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Text File  |  1996-06-24  |  6KB  |  241 lines

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  117.     DatabaseName = 'DBDEMOS'
  118.     SQL.Strings = (
  119.       'Select'
  120.       '  parts."PartNo",'
  121.       '  parts."VendorNo",'
  122.       '  parts."Description",'
  123.       '  parts."OnHand",'
  124.       '  parts."OnOrder",'
  125.       '  parts."Cost",'
  126.       '  parts."ListPrice"'
  127.       'From "parts.db"'
  128.       'As parts'
  129.       'order by'
  130.       'VendorNo')
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  150.     object Query1OnOrder: TFloatField
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  153.     end
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  157.       DisplayFormat = '$ #,##0.00'
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  159.     end
  160.     object Query1Cost: TCurrencyField
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  163.       DisplayFormat = '$ #,##0.00'
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  170.       DisplayFormat = '$ #,##0.00'
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