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BASIC Source File
397 lines
' Tuomas Salste
' File name parsing library
' Included as an example for Project Analyzer
' These functions will not necessarily work
Option Explicit
DefInt A-Z
Type FilenameType
drive As String '* 8
Path As String '* 63
Filename As String '* 12
Basename As String '* 8
Extension As String '* 3
End Type
Global FName As FilenameType
Global Const DRIVE_FLOPPY = 2
Global Const DRIVE_FIXED = 1
Global Const DRIVE_NETWORK = 0
' DiskSpaceFree function uses this in SETUPKIT.DLL
' Not needed if not used
Declare Function DiskSpaceFree_DLL Lib "SETUPKIT.DLL" Alias "DiskSpaceFree" () As Long
Function AbsPath (ByVal BaseDir As String, ByVal Path As String) As String
' Gives Absolute Path from Relative Path
Dim GivenPath As FilenameType
Dim Result As Integer
Result = FileNameSplit(Path, GivenPath)
If GivenPath.drive <> "" Then
On Error Resume Next
BaseDir = CurDir(GivenPath.drive)
If Err Then
BaseDir = GivenPath.drive + "\"
End If
On Error GoTo 0
If BaseDir = "" Then
BaseDir = CurDir
End If
End If
Dim nDir As String
Do While Path <> ""
nDir = NextDir(Path)
Select Case nDir
Case ".."
Dim BackPath As FilenameType
Result = FileNameSplit(BaseDir, BackPath)
BaseDir = BackPath.Path
Case "."
Case "\"
BaseDir = DriveOnly(BaseDir) + "\"
Case Else
BaseDir = PathNameWithSlash(BaseDir) & nDir
End Select
AbsPath = UCase(BaseDir)
End Function
Function Basenameonly (ByVal FileSpec As String) As String
' Returns the base name of a filespec
' FileSpec can be a directory name too
Dim Filename As FilenameType
Dim Result As Integer
Result = FileNameSplit(FileSpec, Filename)
Basenameonly = Filename.Basename
End Function
Function ChangeFilenameExtension (ByVal OldFilename As String, ByVal NewExtension As String) As String
' Example:
' ChangeFilenameExtension("AUTOEXEC.BAT", "TMP")
' results in "AUTOEXEC.TMP"
' Returns "" in error
Dim File As FilenameType
If FileNameSplit(OldFilename, File) Then
File.Extension = NewExtension
File.Filename = File.Basename & "." & File.Extension
ChangeFilenameExtension = FileNameExpand(File)
Exit Function
End If
End Function
' Get the disk space free for the current drive
Function DiskSpaceFree (drive As String) As Long
Dim OldDrive As String
OldDrive = DriveOnly(CurDir)
On Error Resume Next
ChDrive drive
If Err = 0 Then
DiskSpaceFree = DiskSpaceFree_DLL()
End If
ChDrive OldDrive
End Function
Function DriveOnly (ByVal FileSpec As String) As String
' Returns the drive "D:"
Dim File As FilenameType
If FileNameSplit(FileSpec, File) Then
DriveOnly = File.drive
End If
End Function
Function DriveType (ByVal DriveLetter As String, DriveListBox As DriveListBox) As Integer
' Returns the type of a drive
' Type is one of the following:
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To DriveListBox.ListCount - 1
If StrComp(Left(DriveListBox.List(i), 1), Left(DriveLetter, 1), 1) = 0 Then
If Len(DriveListBox.List(i)) = 2 Then
ElseIf Mid(DriveListBox.List(i), 3, 2) = "\\" Then
End If
Exit For
End If
End Function
Function ExtensionOnly (ByVal File As String) As String
' Returns file name extension "BAS"
' This is a global function that will be overridden
' by local function ExtensionOnly defined in PROJTEST.FRM
' So this function is dead
Dim Filename As FilenameType
Dim Result As Integer
Result = FileNameSplit(File, Filename)
ExtensionOnly = Filename.Extension
End Function
Private Function FileNameExpand (Filename As FilenameType) As String
' Assembles a qualified file name from separate fields
Dim Delimiter$
If Len(RTrim$(Filename.drive)) > 2 Then
If Filename.drive = String$(8, 0) Then
FileNameExpand$ = ""
FileNameExpand$ = RTrim$(Filename.drive)
End If
If Right$(RTrim$(Filename.Path), 1) = ":" Or RTrim$(Filename.Path) = "" Or Right$(RTrim$(Filename.Path), 1) = "\" Then
Delimiter$ = "\"
End If
If Left$(Filename.Path, 2) = RTrim$(Filename.drive) Then
FileNameExpand$ = UCase$(RTrim$(Filename.Path) + Delimiter$ + RTrim$(Filename.Filename))
FileNameExpand$ = UCase$(RTrim$(Filename.drive) + RTrim$(Filename.Path) + Delimiter$ + RTrim$(Filename.Filename))
End If
End If
End Function
Function FilenameOnly (ByVal FileSpec As String) As String
' Returns the file name part of a FileSpec "FILENAME.BAS"
Dim File As FilenameType
If FileNameSplit(FileSpec, File) Then
FilenameOnly = File.Filename
End If
End Function
Function FileNameSplit (ByVal FilenameString$, Filename As FilenameType) As Integer
' Splits a file name into separate fields
Dim er As Integer
Dim FilNam$
Dim Colon As Integer
Dim NoDrive As Integer
Dim c As Integer
FilNam$ = UCase$(FilenameString$)
Filename.drive = ""
Filename.Path = ""
Filename.Filename = ""
Filename.Basename = ""
Filename.Extension = ""
Colon = InStr(FilNam$, ":")
If Colon = 2 Then
Filename.drive = Left$(FilNam$, 2)
ElseIf Colon Then
If Len(FilNam$) > Colon Or Colon < 4 Or Colon > 5 Then
er = True
NoDrive = True
Filename.drive = Left$(FilNam$, Colon)
End If
End If
If er = 0 And NoDrive = False Then
For c = Len(FilNam$) To 1 + Len(RTrim$(Filename.drive)) Step -1
If Mid$(FilNam$, c, 1) = "\" Then
If c = Len(RTrim$(Filename.drive)) + 1 Then
Filename.Path = Left$(FilNam$, c)
Filename.Path = Left$(FilNam$, c - 1)
End If
Exit For
End If
If RTrim$(Mid$(FilNam$, c + 1)) <> ".." Then
If InStr(Mid$(FilNam$, c + 1), ".") Then
Filename.Basename = Left$(Left$(Mid$(FilNam$, c + 1), InStr(Mid$(FilNam$, c + 1), ".") - 1), 8)
Filename.Extension = Mid$(Mid$(FilNam$, c + 1), InStr(Mid$(FilNam$, c + 1), ".") + 1, 3)
Filename.Basename = Mid$(FilNam$, c + 1)
End If
Filename.Path = RTrim$(Filename.Path) + ".."
End If
If RTrim$(Filename.Basename) = "" And RTrim$(Filename.Extension) <> "" Then
er = True
Filename.Extension = ""
Filename.Path = ""
Filename.drive = ""
If Len(RTrim$(Filename.Extension)) Then
Filename.Filename = RTrim$(Filename.Basename) + "." + Filename.Extension
Filename.Filename = RTrim$(Filename.Basename)
End If
If RTrim$(Filename.Filename) = "." Then Filename.Filename = ""
End If
End If
If er Then
FileNameSplit% = False
FileNameSplit% = True
End If
End Function
Function IsDir (ByVal FileSpec As String) As Integer
Dim Result As Integer
On Local Error Resume Next
Result = GetAttr(FileSpec)
If Err = 0 And Result = 16 Then ' ATTR_DIRECTORY= 16
IsDir = True
End If
End Function
Function IsFile (ByVal FileSpec As String) As Integer
' Returns True if a file called Filename exists
' Filename CAN NOT contain wildcards
Dim Result As String
On Local Error Resume Next
Result = Dir(FileSpec)
If Err = 0 And LCase(Result) = LCase(FilenameOnly(FileSpec)) And Result <> "" Then
IsFile = True
End If
End Function
Function IsFileSpec (ByVal Filename As String) As Integer
' Returns True if Filename is
' a file, a directory or a volume label
' Filename must not contain any wildcards
Dim Result As Integer
On Local Error Resume Next
Result = GetAttr(Filename)
If Err = 0 Then IsFileSpec = True
End Function
Function MatchesTemplate% (TestText$, Template$)
' Checks if a file name matches Template ("FILENAME.BAS", "*.BAS")
Dim CheckLen As Integer, c As Integer
Dim TChar$, NoMatch As Integer
If Len(Template$) > Len(TestText$) Then
CheckLen = Len(Template$)
CheckLen = Len(TestText$)
End If
For c = 1 To CheckLen
TChar$ = Mid$(Template$, c, 1)
Select Case TChar$
Case "?"
Case "*"
Exit For
Case Mid$(TestText$, c, 1)
Case ""
NoMatch = True
Exit For
Case Else
NoMatch = True
Exit For
End Select
If Len(Template$) > Len(TestText$) Then
If InStr(Template$, "*") = False And Mid$(Template$, Len(TestText$) + 1, Len(Template$) - Len(TestText$)) <> String$(Len(Template$) - Len(TestText$), "?") Then
NoMatch = True
End If
End If
If Not NoMatch Then MatchesTemplate = True
End Function
Function NextDir (Path As String) As String
' Returns the next directory name in a long Path string
' NextDir("D:\VB30\LIB\FILENAME.BAS") = "VB30"
Dim NewPath As String
If Mid(Path, 2, 1) = ":" Then
NewPath = Mid(Path, 3)
NewPath = Path
End If
Select Case InStr(NewPath, "\")
Case 0
NextDir = NewPath
Path = ""
Case 1
NextDir = "\"
Path = Mid(NewPath, 2)
Case Else
NextDir = Left(NewPath, InStr(NewPath, "\") - 1)
Path = Mid(NewPath, InStr(NewPath, "\") + 1)
End Select
End Function
Private Function PathNameOnly_FromDir (ByVal Directory As String) As String
' Returns the path name part of a path string
' PathnameOnly_FromDir("D:\VB30\LIB") = "\VB30\LIB"
Dim WholePath As FilenameType
Dim Result As Integer
Result = FileNameSplit(PathNameWithSlash(Directory) + "*.*", WholePath)
If WholePath.drive <> "" Then
PathNameOnly_FromDir = Mid(WholePath.Path, Len(WholePath.drive) + 1)
PathNameOnly_FromDir = WholePath.Path
End If
End Function
Function PathnameWithoutSlash (ByVal FileSpec As String) As String
' Returns a path name from a filespec without the ending slash
' The result can be used in ChDir, for example
' PathnameWithoutSlash("D:\VB30\LIB\FILENAME.BAS") = "D:\VB30\LIB"
Dim File As FilenameType
If FileNameSplit(FileSpec, File) Then
PathnameWithoutSlash = File.Path
End If
End Function
Function PathNameWithSlash (ByVal Path$) As String
' Returns a path name without the ending slash
' The result can be used in building filespecs, for example
' PathnameWithSlash("D:\VB30\LIB") = "D:\VB30\LIB\"
If Right$(RTrim$(Path$), 1) = ":" Or RTrim$(Path$) = "" Or Right$(RTrim$(Path$), 1) = "\" Then
PathNameWithSlash = Path$
If IsFile(Path$) Then
PathNameWithSlash = PathNameWithSlash(AbsPath(Path$, ".."))
PathNameWithSlash = Path$ + "\"
End If
End If
End Function