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┌──────────────────────────╖ PowerBASIC v3.20
┌──┤ DASoft ╟──────────────────────┬──────────────────╖
│ ├──────────────────────────╢ Copyright 1995 │ DATE: 1995-10-01 ╟─╖
│ │ FILE NAME RODENTS .TXT ║ by ╘════════════════─ ║ ║
│ │ ║ Don Schullian, Jr. ║ ║
│ ╘══════════════════════════╝ ║ ║
│ A license is hereby granted to the holder to use this source code in ║ ║
│ any program, commercial or otherwise, without receiving the express ║ ║
│ permission of the copyright holder and without paying any royalties, ║ ║
│ as long as this code is not distributed in any compilable format. ║ ║
│ IE: source code files, PowerBASIC Unit files, and printed listings ║ ║
╘═╤═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ║
│ .................................... ║
"Rodentcia Tecknikus" seems to have infected almost every corner of the soft-
ware market today whether it is needed, efficient, or not! To that end I must
speak, for just a moment. The mouse is, in reality, a great pointing and
selecting device. It does have limitations and any attempt to exceed those
limitations puts an unnecessary burden on the tool. Also one has to take
into account the tool's purpose in life and not use the it where it is not
The mouse is restricted to moving a pointer around the screen, keeping track
of where it is, and reporting on the status of any key or keys. A key can be
"up", "down" or "clicked" ( was down is now up ). Each key has a number:
│ #1 │ #3 │ #2 │
│ │ │ │
\ │ │ /
├───────┴────────┴───────┤ fig: #7342
│ │ Rodentcia Tecknikus
Some mice have 2 keys and some have 3. If the mouse has only 2 buttons it
can simulate a 3 button mouse if the user presses/releases the 2 buttons
simultaneous but it is a human impossibility to "beat the machine" and
get the buttons down or up together fast enough to get the desired results.
Also, the "double-click" is not a feature of the mouse and must be
programmed by pausing the program after the first "click" then checking to
see if a second "click" happened within both the allotted time and area of
the screen. In short, try to keep things down to 2 buttons and one click as
much as possible and your programs will be shorter and easier to manage.
Before the mouse is turned on (made visible) you have to initiate the mouse
to make sure you're actually infested or not! Once the little guy is visible
you can turn him on and off at will BUT.... for very time you turn him off
you have to turn him on again before he's visible. In other words 3 "offs"
need 3 "ons" and NOWHERE is there a function that supports the number of
"offs" in the system so I've done it manually and that leads us to the
conditional off function. You can tell DOS to turn the rat off if it is or
goes inside a "box". Great idea but.....
1) it doesn't work all the time due to interrupt time!
ie: you update the screen before the mouse checks if it is in the box.
2) you have NO WAY of knowing if the mouse was turned off or not!
ie: how many "ons" do you need now?
│ MouseON and MouseOFF keep an internal record of how many OFF's there │
│ are so MouseONnow can issue enough ON's to get the cursor visible. │
│ If you have a routine that calls MouseON and MouseOFF with no chance │
│ of another routine coming in between the two then the fastest and │
│ tightest code is: │
│ asm mov ax,&h02 ; mouse off │
│ asm int &h33 │
│ ' code goes here │
│ asm mov ax,&h01 ; mouse off │
│ asm int &h33 │
│ in Basic: │
│ REG 1, 2 │
│ ' code goes here │
│ REG 1, 1 │
│ │
│ There is a conditional mouse OFF that turns the mouse off │
│ a) if it is inside the box you will be updating │
│ b) if the mouse moves inside the box │
│ BUT.................. │
│ a) you don't know and can't find out if the mouse was, in fact, │
│ turned off and if the conditional OFF is nested with other OFF/ON │
│ combos you could very easily get the mouse back on before it was │
│ time. │
│ b) if the screen under the mouse is updated before the mouse │
│ interrupt catches the fact that the mouse has moved into the box │
│ then the screen is left in an ugly state! │
│ HENCE................ │
│ It is best, especially with today's super quick computers, to simply │
│ issue an OFF/ON and let the rodent flicker a bit. │
Just to make things worse there are a whole flock of different drivers out
there! If you finally find a function that does what you want it to do you
have to check to make sure that the mouse driver that has been loaded into
the system supports the function. This, basically, negates generic use of
these third party functions, so just forget them!
Does it seem that I'm down on the mouse?! Well, not really. Like I said at
the beginning: "It's got it's place." The trick is to use it correctly and
wisely and not attempt to overwork it. After all, it's only a mouse! The
most useless place I've ever seen a mouse is in a word processor! What
typist in their right mind wants to remove her/his hands from the home keys
in the middle of a document? Ditto for data input. When <ENTER> and <TAB>
are so handy, why grope for a mouse to move to the next field?....
Now... on to the good part.........
We've got the mouse running around, playing hide and seek and clicking at us
all the while. How do we put this to use? Not too tough, once you've thought
about it.
Each time the mouse clicks we have a look at where it's at, test to see if
it's location means anything to the routine then take action. Simple enough
until you start getting boxes popping up "over" other boxes, etc. Now what
do you do? The screen is, after all, only 2 dimensional!
An area of the screen we will call an EVENT
Each event will have one, or more, ITEMs inside it
Event and item corners will be stored in 2 dimensional arrays
These arrays will be fed into fEventOpenG? or fEventOpenT?