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- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # $Id: tv_grab_nl.py,v 1.2 2004/04/22 12:12:53 yamp Exp $
- # $Log: tv_grab_nl.py,v $
- # Revision 1.2 2004/04/22 12:12:53 yamp
- # 22-04-2004: tvguide : fixed : Mediaportal didnt use the timezone settings specified in tvguide.xml
- #
- # Revision 1.1 2004/04/21 14:56:30 yamp
- # no message
- #
- # Revision 1.1 2004/04/21 05:47:14 yamp
- # no message
- #
- # Revision 1.16 2004/03/04 12:48:15 paul
- # Added check for programming with equal begin and end time. Sesamstraat
- # now works :-)
- #
- # Revision 1.15 2003/12/28 10:03:56 paul
- # Added --slowdays option. Grabs --slowdays with full info and the rest
- # with fast info.
- #
- # Revision 1.14 2003/11/06 07:12:36 paul
- # Python barfed on a regexp with a recursion limit error. Reworked the
- # regular expression.
- #
- # Revision 1.13 2003/11/02 07:54:45 paul
- # Fix: loop continues after exception.
- #
- # Revision 1.12 2003/11/01 21:53:06 paul
- # Blah.
- #
- # Revision 1.11 2003/09/30 11:27:03 paul
- # 1) FIXED BUG: two programs with identical end times and close start times could
- # remove programming for the rest of the day.
- # 2) FIXED BUG: Removing items from a list did not check for double entries. This
- # could cause the removal of a single program.
- # 3) FIXED BUG: the cache counters are now updated correctly. Before, a
- # cached entry would not be counted anymore, now the cleaning and
- # thresholding is more functional. Caching still needs a rethinking.
- # 4) MINOR: changed the output while fetching a little bit.
- #
- # Revision 1.10 2003/09/10 07:16:56 paul
- # Long overdue indentation tab->space conversion
- # Fixed bug in ampersand handling: &...; tags were allowed to include
- # whitespace.
- #
- # Revision 1.9 2003/08/01 06:50:56 paul
- # Config file quick fix
- #
- # Revision 1.8 2003/07/28 11:26:29 paul
- # Small fixes for pages that cannot be downloaded.
- #
- # Revision 1.7 2003/07/23 11:19:05 paul
- # Removed the 250 character limit because it sometimes broke by breaking
- # at &
- #
- # Revision 1.6 2003/07/15 07:08:46 paul
- # Removed some of the debugging output.
- #
- # Revision 1.5 2003/07/14 22:33:46 paul
- # More or less perfectly working. Have to clean up some of the debugging
- # code.
- #
- # Revision 1.4 2003/07/13 17:37:15 paul
- # Added most of the caching stuff.
- #
- # Revision 1.3 2003/07/10 06:47:25 paul
- # Randomized the fetching order for detail information.
- #
- # Revision 1.2 2003/07/09 21:08:44 paul
- # Fixed the Rembo&Rembo error. Added a little bit of documentation.
- #
- # Revision 2003/07/09 16:26:43 paul
- # First working version
- #
- import re
- import urllib
- import getopt, sys
- from string import replace, split, strip
- import time
- import random
- import htmlentitydefs
- import os.path
- import pickle
- # do extra debug stuff
- debug = 1
- try:
- import redirect
- except:
- debug = 0
- pass
- """
- This is yet another XMLTV grabber based on tvgids.nl. It relies heavily
- on parsing the website and if anything changes on the site this script
- will probably fail.
- Note:
- All this is created without any serious knowledge of python or how
- to create xmltv stuff. If it works, great! If not, well, send me a
- patch.
- Some minor adaptation of category stuff is made to please mythtv.
- """
- # globals
- tvgids = 'http://www.tvgids.nl/'
- uitgebreid_zoeken = tvgids + 'uitgebreidzoeken.html'
- # Wait a random number of seconds between each page fetch.
- # We want to be nice to tvgids.nl
- # Also, it appears tvguid.nl throttles its output.
- # So there.
- nice_time = [1, 3]
- # Create a category translation dictionary
- # Look in mythtv/themes/blue/ui.xml for all categories
- # The keys are the categories used by tvgids.nl
- cattrans = { 'Film' : 'Movies',
- 'Amusement' : 'Talk',
- 'Nieuws/actualiteiten' : 'News',
- 'Informatief' : 'Educational',
- 'Comedy' : 'Comedy',
- 'Serie/soap' : 'SERIE',
- 'Misdaad' : 'Crime/Mystery',
- 'Sport' : 'Sports',
- 'Muziek' : 'Music',
- 'Documentaire' : 'Documentary',
- 'Erotiek' : 'Adult',
- 'Kunst/Cultuur' : 'Educational',
- 'Wetenschap' : 'Science/Nature',
- 'Jeugd' : 'Kids',
- 'Natuur' : 'Nature',
- 'Animatie' : 'Kids',
- 'Religieus' : 'Religion'}
- # build inverse htmldefs dict
- #html_to_latin1 = htmlentitydefs.entitydefs
- #latin1_to_html = {}
- #for key in html_to_latin1.keys():
- # latin1_to_html[html_to_latin1[key]] = key
- # Work in progress, the idea is to cache program categories and
- # descriptions to eliminate a lot of page fetches from tvgids.nl
- # for programs that do not have interesting/changing descriptions
- class ProgramCache:
- """
- A cache to hold program name and category info
- """
- def __init__(self, filename=None, threshold=3):
- """
- Nothing much to do
- """
- # if a program has been queried at threshold times with
- # the same information return the cached version
- self.threshold = threshold
- self.filename = filename
- if filename == None:
- self.pdict = {}
- else:
- if os.path.isfile(filename):
- self.load(filename)
- else:
- self.pdict = {}
- def load(self, filename):
- """
- Loads a pickled cache dict from file
- """
- self.pdict = pickle.load(open(filename,'r'))
- def dump(self, filename):
- """
- Dumps a pickled cache
- """
- pickle.dump(self.pdict, open(filename, 'w'))
- def query(self, program_name):
- """
- Updates/gets/whatever.
- """
- retval = None
- for key in self.pdict.keys():
- item = self.pdict[key]
- if program_name == item[0] and item[3] >= self.threshold:
- retval = item
- break
- return retval
- def add(self, program_name, category, description):
- """
- Adds a program_name, category, description tuple
- """
- key = (program_name, category, description)
- if self.pdict.has_key(key):
- self.pdict[key][3] += 1
- else:
- self.pdict[key] = [program_name, category, description, 1]
- def clean(self):
- """
- Removes all programming under the current threshold from the cache
- """
- for key in self.pdict.keys():
- item = self.pdict[key]
- if item[3]<self.threshold:
- del self.pdict[key]
- def info(self):
- """
- Prints some info on the cache
- """
- n = len(self.pdict.keys())
- t = 0.0
- for key in self.pdict.keys():
- kaas = self.pdict[key]
- t += self.pdict[key][3]
- print "%s %s" % (kaas[3], kaas[0])
- print "Average threshold %s %s %s" % (t, n, t/n)
- def usage():
- print 'Yet another grabber for Dutch television'
- print 'Usage:'
- print '--help, -h = print this info'
- print '--days = # number of days to grab'
- print '--slow = also grab descriptions of programming'
- print '--slowdays = grab slowdays initial days and the rest in fast mode'
- print '--offset = # day offset from where to grab (0 is today)'
- print '--configure = create configfile (overwrites existing file)'
- print '--output = file where to put the output'
- print '--cache = cache descriptions and use the file to store'
- print '--threshold # = number above which an item is considered to be cached'
- print '--clean_cache = clean the cache file and exit'
- print '--cache_info = print some statistics about the cache and exit'
- def filter_line(s):
- """
- Removes unwanted stuff in strings (copied from tv_grab_be)
- """
- # do the latin1 stuff
- tag = re.compile('(&\S*?;)')
- m = tag.finditer(s)
- for match in m:
- s = replace(s,match.group(1), htmlentitydefs.entitydefs[match.group(1)])
- s = replace(s,' ',' ')
- s = replace(s,'\r',' ')
- x = re.compile('(<.*?>)')
- s = x.sub('', s)
- # A couple of characters which are not legal in Latin-1, we have
- # to guess what they are.
- #
- s = replace(s, '~Q', "'")
- s = replace(s, '~R', "'")
- # Hmm, not sure if I understand this. Without it, mythfilldatabase barfs
- # on program names like "Steinbrecher &..."
- s = replace(s,'&','&')
- return s
- def delete_from_list(list, items):
- """
- Removes the indices in items from the list
- ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ] [2,1] -> ['a', 'd']
- """
- # unique-ify, sort, and reverse the range so that we start removing from the
- # back of the list
- u = {}
- for item in items:
- u[item] = 1;
- keys = u.keys()
- keys.sort()
- keys.reverse()
- for i in keys:
- del list[i]
- def time_kludge(s):
- """
- Given a string of "HH:MM" returns a list with hh and mm
- "23:10" -> [23, 10]
- """
- hh = int(s[0:2])
- mm = int(s[3:5])
- return [hh, mm]
- def duration(h1,m1,h2,m2):
- """
- Calculates the duration of a program (24h times)
- in minutes. [h2,m2] can be on the next day.
- duration(23,10,23,15) -> 5
- duration(23,10,0,20) -> 70
- """
- if h2<h1:
- hd = 23-h1 + h2
- md = 60-m1 + m2
- else:
- hd = h2-h1
- md = m2-m1
- if md<0:
- md = 60+md
- hd = hd - 1
- return hd*60+md
- def get_page(url):
- """
- Retrieves the url and returns a string with the contents
- """
- try:
- fp = urllib.urlopen(url)
- lines = fp.readlines()
- page = "".join(lines)
- return page
- except:
- sys.stderr.write('Cannot open url: %s\n' % url)
- sys.exit(10);
- return None
- def get_channels(file):
- """
- Get a list of all available channels and store these
- in a file.
- """
- # store channels in a dict
- channels = {}
- # tvgids stores several instances of channels, we want to
- # find all the possibile channels
- channel_get = re.compile('<select.*?name="station">(.*?)</select>', \
- re.DOTALL)
- # this is how we will find a (number, channel) instance
- channel_re = re.compile('<option value="([0-9]+)">(.*?)</option>', \
- re.DOTALL)
- # this is where we will try to find our channel list
- total = get_page(uitgebreid_zoeken)
- if total == None:
- return
- # get a list of match objects of all the <select blah station>
- stations = channel_get.finditer(total)
- # and create a dict of number, channel_name pairs
- # we do this this way because several instances of the
- # channel list are stored in the url and not all of the
- # instances have all the channels, this way we get them all.
- for station in stations:
- m = channel_re.finditer(station.group(0))
- for p in m:
- a = int(p.group(1))
- b = p.group(2)
- # this is not naughty, tvgids starts with language selections
- # from 100 onwards, channel 0 does not exist
- if a>0 and a<100:
- channels[a] = b
- # sort on channel number (arbitrary but who cares)
- keys = channels.keys()
- keys.sort()
- # and create a file with the channels
- f = open(file,'w')
- for k in keys:
- f.write("%s %s\n" % (k, channels[k]))
- f.close()
- def get_channel_day(channel, offset):
- """
- Get a day of programming for channel number, with
- an offset, where offset is one of (tvgids contains
- no info beyond a certain day, 5 seems a reasonable upper limit
- 0 = today
- 1 = tomorrow
- 2 = day after tomorrow etc
- The output is a list of programming in order where each row
- contains:
- [ start_time, stop_time, detail_url, program_name ]
- """
- channel_url = 'http://www.tvgids.nl/zoekprogramma.php?'+\
- 'trefwoord=Titel+of+trefwoord&'+\
- 'station=%s&genre=alle&interval=%s×lot=0&periode=0&order=0' % (channel, offset)
- # get the raw programming for a single day
- total = get_page(channel_url)
- if total == None:
- return
- # check for following pages on the url and fetch those too
- # get the url given for the next page on this page
- following_page = re.compile('<td\s+class="lijst_zender".*?<[aA].*?[hH][rR][Ee][fF]="(.*?)">Volgende</[Aa]>\s*</td>')
- all_pages_done = 0
- extra_page = total
- while not all_pages_done:
- # check for following page
- follow = following_page.search(extra_page)
- if follow != None:
- try:
- zoek = follow.group(1).strip()
- new_url = tvgids + zoek
- extra_page = get_page(new_url)
- total = total + extra_page
- except:
- all_pages_done = 1
- pass
- else:
- all_pages_done = 1
- # Setup a number of regexps
- # match <tr>.*</tr>
- getrow = re.compile('<[tT][Rr]>(.*?)</[tT][rR]>',re.DOTALL)
- # match the required program info
- # 1 = channel name
- # 2 = times
- # 3 = program name
- # 4 = url for details
- parserow = re.compile('class="lijst_zender">(.*?)</td>.*?' +\
- 'class="lijst_tijd">(.*?)</td>.*?' +\
- 'class="lijst_programma">.*?<[aA]\s+' +\
- '[hH][rR][eE][fF]="(/.*?)".*?' +\
- 'class="details_programma">(.*?)</[aA]', re.DOTALL)
- # tvgids.nl uses the following system:
- #
- # 1) normal begin and end times
- times = re.compile('([0-9]+:[0-9]+)-([0-9]+:[0-9]+)')
- # 2) a program that starts at the end of another program
- # (i.e. no start time for second program)
- # for example:
- # SBS 6 22:15-00:00 Hart van Nederland
- # SBS 6 -22:40 Trekking Lotto
- # meaning that "Trekking Lotto" starts after "Hart van Nederland"
- times_follow = re.compile('-([0-9]+:[0-9]+)')
- # 3) nightly progamming (this is even worse)
- # SBS 6 02:15-00:00 Nachtprogrammering
- # SBS 6 -00:00 Mobile Nights
- # SBS 6 -00:00 Stem van Nederland
- # SBS 6 - Hart van Nederland
- # not handled
- # and find relevant programming info
- allrows = getrow.finditer(total)
- programs = []
- for r in allrows:
- detail = parserow.search(r.group(1))
- if detail != None:
- # default times
- start_time = None
- stop_time = None
- # parse for begin and end times
- t = times.search(detail.group(2))
- tf = times_follow.search(detail.group(2))
- if t != None:
- start_time = t.group(1)
- stop_time = t.group(2)
- elif tf != None:
- stop_time = tf.group(1)
- else:
- # Well, here we reach wonderful
- # programming that is so important that
- # begin and end times are not given.
- # Skip.
- pass
- program_url = tvgids + detail.group(3)
- program_name = detail.group(4)
- program_name = program_name.strip()
- # store time, name and detail url in a list
- programs.append([start_time, stop_time, program_url, program_name])
- #if debug:
- #sys.stderr.write('get_channel output----------\n')
- #for program in programs:
- #sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % program)
- # done
- return programs
- def parse_programs(programs, offset):
- """
- Parse a list of programs as generated by get_channel_day() and
- convert begin and end times to xmltv compatible times.
- Programs is a list where each row contains:
- [ start_time, stop_time, detail_url, program_name ]
- """
- # good programs
- good_programs = []
- for i in range(len(programs)):
- # The common case: start and end times are present and are not
- # equal to each other (yes, this can happen)
- if programs[i][0] != None and programs[i][1] != None and programs[i][0] != programs[i][1]:
- good_programs.append(programs[i])
- # Check for clumped programming
- elif programs[i][0] == None and programs[i][1] != None:
- # This is programming that follows directly
- # after the previous programming.
- # As far as I can see MythTV does not cater for clumpidx, here
- # we concatenate the names, create one program and hope for the best
- try:
- # double check
- if good_programs[-1][1] == '00:00':
- # set end time of previous program to
- # end time of this program
- good_programs[-1][1] = programs[i][1]
- # and adjust program name
- good_programs[-1][3] += ' [ + %s]' % programs[i][3]
- except:
- # good_programs was empty. Should
- # not happen. Oh well.
- pass
- # hmm both times are none, skip
- else:
- pass
- # adjust last program, this also has the ``benefit'' that it
- # skips allnight sex/mobile phne programming.
- try:
- if good_programs[-1][1] == '00:00' and good_programs[-1][0][0] == '0':
- del(good_programs[-1])
- except:
- pass
- # So, good programming contains a list of all correct
- # programming with filled in start and end times.
- # All we have to do now is to correct the times for xmltv and to
- # account for a day switch.
- ##if debug:
- #sys.stderr.write('parse_program: after first test\n')
- #for program in good_programs:
- #sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % program)
- # Check for `motherprograms' i.e. a name given to a grouping of
- # programs, which is not a program itself.
- # Two checks are performed: if begin times match then the first
- # is removed.
- # If the time difference between the start times + the duration
- # of the second program is smaller than the duration of the
- # first program then the first program is removed.
- to_remove = []
- for c in range(0, len(good_programs)-1):
- first = good_programs[c]
- next = good_programs[c+1]
- # also check for duration
- start1 = time_kludge(first[0])
- stop1 = time_kludge(first[1])
- start2 = time_kludge(next[0])
- stop2 = time_kludge(next[1])
- duration1 = duration(start1[0], start1[1], stop1[0], stop1[1])
- duration2 = duration(start2[0], start2[1], stop2[0], stop2[1])
- duration3 = duration(start1[0], start1[1], start2[0], start2[1])
- # if begin times match, remove the first program
- if first[0] == next[0]:
- to_remove.append(c)
- # e.g.:
- # 09:00-12:00 Z@ppelin
- # 09:03-09:10 Pingu
- # 09:10-09:15 Whatever
- # the first is a mother program, but the start times do
- # not match
- elif (duration3+duration2)<duration1:
- to_remove.append(c)
- # if end times match, remove first program
- elif first[1] == next[1]:
- to_remove.append(c)
- delete_from_list(good_programs, to_remove)
- # done with checks, now correct the times/dates
- # store enough dates so that an offset is an index into dates
- dates = [time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.gmtime(time.time()+x*86400)) for x in range(0,offset+2)]
- # and finally, modify the start/end times to xmltv format
- add = 0
- prevstart = 0000
- prevstop = 0000
- for c in range(len(good_programs)):
- start = good_programs[c][0].replace(':','')
- stop = good_programs[c][1].replace(':','')
- # assign the new times
- good_programs[c][0] = dates[offset+add]+start+'00'
- good_programs[c][1] = dates[offset+add]+stop +'00'
- # check for day switch between programs
- if start<prevstop:
- add = 1
- good_programs[c][0] = dates[offset+add]+start+'00'
- good_programs[c][1] = dates[offset+add]+stop +'00'
- # check for day switch in program
- if int(stop) < int(start):
- add = 1
- good_programs[c][1] = dates[offset+add]+stop +'00'
- prevstart = start
- prevstop = stop
- #if debug:
- #sys.stderr.write('parse done-------------\n')
- #for program in good_programs:
- #sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % program)
- # done, nothing to see here, please move on
- return good_programs
- def get_descriptions(programs, program_cache=None):
- """
- Given a programs list (from get_channel)
- retrieve program information
- """
- detail = re.compile('<div class="detailDeel">.*?' +\
- '<div class="detailLabel2">(.*?)</div>.*?'+\
- '<div class="detailContent2">(.*?)</div>',\
- re.DOTALL)
- num_descriptions = 0
- sys.stderr.write('Descriptions[%s]: ' % len(programs))
- # randomize detail requests
- fetch_order = range(0,len(programs))
- random.shuffle(fetch_order)
- #for i in range(0,len(programs)):
- for i in fetch_order:
- sys.stderr.write('\n%s: %s ' % (i, programs[i][3]))
- # add a dictionary to hold program details
- programs[i].append({})
- # if we have a cache use it
- if program_cache != None:
- cached_program = program_cache.query(programs[i][3])
- if cached_program != None:
- programs[i][-1]['Genre:'] = cached_program[1]
- programs[i][-1]['Beschrijving:'] = cached_program[2]
- # this adds 1 to the cache usage counter
- # silly structure, need to rethink the caching.
- program_cache.add(programs[i][3], cached_program[1], cached_program[2])
- sys.stderr.write('cached(%s) ' % cached_program[3]);
- #sys.stderr.write('Using cache(%s) ' %i)
- continue
- # be nice to tvgids.nl
- time.sleep(random.randint(nice_time[0], nice_time[1]))
- # get the details page, and get all the detail nodes
- try:
- total = get_page(programs[i][2])
- descriptions = detail.finditer(total)
- except:
- # if we cannot find the description page,
- # go to next in the loop
- sys.stderr.write('Oh, thingy\n')
- continue
- # now parse the details
- for description in descriptions:
- title = description.groups()[0].strip()
- content = description.groups()[1].strip()
- content = filter_line(content)
- if content == '':
- continue
- elif title == '':
- programs[i][-1]['Beschrijving:'] = content
- #if len(content)<250:
- #programs[i][-1]['Beschrijving:'] = content
- #else:
- #programs[i][-1]['Beschrijving:'] = content[0:250]+"..."
- elif title == 'Genre:':
- try:
- programs[i][-1][title] = cattrans[content]
- except:
- programs[i][-1][title] = content
- elif title in ['Inhoud:', 'Titel aflevering:']:
- programs[i][-1][title] = content
- #if len(content)<250:
- #programs[i][-1][title] = content
- #else:
- #programs[i][-1][title] = content[0:250]+"..."
- # update the cache if necessary
- if program_cache != None:
- try:
- category = programs[i][-1]['Genre:']
- except:
- category = ''
- try:
- description = programs[i][-1]['Beschrijving:']
- except:
- description = ''
- program_cache.add(programs[i][3], category, description)
- sys.stderr.write('done...\n')
- # done
- def xmlefy_programs(programs, channel):
- """
- Given a list of programming (from get_channels())
- returns a string with the xml equivalent
- """
- output = []
- for program in programs:
- output.append(' <programme start="%s +0100" stop="%s +0100" channel="%s">\n' % (program[0], program[1], channel))
- output.append(' <title lang="nl">%s</title>\n' % filter_line(program[3]))
- if len(program)==5:
- try:
- output.append(' <sub-title lang="nl">%s</sub-title>\n' % program[4]['Titel aflevering:'])
- except:
- pass
- if program[4].has_key('Inhoud:') and program[4].has_key('Beschrijving:'):
- try:
- output.append(' <desc lang="nl">%s\n%s</desc>\n' % (program[4]['Inhoud:'], program[4]['Beschrijving:']))
- except:
- pass
- else:
- try:
- output.append(' <desc lang="nl">%s</desc>\n' % program[4]['Inhoud:'])
- except:
- pass
- try:
- output.append(' <desc lang="nl">%s</desc>\n' % program[4]['Beschrijving:'])
- except:
- pass
- try:
- output.append(' <category lang="nl">%s</category>\n' % program[4]['Genre:'])
- except:
- pass
- output.append(' </programme>\n')
- return "".join(output)
- def main():
- # Parse command line options
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ["help", "output=",
- "offset=", "days=",
- "configure", "slow",
- "cache=", "threshold=",
- "clean_cache", "cache_info"])
- except getopt.GetoptError:
- usage()
- sys.exit(2)
- output = None
- output_file = None
- offset = 0
- days = 7
- slow = 0
- slowdays = 2
- program_cache = None
- program_cache_file = 'program_cache'
- config_file = 'tv_grab_nl_pdb.conf'
- threshold = 3
- clean_cache = 0
- cache_info = 0
- # seed the random generator
- random.seed()
- for o, a in opts:
- if o in ("-h", "--help"):
- usage()
- sys.exit(1)
- if o == "--configure":
- sys.stderr.write('Creating config file: %s\n' % config_file)
- get_channels(config_file)
- sys.exit(2)
- if o == "--days":
- days = int(a)
- if o == "--offset":
- offset = int(a)
- if o == "--slow":
- slow = 1
- if o == "--slowdays":
- slowdays = int(a)
- # slowdays implies slow == 0
- slow = 0
- if o == "--clean_cache":
- clean_cache = 1
- if o == "--threshold":
- threshold = int(a)
- if o == "--cache":
- program_cache_file = a
- if o == "--cache_info":
- cache_info = 1
- if o == "--output":
- output_file = a
- try:
- output = open(output_file,'w')
- # and redirect output
- if debug:
- debug_file = open('/tmp/kaas.xml','w')
- blah = redirect.Tee(output, debug_file)
- sys.stdout = blah
- else:
- sys.stdout = output
- except:
- sys.stderr.write('Cannot write to outputfile: %s\n' % output_file)
- sys.exit(10);
- # get configfile if available
- try:
- f = open(config_file,'r')
- except:
- sys.stderr.write('Config file not found.\n')
- sys.stderr.write('Re-run me with the --configure flag.\n')
- sys.exit(1)
- #check for cache
- program_cache = ProgramCache(program_cache_file, threshold)
- if clean_cache != 0:
- print "Cleaning the cache using threshold = %s\n" % threshold
- program_cache.clean()
- program_cache.dump(program_cache_file)
- sys.exit(0)
- elif cache_info != 0:
- print "Cache info"
- program_cache.info()
- sys.exit(0)
- # Go!
- channels = {}
- # Read the channel stuff
- for blah in f.readlines():
- blah = blah.lstrip()
- blah = blah.replace('\n','')
- if blah[0] != '#':
- channel = blah.split()
- channels[channel[0]] = " ".join(channel[1:])
- # channels are now in channels dict keyed on channel id
- # print header stuff
- print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>'
- print '<!DOCTYPE tv SYSTEM "xmltv.dtd">'
- print '<tv generator-info-name="Icky Pooh">'
- # first do the channel info
- for key in channels.keys():
- print ' <channel id="%s">' % key
- print ' <display-name lang="nl">%s</display-name>' % channels[key]
- print ' </channel>'
- num_chans = len(channels.keys())
- cur_day = -1
- # now loop over the days and get the programming
- for x in range(0, days):
- cur_day += 1
- sys.stderr.write('Day %s of %s\n' % (cur_day, days))
- cur_chan = -1
- fluffy = channels.keys()
- random.shuffle(fluffy)
- for id in fluffy:
- cur_chan += 1
- sys.stderr.write('Channel %s of %s\n' % (cur_chan, num_chans))
- try:
- info = get_channel_day(id, offset+x)
- blah = parse_programs(info, offset+x)
- if slow or (slowdays>0 and x<slowdays):
- get_descriptions(blah, program_cache)
- print xmlefy_programs(blah, id)
- except:
- sys.stderr.write('Could not get channel %s\n' % cur_chan)
- sys.exit(10);
- # be nice to tvgids.nl
- time.sleep(random.randint(2,5))
- # print footer stuff
- print "</tv>"
- # close the outputfile if necessary
- if output != None:
- output.close()
- # save the cache if necessary
- if program_cache != None:
- program_cache.dump(program_cache_file)
- # allow this to be a module
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
- # vim:tw=0:et:sw=4