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546 lines
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Sapphire comes preconfigured as a "private online conversation club" named
"The Pinnacle Club". This is a fairly general design, so some Sapphire
sysops find this approach appropriate to their requirements.
After running the basic system for a while, many sysops decide to fine-tune
its function and appearance to suit their needs...
There are several areas of customization for you to consider, which are
listed below in order of increasing difficulty:
1. Configuration
2. Application
3. Hardware
4. Stock file text
5. Message bases
6. Doors and events
7. Stock file programming
8. Custom programming
These are described, in order, below.
The configuration program (SYSOP:CONFIG -- that is to say, CONFIG on the
main menu of the SYSOP utility) lets you specify some general information
about your hardware and how you want your BBS to run. In particular, you
may wish to change some of the following items:
1. Settings on the console ("Presentation" on the CONFIG menu bar)
- Use of color
- Number of lines displayed on the console (25, 43, or 50)
2. General preferences ("General" on the CONFIG menu bar)
- Console sound on/off
- Key click at the console
- Phone number format (e.g. 999-999-9999 or (999) 999-9999)
- Command prompt (e.g. ==> or "Enter your command now")
3. User settings ("Security" on the CONFIG menu bar)
- Minimum baud-rate to sign on
- Length of time a user may spend on the system
For a complete list of the items you can configure with SYSOP:CONFIG,
refer to the appendix at the end of this chapter: "Items Configurable
In deciding how to customize your system, it helps to keep in mind the
goals you have set. For example, if you are running a purely conversa-
tional system, your users will benefit more from hearing your thoughts on
the current topic than they will if you spent time writing online documen-
Similarly, if you are running a files system, your users want files, so
your time may be well spent reading shareware catalogs, or calling other
In other words, sometimes the best customization is none at all. Because
when you come right down to it, BBS's are about people interacting, not
text files.
In order to best support your system's goals, you may decide to change the
privileges you give to the various membership levels. For more information
about this, see "Customizing Membership Levels" (later in this chapter).
Without a doubt, the easiest way to improve your BBS is to add a faster
modem. This attracts more members -- especially those who own fast modems,
since they tend to avoid systems that now seem "slow". Since people can
move more data in less time, the traffic on your system picks up, which in
turn attracts more traffic.
Sapphire supports modem speeds up to 19200, although at higher baud-rates
you may find that you need a faster computer. For example, although an old
4.77 Mhz XT can support 9600 baud calls, it doesn't actually send the text
out at that speed; the connection will look more like a 2400-baud connec-
TECHNICAL NOTE: The current version of Sapphire does not
explicitly support "locked baud rates", but you can simulate
it by setting all but one connect string to "XXX" (i.e. some
nonsense string) and the locked baud-rate as "CONNECT". This
will cause all connections to be interpreted as a connection at
that speed. In order to do this, though, you must be sure that
computer can support the locked baud-rate. For example,
you could not lock at 4.77 MHz XT at 9600 baud; it would miss
If you are running a file-transfer system, you can improve it by increasing
the disk space. When you increase your disk capacity, you should set your
related configuration items ("Free space for upload", "Number of files
listed" and so on) accordingly. (See SYSOP:CONFIG:ADVANCED:DOWNLOAD)
The easiest and most immediately gratifying way to customize your system is
to modify the text of your "Stock files". This is explained in detail in
A "message base" is a logical grouping of messages. For example, if your
system catered to dog breeders, you might group messages about Dalmatians
separately from messages about Spaniels. Thus, somebody with no interest
in Dalmatians would not have to read messages about that breed of dog.
In the preceding example, the messages were grouped by subject ("breed of
dog"). You may decide to group messages by some other criterion, such as
how long the person has been a member of your system, or how much they paid
to join.
Sapphire is initially configured with 5 general message bases which group
messages according to membership level. That is to say, a Level 1 (lowest)
member has access to no message bases, a Level 2 member has access to one
message base, and so on. A Level 5 member has access to 5 message bases.
(The sysop, at Level 8, has access to all message bases.)
These message bases, along with three other special-case message bases, are
defined in a text file named MSGBASES.DEF. You can edit this file with a
standard text editor, such as DOS's EDLIN or EDIT, a programmer's editor,
or a word-processor in non-document (generic DOS text) mode.
The format of the file is literally self-explanatory, since the file itself
contains an explanation of its format. In order to view the file, enter
the following command at the DOS prompt: SEE MSGBASES.DEF
The SEE command can also print the file. Before you modify the file, it is
a good idea to either print it out or make a backup copy. You can make a
backup copy by entering this DOS command: COPY MSGBASES.DEF MSGBASES.OLD
This creates a second copy of the file, named MSGBASES.OLD. Thus, if you
make a mistake and Sapphire no longer understands the file, you can restore
it to its original form with the command: COPY MSGBASES.OLD MSGBASES.DEF
In general, the MSGBASES.DEF file allows you to define up to 15 message
bases (including logon announcements, feedback to sysop, and E-Mail).
After modifying the MSGBASES.DEF file, log on and try the BASES command to
verify that the messages bases are set up the way you want. You can use
the level-change function keys (ALT-F3 and ALT-F4) to try the BASES command
at each membership level.
Doors are external processes that the user can run while online. Events
are external processes the run automatically, under a particular set of
conditions that you determine. See SYSOP:INFO:MANUAL:EXTERN for details.
Stock file programming allows you to insert special actions at various
places of a standard Sapphire session. For more information about stock
file programming, see SYSOP:INFO:MANUAL:STOCK.
You might find that Sapphire is excellent for your application, but needs
just one little change to make it perfect. For example, you may have an
idea for a new command that you think your members would find particularly
In such case, you will require some custom programming. We can do it for
you, or -- if you are familiar with Turbo Pascal -- you can do it yourself.
There is, of course, a cost associated with custom programming, but this
cost can frequently be lowered if your idea can be applied to other
customers' systems. For example, Sapphire's file download and message
reading systems were largely influenced by custom work. Since in each case
the customer had a good idea, we performed the modifications for a
low price.
Similarly, if you wish to purchase a source code license to make the
modifications yourself, we are willing to offer discounts if your work has
a wider application. If you have a good idea and you are handy with Turbo
Pascal, give us a call!
For more details about custom programming and some other choices that are
available to you, see SYSOP:INFO:ORDER.
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Sapphire supports 8 membership levels. In general, these levels function
as follows:
Level 1 Non-members
Levels 2-5 Members
Levels 6-8 System operations staff
Each membership level has a set of privileges associated with it:
- Message bases that can be read (see "Message Bases", above)
- Commands that can be used
For example, as initially configured, Sapphire provides a non-member (Level
1) with the SEND command, but no READ command. This means that a non-
member can ask for greater access privileges ("Tell us a bit more about
yourself, please!") but can not really use the system (i.e. read messages).
A basic member (Level 2) gets the READ command and (as defined in the
MSGBASES.DEF file) gets to use one message base.
The initial setup described above works well because it forces new users
to type in a message. You'll find that you can judge just by reading that
one message whether or not to make the person a full member.
No BBS design works for everybody! You may find it necessary to change the
initial configuration. For example, if you are a shareware author, you
might want to make the GET (i.e. download software) command available to
non-members, so that people can obtain your software without waiting around
to become a full member. (You can set up a "Guest" account for this kind
Alternatively, you might decide to give non-members their own message base,
so you can watch them in action. You could give them access to a message
base by modifying the MSGBASES.DEF file (as explained in the last chapter).
In such case, you you would also have to give them access to the READ
command by modifying the COMMANDS.LEV file.
COMMANDS.LEV is a text file that defines the minimum membership level
required for each of the internal (non-door) commands that Sapphire
You can edit COMMANDS.LEV with a standard text editor, such as DOS's EDLIN
or EDIT, a programmer's editor, or a word-processor in non-document
(generic DOS text) mode.
The format of the file is literally self-explanatory, since the file itself
contains an explanation of its format. In order to view the file, enter
the following command at the DOS prompt:
The SEE command can also print the file. Before you modify the file, it is
a good idea to either print it out or make a backup copy. You can make a
backup copy by entering this DOS command: COPY COMMANDS.LEV COMMANDS.OLD
This creates a second copy of the file, named COMMANDS.OLD. Thus, if you
make a mistake and Sapphire no longer understands the file, you can restore
it to its original form with the command: COPY COMMANDS.OLD COMMANDS.LEV
After modifying the COMMANDS.LEV file, log on and try the HELP command to
verify that the commands are set up the way you want. You can use the
level-change function keys (ALT-F3 and ALT-F4) to try the HELP command at
each membership level.
Before designing your membership levels, you may find it helpful to
understand our rationale in designing the default setup. This is explained
Level 1: Non-member
May post: Non-member message base
Commands: BYE Disconnect from system (i.e. logoff)
HELP Display a list of commands you can use
INFO Membership requirements for this system
SEND Leave a message for other users to read
SPECS Change the way things look around here
TIME Display how much time is left for visit
VERSION Display software version and copyright
Comments: Note the absence of the READ command. Note also that we do
NOT put the BASES command at this level. New users who try
out that command tend to get miffed and log off. It's
better for them to read the INFO article, and thus get some
idea of what you are trying to accomplish with your system.
Note: The BYE, TIME and VERSION command are locked at level 1 and
can not be assigned to a different membership level.
Level 2: Basic Member
May post/read: Non-member and Basic member message bases
May post: Feedback to Sysop message base
May read: Report from Sysop message base
Added cmds: EXPERT Switch between casual and expert mode
BASES Summary of message bases you can use
GIMMICKS Describes various tricks for messages
GRAPHICS Switch graphic characters on and off
HINTS Tricks and tips for using this system
LIBRARY Browse and read in our online library
MESSAGES Quick summary of messages (time & user)
NAMES Specify names for selecting READ etc.
PROTOCOL Select method used for file transfer
READ Read new messages left by other users
REVIEW Inspect a single message by DATE:MINUTE
SET Modify the DATE:MINUTE for READ command
TEXT Specify text to reduce READ output etc.
USERS Display information about our users
Level 3: Special Member
Added base: Special Member
Added cmds: ACTIVITY Display system activity for past 7 days
CHANGE Modify a message you've sent previously
FILES List software available for downloading
GET Get some software from our collection
GIVE Contribute software to our collection
MOVE Move a message from one base to another
Level 4: Top Notch Member
Added base: Top Notch
Added cmds: CHAT Page system operator for a conversation
OBSERVE Overview of logon/logoff activity, etc.
Comments: Note that lower-level members, when doing the USERS command,
see Top Notch members listed as "Special". Top Notch mes-
saging is completely hidden from lower levels. The idea here
is to avoid displaying membership-level differences where it
is not relevant, while providing higher-level members with a
measure of privacy.
Level 5: Inner Circle Member
Added base: Inner Circle
Added cmds: None
Comments: Lower-level members, when doing a USERS command, see an
Inner Circle member listed only as "Special" (or "Top
Notch", in the case of Level 4 members). Inner Circle
messaging is hidden from lower levels. See Level 4 for
Level 6: Aide-de-Sysop
Added cmds: ERASE Remove message (resets it to time 0:0)
Comments: This level of authority allows people to keep the system
tidy without having access to personal member information,
such as phone numbers.
Level 7: Co-Sysop
May read: Feedback to Sysop
Added cmds: BANISH Devalidate user (remove from user list)
DOORS Update your list of "Door" programs
DOS Shell out to DOS; type "EXIT" to return
DUMBTERM Start dumb terminal for outgoing calls
EVENTS Schedule your BBS's close-down events
PROBE Display user info (see also USERS cmd)
VALIDATE Grant a user a higher membership level
Comments: At this level, the USERS command gives more detailed inform-
ation, such as password and phone number. A co-sysop can
run the entire system remotely. He can not, however, find
out the sysop's password.
Level 8: Sysop
May post: Logon Announcements
Added cmds: CLOSE Shut down system; prevent further calls
Comments: The user named "SYSOP" is automatically placed in "Ultra-
Mode". See the explanation of "Ultra-Mode" (Alt-F10) in the
"Function Keys" section.
(Listed in alphabetic order)
Accounting -- Enable or Disable
Accounting Date Format
Address of COM Port
Annunciator Tune
Answer Incoming Calls
Attention String
Automatically Select File Area by Membership Level
Automatically Select File Destination by Membership Level
Bonus Connect Time
Broken Connection
Command Failed
Command Successfully Completed
Configuration Start-up Menu
Configurator Opening Menu
Days Back for Files
Days Back for Messages
Default File Transfer Protocol
Detect ANSI Automatically?
Disconnect Delay
Disconnect Method
Display Mode
Display in Color
Door Safety Level
Free Space Required for Questionnaires
Free Space Required for Upload
Gearshift -- Enable or Disable
Give-to-All Level
Ignore Incoming Calls
Initial Membership Level
Initial Setup
Initializing Baud Rate
Key Click
Library Directory -- Extensions to Exclude
Local Text Editor
Lock DTE Speed?
Long-distance Call Pattern
Main Pulldown Menu
Maximum Sign-ups
Membership Level Description
Membership Level Masking in USERS Command
Membership Levels Subject to Time-Out
Minimum Baudrate
Modem Command Pacing
Modem Connection Response
Modem Ring
Name of Guest Account
Number of Files Listed in Files Area
Number of Hours Between Calls
Passwords Considered
Path to Library Files
Path to Message Files
Path to Upload/Download Files
Phone Hang-up
Phone Number Format
Phone Pick-up
Pop-up Message Speed
Pre-call Setup
Quote File Name for Local Text Editor
Registration or Evaluation Extension Serial Number
Screen Saver Delay
Screen Saver Speed
Show Private and Exclusive Headers
Shutdown Reset
Software Documentation Files Extension
Sound Effects
Standard and Graphics Prompts
Use Questionnaires Instead of Editor for GIVE Documentation
User List Clean-Up Settings