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<TITLE>Chameleon Getting Started 3</TITLE>
<img src="connbutt.gif"><h2>How do I get connected to the Internet?</h2>
<img src="bullet.gif"><i><b>What You Will Need</i></b><p>
To connect your PC to the Internet, you will need a Windows PC, Internet access
software, a modem,
and an account with an Internet service provider.
You already have two of those components,
a Windows PC and NetManage's software.
You will also need a
standard dial-up modem. The faster the modem runs, the better your
will be. We recommend using a modem that is either 14.4 or 28.8 k bits per second
but 9,600 bit per second modems will also work.
<img src="bullet.gif"><i><b>Internet Service Providers</i></b><p>
The last item you need to complete the connection is an
account with an Internet service provider.
Service providers have a high speed link to the Internet
and can provide
you with a phone
number which will connect your PC to the Internet.
Your service
provider will also supply you with an e-mail address and they will
your electronic mailbox.
To open an account with an Internet service provider, you can either
contact one yourself or
use the Instant Internet application that came with your
software. For details on how to use Instant Internet and the services it provides, see the
next section.
<img src="bullet.gif"><i><b>Instant Internet</i></b><p>
Instant Internet
provides you with an online list from which you
can choose an Internet service provider, sign up with them, and
automatically configure your PC for Internet access in just a few minutes.
To use Instant Internet, double
click on the application icon.
<img src="bullet.gif"><i><b>Connecting Without Instant Internet</i></b><p>
If you do not want to use Instant Internet because you already have
an Internet account,
or you do not want to use any of the providers listed, you can use
the NetManage Custom application to obtain Internet access.
Look for details on how to use Custom in the Internet Chameleon manual.
<p><hr><a href="netm2.htm"><img src=4prvbutt.gif></a>
<a href="netm.htm"><img src=4homebtt.gif></a>
<hr><i>NetManage, 10725 N. De Anza Blvd., Cupertino, California 95014,
(408) 973-7171,