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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1996-09-20  |  135KB  |  640x480  |  16-bit (39,364 colors)
Labels: text | screenshot | flower
OCR: Authors of this package are Luca Guerri and Alessandro Boni WALL TILES Version 1.0 August 1995 747 WATI10A.JPG WATI10B. JPG WATI10C.JPG WATI10D. JPG WATI10E. JPG WATI10F . JPG WATI10G .JPG WATI10H . JPG WATI10I.JPG WATI10J. JPG These tiles are MailWare, so if you like these, you MUST send us a message at this Internet address: MC0693@mclink.it