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┌──────────────────────────╖ PowerBASIC v3.20
┌──┤ DASoft ╟──────────────────────┬──────────────────╖
│ ├──────────────────────────╢ Copyright 1995 │ DATE: 1995-10-01 ╟─╖
│ │ FILE NAME AWELCOME.TXT ║ by ╘════════════════─ ║ ║
│ │ ║ Don Schullian, Jr. ║ ║
│ ╘══════════════════════════╝ ║ ║
│ A license is hereby granted to the holder to use this source code in ║ ║
│ any program, commercial or otherwise, without receiving the express ║ ║
│ permission of the copyright holder and without paying any royalties, ║ ║
│ as long as this code is not distributed in any compilable format. ║ ║
│ IE: source code files, PowerBASIC Unit files, and printed listings ║ ║
╘═╤═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ║
│ .................................... ║
' ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
Hi and welcome to Nutz n' Boltz Text Library #3!
This library is primarily devoted to direct user interface with your
program. It handles menus, one-line help messages, Yes/No selections and
a few other odds n' ends. It definitely goes way beyond where I had first
thought of taking the text package so think of these routines as a BONUS
pack! ( That sounds better than "left-overs" :)
One thing that is conspicuously absent is the rodent! I don't believe it
to be a viable input device for data-based programs as it takes the user's
hand too far from the keyboard, is too slow, adds too much code, and is
difficult to accurately position in text mode. Don't get me wrong, there is
a niche for the mouse in some text mode programs and when that niche needs
filling I believe it should be filled.
There are only 3 menu functions but, between them, you should be able to
get a real good idea of what can be done with menus! I'm not too sure that
all 3 of them are really too useful in their current state as they all are
truly monsters but each one does everything it has to do to serve the
broadest range of programs. I use them AS-IS only when I'm in a hurry and
working on a small program where memory is not a problem. When it's time
to get serious then I pull them apart and use only the stuff I need/require
leaving the "extras" in the BIT-BUCKET under my work bench.
The Drop-Down menu (Pull-Down) is, probably the exception to the above.
It is almost as tight as it can be made without loosing any of it's important
functions. It can change width, height, wrapping style, etc. with just a few
bytes of incoming info. It takes a few "extra" arrays to make it work but I
have found that they all get real necessary in any size program so....
The "HOT" menu is the monster that really is soooooo over-done that it
almost screams for stripping! The only redeeming quality is that it is
almost automatic in it's reactions to the incoming set-up data that it really
isn't too difficult to use once you get used to the 25+ parameters that it
takes to get it working!
Last of all is the INDEX menu: it is a cousin to the "HOT" menu but is so
much "smarter" than the "HOT" stuff that it hurts just to think about it. I
came up with the idea for this one when working on a really <<<BIG>>> program
that had index's on a zillion lists with two of them ranging into the 1000's!
I had to give my users a way to get to any one record in as few key-strokes
and little remembered data as possible. Out of my pure genius (and a couple
of years of screwing around), viola (walaa), the INDEX menu was perfected.
It can either "tag" a group of items or select just one but it's real power
is in how the user can just start typing in a name and, within 3 or 4 keys
get within visual distance of the one particular item they are looking for.
There are 2 variations of this menu that do not appear here as they must be
written for each and every use that you should think about:
An INDEX menu that could read the items directly out of a file could be
a handy addition to a program with a large index base. You would have to
substitute all references to the array with whatever it took to get the data
from the disk. This would include packages like E-TREE, etc. Also, it may
be necessary to "unpack" an index string into something that resembled a
string that a human would understand.
One other application that splits these two down the middle is the BROWSE
style menu. This rascal resembles more a full data screen but is, in fact,
just a fancy menu. Each item is displayed separately with one, or more data
fields from the record. I find this VERY necessary when you're looking for
the proverbial "John Smith" and would have to have more info than a name,
alone, would supply; like SSAN's, addresses, phone numbers, etc. The entry
point is still this type-o-matic search featured in the INDEX menu and the
display is particular to each application.
The other little functions do some specific stuff and are amply discussed
in the .DMO files so have a look around. If you decide to make any of these
functions work with the mouse don't forget fGetEvent$ and it's support. You
may find that the change-overs aren't too difficult as I've used arrays in
most cases to hold screen addresses.