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Imperium Rex World Map Editor (MAPEDIT) v1.0 Documentation
Copyright (c) 1994 Brainstorm Software
MAPEDIT has been developed in its entirety by Glenn Robins.
This is FREEWARE but cannot be distributed separately from the Imperium Rex
v2.00 software package - see LICENSE.TXT.
- Any 80x86 processor (of course, the faster the better).
- About 200K of conventional RAM.
- No sounds are generated, so you donÆt even need a PC speaker! (This
way, you are less likely to be caught by your boss at work while
drawing up a map).
- Colour monitor.
- VGA with 512K of video memory for support of 320x200x256 mode.
- Mouse is required, with a recent mouse driver (last few years).
The following files constitute the map editor program:
MAPEDIT .EXE - Map editor
MAPEDIT .VML - Graphics library
MAPEDIT .BML - Graphics library
MAPEDIT .FNT - Character font
MAPEDIT .DOC - Program documentation
This is an enhanced world map editor with more functionality than the
one built into the Game Manager/Editor (REXEDIT). It allows you to
edit the map on a grid while simultaneously viewing the 1:1 scale map
in another window, and also provides the ability to copy sections of
the map to file which may then be imported into another map.
The program is completely mouse-driven, and so a Microsoft or Mouse
Systems mouse must be installed and usable. NO KEYBOARD INPUT WILL BE
ACCEPTED, except for entering filenames. Therefore, do not run the
program without a mouse - if you do, you will have to reboot to exit.
You may not reference any files that exist outside the default
directory when loading or saving. You should then make sure that
there will be enough disk space for saving, and that all files that
need to be accessible are in the default startup directory.
Once started, the program will enter SURFACE PLOTTING MODE, where
clicking the LEFT button on the map grid will place the selected
surface (indicated at the bottom right); and clicking the RIGHT button
anywhere will select a different surface type to assign to the
"plotting pen" (the mouse cursor). All button controls, such as the
scrolling buttons, surface type buttons, and the menu item buttons,
are all available for selection in this mode. Note that you may hold
down the LEFT button to manually "paint" an area on the grid.
The map grid view may be moved by using either the scroll buttons, or
by clicking in the 1:1 scale map window at the top right. The black
box in this window indicates the viewing area of the map grid. This
box may be dragged around the map by holding down the LEFT button,
which continually updates the map grid viewing area. Since the
location pointed to by the mouse cursor corresponds to the upper left
corner of the viewing box, moving this box to for example the bottom
right corner will require holding down the LEFT button and dragging
the viewing box to the corner. Note that once you press and hold the
LEFT button in the map window, you may move the mouse cursor anywhere
and the viewing box will try to follow.
The other types of boxes that will at some time appear superimposed on
the map window are region selection boxes, which are yellow; and copy
destination boxes, which are white. These boxes also appear in the
map grid viewing area (but of course may exceed the boundaries of the
viewport). Selecting the size and position of these boxes can only be
done in the map grid viewing area, and not in the 1:1 scale map
The colour scheme used for surface types is consistent with that used
in REX and REXEDIT. The icons representing the surfaces are a little
different, due to the degradation in display resolution.
Note that on-line help is not provided, mainly because MAPEDIT is
supposed to be easy to use and understand with the help of this
Loads a new world map into memory from file. The map file
must be selected from a file list, which may be cancelled by
clicking the RIGHT button. This command may also double as
a directory command, so long as you remember to abort. If
changes were made since last saving, you will be alerted.
Saves the world map in memory to file. The map filename
must be entered manually, without a path reference. This
may be aborted by hitting ESCAPE or clicking the RIGHT
button. Clicking the LEFT button while in the filename
input field acts like a RETURN and accepts the input. You
will be alerted if the file exists and may then choose to
cancel, or replace.
This will clear the current map in memory to WATER. If
changes were made since last saving, you will be alerted.
Presents a window showing surface coverage broken down in
percentage by type, as well as free memory and disk space on
the default drive. The percentages were rigged to add up to
100% to compensate for integer rounding errors, and so
percentages that are really small (on the order of 0.1%) may
not be accurate.
Quits program. You will be alerted first if changes were
made since last save.
Press this button to change mode to area selection. In this
mode, you will be asked to select the top left corner of the
region. At this point, you may either click on the button
again (which releases it) to clear the current region
selection (if any) and abort the procedure; or you may
select the bottom right corner of the region of interest.
The region will be surrounded by a yellow outline box.
Region selection is necessary for the SAVE, FILL and COPY
As stated above, this function also doubles as a region
selection CLEAR command by double-clicking on the SELECT
button. There is no functional purpose for clearing the
selection, other than to eliminate the distraction of the
YELLOW box if no longer needed.
Use this function to copy the contents of a region saved to
file previously (using the REGION/SAVE function) to a
specific location in the current map in memory.
Once the button is pressed, a window will appear with a list
of files in the current default directory that have a .REG
extension. You may select the desired file, or click the
RIGHT button to abort the procedure.
Once a region file is selected, you will be placed in an
import mode, where you are asked to select the location of
the upper left corner of the region that will be imported.
This area will be outlined in WHITE and will always appear
at first in the very top left corner of the map, to indicate
its size. If you select a location such that the region
will not fit on the map, you will be notified and the
destination outline will be reset. You may elect to cancel
this procedure by pressing the IMPORT button again so as to
release it. Otherwise, the copy is initiated by clicking
(again) on the grid at the location of the upper left
corner, which is emphasized by being boxed in separately; if
you do not select this corner, the WHITE box will be moved
to the new location, until this corner is double-clicked in
this manner. Once the copy is performed, there is no
possibility of undoing it.
If a region is selected (the YELLOW box), it will have no
effect on the IMPORT process.
Use this function to save the selected region (in YELLOW) to
file. If no region is selected, you will be notified and
this function will have no effect.
If this function is chosen with a selected region, you will
be asked to type the name of the region file, without a path
reference or extension (a .REG extension will be added
internally). This may be aborted by hitting ESCAPE or
clicking the RIGHT button. Clicking the LEFT button while
in the filename input field acts like a RETURN and accepts
the input. You will be alerted if the file exists and may
then choose to cancel, or replace.
Press this button if you have a selected region (in YELLOW)
that you want completely filled with the currently selected
surface type. This act will be instantaneous and will not
prompt you for confirmation, so be careful - there is no way
to undo this. If you have no region selected, you will be
notified and the function will have no effect.
This is similar to the IMPORT function except that it uses
the selected area on the map as the source region. If no
region is selected (in YELLOW) then you will be notified and
this function will have no effect.
Once this button is pressed, you will be asked to select the
location of the destination region in the same way as the
IMPORT function (with the WHITE box). This procedure may
also be aborted by again pressing the COPY button to release
This function will not permit the source and destination
regions to overlap. If you specify the position of an
overlapping destination region, you will be notified and
then forced to reselect a position. If for some reason this
is not satisfactory, the alternative is to SAVE a region to
file and to then IMPORT it.
If you are curious, with my I/O library already written (about two
years ago), I was able to develop this program from start to finish in
less than two weeks, and mostly during evenings.
One important thing to note while using this program is that if the
mouse pointer graphic is moved to either edge of the screen, the image
will wrap around from one end of the screen to the other (but of
course not the pointer itself). This is a limitation of the method
used for drawing vectorized icons, and not related in any way to your
mouse driver.