array │
│ nWait - Wait Time │
│ │
│ return Value: │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 05:01:03pm ───────────────────────────*/
function UserMsg( xMessage, nWait, nT, nB )
return twInfo( xMessage,, nWait, nT, nB, DSHADOW, DFRAME )
│ Description: Store the menu descriptions. │
│ │
│ function StoreDesc( nX ) │
│ │
│ Arguments: nX - Message to return │
│ │
│ return Value: Message array │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 05:01:37pm ───────────────────────────*/
function StoreDesc( nX )
local aMessages := {}
aadd( aMessages, {"One of the most powerful features of «TSDWIN»", ;
"is its ability to operate on any window in", ;
"the stack. You can «write to either active»", ;
"«or inactive windows».","", ;
"All the other features let you design YOUR", ;
"interface the way YOU want it. «TSDWIN» does", ;
"not interfere with «your personal style» of", ;
"interface design.","", ;
"«TSDWIN» is a granular library. ONLY modules", ;
"you need are linked. We have respect for a", ;
"need to conserve memory and have designed", ;
"«TSDWIN» accordingly!", "", ;
"Your continued support is appreciated and", ;
"helps to make this the product YOU want."} )
aadd( aMessages, {"«TSDWIN» lets you configure your windows to", ;
"match your own personal interface style. We", ;
"offer:", ;
" ∙ Multiple «frame» types.", ;
" ∙ Multiple «shadow» types.", ;
" ∙ «Lines» and «Boxes».", ;
" ∙ Various «title» schemes.", ;
" ∙ Window «reactivation».", ;
" ∙ Varied «text formatting».", ;
" ∙ «Hiding» and «Unhiding».", ;
" ∙ «Create» before «Display».", ;
" ∙ Easy «Mouse Support».", ;
" ∙ Mouse Support is «Optional».", ;
" ∙ Comprehensive «documentation».", ;
" ∙ «Moving», «Sizing» and «Sliding»",;
" ∙ «BBS» and voice «support»." ;
} )
aadd( aMessages, {"«TSDWIN» offers three message systems:", ;
"", ;
" ∙ Windowed informative and warning", ;
" messages with automatic formatting.", ;
" ∙ «Line» or «Area» messages with the", ;
" option to use embedded colours.", ;
" ∙ Three types of «Alert» boxes using", ;
"", ;
" «Pushbutton»", ;
" «Checkmark»", ;
" and «Radio» selection.", ;
"", ;
" ∙ Optional «ActionKeys».", ;
" ∙ Automatic «Mouse Support».", ;
" ∙ Initialization schemes to ensure", ;
" consistency.", ;
" ∙ On-the-Fly control of defaults." ;
} )
aadd( aMessages, {"«TSDWIN»'s MENU to replacement gives you the", ;
"option to «control colours». It also includes", ;
"automatic «hot keys» and «Mouse Support».", ;
"", ;
"There are three types of «message systems»", ;
"including multi-line messages with direct", ;
"screen writes for speed. This menu is using", ;
"multi-line messages.", ;
"", ;
"Menus may include «security» and also «action", ;
"blocks» to execute external code.", ;
"", ;
"Windowed «PopUp» menus are available in both", ;
"the MENU to and ACHOICE() format.", ;
"", ;
"An expandable «Line Menu» accepts a varying", ;
"number of prompts." } )
aadd( aMessages, {"«TSDWIN» offers a choice of fast «DBF» and «Array»", ;
"browsers, with or without «Mouse Support».", ;
"", ;
"The new browses in «TSDWIN» 2.10 give you the", ;
"most complete control of column definitions", ;
"and on-the-fly modification methods you will", ;
"find available.", ;
"", ;
"«Append» and «Edit» modes are availables in both", ;
"DBF and Array browses.", ;
"", ;
"«ActionKeys» and «Mouse Hot Spots» make it very", ;
"easy to construct comprehensive mouse driven",;
"modules.", ;
"", ;
"You can build whole applications around the", ;
"new browses in «TSDWIN» V2.10." ;
} )
aadd( aMessages, {"Mouse support in «TSDWIN» is almost automatic.", ;
"", ;
"With the exception of «Mouse Hot Spots», one", ;
"call to «twMouseInit()» at the beginning of a", ;
"program provides you with «automatic» mouse", ;
"operations.", ;
"", ;
"There are «High and Level» mouse functions to", ;
"allow you to extend and customize the mouse", ;
"operations already available in «TSDWIN».", ;
"", ;
"Two methods of handling «Mouse Hot Spots» are", ;
"included: one based on information held in", ;
"the calling routine and another managed by", ;
"«TSDWIN».", ;
"", ;
"Mousing is «Optional» with «TSDWIN v2.10»."} )
aadd( aMessages, {"«TSDWIN» offers many functions which allow you", ;
"to provide your «clients» with little extras", ;
"to keep them «coming back».", ;
"", ;
"We provide a comprehensive «Calculator» with", ;
"memory and a «Calendar» system to use either", ;
"for data entry or as a driver for other date", ;
"operations.", ;
"", ;
"Creating «indexes» is easy and informative for", ;
"your clients when you use twIndexMaker().", ;
"", ;
"«File Backup» is available with this version,", ;
"with or without the interface we provide.", ;
"", ;
"You will find replacements for MEMOEDIT()." ;
} )
aadd( aMessages, {"«TSDWIN» offers some functions which directly", ;
"affect the computer hardware.", ;
"", ;
"We believe this area to be well-supported in",;
"other third party products and so our thrust",;
"is to provide only functions which directly",;
"affect the «user interface».",;
"We offer easy and complete disk «Drive Status»",;
"checks which you can call Low-Level or use",;
"our windowed interface.", ;
"", ;
"There is the ability to check and/or set the", ;
"status of 'dead' keys (CTRL ALT DEL etc.).", ;
"", ;
"An on-screen «Clock» can be called directly or", ;
"fitted into your window scheme by «TSDWIN»." ;
} )
aadd( aMessages, {"", ;
" «TSDWIN Version 2.10» is a «Major» Upgrade!", ;
"", ;
"", ;
"Current registered users should inquire about", ;
"«upgrading» to TSDWIN V2.10.", "",;
"", ;
"", ;
"«MAXI source» is included with version 2.10." ;
} )
aadd( aMessages, {"", ;
"", ;
"", ;
" Trilateral Systems Development Ltd.",;
"has enjoyed bringing you this demonstration.";
} )
return aMessages[ nX ]
│ Description: Display Corporate Colours │
│ │
│ function TSDSetup( lMono ) │
│ │
│ Args: lMono │
│ │
│ Return: nil │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 05:02:11pm ───────────────────────────*/
function TSDSetup( lMono )
if ! lMono
@ 0, 19 say "T" COLOR "r+/bg"
@ 0, 20 say "S" COLOR "gr+/bg"
@ 0, 21 say "D" COLOR "w+/bg"
if ! lMono
@ maxrow(), 22 say "T" COLOR "r+/bg"
@ maxrow(), 33 say "S" COLOR "gr+/bg"
@ maxrow(), 41 say "D" COLOR "w+/bg"
return nil
│ Description: GetReader for twBRBrowse() Demo │
│ │
│ procedure BRGetReader( get, lGoRight, lRightOnEnter ) │
│ │
│ Arguments: get - get Object │
│ lGoRight - stuff a oDB:Right() │
│ lRightOnEnter - stuff a oDB:Right() and write get │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 05:02:37pm ───────────────────────────*/
procedure BRGetReader( get, lGoRight, lRightOnEnter )
DEFAULT lGoRight to .t., ;
lRightOnEnter to .f.
// read the get if the when condition is satisfied
if ( GetPreValidate( get ))
// activate the get for reading
do while ( get:exitState == GE_NOEXIT )
// check for initial typeout ( no editable positions )
if ( get:typeOut )
get:exitState := GE_ENTER
// apply keystrokes until exit
do while ( get:exitState == GE_NOEXIT )
BRGetApplyKey( get, inkey( 0 ), lGoRight, lRightOnEnter )
// disallow exit if the VALID condition is not satisfied
if ( !GetPostValidate( get ))
get:exitState := GE_NOEXIT
// de-activate the GET
│ Description: Custom get Key Handler for Parts Browse (twBRBrowse() ) │
│ │
│ procedure BRGetApplyKey( get, key, lGoRight, lRightOnEnter ) │
│ │
│ Arguments: get - get Object │
│ key - key passed from get reader │
│ lGoRight - stuff a oDB:Right() │
│ lRightOnEnter - stuff a oDB:Right() and write get │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 05:03:15pm ───────────────────────────*/
procedure BRGetApplyKey( get, key, lGoRight, lRightOnEnter )
local cKey
local bKeyBlock
// check for set key first
if (( bKeyBlock := setkey( key )) <> nil )
GetDosetkey( bKeyBlock, get, procname(2), procline(2) )
return // NOTE
do case
case ( key == K_UP )
get:exitState := GE_UP
case ( key == K_SH_TAB )
get:exitState := GE_UP
case ( key == K_DOWN )
get:exitState := GE_DOWN
case ( key == K_TAB )
get:exitState := GE_DOWN
case ( key == K_ENTER )
if lGoRight
get:exitState := GE_ENTER
if lRightOnEnter
__keyboard( chr( K_RIGHT ))
if lRightOnEnter
get:exitState := GE_WRITE
__keyboard( chr( K_RIGHT ))
get:exitState := GE_WRITE
__keyboard( chr( K_CTRL_HOME ) + iif( !( recno() = lastrec() + 1 ), chr( K_DOWN ), "" ))
case ( key == K_ESC )
if ( set( _SET_ESCAPE ))
get:exitState := GE_ESCAPE
case ( key == K_PGUP )
get:exitState := GE_WRITE
case ( key == K_PGDN )
get:exitState := GE_WRITE
case ( key == K_CTRL_HOME )
get:exitState := GE_TOP
// both ^W and ^End go to the last GET
case ( key == K_CTRL_END )
get:exitState := GE_BOTTOM
// both ^W and ^End terminate the READ ( the default )
case ( key == K_CTRL_W )
get:exitState := GE_WRITE
case ( key == K_INS )
set( _SET_INSERT, !set( _SET_INSERT ))
case ( key == K_UNDO )
case ( key == K_HOME )
case ( key == K_END )
case ( key == K_RIGHT )
get:exitState := GE_WRITE
if lGoRight
__keyboard( chr( K_RIGHT ))
__keyboard( chr( K_CTRL_HOME ) + iif( !( recno() = lastrec() + 1 ), chr( K_DOWN ), "" ))
case ( key == K_LEFT )
get:exitState := GE_WRITE
__keyboard( chr( K_LEFT ))
case ( key == K_CTRL_RIGHT )
case ( key == K_CTRL_LEFT )
case ( key == K_BS )
case ( key == K_DEL )
case ( key == K_CTRL_T )
case ( key == K_CTRL_Y )
case ( key == K_CTRL_BS )
if ( key >= 32 .and. key <= 255 )
cKey := chr( key )
if ( get:type == "N" .and. ( cKey == "." .or. cKey == ", " ))
if ( set( _SET_INSERT ))
get:Insert( cKey )
get:Overstrike( cKey )
if ( get:typeOut .and. !set( _SET_CONFIRM ))
if ( set( _SET_BELL ))
?? chr( 7 )
if lGoRight
get:exitState := GE_ENTER
if lRightOnEnter
__keyboard( chr( K_RIGHT ))
get:exitState := GE_WRITE
__keyboard( chr( K_CTRL_HOME ) + iif( !( recno() = lastrec() + 1 ), chr( K_DOWN ), "" ))
* wacky compatibility services
// display coordinates for SCOREBOARD
#define SCORE_ROW 0
#define SCORE_COL 60
│ Description: Compatibility PROC for get reader │
│ │
│ static procedure BRShowScoreboard() │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 05:03:57pm ───────────────────────────*/
static procedure BRShowScoreboard()
local nRow, nCol
if ( set( _SET_SCOREBOARD ))
nRow := row()
nCol := col()
dispout( iif( set( _SET_INSERT ), "Ins", " " ))
setpos( nRow, nCol )
│ Description: Wait State │
│ │
│ function DemoWait( nWait, cHelpVar, nHelpLevel ) │
│ │
│ Args: nWait - Wait Time │
│ cHelpVar - Help System Name │
│ nHelpLevel - Help System Level │
│ │
│ Return: Key Pressed │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 05:04:23pm ───────────────────────────*/
function DemoWait( nWait, cHelpVar, nHelpLevel )
local nKey
#ifndef NOMOUSE
nKey := twMInkeyWait( nWait, .t., .t., .t., cHelpVar, nHelpLevel )
nKey := twInkeyWait( nWait, cHelpVar, nHelpLevel )
return nKey
│ Description: Useful Function │
│ │
│ function ListProcs() │
│ │
└───Created: 02-06-93 at 05:05:07pm ───────────────────────────*/
function ListProcs()
local aProcs := {}, nCount := 0
do while !(procname( nCount ) == "" )
aadd( aProcs, STRINT( nCount ) + " / " + procname( nCount ) )
twinfo( aProcs )
return nil