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- Wild Surfaces -
Hi there!
You now have a copy of the Alien Workshop Attributes collection #1 in
your mailbox. These attributes have been defined during a period of 2
years and represent a large amount of different surfaces from crusted
organic dragonskin to realistic metals and wood. To be able to take
advance of these powerfull attributes you need to have Essence I & II
+ all original Im3.2+ textures installed on your system. Using the
attributes from within Imagine doesn't need any changes of your
directories names. However, Imagine doesn't work with the old version
of Essence I & II due to extensions of the textures (i.e. *.Itx).
Whenever you load one of the attributes, Imagine will mostly likely
come up with a requester saying that it can't find the textures described
in the attribute file. Just press 'ok' and edit the path for the
texture manually (or rename your directories accordingly to my own
setup as described below). Now save the attribute with the same name
as the original, this way you can easily customize the attributes
specific for your own system.
Directory CyberStation:Imagine
(path for old textures, for use with forge. I don't know how you can
do this, since Forge isn't located in this directory, but I guess you
could assign CyberStation to your drawer)
(path for the Essence textures for Imagine
O /
- X
O \
- Imagine configuration -
A lot of beginners asked me if I could include my Imagine.config (the
buttons for the different editors). ofcourse, but you have to remember
that I'm using an 1024x768 screen which is screaming for buttons.
Also, check out my 'Function keys'. They're optimized for the fasted
workspace in Imagine (F2 =3D attributes, F3 =3D Transformations, F4 =3D
States etc.).
To edit your own Imagine.config file just load up an editor (I'm using
the Cygnus editor) and insert the relevant text from my config in your
own setup. Happy rendering!
- Homepage + ShowReel -
Watch out for the Alien Workshop Homepage (pixels with attitude) soon
coming up. Featuring 1024x768 (with 90x60 thumbnail) renderings and a
very nice and practical design. 20 minutes ShowReel available in
768x576 25fps directly from the Vlab Motion system + 16bit stereo
soundtrack. The only thing you have to do is to send a new VHS tape +
a pre-stamped envelope (or include 10$ along with the VHS tape, and
expect your tape back within 1 week). The ShowReel features both
Imagine and Lightwave renderings with scenarios up to 2.7 million
triangles (this is serious business).
The sequences in this ShowReel were also competing along with a lot
other videos at 'The Party 5', a large computer convent held in
Denmark from the 27. of December to the 29. of December. Our video
(called Showreel) won the first price (about 4600 $ including an
Pentium 90Mhz). We arranged a deal with the team who won the 3rd prize
to include their contributing (A Lightwave rendered shortstory) on
this Video, now available in quantities for you, the Imagineer. Don't
hesistate to take a good look at what Imagine can do, it's really
To get hold of a copy, enclose a new VHS tape (Pal only :/) + 10$ and
mail it to:
Alien Workshop
Anders Lundholm
Marievej 27
2740 skovlunde
Expect an answer (email) once the mail is here!
- CDRom for the IML -
If possible, put in a few disks with the best of your renderings on
mailing the VHS tape to me. (I might come up with a CDRom within a few
weeks supposed to be sold to people on the IML for about 25$ including
shipping) and attributes. All this will be gathered in a very fine
directory-structure with 8+3 charachter files. Very nice Renderings
will be on this CD along with a lot of textures from various
programmers (Rexx and requesters for Imagine just to mention a few).
You'll get the CD very cheap if you've been contributing to the CD,
and we'll work from the list which I will compile every time I recieve
a new disk!
- This way, you could actually send me a letter but only include the
disk(s) and get a cheap CD deal.
# Rendering Presets
PSET 320x256,320,256,18,17
PSET 480x680,480,680,1,1
PSET 640x480,640,480,1,1
PSET 640x512,640,512,18,17
PSET 720x576,720,576,18,17
PSET 736x566,736,566,18,17
PSET 768x576,768,576,18,17
PSET 800x600,800,600,1,1
PSET 1000x1450,1000,1450,1,1
PSET 1024x768,1024,768,1,1
PSET 1280x1024,1280,1024,1,1
PSET 2400x3400,2400,3400,1,1
# Function Keys
FD01 650 # Pick Select
FD02 510 # Arrange Attributes
FD03 3a0 # Transformation
FD04 710 # State Requester
FD05 394 # Add Primitive
FD06 760 # Bones SubGroups Requester
FD07 545 # Make SubGroup Value_Requester
FD08 760 # Freeze Requester
FD09 2e0 # Set Zone
FD10 1a0 # Quickrender HotKey
FD11 650 # Pick Select
FF01 110 # project
FF02 120 # detail
FF03 130 # cycle
FF04 140 # stage
FF05 150 # action
FF06 640 # lock
FF07 550 # 90 degrees
FF08 310
FF09 2d0 # Set Zone
FF10 1a0 # QuickRender
FF14 150 # Action Editor
FF15 180 # Preferences Editor
FF16 110 # Project Editor
FF17 120 # Detail Editor
FF19 130 # Cycle Editor
FF20 140 # Stage Editor
FC01 6a0 # Copy From
FC09 2d0 # Set Renderzone
FC10 1a0 # QuickRender key
FS01 540 # Pick Select
FS02 3h0 # Attributes Requester
FS03 370 # Transformation
FS04 390 # Position Bar
FS05 3a0 # AlignMent Bar
FS06 330 # Rename Object
FS07 2h0 # Quick Stage
FS08 2o0 # Set Zone
FS09 810 # Make Animation Preview
FS10 1b0 # QuickRender Key
FS12 550
FS13 560
FS14 150
FS15 190
FS16 110
FS17 120
FS18 130
FS19 140
FA01 170 # Save Changes
FA02 110 # Project Editor
FA03 150 # Stage Editor
FA04 120 # Detail Editor
FP01 650 # Pick Select
FP02 390 # Load Font
FP03 3a0 # Add Points
# User Gadgets
DBTN 520,"Particles" # Particle
DBTN 4e2,"Box" # Drag Box
DBTN 4e1,"Click" # Click...Hmmm!
DBTN 4e3,"Lasso" # Use Lasso Picking...
DBTN 391,"Axis" # Add Axis
DBTN 393,"Ground" # Add Ground
DBTN 392,"Sphere" # Add Primitive Sphere
DBTN 397,"Def_Tool" # Add Deform Tool
DBTN 5b0,"Deform" # Use Deform Tool On Object!
DBTN 710,"State" # Call State Requester
DBTN 541,"Sharp" # Make Sharp Edges
DBTN 6g0,"Edge" # Pick Sharp edges. Usefull for checking which edges
are phong or flatshaded DBTN 2f0,"Clear" # Clear Zone DBTN
760,"Freeze" # Freeze Function DBTN 790,"Constrain" # Constrain
Function DBTN 770,"Release" # Release Function DBTN 545,"SubGroup" #
Make SubGroup DBTN 6b0,"PickSub" # Pick Subgroup DBTN 4d1,"Magnet" #
Magnetism On/Off Settings DBTN 4d2,"Magnet_Setup" # Setup Requester
for Magnetic Editing Method DBTN 580,"Applique" # Appliques A Brush To
An Object DBTN 6f0,"Edge_Filter" # Requester for Selecting Edges using
=B0 DBTN 590,"Waves" # Use Wave Function (Axis' Sizes) to Wave an
Object. DBTN 6d0,"Pick Range" # In Edges, Point, Lines or whatever.
DBTN 530,"Apply" # Multiply Copying Attributes From source to selected
obj. DBTN 6d0,"Range" DBTN 542,"Soft" DBTN 4b0,"Hide" DBTN 543,"Q"
FBTN 210,"Coord" # Coordinates On/Off
FBTN 720,"Make_Key" # Make Kay Slice
FBTN 730,"Unmake_Key" # Unmake Key Slice
FBTN 740,"Copy_KeySlice" # Symmetry off
FBTN 520,"Front_Sym" # Front (Top) view symmetry
FBTN 530,"Right_Sym/Top_Sym" # Right (Front) view symmetry
FBTN 540,"Both_sym" # Symmetry in both views
FBTN 550,"90" # 90 Degree Symmetry
FBTN 620,"Drag Box" # Box Mode
FBTN 610,"Click" # Click Mode
FBTN 640,"Lock" # Lock To Grid
FBTN 410,"Edit" # Edit Points
FBTN 420,"Add" # Add Points
FBTN 430,"Delete" # Delete Points
FBTN 710,"Select_Key" # Select Key-Slice
FBTN 740,"Copy_From" # De-Select Symetri-Cross_Sections
CBTN 210,"Coords" # Coordinates on/off
CBTN 260,"ZI" # Zoom in
CBTN 270,"ZO" # Zoom out
CBTN 6a0,"Copy From" # Copy from a userdefined frame
CBTN 510,"Pivot"
CBTN 520,"Twist"
CBTN 530,"Move"
CBTN 610,"First_Cell"
CBTN 620,"Last_Cell"
CBTN 630,"Next_key"
CBTN 640,"Prev_Key"
CBTN 650,"Goto_Frame"
CBTN 660,"Next_Frame"
CBTN 670,"Prev_Frame"
CBTN 680,"Make_Key"
CBTN 690,"UnMake_Key"
CBTN 710,"Make_Anim"
SBTN 350,"Clone" # Clone Object
SBTN 2d0,"Camera View" # Camera View on/off
SBTN 760,"+ Break" # Next Break Point
SBTN 770,"- Break" # Previous BreakPoint
SBTN 2k0,"Bluing Method" # Use Bluing Funtion
SBTN 2j0,"QuickStage" # Quick Stage
SBTN 2c0,"NewMode" # NewMode Draw Function
SBTN 3e0,"Draw_All" # Use QuickDraw WireFrame Method.
SBTN 3f0,"Draw_Toggle" # Toggles Selected Object between QuickDraw and
iob. SBTN 2l0,"Layers_Specify" # Specify entered layers from within
the Act-ed. SBTN 2m0,"Layers_Add" # Add Specified layers SBTN
2o0,"Zone_Set" # set your renderzone in the perspective window SBTN
2p0,"Zone Clear" # Clear selected Renderzone in the perspective window
SBTN 322,"Default_Light" # Add Default Lightsource
ABTN 210,"Add" # Add action bar mode
ABTN 220,"Delete" # Delete action bar mode
ABTN 230,"Info" # Action bar info mode
ABTN 290,"Cancel" # Cancel Add
ABTN 170,"Save" # Save Changes
ABTN 110,"Project" # Goto Project Editor
ABTN 150,"Stage" # Goto Stage Editor
ABTN 120,"Detail" # Goto Detail Editor
ABTN 250,"Copy" # Copy Option
ABTN 260,"Paste" # Paste Option
ABTN 280,"Sort" # Sort Yar StageFiles
PBTN 390,"Fonts" # Add Fonts
PBTN 3a0,"Points" # Add Points
PBTN 3c0,"Save Points" # Save Points
# End Of File
\o Regards
#- Anders Lundholm . Im4.0 . 68060 . 32Mb . CyberVision64 . Expert
zz Alien Workshop (Tm) Computer Graphics . Modeling & Animation