Yellow Share - Cheats, Hints, Cracks
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I'm doing this walkthrough from memory, so there may (or may not,
depending on the state of my mind) be some errors/ ommissions. Don't post
me about any; I don't care. I'm just posting this in an attempt to reduce
the same questions about Out Of This World appearing every few days.
LEVEL 1; Watch the pretty introduction. Zoomph! You appear in the water.
Swim UP, unless you want to watch the drowning scene. After surfacing, run
right. Kill all the crawling leeches in the next two screens, watching out
for the ones falling from the ceiling. If you leave more that one alive on
each screen, life will become difficult later. Run right, until the Black
Panther heebie leaps down, then _immediately_ run left. If you wait around
too long, it'll catch up to you and you'll get sliced and diced. Keep
running left until you get to the chasm with the vine; then jump onto the
vine. This should swing you around one screen to the right. Run like crazy
to the right now (the black panther is still after you). Just keep running
right, and you'll end up meeting with
black_shrouded_dudes_with_guns_and_itchy_trigger_fingers (tm). End of level.
LEVEL 2; Listen to the cool sounds (on SBPRO anyway) as you awaken. Rock
the cage left and right, whilst you watch the guard strip. Keep rocking,
ignoring his pistol shots and gibbering. Splat guard as cage breaks the
chain holding it. Pick up pistol and run one screen right. Your friend
will run off the right side of the screen, then run back. You should kneel
and pump a few shots off to the right, until you kill the guard chasing your
friend. Run one more screen to the right, then wait on the far right of
that screen, facing left. Your friend will go on to the next right screen,
and you have to provide cover as he fixes the door. Kill two guards, coming
from the left. This is easy, as they give you heaps of time. Run right,
and keep running (on the spot in front of the door since your friend hasn't
yet finished). He finishes just in time. Go to the elevator platform, and
wait til you friend gets on, then go up. In the dome, run to the right and
enjoy the tunz and pics. (pretty heh?). Go back to the platform, and after
your friend gets on, go _all_ the way to the bottom. With your hand on the
trigger, run left and _as_soon_ as the next screen appears, duck and fire.
You should be fast enough since you ran on to blast the guard here. (If you
walk on, you usually get blasted). Shoot the thing on the left wall, and
the glowing thread should stop glowing. Go back to the platform, and go up
one level (making sure your friend comes along). Go left and blast the wall
away. At this point your gun _always_ is out of charge, so don't worry.
The guard below can't get out (since you've deactivated the doors from
below), but he'll try to blast out. Ignore him, go down, left, up, and to
the next screen to the left. If you do this quickly enough, it doesn't
matter how slow your friend is, as the computer will have him catch up.
Stand ontop of the small floor defect, and wait. Your friend should open
the drain cover, and you'll drop in.
LEVEL 3; Rolling, rolling, rolling. (so, I can't sing. Sue me). The trick
here is timing, so practice is the main thing. Roll left; there'll be a
steam blast ahead. Drop down and roll right; ahead is another steam blast.
Drop down again between two steam blasts, and (timing is hard here) roll
right. I think the rest is obvious, from memory. If you try to roll any
other directions, you end up on a long drop.
LEVEL 4; Dropping out of the pipe, you should go left and recharge your
gun. Blow away the doors to the right, then recharge your gun again. Go
right, and out of the building. One guard is just outside the building, but
he's easy to kill. Keep running right, until you get to the chasm, then do
a running jump across it. You should land on a ledge on the far side.
Shoot a hole into the wall to your right, and go through.
LEVEL 5; In the underground. Go down as far as you can, until you reach a '
T' shaped rock. From here, go right. The avalaches can be dodged with a
bit of patience; if you wait a while, a pattern in the falling rocks becomes
obvious. Keep going right; some of the ceiling tentacles may be shot to
make them draw up for a time. The other must be run under (they're too slow
to catch you if you're running). When you reach the floor hole, keep
running (you'll be back here later). Finally, you should reach a wall; blow
it away.
LEVEL 6; I personally found this difficult for some reason. Run left,
dodging the creatures as before, until you get to the first room with the
avalanche. The rocks can't hurt you when you're on the higher ledge. Keep
going left; in the second avalanche room is a bat thing on the ceiling.
Shoot it to make it fly, then carefully follow it off to the left. In the
next screen, the bat should fly into the tentacle creature's grasp,
occupying it usefully. Jump onto the stalagtite, then to the next one, and
so on. You may move up and down slightly on the stalagtites. Jump off the
LEVEL 7; You should have jumped onto the T shaped rock. Note that if you
haven't done level 5 and 6, you could have gone on in the game, but further
on you would have been stuck. Fall off the left side of the rock, and
obliterate the small piece of rock to the right, holding up the main mass.
Run up the resultant ramp, and to the right. Keep running right (don't fall
down any holes!), until you get to the room with the lake dangerously
overhead. Standing as far left as you are able, blow away the lake support
and watch the cool graphics as the lake begins to flood the caverns you're
in. RUN AWAY! To the left. Depending on how fast you are, you can either
do standing or running jumps over the holes. Keep running left until you
can't go any furthur (you should be standing on a piece of something. Not
rock anyway). The water will rush up, propelling you into the air. Run
right, blowing away the intervening wall. Go up the stairs and run right.
LEVEL 8; Watch and laugh at your trapped friend! HAHAHAHA! Go one screen
to the right, and while standing on top of the stairs, fire a shot. A guard
will appear from the right side of the screen. Careful! he's mean. So
cheat. Run back left and hide behind a force field. His force field will
appear waaay in the bottom right, while he'll appear at your level. Zap!
Fried heebie! Go back left, down the stairs and right across the spillway.
In the next screen, don't go down the stairs! Standing at the top of the
stairs, shoot once and watch the chandelier fall. This will free your
friend above, and bring a guard from the right. As with the last guard, if
you run left to the next screen, put up a shield and wait, the guard will
appear, but his shield will be several feet too low to protect him! Hee
hee! Toast!!! Go left, back up the stair, then right. You'll see your
friend is gone, and if you run right one more screen, you'll see him slide
down a tube in the bottom left corner. Go right and marvel at the
indestructable heebie who runs away, invulnerable to the shots you pump into
his cowardly back. Follow the stairs down, and use the whisher to get to
the bottom part of the screen (the whisher is the up-down teleporter thing.
I'm too lazy to think of a technical term). Go right and watch yourself get
beaten up. As the heebie lifts you, watch your body. See your head go up?
Then press fire and you'll kick the heebie in the stomache (ok... it's
_maybe_ a little lower than the stomache. Are you insinuating I don't fight
fair?) Run left and do a cool diving roll onto your gun, then be so
surprised you almost forget to press fire and blow the heebie away. Go
right one screen. Now this is a tricky bit, and if you get it wrong, you'll
have to do the whole level again. Two guards will appear, one from the
right, one from the left. The best method so far is to move across until
just before the guards appear, put up a shield to the right, move forward
and make the guards appear, wheel around, and put up a shield to the left.
Then quickly kill the left guard using the gun's super blast, turn and put
up another shield to the right _just_ in time to save yourself. The last
guard is easy from there. All this takes practice, and perseverence.
LEVEL 8.5; There's a bit on the last level I always do after this, but you
probably can do it before. Run up to the top of the stairs in level 8 (
where you saw the cowardly-though-indestructable heebie. Run right and you'
ll see the blighter hiding behind multiple layers of shields. Put up your
own shield _before_ you get to the doors. (otherwise you'll be blasted).
Step forward _just_ enough to open the doors, then step back and let them
close. The heebie should panic and release little glow balls which pass
unmolested through shields. Unfortunately, they also bounce off closed
doors. Blooie! No more heebie. Run right, blowing away the door. In the
next room is a recharger you may as well use (although I've never personally
run out of charge except on level 2). In the next room is a dome, with
green globes reflecting _something_ beneath. It's a guard you'll meet
later. Try to time it so that when you duck and fire, he'll be underneath
the globe whose chain is in your line of sight. Aim and blooie! What you
missed? Don't worry. I've never killed him like that either. Go out of
the room and return. The guard should be back to his pacing. Again aim
using the remaining globes, and when he's underneath, fire! Crash, and the
guard goes down under an imaginary globe!
You can do all of that at 8.5 or 9.5
LEVEL 9; Go to the spot where you killed the guards coming from either side
if you did 8.5 You should be still there if you didn't. Go right, and meet
a lake. You remember the wall you blew away at the end of level 5? Well
the water you flooded the caverns with rushed through the gap and in here.
Good thing you did it eh? Jump into (or fall if you want) the water, and
swim _down_. If you go right, you'll just have troubles later. Swim left
at the bottom of the shaft. You should enter a room with two up shafts and
one down shaft. Swim _up_ the _leftmost_ up shaft. If you don't, you
suffer from drowning. Cool eh? After breathing from the air pocket there,
swim down, and down again into the down shaft. Go right, and avoiding the
critters, shoot the glowing line on the rightmost wall. After that, go all
the way back to the top of the pool (don't forget to use the airpocket
LEVEL 9.5; If you didn't do 8.5, do it now.
LEVEL 10; Go right, and fall down the gap in the floor. In what seems like
a peaceful room, if you stop to admire the scenery, you'll be deaded. (
Killed for those literate ones amongst you). Blow away the right wall, and
ignoring the shots peppering the air about you, run like the wind to the
left. (just joking!) RUN RIGHT YOU FOOL! You'll notice how the doors
closing behind you _just_ save you from getting the back of your head
fried. You finally reach a dead end. Ignore it, and put up a shield to
your left. Blow away the hordes of enemy who come at you, at wait your
time. Finally, a part of the ceiling opens, and an arm waves about. Stand
under it, and be rescued!
LEVEL 11; It's your friend! (See? Aren't you glad you rescued him now?).
He runs to the right; ignore him and run to the left side of the screen,
then right on the ledge that you though was part of the background. Pass
behind a building and see your friend is captured, then leap of the ledge to
the right of the building. Run left into the building, and if you're quick,
run forward enough to use the shield already standing there. The poor
heebie behind it gets crisped straight away, and your friend (after a quick
struggle) takes care of the second one. Run right, making sure your friend
is in the lead. Before the edge of the chasm, stop. When your friend
beckons you, run at him, and with a mighty throw, he (I'm assuming it's a
he, since we see the babe heebie's later) tosses you across. Then with
another mighty effort, he flings himself after you and learns the benefits
of dieting. Stuck eh? Just jump left off the ledge. After falling a bit,
you grab an awning and swing onto a ledge. Put up a shield and kill the
guards who come from the left side of the screen. Careful- they're mean and
will toast you if you're too slow.
LEVEL 12; Run left as far as you can, and watch with glee as you enter a
room filled with fleeing heebies. Laugh as one gets locked out. Walk up to
the door seperating you from him, and stop when it opens. Nail your trigger
finger to the table for the moment. Pull out your gun. (if you want a
laugh, kill him, and run forward. Or better still, just run forward). The
heebie surrenders, then hits a trigger that locks all the doors on the
screen (this is good). Run to the right, then up the stairs. At the top,
jump to the far right side of the screen, put up a shield to your left and
blow away the way between you and the guard there. Allow him to keep
tossing blue glowing things down the stairs for a while (I think you need 3
or 4 down the stairs), then toast him. Run left and use the whizzer. In
the level below, face right and power up your gun for the blue laser blast.
The guard to your right helpfully blows away the door, so blow away his
shield. Then just use a normal shot to kill him. Use the whizzer to go
down, shoot the blue line on the right wall, then go back up. Head down the
stairs. At the bottom is a hole, blown in the floor by the blue glowing
round things. Fall down it and run right. The next room hasn't lights (you
shot them out when you shot the blue line). Run right, ignoring the lasers
shots, and on the far right side of the screen, JUMP! The next screen has a
hole in the floor just as you come in. Don't fall into it! (unless you want
to see what lies below _before_ utter chaos). Pull the lever and then drop
through the hole in the floor. In the chaos below, ignore everything and
run right. (I usually face left, put up a shield and then run right, but
sometimes get killed doing it. Apparently you can just run right; I haven't
checked this yet.) Ignore the lasers shooting past you. About two or three
screens on, there is a whizzer up; if you miss it or take too long going up,
you get toasted, so you only have one try. After you go up, go left and
rescue your friend with the extending bridge. Run right (if you're too
slow, as you cross the down whizzer, you get shot). Watch what your friend
does in the strange wall marking, and do it yourself. Follow your friend to
the right.
LEVEL 13; The Tank. Just hit _all_ the buttons. A full list is
one missile fire
all missiles fire
side guns out
front guns out
lights on
power up
emergence buttons (including escape pod- important!)
side guns in
front guns in
earth tremor on
earth tremor off
all weapons off
-actually, thats not a _full_ list; simply all I can remember. The _only_
way to escape is to use the escape pod.
LEVEL 14; Final level. Run right. Kill the 4 guards on the next screen.
Run right. Meet your friend. Fall. Get beaten up. Crawl right. Wait
until the evil heebie (with red eyes I think) is about to step under the sky
light and press fire. If you are as right as you can get, you pull a lever
and he dies. Pull another lever and crawl left. The first two barrages of
lasers _always_ miss if you freeze when they fire. The third _always_ hits,
so you'd better hurry. When you crawl into the light, whizz up. Crawl
right a bit and watch yourself collapse. That's it!!! You're well and
truly stuffed, and that's all you can do except watch the ending.
ps. Sorry if the last bit was brief, but I'm late, and in a hurry.
"If at first you don't succeed, forget skydiving."