Labels:audio cd | book | person | poster | videocassette recorder OCR: Kayitojarjestelma: Windows 95/98/N 4.0 MacOS 3.0 Keskusmuisti 16Megatavua vapaata keskusmuistia Suoritin Pentium 166+ tai PowerPC aytto 16 bittinen varisyvyys 800x600 resoluutio CD-ROM asema Kahdeksannopeuksinen Point Oy 1999 All ights eserved. nat Responsibilty of the for any cirect. Manu dacturers indirect, Pelieryo Soura special or To the Point C shall in na event pe liable from the use af this software incidental r consequential carmsces resuits uudempi Megatavua keskus Kahdek Ppint clrect Peliervo Scura Speciel