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Next Epoch matriX User System
Third Party Development Kit
(c) Copyright 1996 Intuitive Vision Software. All Rights Reserved.
Intuitive Vision Software
MCI Code Information : NXMCI.DOC
Revision Number : 0.99.02
Revision Date : 19 Jun 96
-Table of Contents-
I. MCI Codes: What are they? 2
II. MCI Codes: General Notes 2
III. MCI Code Subsystems: 2
IV. - Strings 2
- File System 2
- Message System 2
- User Reference 3
- General 3
V. - Quote Headers/Footers 3
VI. - Archivers 3
MCI codes are String Codes that allow the sysop to define certain
elements in the Nexus system. There are a couple of different subsystems,
each having their own set of codes, but all following basically the same
format. MCI codes allow the sysop to place a code in certain places, such
as menus, sysop definable strings, protocol commandlines, archiver
commandlines, etc., that will be replaced with current information when
used. In other words, you can place a code for the filename in the
protocol commandline and it will be replaced with the appropriate filename
when that protocol is used. You can also do something such as place an MCI
code for the user's alias in the menu prompt. This would be replaced with
the current user's alias when the menu is displayed.
MCI codes allow for flexible use of the Nexus system, and will most
definately make your bbs more original.
First of all, make sure that you understand that not all of the
MCI codes work everywhere. This document will detail where each set of MCI
codes work, and make sure you follow these rules, or else you will have
problems. MCI codes are NOT case sensitive. You can use either upper or
lower case in any of the MCI codes. In the protocol sub-system, the MCI
codes for the paths do NOT end with a backslash (\).
MCI Code Subsystems: STRINGS
The MCI codes for Strings are valid in all of the following places:
Menus (as string displays (command 02), as prompts, in titles, etc), system
strings (except quote headers/footers), and in ascii and ansi files. The
following categories have been provided so that you can relate to which MCI
codes do what:
File System
|FBNUMBER| Current File Base Number
|FBNAME| Current File Base Name
|FBASE| Current File Base Number AND Name
|DLFLAG| Number Of Files Currently Flagged For Download
|ULFLAG| Number Of Files Currently Flagged For Upload
|ULDLKB| UL/DL Ratio in Kilobytes (10k to 100k)
|ULDLNUM| UL/DL Ratio in Files (1 to 3)
|FBFREE| Current Kilobytes Free in Current Base
|FPOINTS| Current User's Number of File Points
|FCONF| Current File Conference Letter
|FCONFNAME| Current File Conference Name
File Listing
These MCI codes are only valid during file listing, and will not
work appropriately anywhere else.
|FLFLAGGED| STRING #369 if flagged, #368 if not
|FLNEW| STRING #381 if new, #380 if not
|FLNUM| The file number
|FLNAME| The file name
|FLMAGIC| The file's magic name
|FLDESC| This will return the current description line.
Nexus automatically increments the current line
number after displaying a description line.
|FLPTS| Filepoints
|FLULDATE| Uploaded date
|FLULBY| Uploaded by
|FLDL| Number of downloads
|FLSIZE| File size
|FLSTAT| Statistics
Message System
|MBNUMBER| Current Message Base Number
|MBNAME| Current Message Base Name
|MBASE| Current Message Base Number AND Name
|CURMSG| Current Message Number in Current Base
|HIGHMSG| Number of Messages In Current Base
|MAXLINES| Maximum Lines Allowed When Entering Message
|MCONF| Current Message Conference Letter
|MCONFNAME| Current Message Conference Name
|NUMEDITORS| The number of external editors configured on
this system
|CUREDITOR| The name of the currently selected editor
Message Reading/Listing
These MCI codes are for use in the message reading/message listing
portions of Nexus, and will not function correctly anywhere else.
MSGNEW Whether the current message is new or not
This MCI code will return either STRING #679
if it is new or blank if not.
MSGTO The TO name of the current message
MSGFROM The FROM name of the current message
MSGDATE The DATE of the current message
MSGTIME The TIME of the current message
MSGSUBJ The SUBJECT of the current message
MSGFLAGS The flags of the current message
MSGREFER The message number to refer to or blank if none
MSGNEXT The next message in thread or blank if none
Node Activity
These MCI codes are for use when display who's on what node, and
the internode messages. The will not function correctly anywhere
|NLNODE| Node Number
|NLNAME| User's Name
|NLFROM| Calling From
|NLAVAIL| Whether the user is available for chat or not
|NLACT| Current Activity
User Reference
|UALIAS| Current User's Alias (Handle)
|UREAL| Current User's FULL Real Name
|UNAME| Current User's name. Nexus will determine whether
to return the real name or alias, based on
the settings for Alias as Primary Name
|UFIRST| Current User's Real First Name
|ULAST| Current User's Real Last Name
|UTITLE| Current User's Title
|SLEVEL| Current User's Security Level
|SLDESC| Current User's Security Level Description
|SUBDESC| Current User's Subscription Level Description
|SUBLEFT| Number of days left in user's subscription
|SUBDAYS| Number of days total in user's subscription
|TIMELEFT| Current User's Remaining Time Online
|UACCKEY| Current User's Access Key
|UZIPCODE| Current User's Zip Code
|UTERM| Current User's Terminal Emulation
|UGENDER| Current User's Gender
|ULASTON| Current User's Last On Date
|UCALLFROM| Current User's Calling From
|UADDRESS1| Current User's Address Line 1
|UADDRESS2| Current User's Address Line 2
|UCITYST| Current User's City, State
|UZIPCODE| Current User's Zipcode
|UPHONEx| Current User's Phone #x (where x is 1-4)
|TIMEBANK| Current User's Time Bank value
|TBADDED| Current User's Time added to Time Bank today
User Listing
These MCI codes are only valid in the User Listing menu command.
|ULNAME| User's Name
|ULCALL| User's Calling From
|ULGEN| User's Gender
|ULLAST| User's Last On Date
Log of Callers
These MCI codes are only valid in the Log of Callers menu command.
|LCNAME| User's Name
|LCFROM| Calling From
|LCBAUD| Baudrate
|LCNODE| Node connected to
|LCDATE| Called on date
|LCTIME| Called on time
|BAUD| Current Connect Baud Rate
|LOCKBAUD| Current Locked Baud Rate (reports 0 if not locked)
|MINBAUD| Minimum baudrate to log on to current node
|LOCKBEGIN| When below minimum baudrate lockout begins
|LOCKEND| When below minimum baudrate lockout ends
|PORT| Current Node's Com Port
|NODE| Current Node Number
|PADDEDNODE| Current Node Number padded with 0's to 4 characters
|SEMANODE| Current Node Number padded with 0's to 3
characters, Node 1000 is 000
|MULTIOS| Multitasking Operating System
|DATE| Current Date
|TIME| Current Time
|LF| Adds Carriage Return/Line Feed
|BELL| Sounds Bell
|CURLANG| Current language in use by the user
|CMDLIST| List of Current Commands Available In Menu
|CREASON| Current Chat Reason
|CLS| Clears Display (Locally and Remotely)
|PAUSE| Pauses Display With Pause String Defined in nxSETUP
|PAUSEYN| Pauses Display With Pause(Yes/No) String Defined
in nxSETUP and waits for response.
|DELAXxx| Delays For xx Seconds (i.e. |DELAY1| will delay for
1 second, |DELAY20| will delay for 20 seconds)
|NOABORT| (for files only) Users cannot abort file display
|TEMPDIR| Temporary directory for this node
(i.e. C:\NEXUS\TEMP\NODE0001\)
|FILE|[drive:][path\]FILENAME[.EXT] (No other data must be in the
The |FILE| MCI code may be used in any of the
display strings to replace that string with the
display of a file. This file may have a specific
drive/path on it, or may just be the filename.
If no drive/path is specified, Nexus will look for
the file in the GRAPHICS directory. The extension
is optional. Nexus will search for the extension
based on the user's emulation.
|NXE|[drive:][path\]FILENAME[.EXT] (No other data must be in the
The |NXE| MCI code may be used to call a
Nexecutable from within a string or file.
|DOOR|Door# The |DOOR| MCI code may be used to call a door
from a string. No other data may be in the string.
|PLx| Pad all data between this code and the next |EP|
MCI code to a string x characters long, with
extra spaces being added to the end
|PRx| Pad all data between this code and the next |EP|
MCI code to a string x characters long, with
extra spaces being added to the beginning
|EP| End padding
The following MCI codes are used in the Quote Header/Footer strings.
They refer to the message being quoted.
|FROM| Who message is from (real name if real name flag for
base is on, otherwise it is alias)
|TO| Who message is to (real name if real name flag for
base is on, otherwise it is alias)
|SUBJECT| Message Subject
|MSGDATE| Message Date
|LF| Carriage Return/Line Feed
Only the following MCI codes may be used in Archiver commandlines.
|ARCNAME| Filename of the Archive
|INFILE| Filename(s) of Files in or to go in to archive
|COMMENT| Filename of the Comment File
/* End Document NXMCI.DOC */