Zodiac Super OZ
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Text File
418 lines
; Defines general parameters of the game for which wadfiles are intended.
; Name textual name for internal use
; IWAD standard 8.3 base name and extension of main wadfile
; NewMap default name for new map -- dictates format for all maps
; Directory directory in which main wadfile (and game files) reside
; Run command to execute (from the directory) for running a map
Name=DOOM ][: Hell On Earth
Run=doom2.exe -file $_Wadfile -warp $_Wadmap
; Defines parameters of the default sector motif created when no motif
; file can be located at startup.
; Defines parameters of the default door motif created when no motif
; file can be located at startup.
; Defines parameters of the default stair motif created when no motif
; file can be located at startup.
; ID used to classify things
; Flags supplies some additional information:
; 0x0001 - indicate thing facing angle
; Red red value for drawing things of said class
; Green green value for drawing things of said class
; Blue blue value for drawing things of said class
; Name textual description of class
0x001 0x0001 255 255 255 Start
0x002 0x0000 128 128 0 Weapon
0x003 0x0001 255 0 0 Enemy
0x004 0x0000 128 128 0 Ammo
0x005 0x0000 0 255 255 Powerup
0x006 0x0000 255 255 0 Key
0x007 0x0000 192 192 192 Scenery
0x008 0x0001 255 0 255 Teleport
0x009 0x0000 192 0 0 Hazard
0x00a 0x0000 0 192 0 Armor
0x00b 0x0000 0 0 255 Healing
; ID used to uniquely identify things in a map
; Class classification (defined above section)
; Size approximate thing size (in map units)
; Sprite name of the sprite to use for display purposes
; Name textual description of thing
0x001 1 32 playa1 Player 1
0x002 1 32 playa1 Player 2
0x003 1 32 playa1 Player 3
0x004 1 32 playa1 Player 4
0x005 6 20 bkeya0 Blue card
0x006 6 20 ykeya0 Yellow card
0x007 3 256 spida1d1 Spider demon
0x008 5 20 bpaka0 Backpack
0x009 3 40 sposa1 Former sergeant
0x00a 7 20 sposu0 Body of former sergeant (shredded)
0x00b 1 32 playf1 Deathmatch
0x00c 7 20 troou0 Body of imp (shredded)
0x00d 6 20 rkeya0 Red card
0x00e 8 20 bfe2b0 Destination
0x00f 7 20 playm0 Body of player
0x010 3 80 cybra1 Cyberdemon
0x011 4 20 celpa0 Bulk cell (100)
0x012 7 20 possl0 Body of former human
0x013 7 20 sposl0 Body of former sergeant
0x014 7 20 troom0 Body of imp
0x015 7 20 sargn0 Body of demon
0x016 7 20 headl0 Body of cacodemon
0x018 7 20 pol5a0 Body of lost soul (blood)
0x019 7 20 pol6a0 Pole w/dead player
0x01a 7 20 pol6a0 Pole w/dying player
0x01b 7 20 treda0 Pole w/head
0x01c 7 20 pol2a0 Pole w/heads
0x01d 7 20 pol3a0 Skulls and candles
0x01e 7 20 col1a0 Column (tall/green)
0x01f 7 20 col2a0 Column (short/green)
0x020 7 20 col3a0 Column (tall/red)
0x021 7 20 col4a0 Column (short/red)
0x022 7 20 canda0 Candle
0x023 7 20 cbraa0 Candelabra
0x024 7 20 col5a0 Column w/heart
0x025 7 20 col6a0 Column w/skull
0x026 6 20 rskua0 Red skull
0x027 6 20 yskua0 Yellow skull
0x028 6 20 bskua0 Blue skull
0x029 7 20 ceyea0 Eye
0x02a 7 20 fskua0 Floating skull
0x02b 7 20 tre1a0 Tree (short)
0x02c 7 20 tblua0 Torch (tall/blue)
0x02d 7 20 tgrna0 Torch (tall/green)
0x02e 7 20 treda0 Torch (tall/red)
0x02f 7 20 smita0 Tree (thorny)
0x030 7 20 eleca0 Column (electric)
0x031 7 20 gor1a0 Chain w/dying player hung by neck (block player)
0x032 7 20 gor2a0 Chain w/player hung by ankles (block player)
0x033 7 20 gor3a0 Chain w/one legged player hung by ankle (block player)
0x034 7 20 gor4a0 Chain w/half player torso and legs (block player)
0x035 7 20 gor5a0 Chain w/player leg (block player)
0x036 7 20 tre2a0 Tree (large)
0x037 7 20 smbta0 Torch (short/blue)
0x038 7 20 smgta0 Torch (short/green)
0x039 7 20 smrta0 Torch (short/red)
0x03a 3 60 sarga5 Spectre
0x03b 7 20 gor2a0 Chain w/player hung by ankles (no block)
0x03c 7 20 gor4a0 Chain w/half player torso and legs (no block)
0x03d 7 20 gor3a0 Chain w/one legged player hung by ankle (no block)
0x03e 7 20 gor5a0 Chain w/half player torso and one leg (no block)
0x03f 7 20 gor1a0 Chain w/dying player hung by neck (no block)
0x040 3 40 vilea1d1 Arch-Vile
0x041 3 40 cposa1 Former commando
0x042 3 40 skela1d1 Revenant
0x043 3 96 fatta1 Mancubus
0x044 3 128 bspia1d1 Arachnotron
0x045 3 48 bos2a1c1 Hell knight
0x046 9 20 fcana0 Flaming barrel
0x047 3 62 paina1 Pain elemental
0x048 7 32 keena0 Commander Keen
0x049 7 20 hdb1a0 Body w/o guts
0x04a 7 20 hdb2a0 Body w/o guts and leg
0x04b 7 20 hdb3a0 Body w/o lower half
0x04c 7 20 hdb4a0 Body w/o lower half and cranium
0x04d 7 20 hdb5a0 Body w/o lower half and head
0x04e 7 20 hdb6a0 Body w/o most anything...
0x04f 7 20 pob1a0 Blood w/empty skin
0x050 7 20 pob2a0 Blood spatter
0x051 7 20 brs1a0 Brain w/spinal column
0x052 2 20 sgn2a0 Super shotgun
0x053 5 20 megaa0 Megasphere
0x054 3 40 sswvd1 SS soldier
0x055 7 20 tlmpa0 Gas lamp
0x056 7 20 tlp2a0 Gas lamp (small)
0x057 3 32 bfe2a0 Spawn spot
0x058 3 32 bbrna0 Boss brain
0x059 3 32 bosfc0 Boss shooter
0x7d1 2 20 shota0 Shotgun
0x7d2 2 20 mguna0 Chaingun
0x7d3 2 20 launa0 Rocket launcher
0x7d4 2 20 plasa0 Plasma rifle
0x7d5 2 20 csawa0 Chainsaw
0x7d6 2 20 bfuga0 BFG 9000
0x7d7 4 20 clipa0 Ammo clip (4)
0x7d8 4 20 shela0 Shotgun shells (4)
0x7da 4 20 rocka0 Rocket
0x7db 11 20 stima0 Stimpak (10)
0x7dc 11 20 media0 Medipak (25)
0x7dd 5 20 soula0 Soul sphere
0x7de 11 20 bon1a0 Potion (1)
0x7df 10 20 bon2a0 Helmet (1)
0x7e2 10 20 arm1a0 Green (100)
0x7e3 10 20 arm2a0 Blue (200)
0x7e6 5 20 pinva0 Invunerability
0x7e7 5 20 pstra0 Berserk
0x7e8 5 20 pinsa0 Invisibility
0x7e9 5 20 suita0 Radiation suit
0x7ea 5 20 pmapa0 Computer map
0x7ec 7 20 colua0 Electric lamp
0x7f3 9 20 bar1a0 Barrel
0x7fd 5 20 pvisa0 Light amplification goggles
0x7fe 4 20 broka0 Box of rockets (8)
0x7ff 4 20 cella0 Energy cell (20)
0x800 4 20 ammoa0 Box of bullets (50)
0x801 4 20 sboxa0 Box of shells (24)
0xbb9 3 40 trooa1 Imp
0xbba 3 60 sarga1 Demon
0xbbb 3 48 bossa1 Baron of hell
0xbbc 3 40 possa1 Former human
0xbbd 3 62 heada1 Cacodemon
0xbbe 3 32 skula1 Lost soul
; ID used to classify linedefs
; Name textual description of class
; Note: When converting a sector to a door, the linedef types
; available are those in class number two.
0x001 Special
0x002 Local door
0x003 Remote door
0x004 Ceiling
0x005 Crushing ceiling
0x006 Lift
0x007 Floor
0x008 Moving floor
0x009 Stairs
0x00a Exit
0x00b Teleport
0x00c Lighting
; ID
; class
; codes
; n does NOT require a tag number
; W walk-over activation
; S switch (triggered by player use)
; G gunfire (pistol, shotgun, chaingun) cross or hit line
; 1 the line may be activated once only
; R potentially repeatable activation
; & affected sectors locked out from further changes
; m monster actions can activate the line's effect
; speed
; (slow=1, medium = 2, fast = 3, turbo = 4)
; time
; texture changes
; description
; Special
0x030 1 n - - - scrolling wall (left)
; Local door
0x001 2 nSRm 2 4 - open/close
0x01a 2 nSR 2 4 - open/close (blue key required)
0x01c 2 nSR 2 4 - open/close (red key required)
0x01b 2 nSR 2 4 - open/close (yellow key required)
0x01f 2 nS1 2 - - open
0x020 2 nS1 2 - - open (blue key required)
0x021 2 nS1 2 - - open (red key required)
0x022 2 nS1 2 - - open (yellow key required)
0x02e 2 nG1 2 - - open
0x075 2 nSR 4 4 - open/close (turbo)
0x076 2 nS1 4 - - open (turbo)
; Remote door
0x004 3 W1 2 4 - open/close
0x01d 3 S1 2 4 - open/close
0x05a 3 WR 2 4 - open/close
0x03f 3 SR 2 4 - open/close
0x002 3 W1 2 - - open
0x067 3 S1 2 - - open
0x056 3 WR 2 - - open
0x03d 3 SR 2 - - open
0x003 3 W1 2 - - close
0x032 3 S1 2 - - close
0x04b 3 WR 2 - - close
0x02a 3 SR 2 - - close
0x010 3 W1 2 30 - close/open (30 seconds)
0x04c 3 WR 2 30 - close/open (30 seconds)
0x06c 3 W1 4 4 - open/close (turbo)
0x06f 3 WR 4 4 - open/close (turbo)
0x069 3 S1 4 4 - open/close (turbo)
0x072 3 SR 4 4 - open/close (turbo)
0x06d 3 W1 4 - - open (turbo)
0x070 3 S1 4 - - open (turbo)
0x06a 3 WR 4 - - open (turbo)
0x073 3 SR 4 - - open (turbo)
0x06e 3 W1 4 - - close (turbo)
0x071 3 S1 4 - - close (turbo)
0x06b 3 WR 4 - - close (turbo)
0x074 3 SR 4 - - close (turbo)
0x085 3 S1 4 - - open (turbo, blue key required)
0x063 3 SR 4 - - open (turbo, blue key required)
0x087 3 S1 4 - - open (turbo, red key required)
0x086 3 SR 4 - - open (turbo, red key required)
0x089 3 S1 4 - - open (turbo, yellow key required)
0x088 3 SR 4 - - open (turbo, yellow key required)
; Ceiling
0x028 4 W1 1 - - up to heighest ceiling
0x029 4 S1 1 - - down to floor
0x02b 4 SR 1 - - down to floor
0x02c 4 W1 1 - - down to floor + 8
0x031 4 S1 1 - - down to floor + 8
0x048 4 WR 1 - - down to floor + 8
; Crushing ceiling
0x006 5 W1& 2 0 - start fast crush
0x019 5 W1& 2 0 - start slow crush
0x049 5 WR& 1 0 - start slow crush
0x04d 5 WR& 2 0 - start fast crush
0x039 5 W1& - - - stop crush
0x04a 5 WR& - - - stop crush
0x08d 5 W1& 1 0 - start slow crush (silent)
; Lift
0x00a 6 W1 3 3 - lift (fast)
0x015 6 S1 3 3 - lift (fast)
0x058 6 WRm 3 3 - lift (fast)
0x03e 6 SR 3 3 - lift (fast)
0x079 6 W1 4 3 - lift (turbo)
0x07a 6 S1 4 3 - lift (turbo)
0x078 6 WR 4 3 - lift (turbo)
0x07b 6 SR 4 3 - lift (turbo)
; Floor
0x077 7 W1 1 - - up to next highest floor
0x080 7 WR 1 - - up to next highest floor
0x012 7 S1 1 - - up to next highest floor
0x045 7 SR 1 - - up to next highest floor
0x016 7 W1& 1 - TX up to next highest floor + texture
0x05f 7 WR& 1 - TX up to next highest floor + texture
0x014 7 S1& 1 - TX up to next highest floor + texture
0x044 7 SR& 1 - TX up to next highest floor + texture
0x02f 7 G1& 1 - TX up to next highest floor + texture
0x005 7 W1 1 - - up to lowest ceiling
0x05b 7 WR 1 - - up to lowest ceiling
0x065 7 S1 1 - - up to lowest ceiling
0x040 7 SR 1 - - up to lowest ceiling
0x018 7 G1 1 - - up to lowest ceiling
0x082 7 W1 4 - - up to next highest floor (turbo)
0x083 7 S1 4 - - up to next highest floor (turbo)
0x081 7 WR 4 - - up to next highest floor (turbo)
0x084 7 SR 4 - - up to next highest floor (turbo)
0x038 7 W1& 1 - - up to lowest ceiling - 8, crush
0x05e 7 WR& 1 - - up to lowest ceiling - 8, crush
0x037 7 S1 1 - - up to lowest ceiling - 8, crush
0x041 7 SR 1 - - up to lowest ceiling - 8, crush
0x03a 7 W1 1 - - up 24
0x05c 7 WR 1 - - up 24
0x00f 7 S1& 1 - TX up 24 + texture
0x042 7 SR& 1 - TX up 24 + texture
0x03b 7 W1& 1 - TXP up 24 + sector texture
0x05d 7 WR& 1 - TXP up 24 + sector texture
0x00e 7 S1& 1 - TX up 32 + texture
0x043 7 SR& 1 - TX up 32 + texture
0x08c 7 S1 2 - - up 512
0x01e 7 W1 1 - - up by shortest lower texture
0x060 7 WR 1 - - up by shortest lower texture
0x026 7 W1 1 - - down to lowest floor
0x017 7 S1 1 - - down to lowest floor
0x052 7 WR 1 - - down to lowest floor
0x03c 7 SR 1 - - down to lowest floor
0x025 7 W1 1 - NXP down to lowest floor + sector texture
0x054 7 WR 1 - NXP down to lowest floor + sector texture
0x013 7 W1 1 - - down to highest floor
0x066 7 S1 1 - - down to highest floor
0x053 7 WR 1 - - down to highest floor
0x02d 7 SR 1 - - down to highest floor
0x024 7 W1 3 - - down to highest floor + 8
0x047 7 S1 3 - - down to highest floor + 8
0x062 7 WR 3 - - down to highest floor + 8
0x046 7 SR 3 - - down to highest floor + 8
0x009 7 S1 1 - NXP donut + sector texture
; Moving floor
0x035 8 W1& 1 3 - start moving floor
0x036 8 W1& - - - stop moving floor
0x057 8 WR& 1 3 - start moving floor
0x059 8 WR& - - - stop moving floor
; Stairs
0x008 9 W1 1 - - stairs (8)
0x007 9 S1 1 - - stairs (8)
0x064 9 W1 4 - - stairs (16) + crush
0x07f 9 S1 4 - - stairs (16) + crush
; Exit
0x00b 10 nS1 - - - end level, go to next
0x033 10 nS1 - - - end level, go to secret
0x034 10 nW1 - - - end level, go to next
0x07c 10 nW1 - - - end level, go to secret
; Teleport
0x027 11 W1m - - - teleport
0x061 11 WRm - - - teleport
0x07d 11 W1m - - - teleport monsters only
0x07e 11 WRm - - - teleport monsters only
; Lighting
0x023 12 W1 - - - off
0x068 12 W1 - - - set to dimmest near
0x00c 12 W1 - - - set to brightest near
0x00d 12 W1 - - - on maximum
0x04f 12 WR - - - off
0x050 12 WR - - - set to brightest near
0x051 12 WR - - - on maximum
0x011 12 W1 - - - start blinking
0x08a 12 SR - - - on maximum
0x08b 12 SR - - - off
0x001 Blink (random)
0x002 Blink (1/2 second)
0x003 Blink (1 second)
0x004 -10/20% health, blink (1/2 second)
0x005 -5/10% health
0x007 -2/5% health
0x008 Light oscillates
0x009 Secret
0x00a Ceiling drops (after 30 seconds)
0x00b -10/20% health, end level/game
0x00c Blink (1 second sync.)
0x00d Blink (1/2 second sync.)
0x010 -10/20% health
0x011 Light flickers randomly