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IMPERIUM REX - v2.10 Copyright (c) 1989-1995 Brainstorm Software
IMPERIUM REX - v2.10 (Technical Information)
Copyright (c) 1989-1995 Brainstorm Software
The _Imperium Rex Game Editor_ and _Game Player_ were
compiled/assembled by Borland C++ 3.1 and Turbo
Assembler 3.1.
Concept development, programming, and testing by
_Glenn Robins_, of _Brainstorm Software_.
Concept development, testing, and story writing by
_Jens Winslow_.
Editing Object Specifications (Brief Reference)
See off-line documentation for more complete help.
_<RB>_ anywhere will end editing
_HI_ : Number of hit points when fully functional
_DP_ : Damage potential (number of attacks)
_FR_ : Fuel range (amount of fuel that can be carried)
_PT_ : Production time in turns required to build object
_WT_ : Weight of object unless object is a _Transport_ where
this is the total weight it can carry
_G/M/O_ : Grain/mineral/oil units required to build object
_PBH_: Probability of being hit by an attack
_POH_: Probability of hitting an object when attacking
_AR_ : Attack range
_SP_ : Speed - has two meanings depending on _surface_:
_LAND_: Total number of movement points for object
LAND requires one movement point
_Other_: Movement points required to move _from_ this
surface to another
_SR_ : Scan range of object
_POS_: Probability of spotting an enemy object
_PBS_: Probability of being spotted by an enemy object
Imperium Rex Game Manager/Editor (Main Menu)
This program can be used to create and edit world maps;
build and edit games; and edit object specifications,
and game parameters.
_The following are some important points to note:_
- Map editing is an independent function, and does not
affect any game in progress using the particular map
- Editing object specifications or the game parameter
table through the main menu will not affect games in
progress - they may be changed however for any
particular game through the game editing option.
- To prevent any player from secretely editing another
player's setup, use the _passwords_ option.
Note that on-line help is still available when editing
object specifications by clicking _<LB>_ in the lower
right corner, even though the '?' is not visible.
World Map Design (Main Menu)
_LOAD_ : Load a world map
_SAVE_ : Save current world map
_CLEAR_: Clears current world map to WATER
_VIEW_ : Produces a full graphical image of the world
_<LB>_ exits and brings the region pointed to into
full view
_<RB>_ just exits
_QUIT_ : Quits operation and returns to main program menu
(current map is still in memory)
Press _<RB>_ anywhere for edit mode
A world map of sufficient land mass (5 percent) must be
in memory before making a new game.
World Map Design (Edit Mode)
_<RB>_: Changes current feature for placing
_<LB>_: Function depends on where it is pressed:
_- Inside map window:_
Places current feature on map (can hold button
down for continuous placement)
_- Anywhere in World Map Design box:_
Activates main menu
_- Anywhere in Map Editing box:_
Activates block placement mode (used to place
rectangular blocks of the current feature).
Follow instructions in box to place a block - the
scroll bar/arrow buttons still work in this mode
_- At scroll bar/arrow buttons:_
Random access of map window location/smooth
scrolling of map in specified direction (can hold
button down for rapid scrolling)
_- Grid [ON/OFF]:_
Toggles map grid lines on or off
Confirmation to Clear Current World Map
_CLEAR_ : Clears current map in memory to WATER
(make sure it is saved first)
_CANCEL/<RB>_: Aborts operation - will not clear
This confirmation also comes up when loading a new world
map while the current one has been modified, in which
case _CLEAR_ will proceed with the load operation and
_CANCEL_ will abort it.
Load a World Map
Files appearing in the file selection list are all files
with length 15000 - it is therefore possible for another
file to appear which coincidentally has this length.
In mouse mode, the four buttons at the bottom of the
selection list can be used to scroll or page up/down.
_<LB>_: Depends on where it was pressed:
_- Files_: selects world map to load
_- Name Box_: accept entry of complete file name
_- OK_: loads entered file (assumed to be a map)
_- CANCEL_: cancels this operation and returns to
current map (even after the clear confirmation)
_<RB>_: Depends on where it was pressed:
_- Files_: backs out to directory list
_- Name Box_: accept entry of complete file name
_- OK/CANCEL Options_: selects CANCEL
Save a World Map
Files appearing in the file selection list are all files
with length 15000 - it is therefore possible for another
file to appear which coincidentally has this length.
In mouse mode, the four buttons at the bottom of the
selection list can be used to scroll or page up/down.
_<LB>_: Depends on where it was pressed:
_- Files_: selects world map to save (overwrite)
_- Name Box_: accept entry of complete file name
_- OK_: saves to entered file (overwrites)
_- CANCEL_: cancels this operation and returns to
current map
_<RB>_: Depends on where it was pressed:
_- Files_: backs out to directory list
_- Name Box_: accept entry of complete file name
_- OK/CANCEL Options_: selects CANCEL
Load a Game
Files appearing in the file selection list are all files
with length 238,000 - it is therefore possible for
another file to appear which coincidentally has this
In mouse mode, the four buttons at the bottom of the
selection list can be used to scroll or page up/down.
_<LB>_: Depends on where it was pressed:
_- Files_: selects game to load
_- Name Box_: accept entry of complete file name
_- OK_: loads entered file (assumed to be a game)
_- CANCEL_: cancels this operation
_<RB>_: Depends on where it was pressed:
_- Files_: backs out to directory list
_- Name Box_: accept entry of complete file name
_- OK/CANCEL Options_: selects CANCEL
Save a Game
Files appearing in the file selection list are all files
with length 238,000 - it is therefore possible for
another file to appear which coincidentally has this
In mouse mode, the four buttons at the bottom of the
selection list can be used to scroll or page up/down.
_<LB>_: Depends on where it was pressed:
_- Files_: selects game to save (overwrite)
_- Name Box_: accept entry of complete file name
_- OK_: saves to entered file (overwrites)
_- CANCEL_: cancels this operation
_<RB>_: Depends on where it was pressed:
_- Files_: backs out to directory list
_- Name Box_: accept entry of complete file name
_- OK/CANCEL Options_: selects CANCEL
Selection of a Value
The value on the left is the current value.
The value on the right is either a 1 or a 10, indicating
by what amount the value will be incremented or
_<RB>_: Cancels (keeps original value)
_<LB>_: On one of the following buttons:
_E_ Allows manual entry of value
_«_ Decrements value by amount on the right
_»_ Increments value by amount on the right
_OK_ Accepts current value on the left
_+_ Toggles increment/decrement step (1 or 10)
Incrementing and decrementing involves pressing _»_ and _«_
repeatedly - holding the button down has no effect.
The maximum value varies according to context, and is
discovered (if not known already) when the current
value cannot be incremented past this max. value.
Save Changes Made to Object Specifications?
_YES_: Allows you to choose an entry to replace
_NO_ : Exits edit mode without saving changes
The specifications are stored in the file _OBJSPECS.REX_.
This can be copied somewhere else or renamed if it is
desirable to have different sets of specifications
Save Changes Made to Game Parameter Table?
_SAVE/EXIT_: Allows you to choose an entry to replace
_EXIT WITHOUT SAVING_: Exits without saving changes
The parameters are stored in the file _GAMEPARM.REX_.
This can be copied somewhere else or renamed if it is
desirable to have different sets of game parameters
Edit Game Parameter Table
The purpose of each parameter and its effect or
consequence is detailed in the "off-line" documentation.
Parameters starting with a _[P]_ only have an effect on
the _game player_, whereas ones starting with a _[D]_
only have an effect on the _game manager_, for the
building of new games.
_<RB>_ exits the parameter list/edit mode, where the
options to save/exit or exit without change are
presented, unless editing a table belonging to a game.
File Operation Error
This is a general file OPEN operation error which may
occur for the following reasons:
_File not found in current path_ (for reading)
_Too many files open_ (although not likely given that no
files are left open while this program is executing)
_Rights violation or file locked_ (if on a network)
_Storage medium failure_ (bad disk, etc.)
Entering player names for new game
_For a one player practice game_, you must only enter a
name for player 1 (white) and leave the others blank.
_For a two player game_, you must enter names for player
1 (white) and player 2 (black), and leave the third name
_For a three player game_, you must enter names for all
three players.
The player colours cannot be changed.
Pooled resources option for new game
Playing with _pooled resources_ simplifies the game -
all cities and settlements share the same resource pool,
and all collected resources are added to the same pool.
Since there is no need for a resource shipment
infrastructure, packing resources into containers is not
allowed, and RT schedules are not permitted. The
resource pool can only hold 255 units of each type -
collection will cease when this limit is reached. It
may be wise to begin your first game with this option
Playing without _pooled resources_ is the primary intent
of this game and is recommended when you feel that you
are ready to handle all aspects of sustaining an empire
(or if you just want to jump right into the game head
first - but be sure to wear a helmet!). All cities and
settlements maintain their own resource pools. Note
that all world market transactions occur at your HQ.
Regions option for new game
The _regions_ option can be used to shorten the
development time of your empire, as it allows players
to select regions of the map that are known to them at
the start of the game. Once regions are selected, you
are launched into the game editor where your HQ can be
moved to a more profitable position.
Playing without _regions_ is the primary intent of this
game and is recommended when you are prepared to engage
in a lengthy conquest. In this case, your HQ is placed
randomly on the map and is surrounded by four resources.
In either case, you may enter the game editor once the
game is designed, and give yourselves objects using
the recommended point system.
Confirm game settings
If the player names, player number, and play options
are set correctly, confirm this with OK.
Define known regions
_<LB>_ in any of the region boxes toggles through the
list of options for that region:
_Home n_ must only be selected once per player, as it
indicates where your HQ will be placed ('n' - player) -
this region will of course be known to player 'n'.
_Known n_ indicates that this region will be known only
to the player specified by 'n'.
_All Know_ indicates that this region will be known by
all players.
_UNKNOWN_ indicates that this region is unknown to all
'_Known_' means that all territory and all resources will
be known, as well as the locations of all NP cities.
The _Neutral Player_ (NP) knows the entire world.
Place objects with point system
This provides a means for restricting the quantity and
quality of objects placed by each player. All players
are assigned a specified number of points to start with,
and as objects are placed, their point values are
subtracted from their totals. A point can be thought of
as a MegaCredit (¢) and each object has its own price
associated with it.
If you answer _YES_ to this prompt, it will then ask you
for the number of points that each player receives.
The number of points assigned is not saved with the
game, so all placing of objects must be done up front
before finally saving the game in the editor.
If at a later point the editor is called up, and the
game has not been started yet, this prompt will appear
Game editing - Main menu
_Select player_: Allows you to choose a player to edit.
_Passwords_: Enable and enter passwords if currently
disabled; or disable if currently enabled.
(√ beside this option -> enabled)
_Edit object specs_: Edit the object specification table
associated with this game.
_Edit game parms_: Edit the game parameter table
associated with this game - changing
[D] parameters will have no effect.
_Save changes_: Save changes made to this game including
all those made under this menu.
_Quit_: Quit game editing and return to main program
menu. If the game has not been saved (even
if it has not been modified) you will be prompted
to confirm quitting - it is of course not
necessary to save if no changes were made but
this program does not check for changes.
Quit without saving first
This does not mean that you have made changes and that
the game should be saved. It is just a notice that you
have not chosen the game save option since entering the
game edit mode. This is just a precaution in case this
option was chosen by accident and changes have indeed
been made.
Any changes made to the object specs or game parms will
be lost, as well as password option changes.
Selecting player to edit
All players are listed, including the _Neutral Player_.
After selecting a player, player edit mode will
immediately commence and the player's map will appear.
Therefore, be careful when selecting a player so as
not to accidentally (or otherwise) cheat.
_Neutral Player_ editing is restricted to viewing, and
moving of objects. No NP objects may be created or
Main player options
_View scan range, attack range, surveyed area_ options
will produce a highlighted map showing the corresponding
ranges - clicking in the large empty box on the right
will produce a graphical map showing highlighted areas.
_Objects, Known Resources, Infrastructure_ options will
produce a graphical map using colours to denote
particular information corresponding to the displayed
legend. In mouse mode, a pointer will appear - _<LB>_
will exit this view and return to normal map viewing,
but will center the view on the location selected.
_<RB>_ will exit the world view.
_Object Symbols_ produces a screen showing tactical object
symbols and names.
_Tactical, Logistical, City Status, General Status,
Satellite Stats_ options will call up the corresponding
_<RB>_ will enter object editing mode.
Object editing mode
You can either click on one of the object icons in the
top right corner box, which would enter object placement
mode, or you can select an object on the map to edit.
_<RB>_ will exit object editing mode.
All scrolling techniques apply in this mode for map
Object placement mode
Using the _<LB>_, click at the location on the map where
you want to place this object. The surface type must be
compatible with the object. Objects cannot be placed
into transports as if loading them on - loading must
take place in the game player. Objects may be placed in
Once a location has been selected, a 3x3 area should be
highlighted and the location selected should be
flashing. This is intended as a confirmation that this
is where you want the object to be placed. To confirm
this, click again at the same spot (which is flashing).
If this is not where you want the object, clicking _<LB>_
at any other location will move the highlighted area
to the new spot where you may intend to place the
_<RB>_ exits object placement mode.
Object selection/editing
You can change the number of guards (of no meaning in
settlements), the amount of resources in its pool (of no
meaning if playing _pooled resources_ unless it is object
number 0 (HQ) you are editing), or you can move or kill
the object. A city must be empty before moving or
killing it.
_Spy Satellite_:
You can move this object, or kill it.
You can change the number of hits, or amount of fuel.
You can move or kill the object. The _Orders_ of an
object can be _N - None_, _S - Standby_, _M - Moving_,
_L - Loaded_ (an RT showing _L_ means that it is following
a schedule).
_<RB>_ skips to next object at that location until there
are none left.
City production status report
_<RB>_ Exit report, or select a city from the list to
center the map on the city.
_C_ Either City (C) or HQ (H).
_TAH_ Tech-levels in order of Terra, Aero, and Hydro
_ON_ Object number.
_Name_ Name of city.
_G, M, O_ Resource stock at this city.
_Producing, T_ Object being produced and number of turns
left before completion.
_GD_ Number of guards in city.
_Fuel_ Total fuel units of all fuel depots in city.
There are as many extra lines per city as necessary to
list all objects being produced.
Tactical report
_<RB>_ Exit report, or select an object from the list to
center the map on the object.
_Object_ Type of object.
_ON_ Object number.
_Name_ Name of object.
_Orders_ Current orders of object.
_Hits_ Number of hits left.
_Fuel_ Fuel units left.
_Wt_ For transports, this is the weight capacity left.
All movement and attack-associated objects are listed.
Logistical report
_<RB>_ Exit report, or select an object from the list to
center the map on the object.
_Object, ON, Name_ Type, number, and name of object.
_G, M, O_ Resources packed if container, or resource
stock if settlement.
_Fuel_ Fuel left if depot, or fuel in settlement.
_Hits_ Number of hits left if settlement.
_Orders_ Orders of object.
Settlements, fuel depots, and resource containers are
listed. Also, the following information is provided:
_SCANNED RESOURCES_ Collected and uncollected.
_LOADED BOMBS_ Total bombs loaded on all bombers.
_RAIL SECTIONS_ Total sections of your placed rail.
_ROAD SECTIONS_ Total sections of your placed road.
_MINES_ Total active number of your mines.
_DETECTORS_ Total number of your placed detectors.
_CANAL SECTIONS_ Total sections of your built canal.
Satellite status report
_<RB>_ Exit report, or select a satellite from the list
to center the map on the satellite (surface flashes).
_ON, Name_ Number, and name of satellite.
_Present Location_ Coordinates of satellite.
_Orbit/Stat_ Moving, Stationary, or Inactive (not
The easiest way to locate a satellite to open its object
window (since the actual object is not visible on the
map) is to view this report and select the particular
satellite. This will center the map on it and show its
location by flashing the surface. You may then enter
_Tactical Mode_ and select that location.
Observation (Tactical) Mode
You may use the standard scrolling methods to observe
the world map and the highlighted areas.
_<RB>_ Exit observation mode.
_<LB> in big empty box on right_ Graphical world map.
Pressing _<LB>_ in this mode will center the map view
at the location of the mouse pointer, or _<RB>_ will
just exit the graphical view.
Force HQ's to be coastal
If responded _YES_, it will not quit until all players'
HQ's are randomly placed on a coast line (make sure your
map has water!).
A coastal city is that which has at least one piece of
water beside it, but is not completely surrounded by
It may help at the start of the game to be able to build
and move ships outside your HQ. If your HQ happens to
be inland, its hydro-tech production will be useless
unless a canal is built from the city to a body of
water, which could take a lot of time as well as being
potentially dangerous.
If responded _NO_, it may be coastal or inland. Either
way, the HQ is always placed directly on top of land.
General Status Report (object table)
_OK/<RB>_ Acknowledged.
This report shows for every object type, the number you
have, the number that have died by all causes, and the
number you have killed by player.
There may be some objects that this report claims you
have killed yourself - this occurs in particular cases
where for example you drove an object into your own
mine, an aero-porter ran out of fuel over water and all
loaded objects died as well, etc.
Difficult to place cities
Given the specified number, type, and spread factors of
NP cities in the _Game Parameter Table_, the algorithm is
having a hard time placing them on the world map.
It is a good idea to retry a few times by responding
_YES_, until the attempt seems futile. Responding _NO_ will
abort this task, where you will have to clear and reload
the world map and then change the parameters. You may
also wish to attempt this again without any changes,
since the new layout of the first few cities may permit
the placement of cities that couldn't be placed last
Difficult to place HQ
Given the layout of the world map, the algorithm is
having a hard time placing an HQ. It may be that there
is little land in the specified home region for an HQ to
be placed on, which hasn't been found yet. It may help
to respond _YES_ a few times to retry. If it persists,
respond _NO_, where you will have to clear and reload the
world map and either modify it, or choose a different
home region.
Force HQ's to be coastal (regions)
If responded _YES_, all players' HQ's are randomly placed
on a coast line.
A coastal city is that which has at least one piece of
water beside it, but is not completely surrounded by
It may help at the start of the game to be able to build
and move ships outside your HQ. If your HQ happens to
be inland, its hydro-tech production will be useless
unless a canal is built from the city to a body of
water, which could take a lot of time as well as being
potentially dangerous.
If responded _NO_, it may be coastal or inland. Either
way, the HQ is always placed directly on top of land.
Place four resources around HQ's
By responding _YES_, four resources will be placed around
each HQ as in the non-regions case. You will then be
asked if you want these cities to be coastal.
By responding _NO_, it is expected that you will move your
HQ to a more appropriate position in your known
territory in the editor. Given this assumption, you
will not be asked if you want them to be coastal.
Passwords (General)
If enabled, the player's password (max. 10 characters)
must be entered to begin the turn during game play, and
ALL players' passwords must be entered correctly to edit
the game. This option is not available for one-player
practice games.
Passwords may be enabled and entered, or disabled in the
_Game Editing_ menu. Passwords may be changed on an
individual basis in the _Game Options_ window of the game
_Do not forget your passwords!_ There is no way to turn
off the password option without knowing all passwords,
including those belonging to players who resigned or
were conquered. See the off-line documentation for more
Read-Only Table Entry
This table entry cannot be modified - it is provided as
a standard data set for building games.
Lose changes to table entry?
You have chosen to escape the entry selection mode. If
you proceed, any changes made to the entry will be lost.
Enter password
Enter the current password for the designated player.
The colour scheme was chosen so that the password should
not be readable by others during "casual glances".
Change password
Enter a new password for the designated player.
The colour scheme was chosen so that the password should
not be readable by others during "casual glances".
Select entry to use (OS/GP) for building game
Select which data entry to use for building the current
game: The object specs will just be copied into the
game file for use while playing, but the [D] game parms
will be used now.
_<RB>_ Aborts game build.
Load OS/GP table entry
Select which table entry to load for editing. If you
wish to create a new, custom table entry, you may want
to load a read-only table with default settings, modify
it, and then save the table in a non-read-only entry.
_<RB>_ Aborts edit.
Replace OS/GP table entry
Select which non-read-only table entry to use for
storing the current data table. All data in the
selected entry will be overwritten and lost.
The entry that was just loaded for editing has a '_>_'
just after the entry number, as a reminder.
After selection, you will be prompted to edit the name
of the entry, and you are committed to replace it.
_<RB>_ Aborts the entire edit and replace procedure.
Edit entry description (OS/GP)
Enter the new description for this data table entry.
_<RB>_ or _<LB>_ will acknowledge the new description and
the data table will be saved.