What CD? 9
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268 lines
# Load runner X where X = %runNo%
# Load the runner
source run_dir.gw
LoadGameGen %runFile% runner_%runNo%
SetAltitudeSurface off
SetProximity on
# Set dynamics parameters per runner
RunSetMaxSpeed %runNo% %runMaxSpeed%
RunSetTurnMax %runNo% %runTurnMax%
Object3DTranslate %runPosX% %runPosY% %runPosZ%
#Object3DRotate 0 %runRotY% 0
FindNode yaw
Object3DRotate 0 %runYaw% 0
FindNode runner_%runNo%
# Load animation data for jumping.
SetAnimationDirectory ..\data\runners\anims\jump
set JumpSpeed 35
#LoadAnimation yaw.zan jump_yaw_anim_data_%runNo%
#NewAnimate yaw_anim_node
#AnimateSetAnimation jump_yaw_anim_data_%runNo%
#AnimateSetActive off
#AnimateSetFrameRate %JumpSpeed%
#AnimateAddChild yaw
#LoadAnimation chassis.zan jump_chassis_anim_data_%runNo%
#NewAnimate chassis_anim_node
#AnimateSetAnimation jump_chassis_anim_data_%runNo%
#AnimateSetActive off
#AnimateSetFrameRate %JumpSpeed%
#AnimateAddChild chassis
#LoadAnimation cockpit.zan jump_cockpit_anim_data_%runNo%
#NewAnimate cockpit_anim_node
#AnimateSetAnimation jump_cockpit_anim_data_%runNo%
#AnimateSetActive off
#AnimateSetFrameRate %JumpSpeed%
#AnimateAddChild cockpit
#FindNode yaw
#FindNode t_yaw
#Object3DInsertAnimationChild yaw_anim_node
FindNode chassis
# Intersect with runner bounding box
SetIntersectBBOX on
#FindNode t_chass
#Object3DInsertAnimationChild chassis_anim_node
#FindNode cockpit
#FindNode t_cockp
#Object3DInsertAnimationChild cockpit_anim_node
#Set up ionsword
source ionswrdx.gw
#Set up disrupter
source eff_dir.gw
LoadGameGen disruptr.gam disruptor%runNo%
Object3DTranslate 32.0 0 -32.0
#SetAltitudeSurface off
Object3DSetActive off
FindNode world1
AddChild disruptor%runNo%
source run_dir.gw
# End set up disruptor
#Add rear nanoshield
LoadGameGen nano.gam ShieldR%runNo%
SetAltitudeSurface off
SetIntersectSurface off
Object3DSetActive off
FindNode runner_%runNo%
FindNode cockpit
Object3DAddChild ShieldR%runNo%
#Add front nanoshield
LoadGameGen nano.gam ShieldF%runNo%
SetAltitudeSurface off
SetIntersectSurface off
Object3DSetActive off
FindNode runner_%runNo%
FindNode cockpit
Object3DAddChild ShieldF%runNo%
#Add shroud
FindNode runner_%runNo%
#FindNode yaw
#FindNode chassis
FindNode cockpit
Object3DAddChild shroud%runNo%
#echo PrintTree runner_%runNo%
#PrintTree runner_%runNo%
#FindNode flash
#Object3DSetActive off
#Set up runner floor polygon to scroll with runner motion.
FindNode lt
#Cause the textures to be remapped base upon
# the object's position in the world.
Object3DRegisterTexturesToWorld on
Object3DSetPriority -4
#Define the world coordinates where texel 0,0
#should be mapped to.
Object3DSetTextureWorldBaseCoordinates 0.0 0.0
#Define the relationship between texture space
#and world space.
Object3DSetTextureWorldTexturesPerMeter 0.03125 0.03125
Object3DSetTextureWorldTexturesPerMeter 0.0625 0.0625
# Create barrier for this runner (based on %runNo%)
source barrierx.gw
# Create plasma balls for this runner
set ballNo 0
source plasmax.gw
set ballNo 1
source plasmax.gw
set ballNo 2
source plasmax.gw
set ballNo 3
source plasmax.gw
set ballNo 4
source plasmax.gw
set ballNo 5
source plasmax.gw
set ballNo 6
source plasmax.gw
set ballNo 7
source plasmax.gw
set ballNo 8
source plasmax.gw
set ballNo 9
source plasmax.gw
set ballNo 10
source plasmax.gw
set ballNo 11
source plasmax.gw
set ballNo 12
source plasmax.gw
set ballNo 13
source plasmax.gw
set ballNo 14
source plasmax.gw
set ballNo 15
source plasmax.gw
set ballNo 16
source plasmax.gw
set ballNo 17
source plasmax.gw
# Create lasers for this runner
source eff_dir.gw
set laserNo 0
source laserx.gw
set laserNo 1
source laserx.gw
set laserNo 2
source laserx.gw
set laserNo 3
source laserx.gw
set laserNo 4
source laserx.gw
set laserNo 5
source laserx.gw
set laserNo 6
source laserx.gw
set laserNo 7
source laserx.gw
set laserNo 8
source laserx.gw
set laserNo 9
source laserx.gw
set laserNo 10
source laserx.gw
set laserNo 11
source laserx.gw
set laserNo 12
source laserx.gw
set laserNo 13
source laserx.gw
set laserNo 14
source laserx.gw
set laserNo 15
source laserx.gw
set laserNo 16
source laserx.gw
set laserNo 17
source laserx.gw
source run_dir.gw
# Create camera for this runner (based on %runNo%)
set camName camera_%runNo%
source camerax.gw
# Create destroyed version of runner.
#Verbose on
#Echo Loading destroyed
LoadGameGen runrex_1.gam destroyed_runner_%runNo%
#PrintTree destroyed_runner_%runNo%
#set up cycling fire on destroyed runner
#Set cycling texture effect, sets 1st polygon only
FindNode dedbody
CycleTextureSetOn 16
CycleTextureSetSpeed 30.0
CycleTextureSetMap firemn1.zim 471
CycleTextureSetMap firemn2.zim 472
CycleTextureSetMap firemn3.zim 473
CycleTextureSetMap firemn4.zim 474
CycleTextureSetMap firemn5.zim 475
CycleTextureSetMap firemn6.zim 476
CycleTextureSetMap firemn7.zim 477
CycleTextureSetMap firemn8.zim 478
CycleTextureSetMap firemn9.zim 479
CycleTextureSetMap firemn10.zim 480
CycleTextureSetMap firemn11.zim 481
CycleTextureSetMap firemn12.zim 482
CycleTextureSetMap firemn13.zim 483
CycleTextureSetMap firemn14.zim 484
CycleTextureSetMap firemn15.zim 485
CycleTextureSetMap firemn16.zim 486
#Set cycling texture effect, sets 1st polygon only
FindNode fire
CycleTextureSetOn 8
CycleTextureSetSpeed 10.0
CycleTextureSetMap fire_1.zim 487
CycleTextureSetMap fire_2.zim 488
CycleTextureSetMap fire_3.zim 489
CycleTextureSetMap fire_4.zim 490
CycleTextureSetMap fire_5.zim 491
CycleTextureSetMap fire_6.zim 492
CycleTextureSetMap fire_7.zim 493
CycleTextureSetMap fire_8.zim 494
#Verbose off