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172 lines
1T-TUTOR.ZIP 689562 01-05-96 T-TUTOR HyperText for TERMINATE V.3 300TER.*
| Compilation of information from many sources,
| including Frequently Asked Questions, msgs,
| screen captures, descriptions of how to setup
| and do many things, excerpts from text files
| POLICY4.ZIP and MDIC200.ZIP modem dictionary.
| Handy reference for Users and SysOps. Free.
400TER.ZIP 1428128 30-04-96 ------======< TERMINATE 4 >======------
| .....The Final Datacomms Terminal!.....
| Extremely Powerful Terminal Program w.
| many Features: Fax, VT52, VT100, VT220,
| ANSI, Avatar, Cost Calculation, File
| Manager, Point System, Scripts, Mini
| BBS. Settings for over 200 modem types,
| UART, Fossil, Int 14h, ISDN B-Channel
| Bundling, CAPI 1.1, IEMSI, Doorway now
| <Presented_by_SerWiz_Comm,_Bo_Bendtsen>
| NEWS: Internal ISDN CAPI 1.1 support,
| Compiled Scripts, Additional Cost
| Calculation Features, Terminate Mini
| BBS. Professional Mail Reader TERMAIL
| now with Gecho technology for message
| base (and QWK)! Mini BBS features new
| Doorway Mode support incl. printer re-
| direction and has Doorway.exe included!
| Also: Powerful compiled PreScription
| Script Language, Terminate Commander,
| IEMSI auto logons & mini-scripts, Keyb.
| Editor, Translation Tables, CD Player!
| ------======< TERMINATE 4 >======------
ADF_141.ZIP 36821 17-07-96 ADF v1.41 serial port FOSSIL driver
| ADF is a serial port FOSSIL driver for high
| speed modem users. Supports FIFO UARTs 16550
| and 16650, 115200 bps, any port, any IRQ, any
| FIFO trigger level, FOSSIL rev level 5 and
| multitasking environments (such as Windows 3,
| Windows 95 and OS/2).
CPT152.ZIP 74961 16-05-96 Cpt V1.52 - DOS Utility: Qwk-based Conference
| Participation Tracker. Maintains A Detailed
| Text File of Conference Activity. Freeware(C)
| 1996 16th May by Dda - Reign Ware
DAYSCAN2.ZIP 233425 08-05-96 DAYSCAN V2.0! Scanner Frequency Database!
| A complete database system - Total rewrite
| from previous versions! Dayscan is the
| best tool for all your needs in working
| with scanner frequencies. Includes a
| partial file for the Dayton, Ohio area
| and more comes with Registration ($20)
| Read program DOCS for complete details.
| Powerful report generator built-in!
| (c)1996 Mike Carpenter, J. Mike Nichols.
EZY120-1.ZIP 1210106 10-04-96 * Ezycom BBS v1.20 Full Release *
| Ezycom is a fully featured electronic
| bulletin board system with support for
| full multi node operation. With network
| and multitasker support. [Part 1 of 2]
EZY120-2.ZIP 1412355 10-04-96 * Ezycom BBS v1.20 Full Release *
| Ezycom is a fully featured electronic
| bulletin board system with support for
| full multi node operation. With network
| and multitasker support. [Part 2 of 2]
FAXHVN31.ZIP 647552 01-06-96 Faxhaven V3.1 - DOS Includes Hq-fax 5.1, Plus
| all the Receive Functions: View, Print
| Convert, Archive, Purge, Etc
HQFAX51.ZIP 363190 01-06-96 High Quality Fax V5.1 - DOS Hq-fax Provides
| Many Value Adding Features to Your Fax Modem.
| Works With Virtually all Fax Modems
IRQSHO_V.ZIP 13489 07-09-96 IrqShow 1.50
| Shows which IRQ is used and when it is used.
| If you install new Hardware you will need thi
N104_386.ZIP 645855 11-06-96 Net-tamer V1.04 Internet in A Thimble, DOS
| Ppp Dial-up, Scheduled Robot and Real Time
| Navigator. No Tsr Packet Driver Req'd. Web
| Browse, Get/Send Your Email, Get/Send Usenet
| Messages, Ftp Upload/Download A File, &
| Telnet
NB32164.ZIP 55013 29-05-96 Newsbin32 V1.64, Automated Newsgroup
| Downloader and Decoder. Download and Decode
| Uuencoded Files Unattended
| ------------------------------------
| A much improved, mouseable reader with
| a built in automated menu and highlights,
| improved printing and help screens, and
| various navigation options. Great for
| distributing documentation! Handles
| files up to 10,000 lines with up to
| 100 highlighted topic titles. New features!
| Custom versions available - example given!
| June 1996
| ------------------------------------
OLX_TD_D.ZIP 197146 03-06-96 Olx for DOS "Test Drive" Demo. Original
| Release 1992. Re-released by Popular Demand
| 1996
PSSA411.ZIP 527477 03-09-96 Sapphire BBS. Easy to install. Easy to run.
| For small business and institutions. Advanced
| self-maintaining design. Used by consultants,
| support lines, type-setters, and translators.
| Good choice for people who have not run a BBS
| before but need one running immediately. From
| Pinnacle Software, creators of Parse-O-Matic.
| Visit us on the web, at www.cam.org/~pinnacl,
| or dial up our free files BBS at 514-345-8654
| (all downloads available on your first call).
QFAXV106.ZIP 109322 15-07-96 Quickstar Fax Pro V1.06 - Send One or Many
| Faxes Fast and Easy From Dos. Launch From A
| Batch File or Another Program to Send
| Multiple Faxes Automatically. Also Supports
| Hp Palmtop Computers
SDL0429.ZIP 468093 24-05-96 4/29/96 Flash ROM code for
| U.S. Robotics Courier V.Everything.
| This is current production
| code. Flash program is DOS
| based. For domestic US/Canada
| modems only.
TELIX351.ZIP 628205 01-05-96 Telix Communications V3.51fast, Powerful, and
| Easy to Use. 12 File Transfer Protocols, 200
| Modem Setups, Terminal Emulation, Dialing
| Directory, 2 Powerful Script Languages
| Scroll-back and BBS Host Mode, Keyboard
| Macros
TLX351_H.ZIP 159429 06-06-96 This File Was Inadvertently Left Out of
| Telix351.Zip. It is the Hostplus BBS System
| Described in Hostplus.Doc, and is Required by
| the Hinstall.Exe Program That Came With the
| Archive. This is Not the Registered Version
TMNICE42.ZIP 364042 26-05-96 TmNice 4.2 ******************* FREEWARE!
| ****************************************
| TmNice is for Terminate/TerMail users,
| but can also be used with other mailers.
| It (re)formats the quoted lines in reply
| messages correctly and can add a random
| TagLine to the message. You can select
| from random picked Tag Lines and add new
| Tag Lines on the fly! You can fast FIND
| Tag Lines with specific words to get 'on
| topic' Tag lines! Thousands of Tag Lines
| are included in English, Dutch, German,
| French, Spanish and Latin! You can sort
| and remove duplicate tag lines with one
| key press. Now categorize your tags for
| different groups or use with different
| languages. Change section on the fly.
| With Automatic dates translation to any
TMQ2.ZIP 57595 27-05-96 TmQuick 2, Termail Configuration Editor.
| Add\Edit Mood Kludges, Add\Edit Origins,
| Add\Edit Users, Add\Edit Twits, Edit Shift
| Keys, Edit Echo Descriptions, Edit Colour
| Schemes, Edit Group Options, Advanced TM.BBS
| Editor, Keep control of tm.log, First-Time
| Installer, NOW with Integrated, Terminate Log
| Cleaner, ULTRA User Friendly, Input functions
| vastly improved
TXMDM351.ZIP 56757 01-05-96 Telix Quick Modem Setup, Ver 3.51modemcfg.Exe
| and Its Data File Telix.Mdm Used to Set Up
| Telix for DOS V3.5x and Your Modem for Best
| Performance. This Release Also can be Used to
| Update the Telix for Windows V1.15's
YARN_091.ZIP 857593 17-06-96 Pc Yarn V0.91b - Suite of DOS Programs Used
| to Store and Read Usenet News and Mail
| Offline. Imports Articles From Soup Files
| Into A News Database
ZSV_101.ZIP 91632 14-05-96 Zsview - (Version 1.01) Dedicated Viewer for
| Allfile.Dir or the File Directories in
| Allfiles.Zip of the If Bbs. Properly Sorts &
| Saves Multiline File Descriptions in
| Directories. Free