Zodiac Super OZ
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3,222 lines
Extrn main:near
Public startup, exit
Public TopByte, AtExitCnt
Model Tiny
;****************** startup() -- Start program
Proc startup
pushf ;Check for 386+
pop ax
xor ax,7000h
push ax
pop bx
cmp ax,bx
jne p0_badcpu
mov ax,3001h ;Check for DOS 4.0
int 21h
cmp al,4
jb p0_baddos
mov ah,4Ah ;Modify memory allocation
mov bx,1000h ;Keep first 64K
int 21h ;DOS call
mov sp,0FF00h ;Shift stack down 256 bytes
mov ax,2523h ;Set null Ctrl-C handler
mov dx,offset IntRet ;so that Ctrl-C can't
int 21h ;abort the program
mov ax,3500h ;Get current Int 0 handler
int 21h ; (divide by zero)
mov [word OldInt0],bx ;Save handler
mov [word OldInt0+2],es
push cs ;Restore ES
pop es
mov ax,2500h ;Set the divide by zero
mov dx,offset DivZero ;handler: now it just
int 21h ;ignores the error
mov ax,0FB00h ;Initialize dynamic memory
sub ax,offset TopByte ;leaving 768 bytes for the
mov [word TopByte],ax ;stack (which is at 0FF00h)
mov [byte TopByte+2],2 ;Initial block is free, last
mov di,sp ;Parse arguments
call ParseArgs
call main ;Call main function
push ax ;Terminate with return code
call exit
p0_baddos: push offset BadDosStr ;'Bad Dos' message
jmp p0_error
p0_badcpu: push offset BadCPUStr ;'Bad CPU' message
p0_error: mov dx,offset BadStr ;Print first part
mov ah,9
int 21h
pop dx ;Print second part
int 21h
mov ax,4CFFh ;Return with error 255
int 21h
EndP startup
;****************** DivZero -- Divide by zero handler
Proc DivZero
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save all registers
push ds
xor cx,cx ;CX = displacement
mov ds,[bp+4] ;DS:BX = DIV instruction
mov bx,[bp+2]
cmp [byte bx],66h ;Skip past opsize, if any
jne $+4
inc bx
inc cx
mov al,[bx+1] ;AL = AH = ModRM byte
mov ah,al
and al,0C0h ;Mask off mode bits
cmp al,0C0h ;Mode = 11 (no disp)?
je DZ_dis0
cmp al,040h ;Mode = 01 (1 byte disp)?
je DZ_dis1
cmp al,080h ;Mode = 10 (2 byte disp)?
je DZ_dis2
cmp ah,36h ;Mode = 00. No disp except
jne DZ_dis0 ;if R/M = 110 (2 byte disp).
DZ_dis2: inc cx ;2 byte displacement
DZ_dis1: inc cx ;1 byte displacement
DZ_dis0: inc cx ;Instruction is two bytes
inc cx
add [bp+2],cx ;Skip past instruction
DZ_done: pop ds ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
IntRet: iret ;Interrupt return
EndP DivZero
;****************** Internal data
OldInt0: ;Old divide-by-zero handler
BadStr db 'Need at least $' ;OK to overwrite strings
BadCPUStr db 'an 80386 CPU',13,10,'$'
BadDosStr db 'DOS 4.0',13,10,'$'
AtExitCnt dw 0 ;Exit function count
AtExitTblO equ 0FF60h ;Exit function table offset
;****************** exit() -- Terminate program
;void exit(int retval);
Proc exit
mov ax,2500h ;Reset the default divide
mov dx,[word OldInt0] ;by zero handler
mov ds,[word OldInt0+2]
int 21h
push cs ;Restore DS
pop ds
mov cx,[AtExitCnt] ;CX = atexit count
jcxz p1_done ;No exit functions?
mov si,AtExitTblO ;SI = atexit table
p1_loop: lodsw ;Get function
call ax ;Call function
loop p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_done: pop ax ax ;Pop arg into AX
mov ah,4Ch ;Terminate program
int 21h ;DOS call
EndP exit
;**************************** ParseArgs() -- internal: Parse arguments
Proc ParseArgs
;Supply DI = 256-byte buffer, CS = DS = ES
;Returns CX = number of arguments
;the buffer will contain a list of
;near offsets to AsciiZ strings
;(and the strings themselves)
push es ;Save registers
mov bx,di ;BX = buffer
mov cl,[80h] ;CX = length of command line
xor ch,ch ;which is stored at 80h
push cx ;Save CX
mov si,81h ;SI = command line
add di,80h ;DI = second half of buffer
push di ;Save DI
rep movsb ;Move command line out of DTA
xor al,al ;Replace the CR at the end
stosb ;with a null
pop di cx ;Restore DI, length in CX
inc cx ;Make length include last null
xor dx,dx ;Zero argument counter
mov al,' ' ;AL = space
p3_loop: repe scasb ;Search for a non-space
dec di
inc cx
cmp [byte di],0 ;Is it a null?
je p3_done
mov [bx],di ;Store offset in list
inc bx ;Advance pointers
inc bx
inc dx
repne scasb ;Search for a space
mov [byte di-1],0 ;Replace it by a null
jmp p3_loop ;Loop back
p3_done: mov es,dx ;Tricky -- put count in ES
popa ;Restore general registers
mov cx,es ;Count in CX
pop es ;Restore ES
ret ;Return
EndP ParseArgs
UDataSeg ;Uninit. data seg: dummy
Label TopByte ;Top byte of code (start of heap)
Extrn AtExitCnt:word
Public atexit
Model Tiny
AtExitTblO equ 0FF60h ;Exit function table offset
;****************** atexit() -- Add exit function
;int atexit(void *func);
func equ bp+4
Proc atexit
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push bx ;Save BX
cmp [word AtExitCnt],16 ;16 functions max
jae p2_error
mov bx,[AtExitCnt] ;BX = offset
add bx,bx
mov ax,[func] ;AX = function
mov [AtExitTblO+bx],ax ;Add function to table
inc [word AtExitCnt] ;Increment count
p2_done: pop bx ;Restore BX
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
p2_error: xor ax,ax ;Return 0: failure
jmp p2_done
EndP atexit
Model Tiny
;****************** PUT_CHAR -- Like Int 29h but with redirection.
; Takes AL = char.
pusha ;Save registers
xchg dx,ax ;STDOUT output, DL = char
mov ah,2
int 21h ;DOS call
popa ;Restore registers
ret ;Return
Public fopen,fclose,fsetbuf
Model Tiny
;****************** File Structure . . .
; Offset Size Description
; 0 Word File handle
; 2 Word File mode
; 4 Dword Buffer position in file
; 8 Word Buffer pointer position
; 10 Word Number of bytes in buffer
; 12 Word Size of buffer (N)
; 14 Word Signature 'FI'
; 16 N bytes File buffer
BUF_SIZ dw 1024 ;Buffer size (default 1K)
F_MODES db 00h,01h ;0 = open for read
db 02h,11h ;1 = open/create for read/write
db 02h,01h ;2 = open for read/write
db 02h,12h ;3 = create/truncate for read/write
db 02h,10h ;4 = create for read/write
db 6 dup(0) ;Fail for 5, 6, 7
;****************** fopen() -- Open a buffered file
;int fopen(char *fname, int mode);
fname = bp+6
mode = bp+4
Proc fopen
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push ds si bx cx dx ;Save registers
mov bx,[mode] ;BX = mode
and bx,7 ;Mode mod 8
add bx,bx
movzx dx,[F_MODES+bx+1] ;BX:DX = DOS mode
movzx bx,[F_MODES+bx]
mov ax,6C00h ;Extended open file
xor cx,cx ;Normal attribute
mov si,[fname] ;SI = name
int 21h ;DOS call
jc p1_err1 ;Check for errors
xchg dx,ax ;DX = handle
mov ah,48h ;Allocate memory
mov bx,[BUF_SIZ] ;BX = num. of paras
shr bx,4 ; = (BUF_SIZ / 16) + 1
inc bx
int 21h ;DOS call
jc p1_err2 ;Check for errors
mov ds,ax ;DS = segment
mov [word 0],dx ;[word 0] = handle
mov cx,[mode]
mov [word 2],cx ;[word 2] = mode
xor bx,bx
mov [word 4],bx ;[dword 4] = buffer position
mov [word 6],bx
mov [word 8],bx ;[word 8] = buffer pointer
mov bx,[cs:BUF_SIZ]
mov [word 12],bx ;[word 12] = buffer size
mov [word 14],'FI' ;[word 14] = 'FI': signature
mov bx,dx ;BX = handle
mov ah,3Fh ;Read file
mov cx,[cs:BUF_SIZ] ;BUF_SIZ bytes
mov dx,16 ;Buffer offset
int 21h ;DOS call
mov [word 10],ax ;Set byte count
mov ax,ds ;AX = segment
p1_done: pop dx cx bx si ds ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 4 ;Return
p1_err2: mov ah,3Eh ;Out of memory, close file
mov bx,dx ;BX = handle
int 21h ;DOS call
p1_err1: xor ax,ax ;Error, return 0
jmp p1_done
EndP fopen
;****************** fclose() -- Close a buffered file
;void fclose(int fptr);
fptr = bp+4
Proc fclose
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push ds es ;Save registers
mov ds,[fptr] ;DS = seg of file
cmp [word 14],'FI' ;Check for signature
jne p2_done
mov bx,[word 0] ;BX = handle
cmp [byte 2],0 ;Read only, can't write buffer
je p2_skip
mov ax,4200h ;Move file ptr
mov cx,[word 6] ;CX:DX = buffer pos
mov dx,[word 4]
int 21h ;DOS call
mov ah,40h ;Write file
mov cx,[word 10] ;CX = bytes
mov dx,16 ;Buffer offset
int 21h ;DOS call
p2_skip: mov ah,3Eh ;Close file
int 21h ;DOS call
mov ah,49h ;Free memory
push ds ;ES = segment
pop es
int 21h ;DOS call
p2_done: popa ;Restore registers
pop es ds
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP fclose
;****************** fsetbuf() -- Set buffer size (for future use)
;int fsetbuf(int bsize);
bsize = bp+4
Proc fsetbuf
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
mov ax,[bsize] ;AX = size
and ax,7FF0h ;Put it in range
cmp ax,128
jb $+5
mov ax,128
mov [BUF_SIZ],ax ;Set buffer size
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP fsetbuf
Public fputc
Model Tiny
;****************** fputc() -- Put char to buffered file
;int fputc(int fptr, int chr);
fptr = bp+6
chr = bp+4
Proc fputc
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push ds si bx cx dx ;Save registers
mov ds,[fptr] ;DS = seg of file
cmp [word 14],'FI' ;Check for signature
jne p1_error
mov bx,[word 0] ;BX = handle
cmp [word 2],0 ;Read only, can't put char
je p1_error
mov si,[word 8] ;SI = pointer pos
cmp si,[word 12] ;Filled buffer?
jb p1_write ;Jump if not
mov ax,4200h ;Move file ptr
mov cx,[word 6] ;CX:DX = buffer pos
mov dx,[word 4]
int 21h ;DOS call
mov ah,40h ;Write file
mov cx,[word 12] ;CX = bytes
mov dx,16 ;Buffer offset
int 21h ;DOS call
mov ah,3Fh ;Read file, same data...
int 21h ;DOS call
mov [word 10],ax ;Set byte count
xor si,si
add [word 4],cx ;Advance buffer position
adc [word 6],si
mov [word 8],si ;Pointer pos = 0
p1_write: mov al,[chr] ;AX = char
xor ah,ah
mov [16+si],al ;Put char in buffer
inc si ;Advance pointer
mov [word 8],si
cmp si,[word 10] ;Hit last byte?
jna p1_done
inc [word 10] ;Advance byte count
p1_done: pop dx cx bx si ds ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 4 ;Return
p1_error: mov ax,-1 ;Error, return EOF
jmp p1_done
EndP fputc
Public fgetc
Model Tiny
;****************** fgetc() -- Get char from buffered file
;int fgetc(int fptr);
fptr = bp+4
Proc fgetc
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push ds si bx cx dx ;Save registers
mov ds,[fptr] ;DS = seg of file
cmp [word 14],'FI' ;Check for signature
jne p1_error
mov bx,[word 0] ;BX = handle
mov si,[word 8] ;SI = pointer pos
mov cx,[word 12] ;CX = buffer size
cmp si,cx ;End of buffer?
jb p1_read ;Jump if not
xor si,si
add [word 4],cx ;Advance buffer position
adc [word 6],si
mov [word 2],si ;Pointer pos = 0
mov ax,4200h ;Move file ptr
mov cx,[word 6] ;CX:DX = buffer pos
mov dx,[word 4]
int 21h ;DOS call
mov ah,3Fh ;Read file
mov cx,[word 12] ;CX = bytes
mov dx,16 ;Buffer offset
int 21h ;DOS call
mov [word 10],ax ;Set byte count
p1_read: cmp si,[word 10] ;Hit last byte?
jae p1_error
mov al,[16+si] ;Get char from buffer
xor ah,ah
inc si ;Advance pointer
mov [word 8],si
p1_done: pop dx cx bx si ds ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
p1_error: mov ax,-1 ;Error, return EOF
jmp p1_done
EndP fgetc
Public fseek,ftell
Model Tiny
;****************** fseek() -- Seek to position in buffered file
;int fseek(int fptr, long pos, int cmd);
fptr = bp+10
pos = bp+6
cmd = bp+4
Proc fseek
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push ds bx cx dx ;Save registers
mov ds,[fptr] ;DS = seg of file
cmp [word 14],'FI' ;Check for signature
jne p1_error
mov bx,[word 0] ;BX = handle
cmp [word 2],0 ;Read only, can't write buffer
je p1_seek
mov ax,4200h ;Move file ptr
mov cx,[word 6] ;CX:DX = buffer pos
mov dx,[word 4]
int 21h ;DOS call
mov ah,40h ;Write file
mov cx,[word 10] ;CX = bytes
mov dx,16 ;Buffer offset
int 21h ;DOS call
p1_seek: mov ax,4200h ;Move file ptr
mov cx,[word 6] ;CX:DX = current pos
mov dx,[word 4] ; = buffer pos + pointer
add dx,[word 8]
adc cx,0
int 21h ;DOS call
mov ah,42h ;Move file ptr
mov al,[cmd] ;AL = command
mov cx,[pos+2] ;CX:DX = new pos
mov dx,[pos]
int 21h ;DOS call
mov [word 6],dx ;Save position
mov [word 4],ax
mov ah,3Fh ;Read file
mov cx,[word 12] ;CX = bytes
mov dx,16 ;Buffer offset
int 21h ;DOS call
mov [word 10],ax ;Set byte count
mov [word 8],0 ;Pointer = 0
mov ax,1 ;return 1: success
p1_done: pop dx cx bx ds ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 8 ;Return
p1_error: xor ax,ax ;Error, return 0
jmp p1_done
EndP fseek
;****************** ftell() -- Return pointer in buffered file
;long ftell(int fptr);
fptr = bp+4
Proc ftell
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push ds ;Save registers
mov ds,[fptr] ;DS = seg of file
cmp [word 14],'FI' ;Check for signature
jne p2_error
mov dx,[word 6] ;DX:AX = current pos
mov ax,[word 4] ; = buffer pos + pointer
add ax,[word 8]
adc dx,0
p2_done: pop ds ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
p2_error: xor ax,ax ;Error, return 0
xor dx,dx
jmp p2_done
EndP ftell
Extrn fgetc:near
Public fread
Model Tiny
;****************** fread() -- Read block from buffered file
;int fread(int fptr, int nbytes, void *buf);
fptr = bp+8
nbytes = bp+6
buf = bp+4
Proc fread
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push bx cx di ;Save registers
mov bx,[fptr] ;BX = file ptr
mov cx,[nbytes] ;CX = num. of bytes
mov di,[buf] ;DI = buffer ptr
jcxz p1_done ;Zero bytes, do nothing
p1_loop: push bx ;Get char
call fgetc
test ax,ax ;Check for errors
jl p1_done
mov [di],al ;Store byte
inc di
loop p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_done: sub di,[buf] ;AX = byte count
xchg ax,di
pop di cx bx ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 6 ;Return
EndP fread
Extrn fputc:near
Public fwrite
Model Tiny
;****************** fwrite() -- Write block to buffered file
;int fwrite(int fptr, int nbytes, void *buf);
fptr = bp+8
nbytes = bp+6
buf = bp+4
Proc fwrite
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push bx cx si ;Save registers
mov bx,[fptr] ;BX = file ptr
mov cx,[nbytes] ;CX = num. of bytes
mov si,[buf] ;SI = buffer ptr
mov ax,1 ;Fixup for zero check
jcxz p1_done ;Zero bytes, do nothing
p1_loop: lodsb ;Load byte
push bx ax ;Write char
call fputc
test ax,ax ;Check for errors
jl p1_done
loop p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_done: sub si,[buf] ;AX = byte count
dec ax ;Subtract 1 if error
sbb si,0
xchg ax,si
pop si cx bx ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 6 ;Return
EndP fwrite
Public ftrunc
Model Tiny
;****************** ftrunc() -- Truncate buffered file at current position
;int ftrunc(int fptr);
fptr = bp+4
Proc ftrunc
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push ds bx cx dx ;Save registers
mov ds,[fptr] ;DS = seg of file
cmp [word 14],'FI' ;Check for signature
jne p1_error
cmp [word 2],0 ;Read only, can't truncate
je p1_error
mov bx,[word 0] ;BX = handle
mov ax,4200h ;Move file ptr
mov cx,[word 6] ;CX:DX = current pos
mov dx,[word 4] ; = buffer pos + pointer
add dx,[word 8]
adc cx,0
int 21h ;DOS call
mov ah,40h ;Write 0 bytes to file
xor cx,cx ;this truncates the file
int 21h
mov ax,[word 8] ;Now, byte count = pointer + 1
inc ax
mov [word 10],ax
mov ax,1 ;return 1: success
p1_done: pop dx cx bx ds ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
p1_error: xor ax,ax ;Error, return 0
jmp p1_done
EndP ftrunc
Public fdel,fmove
Model Tiny
;****************** fdel() -- Delete a file
;int fdel(char *strp);
strp equ bp+4
Proc fdel
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push dx ;Save DX
mov ah,41h ;Delete file
mov dx,[strp] ;DX = string pointer
int 21h ;DOS call
db 0D6h ;SETALC (TASM doesn't recognize it)
cbw ;AX = 1 if ok, 0 if error
inc ax
pop dx ;Restore DX
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP fdel
;****************** fmove() -- Move and/or rename a file
;int fmove(char *str1, char *str2);
str1 equ bp+6
str2 equ bp+4
Proc fmove
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push es dx di ;Save registers
mov ah,56h ;Move file
mov dx,[str1] ;DX = old name
push ds ;ES = DS
pop es
mov di,[str2] ;ES:DI = new name
int 21h ;DOS call
db 0D6h ;SETALC (TASM doesn't recognize it)
cbw ;AX = 1 if ok, 0 if error
inc ax
pop di dx es ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 4 ;Return
EndP fmove
Public getdir,setdir,mkdir,rmdir
Model Tiny
;****************** getdir() -- Get current directory
;void getdir(char *strp);
strp equ bp+4
Proc getdir
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save registers
mov ah,19h ;Get current drive
int 21h ;DOS call
mov dl,al ;DL = drive
mov ah,47h ;Get current directory
mov si,[strp] ;SI = string pointer
mov [byte si],'\' ;Add leading slash
inc si
int 21h ;DOS call
popa ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP getdir
;****************** DIRcall -- Internal: used by setdir,mkdir,rmdir
;void DIRcall(void);
strp equ bp+4
Proc DIRcall
push dx ;Save DX
mov dx,[strp] ;DX = string pointer
int 21h ;DOS call
db 0D6h ;SETALC (TASM doesn't recognize it)
cbw ;AX = 1 if ok, 0 if error
inc ax
pop dx ;Restore DX
ret ;Return
EndP DIRcall
;****************** setdir() -- Set current directory
;int setdir(char *strp);
strp equ bp+4
Proc setdir
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
mov ah,3Bh ;Set current directory
call DIRcall ;Directory call
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP setdir
;****************** mkdir() -- Create a directory
;int mkdir(char *strp);
strp equ bp+4
Proc mkdir
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
mov ah,39h ;Create directory
call DIRcall ;Directory call
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP mkdir
;****************** rmdir() -- Remove a directory
;int rmdir(char *strp);
strp equ bp+4
Proc rmdir
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
mov ah,3Ah ;Remove directory
call DIRcall ;Directory call
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP rmdir
Public getdrive,setdrive
Model Tiny
;****************** getdrive() -- Get current drive
;int getdrive(void);
Proc getdrive
mov ah,19h ;Get current drive
int 21h
xor ah,ah ;Zero AH
ret ;Return
EndP getdrive
;****************** setdrive() -- set current drive
;void setdrive(int drnum);
drnum equ bp+4
Proc setdrive
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save registers
mov ah,0Eh ;Set current drive
mov dl,[drnum] ;DL = drive number
int 21h
popa ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP setdrive
Public getdfree
Model Tiny
;****************** getdfree() -- Return amount of free disk space
;long getdfree(int drive);
drive equ bp+4
Proc getdfree
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push bx cx ;Save registers
mov dl,[drive] ;DL = drive
mov ah,36h ;Get free disk space
int 21h
cbw ;DX:AX = AX
cmp ax,-1 ;Invalid, return -1
je p1_done
mul cx ;DX:AX = free disk space
mul bx ; = bytes/sector * sectors/a-unit
; * free a-units (allocation units)
p1_done: pop cx bx ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret ;Return
EndP getdfree
Extrn allocmem:near,freemem:near
Public exec
Model Tiny
;****************** exec() -- Execute program
;int exec(char *prog, char *cmdline);
prog equ bp+6
cmdline equ bp+4
Proc exec
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push ds es ;Save all registers
push 128 ;Allocate memory for
call allocmem ;the cmdline buffer
test ax,ax ;Out of memory?
je p1_done
xchg bx,ax ;Pointer in BX
mov si,[prog] ;SI = program specification
p1_loop1: lodsb ;Skip past initial spaces
cmp al,' '
je p1_loop1
dec si
push si ;Save prog string offset
mov si,[cmdline] ;SI = command line
mov di,bx ;DI = string buffer
inc di
mov cx,126 ;CX = 126
p1_loop3: lodsb ;Copy the string and
test al,al ;count the chars
je p1_cont
loop p1_loop3
p1_cont: neg cx ;CX = char count
add cx,126
mov [bx],cl ;Store count
mov al,13 ;Store a CR
mov ax,[2Eh] ;word 0 = environment
mov [ParBlock],ax
mov [ParBlock+2],bx ;word 2 = command line
mov [ParBlock+4],cs ;word 4 = CS
mov [ParBlock+6],5Ch ;word 6 = 5Ch
mov [ParBlock+8],cs ;word 8 = CS
mov [ParBlock+10],6Ch ;word 10 = 6Ch
mov [ParBlock+12],cs ;word 12 = CS
push bx ;Save memory pointer
push ds ;ES:BX = parameter block
pop es
mov bx,offset ParBlock
pop dx ;DX = program specification
mov ax,4B00h ;DOS EXEC function
mov [StackBuf],sp ;Save stack pointer
mov [StackBuf+2],ss
int 21h ;Execute program
lss sp,[dword cs:StackBuf] ;Restore stack pointer
db 0D6h ;SETALC (TASM doesn't recognize it)
cbw ;AX = 1 if ok, 0 if error
inc ax
call freemem ;Free the memory (BX is still pushed)
p1_done: mov es,ax ;Save AX in ES
popa ;Restore general registers
mov ax,es ;Restore AX
pop es ds ;Restore segment registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 4 ;Return
StackBuf dw 0,0 ;Save area for SS:SP
ParBlock dw 7 dup(0) ;EXEC parameter block
EndP exec
Extrn fopen:near,fclose:near,fgetc:near,fputc:near
Public bfopen, bfclose, putbit, getbit
Public putbits, getbits, putcode, getcode
Model Tiny
;****************** Bit-File Structure . . .
; Offset Size Description
; 0 Word File handle
; 2 Word File mode
; 4 Byte Bit buffer
; 5 Byte Bit mask
;****************** bfopen() -- Open bit-file (returns bit handle)
; Modes: 0 = read, 1 = write
;int bfopen(char *fname, int mode);
fname equ bp+6
mode equ bp+4
Proc bfopen
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push ds bx cx dx ;Save registers
mov bx,[mode] ;BX = mode
and bx,1
mov cx,bx ;Save mode
imul bx,3 ;Mode for fopen()
push [word fname] bx ;Open the file
call fopen
test ax,ax ;Check for errors
jz p1_err1
xchg dx,ax ;DX = file
mov ah,48h ;Allocate memory
mov bx,1 ;16 bytes
int 21h ;DOS call
jc p1_err2 ;Check for errors
mov ds,ax ;DS = bit-file
mov [0],dx ;Set file handle...
mov [2],cx ;file mode...
mov [word 4],8000h ;buffer/mask...
p1_done: pop dx cx bx ds ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 4 ;Return
p1_err2: push dx ;Out of memory, close file
call fclose
p1_err1: xor ax,ax ;Error, return 0
jmp p1_done
EndP bfopen
;****************** bfclose() -- Close bit-file
;void bfclose(int bfp);
bfp equ bp+4
Proc bfclose
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save all registers
push es
mov es,[bfp] ;ES = bit-file
cmp [word es:2],1 ;Input file?
jne p2_skip
cmp [byte es:5],80h ;Buffer empty?
je p2_skip
push [word es:0] ;Flush buffer
push [word es:4]
call fputc
p2_skip: push [word es:0] ;Close file
call fclose
mov ah,49h ;Free memory
int 21h
pop es ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP bfclose
;****************** getbit() -- Get bit from bit-file
;int getbit(int bfp);
bfp equ bp+4
Proc getbit
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push es ;Save registers
mov es,[bfp] ;ES = bit-file
cmp [word es:2],0 ;Output file, can't input
jne p3_done
cmp [byte es:5],80h ;Buffer empty?
jne p3_skip1
push [word es:0] ;Get char
call fgetc
mov [es:4],al ;Save char
p3_skip1: mov al,[es:4] ;Get bit
and al,[es:5]
shr [byte es:5],1 ;Move to next bit
jnz p3_skip2 ;Finished a byte?
mov [byte es:5],80h ;Set mask to 80h
p3_skip2: test al,al ;AX = 1 if nonzero,
setnz al ;or 0 if zero
p3_done: pop es ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP getbit
;****************** putbit() -- Put bit to bit-file
;void putbit(int bfp, int bit);
bfp equ bp+6
bit equ bp+4
Proc putbit
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save all registers
push es
mov es,[bfp] ;ES = bit-file
cmp [word es:2],1 ;Input file, can't output
jne p4_done
cmp [word bit],0 ;Check bit
jz p4_skip
mov al,[es:5] ;Add bit to buffer
or [es:4],al
p4_skip: shr [byte es:5],1 ;Move to next bit
jnz p4_done ;Finished a byte?
push [word es:0] ;Put byte to file
push [word es:4]
call fputc
mov [word es:4],8000h ;Buf = 0, Mask = 80h
p4_done: pop es ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 4 ;Return
EndP putbit
;****************** getbits() -- Get bits from bit-file
;int getbits(int bfp, int count);
bfp equ bp+6
count equ bp+4
Proc getbits
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push es cx dx ;Save registers
mov es,[bfp] ;ES = bit-file
cmp [word es:2],0 ;Output file, can't input
jne p5_done
mov cx,[count] ;CX = bit count
xor dx,dx ;Zero buffer
p5_loop: cmp [byte es:5],80h ;Buffer empty?
jne p5_skip1
push [word es:0] ;Get char
call fgetc
mov [es:4],al ;Save char
p5_skip1: mov al,[es:4] ;Get bit
and al,[es:5]
ror [byte es:5],1 ;Move to next bit
p5_skip2: add dx,dx ;Shift over
test al,al ;If bit = 1,
jz $+3 ;then add it in
inc dx
loop p5_loop ;Loop back
xchg ax,dx ;AX = result
p5_done: pop dx cx es ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 4 ;Return
EndP getbits
;****************** putbits() -- Put bits to bit-file
;int putbits(int bfp, int code, int count);
bfp equ bp+8
code equ bp+6
count equ bp+4
Proc putbits
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save all registers
mov bx,[bfp] ;BX = bit-file
mov cx,[count] ;CX = bit count
mov dx,[code] ;DX = code
ror dx,cl ;Put at left
p6_loop: add dx,dx ;Shift out bit
sbb ax,ax ;AX = bit
push bx ax ;Put bit
call putbit
loop p6_loop ;Loop back
popa ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 6 ;Return
EndP putbits
;****************** getcode() -- Get optimal code from bit-file
;int getcode(int bfp, int max); 'max' is number of possible codes
bfp equ bp+6
max equ bp+4
Proc getcode
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push bx cx dx si ;Save registers
bsr cx,[max] ;CX = log2(max) + 1;
jz p7_done ;Quit on 0
mov si,1 ;SI = 2^CX - max
shl si,cl
sub si,[max]
mov bx,[bfp] ;BX = bit-file
dec cx ;CX = count (log2(max))
push bx cx ;Get bits
call getbits
xchg ax,dx ;Result in DX
cmp dx,si ;DX >= SI?
jb p7_done
push bx ;Add in another bit
call getbit
add dx,dx
add dx,ax
sub dx,si ;Subtract out SI
p7_done: xchg ax,dx ;AX = result
pop si dx cx bx ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 4 ;Return
EndP getcode
;****************** putcode() -- Put optimal code to bit-file
; 'max' is number of possible codes
;int putcode(int bfp, int code, int max);
bfp equ bp+8
code equ bp+6
max equ bp+4
Proc putcode
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save all registers
bsr cx,[max] ;CX = log2(max) + 1;
jz p7_done ;Quit on 0
mov si,1 ;SI = 2^CX - max
shl si,cl
sub si,[max]
mov dx,[code] ;DX = code
dec cx ;CX = bit count
cmp dx,si ;DX >= SI?
jb p8_skip
inc cx ;One more bit
add dx,si ;and add in SI
p8_skip: push [word bfp] dx cx ;Output bit code
call putbits
p8_done: popa ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 4 ;Return
EndP putcode
Extrn TopByte:Word
Public allocmem,freemem,getmfree
Model Tiny
;****************** allocmem() -- Allocate memory
;void *allocmem(unsigned nbytes);
nbytes equ bp+4
Proc allocmem
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push bx cx dx si ;Save registers
mov dx,[bp+4] ;DX = num. of bytes + 3
add dx,3
mov bx,offset TopByte ;BX = first MCB
p1_loop: mov cl,[bx+2] ;CX = flag byte
test cl,1 ;Not free, loop
jnz p1_lb
mov ax,[bx] ;AX = size
cmp ax,dx ;Big enough?
jae p1_gotit
p1_lb: test cl,2 ;Last block?
jnz p1_nope ;Out of memory
add bx,[bx] ;Next block
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_gotit: sub ax,3 ;Check for snug fit,
cmp ax,dx ;that is, too little
jbe p1_snug ;excess to split it
sub ax,dx ;AX = excess
add ax,3
mov si,bx ;SI = split point
add si,dx
mov [si],ax ;Set size of excess block
mov [si+2],cl ;Set flags to original values
mov [bx],dx ;Set size of present block
mov [byte bx+2],1 ;Set flags: allocated, not last
jmp p1_finish
p1_snug: or [byte bx+2],1 ;Set allocated flag
p1_finish: xchg ax,bx ;AX = offset of memory block
add ax,3
p1_done: pop si dx cx bx ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
p1_nope: xor ax,ax ;Return null pointer
jmp p1_done
EndP allocmem
;****************** freemem() -- Free memory
;void freemem(void *ptr);
ptr equ bp+4
Proc freemem
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save registers
mov dx,[ptr] ;DX = pointer
sub dx,3 ;Point to MCB
mov bx,offset TopByte ;BX = first MCB
xor si,si ;Zero previous ptr.
p2_loop: cmp bx,dx ;Found it?
je p2_gotit
test [byte bx+2],2 ;Last block?
jnz p2_done
mov si,bx ;Save block
add bx,[bx] ;Next block
jmp p2_loop ;Loop back
p2_gotit: mov di,bx ;DI = next block
add di,[bx]
test [byte bx+2],2 ;Next block allocated
jnz p2_cont1 ;or nonexistent, can't
mov cl,[di+2] ;merge with it
test cl,1
jnz p2_done
mov ax,[di] ;Merge blocks: sum sizes,
add [bx],ax ;set flags of second one
mov [bx+2],cl
p2_cont1: and [byte bx+2],0FEh ;Reset allocated flag
test si,si ;Prev. block allocated
jz p2_done ;or nonexistent, can't
mov cl,[si+2] ;merge with it
test cl,1
jnz p2_done
mov ax,[bx] ;Merge blocks: sum sizes,
add [si],ax ;set flags of second one
mov cl,[bx+2]
mov [si],cl
p2_done: popa ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP freemem
;****************** getmfree() -- Return largest free memory block
;unsigned getmfree(void);
ptr equ bp+4
Proc getmfree
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push bx ;Save registers
mov bx,offset TopByte ;BX = first MCB
xor ax,ax ;Zero counter
p3_loop: test [byte bx+2],1 ;Not free, skip
jnz p3_skip
cmp ax,[bx] ;Biggest so far?
jae p3_skip
mov ax,[bx] ;Save largest block
p3_skip: test [byte bx+2],2 ;Last block?
jnz p3_done
add bx,[bx] ;Next block
jmp p3_loop ;Loop back
p3_done: sub ax,3 ;Adjust to true size
pop bx ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret ;Return
EndP getmfree
Public faralloc,farfree,getfarfree
Model Tiny
;****************** faralloc() -- Allocate far memory
;int faralloc(int nparas);
nparas equ bp+4
Proc faralloc
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push bx ;Save BX
mov ah,48h ;Allocate memory
mov bx,[nparas] ;BX = paras
int 21h ;DOS call
jnc $+4 ;No error, return pointer
xor ax,ax ;Error, return 0
pop bx ;Restore BX
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP faralloc
;****************** farfree() -- Free far memory
;void farfree(int ptr);
ptr equ bp+4
Proc farfree
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push es ax ;Save registers
mov ah,4Ah ;Free memory
mov es,[ptr] ;ES = pointer
int 21h ;DOS call
pop ax es ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP farfree
;****************** getfarfree() -- Return largest free far memory block
;unsigned getfarfree(void);
ptr equ bp+4
Proc getfarfree
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push bx ;Save registers
mov ah,48h ;Allocate memory
mov bx,-1 ;-1 is invalid
int 21h ;DOS call (returns an error)
xchg ax,bx ;AX = size of largest free block
pop bx ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret ;Return
EndP getfarfree
Public atoi,atol
Model Tiny
;****************** atoi() -- Convert string to int
;int atoi(char *strp);
strp equ bp+4
Proc atoi
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push dx [word strp] ;Save DX, call atol
call atol
pop dx ;Restore DX
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP atoi
;****************** atol() -- Convert string to long
;long atol(char *strp);
strp equ bp+4
Proc atol
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push si di ebx ecx ;Save registers
mov si,[strp] ;SI = string
xor ecx,ecx ;ECX = 0
xor ebx,ebx ;EBX = 0
p1_ploop: mov bl,[si] ;Load char
inc si
cmp bl,' ' ;Loop while char is space
je p1_ploop ;(20h, or 09h thru 0Dh)
cmp bl,9
jna p1_cont
cmp bl,13
jbe p1_ploop
p1_cont: xor di,di ;DI = 0
cmp bl,'+' ;If char = '+', ignore
je p1_loop
cmp bl,'-' ;If char <> '-', keep it
jne p1_skip
inc di ;Set negative flag
p1_loop: mov bl,[si] ;Load char
inc si
p1_skip: cmp bl,'9' ;Not a digit, finish
ja p1_finish
sub bl,'0'
jc p1_finish
imul ecx,10 ;Multiply by 10
add ecx,ebx ;Add in digit...
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_finish: xchg ax,cx ;DX:AX = result
shr ecx,16
mov dx,cx
dec di ;Positive, don't negate
jl p1_done
neg dx ;Negate the result
neg ax
sbb dx,0
p1_done: pop ecx ebx di si ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP atol
Public itoa
Model Tiny
;****************** itoa() -- Convert int to string
;void itoa(int n, char *strp);
n equ bp+6
strp equ bp+4
Proc itoa
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save all registers
mov ax,[n] ;AX = n
mov di,[strp] ;DI = string pointer
test ax,ax ;Negative?
jge p1_noneg
mov [byte di],'-' ;Store minus sign
inc di
neg ax ;Make it positive
p1_noneg: xor cx,cx ;Zero CX
test ax,ax ;Check for zero
jnz p1_nozero
push '0' ;Push a zero
inc cx ;One digit
jmp p1_ploop
p1_nozero: mov si,10 ;SI = 10
p1_dloop: xor dx,dx ;Divide by 10
div si
mov bl,dl ;Remainder in BL
add bl,30h ;Convert to digit
push bx ;Push digit
inc cx
test ax,ax ;Loop back
jnz p1_dloop
p1_ploop: pop ax ;Pop digit
mov [di],al ;Store digit
inc di
loop p1_ploop ;Loop back
mov [byte di],0 ;Add the null byte
popa ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 4 ;Return
EndP itoa
Extrn itoa:near
Public ltoa
Model Tiny
;****************** ltoa() -- Convert long to string
;void ltoa(long n, char *strp);
n equ bp+6
strp equ bp+4
Proc ltoa
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pushad ;Save all registers
mov eax,[n] ;EAX = n
mov di,[strp] ;DI = string pointer
test eax,eax ;Negative?
jge p1_noneg
mov [byte di],'-' ;Store minus sign
inc di
neg eax ;Make it positive
p1_noneg: xor cx,cx ;Zero CX
test eax,eax ;Check for zero
jnz p1_nozero
push '0' ;Push a zero
inc cx ;One digit
jmp p1_ploop
p1_nozero: mov si,10 ;SI = 10
p1_dloop: xor edx,edx ;Divide by 10
div si
mov bl,dl ;Remainder in BL
add bl,30h ;Convert to digit
push bx ;Push digit
inc cx
test eax,eax ;Loop back
jnz p1_dloop
p1_ploop: pop ax ;Pop digit
mov [di],al ;Store digit
inc di
loop p1_ploop ;Loop back
mov [byte di],0 ;Add the null byte
popad ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 6 ;Return
EndP ltoa
Extrn PUT_CHAR:near
Public puts,xputs
Model Tiny
;****************** puts() -- Print string
;void puts(char *strp);
strp equ bp+4
Proc puts
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save all registers
mov si,[strp] ;SI = string pointer
p1_loop: lodsb ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_done
call PUT_CHAR ;Output char
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_done: popa ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP puts
;****************** xputs() -- Print string, generalized
;void xputs(void *func, int strp);
func equ bp+6
strp equ bp+4
Proc xputs
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save all registers
mov si,[strp] ;SI = string pointer
mov bx,[func] ;BX = function
p2_loop: lodsb ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p2_done
push ax ;Output char
call bx
jmp p2_loop ;Loop back
p2_done: popa ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 4 ;Return
EndP xputs
Extrn fputc:near
Public fputs
Model Tiny
;****************** fputs() -- Print string to file
;int fputs(int fp, char *strp);
fp equ bp+6
strp equ bp+4
Proc fputs
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push bx si ;Save registers
mov si,[strp] ;SI = string pointer
mov bx,[fp] ;BX = file pointer
p1_loop: lodsb ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_done
push bx ax ;Output char:
call fputc ;fputc(fp, AX);
test ax,ax
jnl p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_done: pop si bx ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 4 ;Return
EndP fputs
Public gets,xgets
Model Tiny
;****************** gets() -- Get string
;void gets(char *strp, int max);
strp equ bp+6
max equ bp+4
Proc gets
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save all registers
push es
mov di,[strp] ;DI = string pointer
mov cx,[max] ;CX = max string length
dec cx
p1_loop: xor ax,ax ;Get key
int 16h
test al,al ;Ignore extended keys
jz p1_loop
cmp al,8 ;Backspace?
je p1_bksp
int 29h ;Show char (on screen)
cmp al,13 ;<Enter> = done
je p1_done
jcxz p1_loop ;Maxed out, don't store
mov [di],al ;Store char
inc di
dec cx ;Decrement maximum
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_bksp: cmp di,[strp] ;At beginning, do nothing
je p1_loop
dec di ;Decrement string pointer
inc cx ;Increment maximum
push cx ;Save CX
mov ah,0Fh ;Get video page
int 10h
mov ah,3 ;Get cursor position
int 10h ;in DH/DL
dec dx ;Move left one column
test dl,dl ;if at zero moves up too
jnl p1_nowrap
push 0 ;DL = last column
pop es
mov dl,[es:044Ah]
dec dx
p1_nowrap: mov ah,2 ;Set cursor position
int 10h
mov ax,0A20h ;Clear char at current
mov cx,1 ;cursor position
int 10h
pop cx ;Restore CX
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_done: mov al,10 ;Output LF
int 29h
mov [byte di],0 ;Terminate string
pop es ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 4 ;Return
EndP gets
;****************** xgets() -- Get string, generalized
;void xgets(void *func, char *strp, int max, int term);
strp equ bp+10
func equ bp+8
max equ bp+6
term equ bp+4
Proc xgets
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save all registers
mov di,[strp] ;DI = string pointer
mov bx,[func] ;BX = function
mov cx,[max] ;CX = max string length
dec cx
mov dx,[term] ;DX = terminator
p2_loop: call bx ;Get char
cmp al,dl ;Check for terminator
je p2_done
jcxz p1_loop ;Maxed out, don't store
mov [di],al ;Store char
inc di
dec cx ;Decrement maximum
jmp p2_loop ;Loop back
p2_done: mov [byte di],0 ;Terminate string
popa ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 8 ;Return
EndP xgets
Extrn fgetc:near
Public fgets
Model Tiny
;****************** fgets() -- Get string from file
;void fgets(int fp, char *strp, int max);
fp equ bp+8
strp equ bp+6
max equ bp+4
Proc fgets
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push bx cx dx di ;Save all registers
mov di,[strp] ;DI = string pointer
mov bx,[fp] ;BX = file pointer
mov cx,[max] ;CX = max string length
dec cx
p1_loop: push bx ;Get char
call fgetc
test ax,ax ;Check for EOF
jl p1_quit
cmp al,13 ;CR = done
je p1_done
jcxz p1_loop ;Maxed out, don't store
mov [di],al ;Store char
inc di
dec cx ;Decrement maximum
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_done: push bx ;Remove LF
call fgetc
xor ax,ax
p1_quit: mov [byte di],0 ;Terminate string
pop di dx cx bx ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 6 ;Return
EndP fgets
Public PRT_BUF
Model Tiny
;****************** PRT_BUF -- String buffer for printf(), etc.
PRT_BUF db 20 dup(0)
Extrn PRT_BUF:byte,itoa:near,ltoa:near
Extrn PUT_CHAR:near
Public printf
Model Tiny
;****************** printf() -- Print formatted string
;void printf(char *fmt, void *args);
fmt equ bp+6
args equ bp+4
Proc printf
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save all registers
mov si,[fmt] ;SI = string pointer
mov bx,[args] ;BX = arg pointer
p1_loop: lodsb ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_done
cmp al,'%' ;Check for '%'
je p1_proc
p1_putc: call PUT_CHAR ;Output char
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_proc: lodsb ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_done
cmp al,'%' ; %% = percent
je p1_putc
cmp al,'d' ; %d = integer
je p1_int
cmp al,'l' ; %l = long int
je p1_long
cmp al,'x' ; %x = hex
je p1_hex
cmp al,'c' ; %c = char
je p1_char
cmp al,'s' ; %s = string
je p1_str
jmp p1_loop ;Invalid, ignore
p1_done: popa ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 4 ;Return
p1_long: lodsb ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_done
cmp al,'d' ; %ld = long integer
je p1_lint
cmp al,'x' ; %lx = long hex
je p1_lhex
jmp p1_loop ;Invalid, ignore
p1_int: push [word bx] ;itoa(*bx, PRT_BUF);
push offset PRT_BUF
call itoa
inc bx ;Advance pointer
inc bx
mov di,offset PRT_BUF ;Print alpha string
jmp p1_alpha
p1_lint: push [dword bx] ;ltoa(*bx, PRT_BUF);
push offset PRT_BUF
call ltoa
add bx,4 ;Advance pointer
mov di,offset PRT_BUF ;Print alpha string
jmp p1_alpha
p1_hex: mov ax,[bx] ;AX = arg
call p1_chex ;Convert to hex
inc bx ;Advance pointer
inc bx
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_lhex: mov ax,[bx+2] ;AX = high word
call p1_chex ;Convert to hex
mov ax,[bx] ;AX = low word
call p1_chex ;Convert to hex
add bx,4 ;Advance pointer
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_char: mov al,[bx] ;Output char
int 29h
inc bx ;Advance pointer
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_str: mov al,[bx] ;Get char
inc bx ;Advance pointer
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_sdone
call PUT_CHAR ;Output char
jmp p1_str ;Loop back
p1_sdone: jmp p1_loop ;Return to main loop
p1_alpha: mov al,[di] ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_sdone
call PUT_CHAR ;Output char
inc di ;Advance pointer
jmp p1_alpha ;Loop back
p1_chex: mov cx,4 ;4 hex digits
xchg al,ah ;Reverse the order
ror ah,cl ;of the hex digits
ror al,cl ;in AX
p1_hloop: push ax ;Save AX
and al,0Fh ;Keep 4 bits
cmp al,0Ah ;Compute the hex digit,
sbb al,69h ;using Improved Allison's Algorithm
call PUT_CHAR ;Output char
pop ax ;Restore AX
shr ax,4 ;Shift it over
loop p1_hloop ;Loop back
ret ;Return
EndP printf
Extrn PRT_BUF:byte,itoa:near,ltoa:near
Public sprintf
Model Tiny
;****************** sprintf() -- Print formatted string into string
;void sprintf(char *strp, char *fmt, void *args);
strp equ bp+8
fmt equ bp+6
args equ bp+4
Proc sprintf
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save all registers
mov di,[strp] ;DI = string pointer
mov si,[fmt] ;SI = format pointer
mov bx,[args] ;BX = arg pointer
p1_loop: lodsb ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_done
cmp al,'%' ;Check for '%'
je p1_proc
p1_putc: stosb ;Output char
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_proc: lodsb ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_done
cmp al,'%' ; %% = percent
je p1_putc
cmp al,'d' ; %d = integer
je p1_int
cmp al,'l' ; %l = long int
je p1_long
cmp al,'x' ; %x = hex
je p1_hex
cmp al,'c' ; %c = char
je p1_char
cmp al,'s' ; %s = string
je p1_str
jmp p1_loop ;Invalid, ignore
p1_done: xor al,al ;Store a null byte
popa ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 6 ;Return
p1_long: lodsb ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_done
cmp al,'d' ; %ld = long integer
je p1_lint
cmp al,'x' ; %lx = long hex
je p1_lhex
jmp p1_loop ;Invalid, ignore
p1_int: push [word bx] ;itoa(*bx, PRT_BUF);
push offset PRT_BUF
call itoa
inc bx ;Advance pointer
inc bx
mov bp,offset PRT_BUF ;Print alpha string
jmp p1_alpha
p1_lint: push [dword bx] ;ltoa(*bx, PRT_BUF);
push offset PRT_BUF
call ltoa
add bx,4 ;Advance pointer
mov bp,offset PRT_BUF ;Print alpha string
jmp p1_alpha
p1_hex: mov ax,[bx] ;AX = arg
call p1_chex ;Convert to hex
inc bx ;Advance pointer
inc bx
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_lhex: mov ax,[bx+2] ;AX = high word
call p1_chex ;Convert to hex
mov ax,[bx] ;AX = low word
call p1_chex ;Convert to hex
add bx,4 ;Advance pointer
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_char: mov al,[bx] ;Output char
inc bx ;Advance pointer
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_str: mov al,[bx] ;Get char
inc bx ;Advance pointer
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_sdone
stosb ;Output char
jmp p1_str ;Loop back
p1_sdone: jmp p1_loop ;Return to main loop
p1_alpha: mov al,[bp] ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_sdone
stosb ;Output char
inc bp ;Advance pointer
jmp p1_alpha ;Loop back
p1_chex: mov cx,4 ;4 hex digits
xchg al,ah ;Reverse the order
ror ah,cl ;of the hex digits
ror al,cl ;in AX
p1_hloop: push ax ;Save AX
and al,0Fh ;Keep 4 bits
cmp al,0Ah ;Compute the hex digit,
sbb al,69h ;using Improved Allison's Algorithm
stosb ;Output char
pop ax ;Restore AX
shr ax,4 ;Shift it over
loop p1_hloop ;Loop back
ret ;Return
EndP sprintf
Extrn PRT_BUF:byte,fputc:near,itoa:near,ltoa:near
Public fprintf
Model Tiny
;****************** fprintf() -- Print formatted string to file
;void fprintf(int fp, char *fmt, void *args);
fp equ bp+8
fmt equ bp+6
args equ bp+4
Proc fprintf
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save all registers
mov dx,[fp] ;DX = file pointer
mov si,[fmt] ;SI = string pointer
mov bx,[args] ;BX = arg pointer
p1_loop: lodsb ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_done
cmp al,'%' ;Check for '%'
je p1_proc
p1_putc: push dx ax ;Output char
call fputc
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_proc: lodsb ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_done
cmp al,'%' ; %% = percent
je p1_putc
cmp al,'d' ; %d = integer
je p1_int
cmp al,'l' ; %l = long int
je p1_long
cmp al,'x' ; %x = hex
je p1_hex
cmp al,'c' ; %c = char
je p1_char
cmp al,'s' ; %s = string
je p1_str
jmp p1_loop ;Invalid, ignore
p1_done: popa ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 6 ;Return
p1_long: lodsb ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_done
cmp al,'d' ; %ld = long integer
je p1_lint
cmp al,'x' ; %lx = long hex
je p1_lhex
jmp p1_loop ;Invalid, ignore
p1_int: push [word bx] ;itoa(*bx, PRT_BUF);
push offset PRT_BUF
call itoa
inc bx ;Advance pointer
inc bx
mov di,offset PRT_BUF ;Print alpha string
jmp p1_alpha
p1_lint: push [dword bx] ;ltoa(*bx, PRT_BUF);
push offset PRT_BUF
call ltoa
add bx,4 ;Advance pointer
mov di,offset PRT_BUF ;Print alpha string
jmp p1_alpha
p1_hex: mov ax,[bx] ;AX = arg
call p1_chex ;Convert to hex
inc bx ;Advance pointer
inc bx
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_lhex: mov ax,[bx+2] ;AX = high word
call p1_chex ;Convert to hex
mov ax,[bx] ;AX = low word
call p1_chex ;Convert to hex
add bx,4 ;Advance pointer
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_char: mov al,[bx] ;Output char
push dx ax
call fputc
inc bx ;Advance pointer
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_str: mov al,[bx] ;Get char
inc bx ;Advance pointer
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_sdone
push dx ax ;Output char
call fputc
jmp p1_str ;Loop back
p1_sdone: jmp p1_loop ;Return to main loop
p1_alpha: mov al,[di] ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_sdone
push dx ax ;Output char
call fputc
inc di ;Advance pointer
jmp p1_alpha ;Loop back
p1_chex: mov cx,4 ;4 hex digits
xchg al,ah ;Reverse the order
ror ah,cl ;of the hex digits
ror al,cl ;in AX
p1_hloop: push ax ;Save AX
and al,0Fh ;Keep 4 bits
cmp al,0Ah ;Compute the hex digit,
sbb al,69h ;using Improved Allison's Algorithm
push dx ax ;Output char
call fputc
pop ax ;Restore AX
shr ax,4 ;Shift it over
loop p1_hloop ;Loop back
ret ;Return
EndP fprintf
Extrn PRT_BUF:byte,itoa:near,ltoa:near
Public xprintf
Model Tiny
;****************** xprintf() -- Print formatted string, generalized
;void xprintf(void *func, char *fmt, void *args);
func equ bp+8
fmt equ bp+6
args equ bp+4
Proc xprintf
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save all registers
mov dx,[func] ;DX = function pointer
mov si,[fmt] ;SI = string pointer
mov bx,[args] ;BX = arg pointer
p1_loop: lodsb ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_done
cmp al,'%' ;Check for '%'
je p1_proc
p1_putc: push ax ;Output char
call dx
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_proc: lodsb ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_done
cmp al,'%' ; %% = percent
je p1_putc
cmp al,'d' ; %d = integer
je p1_int
cmp al,'l' ; %l = long int
je p1_long
cmp al,'x' ; %x = hex
je p1_hex
cmp al,'c' ; %c = char
je p1_char
cmp al,'s' ; %s = string
je p1_str
jmp p1_loop ;Invalid, ignore
p1_done: popa ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 6 ;Return
p1_long: lodsb ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_done
cmp al,'d' ; %ld = long integer
je p1_lint
cmp al,'x' ; %lx = long hex
je p1_lhex
jmp p1_loop ;Invalid, ignore
p1_int: push [word bx] ;itoa(*bx, PRT_BUF);
push offset PRT_BUF
call itoa
inc bx ;Advance pointer
inc bx
mov di,offset PRT_BUF ;Print alpha string
jmp p1_alpha
p1_lint: push [dword bx] ;ltoa(*bx, PRT_BUF);
push offset PRT_BUF
call ltoa
add bx,4 ;Advance pointer
mov di,offset PRT_BUF ;Print alpha string
jmp p1_alpha
p1_hex: mov ax,[bx] ;AX = arg
call p1_chex ;Convert to hex
inc bx ;Advance pointer
inc bx
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_lhex: mov ax,[bx+2] ;AX = high word
call p1_chex ;Convert to hex
mov ax,[bx] ;AX = low word
call p1_chex ;Convert to hex
add bx,4 ;Advance pointer
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_char: mov al,[bx] ;Output char
push ax
call dx
inc bx ;Advance pointer
jmp p1_loop ;Loop back
p1_str: mov al,[bx] ;Get char
inc bx ;Advance pointer
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_sdone
push ax ;Output char
call dx
jmp p1_str ;Loop back
p1_sdone: jmp p1_loop ;Return to main loop
p1_alpha: mov al,[di] ;Get char
test al,al ;Check for null
jz p1_sdone
push ax ;Output char
call dx
inc di ;Advance pointer
jmp p1_alpha ;Loop back
p1_chex: mov cx,4 ;4 hex digits
xchg al,ah ;Reverse the order
ror ah,cl ;of the hex digits
ror al,cl ;in AX
p1_hloop: push ax ;Save AX
and al,0Fh ;Keep 4 bits
cmp al,0Ah ;Compute the hex digit,
sbb al,69h ;using Improved Allison's Algorithm
push ax ;Output char
call dx
pop ax ;Restore AX
shr ax,4 ;Shift it over
loop p1_hloop ;Loop back
ret ;Return
EndP xprintf
Public cputype
Model Tiny
;**************************** cputype() -- Returns CPU level
;int cputype(void);
Proc cputype
push es ;Save ES
pusha ;Save gen. regs
call p1_getcpu ;Call main procedure
shr ax,8 ;AL = AH, AH = 0
mov es,ax ;ES = AX
popa ;Restore gen. regs
mov ax,es ;Return value in AX
pop es ;Restore ES
ret ;Return
p1_getcpu: mov cx,0121h ;If CH can be shifted by 21h,
shl ch,cl ;then it's an 8086, because
jz p1_8086 ;a 186+ limits shift counts.
push sp ;If SP is pushed as its
pop ax ;original value, then
cmp ax,sp ;it's a 286+.
jne p1_186
pushf ;Save flags
cli ;No interrupts
pushf ;AX = flags
pop ax
xor ax,7000h ;Toggle IOPL bit
push ax ;Flags = AX
pushf ;BX = flags
pop bx
popf ;Restore flags
cmp ax,bx ;If the bit was not
jne p1_286 ;reset, it's a 386+
push bp ;Align stack to dword
mov bp,sp
and sp,0FFFCh
pushfd ;Save eflags
cli ;No interrupts
pushfd ;EAX = eflags
pop eax
mov ebx,eax ;EBX = eflags
xor eax,40000h ;Toggle AC bit
push eax ;Eflags = EAX
pushfd ;EAX = eflags
pop eax
popfd ;Restore eflags
mov sp,bp ;Restore stack
pop bp
cmp eax,ebx ;If the bit was not
je p1_386 ;reset, it's a 486+
pushfd ;Save eflags
cli ;No interrupts
pushfd ;EAX = eflags
pop eax
xor eax,200000h ;Toggle ID bit
push eax ;Eflags = EAX
pushfd ;EBX = eflags
pop ebx
popfd ;Restore eflags
cmp eax,ebx ;If the bit was not
jne p1_486 ;reset, it's a 586+
xor eax,eax ;EAX = 1
inc ax
cpuid ;Get CPU type
ret ;Return
p1_486: mov ah,4 ;486, return 4
p1_386: mov ah,3 ;386, return 3
p1_286: mov ah,2 ;286, return 2
p1_186: mov ah,1 ;186, return 1
p1_8086: mov ah,0 ;8086, return 0
EndP cputype
Public fputype
Model Tiny
;**************************** fputype() -- Returns FPU level, init FPU
;int fputype(void); -1 means no FPU
Proc fputype
push es ;Save ES
pusha ;Save gen. regs
call p2_getfpu ;Get FPU type
mov es,ax ;ES = AX
popa ;Restore gen. regs
mov ax,es ;Return value in AX
pop es ;Restore ES
ret ;Return
p2_getfpu: fninit ;Initialize FPU
mov [Junk],55AAh ;Set junk value
fnstsw [Junk] ;Store status word
cmp [byte Junk],0 ;If it's not 0, no FPU
jne p2_nofpu
fnstcw [Junk] ;Store control word
mov ax,[Junk] ;If the bits are not the way
and ax,103Fh ;they should be, no FPU
cmp ax,3Fh
jne p2_nofpu
and [Junk],0FF7Fh ;Clear interrupt bit
fldcw [Junk] ;Load control word
fdisi ;Disable interrupts
fstcw [Junk] ;Store control word
test [Junk],80h ;If it changed, it's an 8087
jnz p2_8087
finit ;Re-initialize
fld1 ;Divide 1 by 0 to get
fldz ;a positive infinity
fld st ;Get a negative infinity
fcompp ;Compare them
fstsw ax ;Store status word
sahf ;If the FPU thought that they
je p2_287 ;were equal, it's a 287
mov ax,3 ;387, return 3
finit ;Init processor
p2_287: mov ax,2 ;287, return 2
finit ;Init processor
p2_8087: xor ax,ax ;8087, return 0
finit ;Init processor
p2_nofpu: mov ax,-1 ;No FPU, return -1
Junk dw 0
EndP fputype
Public rand,srand,truerand
Model Tiny
RandNum dd 0 ;Random number
;****************** rand() -- Returns a random number below N
;int rand(int max);
max equ bp+4
Proc rand
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push bx edx ;Save registers
imul edx,[RandNum],19660Dh
add edx,10DCDh ;EAX = RandNum * 19660Dh + 10DCDh
mov [RandNum],edx ;Save random number
shr edx,15 ;AX = bits 15-30
xchg ax,dx
mov bx,[max] ;BX = maximum
xor dx,dx ;Zero DX
test bx,bx ;Can't divide by zero
jz p1_skip
div bx ;Divide by BX
p1_skip: xchg ax,dx ;Result in AX
pop edx bx ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP rand
;****************** srand() -- Seeds the RNG with the time
;void srand(void);
Proc srand
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push es eax ;Save registers
push 40h ;ES = BIOS segment
pop es
mov eax,[es:6Ch] ;Get low word
mov [RandNum],eax ;Save it
pop eax es ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret ;Return
EndP srand
;****************** truerand() -- Returns a true random number below N
;int truerand(int max); Extremely slow, but it works
max equ bp+4
Proc truerand
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push bx cx dx ;Save registers
mov cx,96 ;96 iterations
cli ;No interrupts allowed
p1_loop: mov al,06h ;Set timer command
out 43h,al
jmp $+2
in al,40h ;Read LSB of timer
xor dl,al ;XOR into DX
jmp $+2
in al,40h ;Read MSB of timer
xor dl,al ;XOR into DX
rol dx,3 ;Rotate left
loop p1_loop ;Loop back
sti ;Enable interrupts
xchg ax,dx ;Result in AX
mov bx,[max] ;BX = maximum
xor dx,dx ;Zero DX
test bx,bx ;Can't divide by zero
jz p3_skip
div bx ;Divide by BX
p3_skip: xchg ax,dx ;Result in AX
pop dx cx bx ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP truerand
Public delay
Model Tiny
;****************** delay() -- Delay in milliseconds
;void delay(int dtime);
dtime equ bp+4
Proc delay
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save registers
mov ax,[dtime] ;AX = time in milliseconds
mov dx,1000 ;Multiply by 1000
mul dx ;DX:AX = time in microseconds
mov cx,dx ;CX:DX = time
xchg dx,ax
mov ah,86h ;BIOS Delay Service
int 15h
popa ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP delay
Public sound,nosound
Model Tiny
;****************** sound() -- Turn on speaker at specific frequency
;void sound(int freq);
freq equ bp+4
Proc sound
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
pusha ;Save registers
mov dx,12h ;BX = 1193180 / freq.
mov ax,34DCh
mov bx,[freq]
div bx
xchg bx,ax
mov al,0B6h ;Set frequency
out 43h,al
mov al,bl
out 42h,al
mov al,bh
out 42h,al
in al,61h ;Turn on speaker
or al,3
out 61h,al
popa ;Restore registers
pop bp ;Delete stack frame
ret 2 ;Return
EndP sound
;****************** nosound() -- Turn off speaker
;void nosound(void);
Proc nosound
push bp ;Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push ax ;Save AX
in al,61h ;Turn off speaker
and al,0FCh
out 61h,al
pop ax ;Restore AX
ret ;Return
EndP nosound