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│ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────┴─┐
│ │ │
│ │ B E A T M A S T E R Version 1.0 │
│ │ │
│ │ PC MIDI Sequencer │
│ │ │
│ │ Copyright (C) 1996 by Eamonn F Martin │
│ │ │
│ │ SenseSoft │
│ │ │
┌───────┤ │ All Rights Reserved ├────────┐
│ └─┤ │ │
│ └───────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │
│ │
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IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro and Sound Blaster 16 are trademarks of
Creative Technology Ltd.
MPU-401 is a trademark of Roland Corporation.
Yamaha DB50XG is a trademark of Yamaha Media Technology.
BeatMaster is copyright (C) 1996 by Eamonn F. Martin.
This document is copyright (C) 1996 by Eamonn F. Martin.
No parts of BeatMaster or this document may be copied in whole or in part,
except as provided in the License below.
This demonstration version of BeatMaster may be freely copied and distributed
subject to the following restrictions:
BeatMaster must be distributed in absolutely unmodified form,
including ALL program, documentation, and other files.
BeatMaster may not be included with any other product for any
reason whatsoever without a license from the author.
No charge or payment may be levied for BeatMaster.
The registered version of BeatMaster may not be copied, except for backup
BeatMaster is not free software. I'd love to give it away free but it took
A LOT of work and I gotta earn a living. This is an 'unregistered' version
of BeatMaster which is distributed freely so that you can try it before you
decide whether or not to buy it. All of the features in the registered
version are included, except that sequences cannot be saved onto disk.
To get the full-featured version of BeatMaster you must register (buy) it.
Registered BeatMaster users get the complete version of BeatMaster on disk
along with a printed reference manual, their own serial-number, and technical
support via mail or email.
Registered users can upgrade to future improved versions by simply paying any
difference in price. SMPTE/MTC synchronization and MIDI+Audio are in the mix.
│ │
│ │
Payment should be in the form of a bank cheque made payable to the author of
BeatMaster, Mr E. F. MARTIN. To place your order you can print and complete
the order form in the REGISTER.TXT file. Send your order and payment to:
Add the following for shipping and handling charges for each copy ordered:
Within UK........ 1 UK Pound per disk
Within EEC....... 3 UK Pounds per disk
Outside EEC...... 4 UK Pounds per disk
Please e-mail your comments and queries about BeatMaster to uczdjum@ucl.ac.uk
Program Reference Manual
│ Section 1: INTRODUCTION │
Program Overview........................... 1.01
Machine Requirements....................... 1.02
BeatMaster Features........................ 1.03
BeatMaster Files........................... 1.04
Installation............................... 1.05
Starting BeatMaster........................ 1.06
│ Section 2: VIEWS │
STATUS BAR................................. 2.01
The Menu.................................. 2.02
Sequence Filename......................... 2.03
Sequence Timer............................ 2.04
Sequencer Mode............................ 2.05
Available Memory.......................... 2.06
INPUT/OUTPUT LINE.......................... 2.07
VIEW TITLE LINE............................ 2.08
GLOBAL VIEW................................ 2.09
Main Variables............................ 2.10
Track Display............................. 2.11
Cursor Keys............................... 2.12
VARIABLES VIEW............................. 2.13
Channel Variables View.................... 2.14
Track Variables View...................... 2.15
FILE VIEW.................................. 2.16
EVENT VIEWS................................ 2.17
Cursor Keys............................... 2.18
NOTE VIEW.................................. 2.19
PROGRAM VIEW............................... 2.20
CONTROLLER VIEW............................ 2.21
KEY AFTERTOUCH VIEW........................ 2.23
PITCH BEND VIEW............................ 2.24
TEMPO VIEW................................. 2.25
SYSEX VIEW................................. 2.26
Sysex Event View.......................... 2.27
Sysex Parameter View...................... 2.28
Sysex File View........................... 2.29
TEXT VIEW.................................. 2.30
Text Event View........................... 2.31
Text File View............................ 2.32
Text Viewer/Editor........................ 2.33
│ Section 3: MENUS │
THE MENUS.................................. 3.01
TOP MENU................................... 3.02
FILE MENU.................................. 3.03
VIEW MENU.................................. 3.04
TRACK MENU................................. 3.05
BLOCK MENU................................. 3.06
EVENT MENU................................. 3.07
OPTIONS MENU............................... 3.08
│ Section 4: EXTERNAL FILES │
FILE FORMATS................................ 4.01
NAME FILES.................................. 4.02
SYSEX EVENT FILES........................... 4.03
Sysex Parameters........................... 4.04
DB50XG SYSTEM EXCLUSIVES.................... 4.05
System Events.............................. 4.06
Reverb Effects............................. 4.07
Chorus Effects............................. 4.08
Variation Effects.......................... 4.09
PALETTE FILES............................... 4.10
B E A T M A S T E R V1.0 MIDI Sequencer Section 1: INTRODUCTION
Program Overview 1.01
BeatMaster is a MIDI music sequencer program for IBM PC compatible computers.
It allows the control of MIDI musical instruments and sound modules using a
computer. As a word-processor is to writing, so BeatMaster is to creating
MIDI music. A 'document' in BeatMaster is called a 'sequence' and contains
a number of 'tracks' which can be recorded from a MIDI keyboard or created
entirely using the editing functions of the sequencer. The tracks are all
played back at the same time on a synthesizer or sound module to create a
complete song. BeatMaster has a range of cool facilities for displaying and
modifying your sequences that makes creating music with your PC a breeze!
Machine Requirements 1.02
BeatMaster requires a 100% PC compatible 286, 386, 486 or better with a VGA
display. Extended (XMS) memory is desirable and will be used if installed.
At least one Sound Blaster Pro, Sound Blaster 16, or MPU-401 compatible MIDI
interface is required which should be connected to some kind of MIDI device,
such as a keyboard or a synthesizer.
BeatMaster Features 1.03
Full on-line help.
MIDI recording and playback.
40 tracks with independent settings.
Track functions for manipulating entire tracks.
Block functions for manipulating selected sections of a track.
Event functions for manipulating individual events.
Separate buffers for track and block manipulations.
Track looping, muting and soloing.
Quantization and humanization.
Tempo range from 10bpm to 500bpm.
Time resolution of 192 ticks per beat.
Support for text events (cue-point, marker, lyric, general).
Full support for system-exclusive (sysex) events.
Customizable colour palette for the display.
Can be customized to suit features of different MIDI devices.
Built-in editor for creating and modifying configuration files.
Support for up to 4 independent MIDI ports giving up to 64 MIDI channels.
Allows MIDI-THRU between ports enabling one device to control another.
Supports Sound Blaster and MPU-401 compatible MIDI interfaces.
BeatMaster Files 1.04
BEATMAST.EXE The sequencer program itself
BEATMAST.HLP This documentation/help file
REGISTER.TXT BeatMaster registration information
DEFAULT.KEY General MIDI key names
DEFAULT.PRG General MIDI program names
DEFAULT.CTL Standard MIDI controller names
DB50XG.KEY Yamaha DB50XG key names
DB50XG.CTL Yamaha DB50XG Controller names
DEFAULT.SXE Yamaha DB50XG sysex events
DEFAULT.PAL Default colour palette configuration
REDBLUE.PAL Alternative colour palette
ICECOOL.PAL Alternative colour palette
BLACK.PAL Alternative colour palette
GRAY.PAL Alternative colour palette
JAZZ.MID Standard MIDI demonstration sequence
JAZZ.BMS The above MIDI file in BeatMaster's extended format
REDMIN.ZIP Demonstration sequences using the Yamaha DB50XG
The only necessary file is the program itself, BEATMAST.EXE. The .KEY, .PRG,
.CTL and .SXE files are used to configure BeatMaster to suit different MIDI
devices. The DEFAULT.* files provide support for the General MIDI key and
program names and the standard MIDI controllers. The .PAL files are used to
change the colours used for the screen display.
The DB50XG.* files and the DEFAULT.SXE file provide support for the Yamaha
DB50XG sound card daughterboard. This was the platform on which BeatMaster
was designed. A more complete collection of support files for this card is
included free with the registered version of BeatMaster.
The REDMIN.ZIP archive contains a collection of sequence files created by a
BeatMaster user. See REDMIN.TXT in that archive for more information.
Installation 1.05
BeatMaster uses the directory in which it is started as its default directory.
This is where it will look for the DEFAULT.* files when started up. This is
also where it will look to find any files whose names are entered without a
full subdirectory specification.
To install BeatMaster, copy all of the files from the distribution archive
into a newly created subdirectory on your hard disk. BeatMaster is then
fully installed!
Starting BeatMaster 1.06
To start BeatMaster, first change to the directory which contains the program.
Then type 'BEATMAST' and press the 'Enter' key.
BeatMaster begins by reporting its name and version number. It then attempts
to detect an Extended Memory (XMS) driver and, if one is detected, reports its
version number.
The sequencer then tries to detect a MIDI interface. First it checks for the
Sound Blaster environment variable 'BLASTER'. If this exists, the I/O port
address settings it contains are used. Otherwise the default port addresses
for a Sound Blaster (220h) and an MPU-401 (330h) are tested. If you are using
a different port address for your Sound Blaster or MPU, or if you have more
than one MIDI interface installed, you will need to specify the addresses you
are using in the OPTIONS MENU.
Next, it looks in the default (start-up) directory for the files DEFAULT.PAL,
if found. The EXTERNAL FILES section later in this document describes what
these files contain and how you can customize them to suit your own equipment.
When all this is done you are presented with GLOBAL VIEW. You are then ready
to boogie!
B E A T M A S T E R V1.0 MIDI Sequencer Section 2: VIEWS
BeatMaster presents information about a sequence using a variety of different
screen displays or 'views'. Each view shows a different type of information.
You can easily change from one view to another by pressing one or two keys.
Certain parts of the screen display are common to all BeatMaster views and
are visible at all times. These are the STATUS BAR, the INPUT/OUTPUT LINE
and the VIEW TITLE LINE. The following text first describes each of these
areas and then covers the specific features of each BeatMaster view in turn.
The keys used to select each of the main views are shown in braces (eg. {G})
after the name of the view.
The very top line of the screen is called the Status Bar and shows general
information concerning the current state of the sequencer. The following
describes each item on the Status Bar, from left to right.
The Menu 2.02
This is activated by typing ALT-M and provides access to virtually all of the
functions of the sequencer. See the section on menus for more information.
Sequence Filename 2.03
This shows the filename of the currently loaded sequence. The default name
is 'UNTITLED.BMS'. If the current sequence is modified in any way, one of
the following three 'flag' characters is displayed just in front of the
filename to indicate the type of modification made:
o The variables for a track (see VARIABLES VIEW) have been changed.
Notes or events (track data) in a track have been changed.
* Both variables and data have changed.
This flag is cleared when the sequence is saved.
Sequence Timer 2.04
The next item on the status bar after the filename is the sequence timer.
This indicates the current position of the cursor in time in relation to the
start of the sequence. Time is measured by the sequencer in beats and ticks.
The smallest unit of time used by the sequencer is called a tick. Each beat
in a sequence consists of an equal number of ticks. The number of ticks in
a beat is always the same, regardless of the actual tempo of a sequence
(a change of tempo actually affects the duration of each tick), and is fixed
at 192. This means that each beat is divided into 192 'time-slots', each of
which can contain a number of MIDI events.
The format of the sequence timer depends on the current track display mode
See 'GLOBAL VIEW: Track Display' for information about track display modes.
BEAT Mode The timer begins with the word 'beat' followed by the number
of beats in a division and a lower-case letter indicating the
current division mode (bar or zoom). An arrow then points to
the actual timer value expressed as two numbers; the current
beat in the sequence and the current tick in that beat.
BAR Mode The timer begins with an upper-case 'B' followed by the number
of beats in a bar. An arrow then points to the timer value
expressed as three numbers; the current bar in the sequence,
the current beat in that bar, and the current tick in that
ZOOM Mode The timer begins with an upper-case 'Z' followed by the number
of beats in a zoom. An arrow then points to the timer value
expressed as three numbers; the current zoom in the sequence,
the current beat in that zoom, and the current tick in that
Sequencer Mode 2.05
After the sequence timer comes the sequencer mode indicator which indicates
the current operating mode of the sequencer. There are three main sequencer
modes; 'Edit' is the normal mode of the sequencer and indicates that the
current sequence is ready to be edited; 'Play' indicates that the sequence
is being played; 'REC' indicates that a track is being recorded. Apart from
these primary sequencer modes, there are several other secondary modes which
relate specifically to FILE VIEW and are fully described in that section.
Available Memory 2.06
The last item on the status bar is the available memory indicator, which shows
the number of bytes of RAM available for storing track data. Most MIDI events
require four bytes (1 for a tick-value and 3 for the actual event) though some
use more and some less. Each beat also requires two bytes for a 'beat-event'
and the 'end-of-track' event uses a further two bytes.
While recording, the available memory indicator shows the number of bytes
available for recording a track. Each track in a sequence can contain a
maximum of 65520 bytes. As events are recorded the memory indicator counts
down, showing the number of bytes left for the track. The memory indicator
also flashes whenever an event is received from MIDI-IN.
The bottom line of the screen is used to report general information about the
operations of the sequencer; actions performed, problems encountered and so
on. It is also where you enter any input that may be requested.
This is the line above the INPUT/OUTPUT LINE and it contains the general title
of each view in the sequencer, with the current view highlighted. The top-
left of every view shows the actual title (or sub-title) of the current view.
GLOBAL VIEW {G or Escape} 2.09
This view represents the overall content of each track in the sequencer and is
divided into two sides, as described below.
Main Variables 2.10
The left-hand side of GLOBAL VIEW shows certain items of general information
about each track.
- Number The track number. Tracks are numbered from zero at the top of
the screen to 39 at the bottom.
- Name The name of the track. This can be up to 40 characters long,
though only 23 characters are actually displayed.
- Interface A letter indicating the MIDI interface port to use for each
track. Up to four independent MIDI interface ports may be
controlled by the program using the settings given in the
OPTIONS MENU. This increases the number of MIDI channels
available to a sequence from the standard 16 to 64.
- Channel The MIDI channel override to use when playing the track. If
no channel is set for a track (channel=0), all MIDI channel
messages in the track are sent to the channels specified in
the messages themselves. Setting a channel causes all channel
messages to be sent to the specified channel.
- Program The initial program change to send when playing the track.
- Status Indicates the current status of the track, as follows:
- Track is empty
Track contains MIDI data
L Track is looped
The following status-characters override the previous:
S Track is soloed
M Track is muted
A Track is archived
R Track is recording
Track Display 2.11
The right-hand side of GLOBAL VIEW shows the data in each track running
horizontally across the screen. Each character in this area represents an
equal number of beats. The number of beats represented by each character
affects both the accuracy of the display and the total number of beats shown
on the screen.
The track data can be shown in two general modes. In 'zoomed-in' mode each
character represents a beat. In 'zoomed-out' (or 'division') mode each
character represents either a bar or a 'zoom' division. Press the TAB key
to zoom in and out. The current mode is indicated by a character in the top
right-hand corner of GLOBAL VIEW (as well as by the format of the sequence
timer). A box character indicates zoomed-in (beat) mode, whilst a character
consisting of two arrows pointing left and right indicates the zoomed-out
(division) modes. If a visual-filter has been set, this character is instead
a letter indicating the currently active filter; lower-case in beat mode and
upper-case in the division modes. The scale running horizontally along the
top of this section marks the beats or divisions.
Two division modes are provided for displaying the track data using different
numbers of beats per character. The sequencer is always considered to be in
one of the two modes. Press Shift-TAB to switch between them. Their settings
affect the display of a sequence in GLOBAL VIEW and in each of the various
event views. The format of the sequence timer also depends on the current
track display mode.
The three track display modes are summarised below.
BEAT Mode Each character represents a single beat.
BAR Mode Each character represents one bar. The number of beats in a
bar can be changed in the OPTIONS MENU and is saved with the
sequence. This number is also used as the number of beats
to display in the event views when in this mode.
ZOOM Mode Each character represents the number of beats in a 'zoom'
division. This number can be changed in the OPTIONS MENU.
Unlike the beats per bar setting, however, it is not saved
with the sequence. Its purpose is to allow the display of
a sequence to be scaled up or down ('zoomed') without
affecting the number of beats in a bar. This number is also
used as the number of beats to display in the event views
when in this mode.
The characters in the track data area can be any of the following:
. The beat/division is not used (past the end of the track)
- The beat/division is empty (contains no MIDI data)
■ The beat/division contains MIDI data (see VISUAL-FILTERS)
L Marks the beats/divisions at which the track is looped
| Marks the end of the track
< Marks the end of the track in a division mode and indicates that the
last division does not contain a full set of beats.
Cursor Keys 2.12
The keys listed below are provided for moving around using the cursor when in
GLOBAL VIEW. These keys are not included in the menus.
Up Moves up to the previous track.
Down Moves down to the next track.
Shift-PgUp Moves to the top track of the display.
Shift-PgDn Moves to the bottom track of the display.
Left Moves left one beat in BEAT mode, or by one division in
BAR or ZOOM mode.
Right Moves right one beat in BEAT mode, or by one division in
BAR or ZOOM mode.
Ctrl-Left Moves left one division in BEAT mode, or four divisions
in BAR or ZOOM mode.
Ctrl-Right Moves right one division in BEAT mode, or four divisions
in BAR or ZOOM mode.
Ctrl-PgUp Scrolls the track display left by one beat in BEAT mode,
or by one division in BAR or ZOOM mode.
Ctrl-PgDn Scrolls the track display right by one beat in BEAT mode,
or by one division in BAR or ZOOM mode.
PgUp Moves the track display left by one page.
PgDn Moves the track display right by one page.
Home Moves to the left of the track display.
End Moves to the right of the track display.
Ctrl-Home Moves to the first beat.
Ctrl-End Moves to the end of the current track.
This view contains various items of data which relate to each individual track
in the sequencer. The view is sub-divided into two separate views which you
can alternate between by pressing the TAB key; CHANNEL VARIABLES VIEW and
TRACK VARIABLES VIEW. The first few items in both views are the same as those
displayed in GLOBAL VIEW.
Pressing any of the highlighted letters in the variable headings will move the
cursor directly to the indicated variable. You can then press Enter to edit
the highlighted variable or simply type the new value. Numeric variables can
also be changed by pressing the Up-Arrow (+1), Down-Arrow (-1), Home (minimum)
and End (maximum) keys while holding down a Shift key.
Channel Variables View 2.14
This view contains data which relate to the MIDI channel used by each track.
These variables are also referred to as the 'initial controllers' as they are
MIDI controller messages that are sent before playing a sequence. Since the
settings for a channel apply to all tracks which are using that channel, the
variables for all tracks on the same channel are automatically updated when
one of them is changed. The following list describes the variables which are
vol The initial volume controller
bal The initial balance (pan) controller
mod The initial modulation (vibrato) controller
fx1-5 The initial effects controllers
msb/lsb The initial bank-select controllers
These are all controllers defined by the MIDI standard but they may not all
be actually implemented on a given MIDI device.
Track Variables View 2.15
This view contains settings which apply specifically to each individual track.
These settings affect the way that each track and the MIDI data it contains
is played. Changing the settings of track variables has no effect on the
actual MIDI data stored in the track.
The following describes the variables which are specific to this view:
key+ The key-transposition offset (in semitones) for all notes
vel+ The key-velocity offset for all notes in the track
dly+ The tick-offset (delay) for all events in the track
goto The beat at which the track restarts (loops) after reaching its end
x The number of times to play the track's loop (1 to 99). A setting
of zero causes the track to be looped indefinitely.
f The global on/off status of the MIDI filters (see below). This
setting allows all filters to be enabled and disabled without
changing the status of each individual filter. The status flag
is a minus sign (-) if filters are disabled (the default) and a
plus sign (+) if filters are enabled.
When filters are disabled, setting this variable prompts you to
confirm by pressing 'f' for 'filter-on'. When filters are enabled,
a list of the types of events which can be filtered is displayed in
the INPUT/OUTPUT LINE. Press 'f' for 'no filter' to disable the
event filters. Otherwise, select the type of event you wish to
filter by pressing its highlighted key. If the filter is currently
disabled it will be enabled, and vice versa. You can also use the
cursor to enable and disable the individual filters directly.
npcmkbtsx The individual on/off status of each MIDI filter for the track.
These allow selected types of events to be filtered out of a track
while it is playing. If a filter is set for a particular type of
event, no events of that type will be sent from the track to the
MIDI-OUT port. This does not affect the actual events stored in
the track. When the filters are disabled by the global on/off
setting (above), each filter is marked with an asterisk. If
filters are enabled, event types which will be played are marked
with a plus sign and types which will be filtered are marked with
a minus sign (the default).
size The number of bytes of memory used by the track. Most events use
four bytes, though some use more and some less. Each beat used by
the track also requires two bytes, as does the end-of-track marker.
The maximum size of a single track is 65520 bytes.
FILE VIEW {F} 2.16
This view provides access to files stored on disk. The bottom line of this
view shows the number of files listed, the total number of bytes contained by
the listed files, the total capacity of the disk, and the number of available
bytes on the disk. On the top line (just after the view's title) the current
directory and filename mask is shown. The filename mask is used to select
filenames from the disk to be included in the list. To the right of this,
the current sorting method is indicated. Listed files may be sorted by name,
extension, size, or date/time, and in ascending or descending order. The
current method is indicated by a bullet in front of each relevant item. The
option for selecting a sorting method is included on the FILE MENU when in
Between the top and bottom lines the file list is displayed. For each file
listed, the name, extension and size and the date and time the file was last
updated is given. Directories are also included in the list and are marked
'<DIR>' in the 'size' column. An entry named '..' (two dots) is included if
the listing is of a sub-directory (not the 'root' or top-directory). This
is the entry for the next directory up the directory heirarchy, the 'parent'
of the current directory. Selecting a directory entry causes FILE VIEW to
list that directory, allowing files to be accessed anywhere on a disk.
FILE VIEW can operate in many different modes, depending on the type of file
operation in progress. The way a file is interpreted by the program is
determined by the current file mode. The current file mode is indicated
(while in FILE VIEW) by the sequencer-mode indicator on the status bar.
To select a file for some operation, first move the file selector bar to the
required file by using the cursor (arrow) keys or by pressing the first letter
of its name (in lower-case). Then press 'Enter' to activate the function
specified by the current file mode using that file.
Selecting a file in 'Open' mode will cause that file to be interpreted and
loaded as sequence file, whereas selecting a file in 'Pal' mode will cause it
to be interpreted and loaded as a colour palette file. The name and extension
of the file have no effect on the way it is interpreted. See EXTERNAL FILES
for more information about the files used by the program.
Each file mode is described below. The default filename extensions assumed
for files in each mode are shown in brackets.
Open [.BMS] Opening (loading) a sequence
Join [.BMS] Joining (merging) a sequence with the currently loaded sequence
Save [.BMS] Saving the current sequence
Ren [.BMS] Renaming files
Del [.BMS] Deleting files
Text [.TXT] Loading a text file
Keys [.KEY] Loading a key (drum/effect) name file (see NOTE VIEW)
Prog [.PRG] Loading a program name file (see PROGRAM VIEW)
Ctrl [.CTL] Loading a controller name file (see CONTROLLER VIEW)
Sxe [.SXE] Loading a system-exclusive events file (see SYSEX EVENT VIEW)
Sxf [.SXF] Adding a system-exclusive file (see SYSEX FILE VIEW)
Pal [.PAL] Loading a colour palette file
The options to execute all of these operations are included in the FILE MENU.
On selecting one of these options you are first prompted for a filename. You
may then choose to type the name of a specific file, after which the operation
will execute immediately using that file. Alternatively, you can enter a
filename mask using normal DOS wildcards ('?' and '*'). This automatically
changes the sequencer to FILE VIEW in the mode relevant to the operation and
displays any files which fit the mask.
Once FILE VIEW is opened in a particular mode it will stay in that mode until
another one is selected (via the FILE MENU). For example, after opening a
sequence file (placing FILE VIEW in 'Open' mode) you can go back to FILE VIEW
by pressing 'F' and it will still be in 'Open' mode, allowing you to open
another file without going through the FILE MENU. This is important to
remember when opening a file after using 'Delete' mode!
You can set the FILE VIEW mode directly, without having to select the relevant
menu option, by using the 'File Mode' short-cut option on the FILE MENU. This
presents an abbreviated list of all modes in the INPUT/OUTPUT line from which
you can select a mode by pressing a highlighted letter.
There is also a 'File Mask' option on the FILE MENU which allows the default
file mask for the current file mode to be modified without changing the mode
itself. This is useful if you want to list sequences or other files which do
not have the default filename extensions.
Tracks contain many different kinds of MIDI messages or 'events'. Each event
instructs a sound module to perform some action, such as 'play a note' or
'select an instrument voice' or 'add a sound effect'. BeatMaster has a range
of separate views to display each of the different kinds of events. Each event
view displays and allows editing of just one type of event.
All event views conform to the same basic layout; to the left of the screen is
the scale for the events in that view; to the right the events are shown for
either one bar or one zoom-division (depending on the current division mode)
in the current track.
In general there are three different event view formats. Unique among the
event views is NOTE VIEW. Note messages are the only ones which consist of
two separate events (note-on and note-off) and thus have both a starting
position and a length. They are displayed as horizontal bars.
All of the remaining events views represent either single events or continuous
event values. Single event views (such as TEXT VIEW), or views which display
a range of event types (such as GLOBAL CONTROLLER VIEW), show events as a
single coloured circle. Views which display continuous event values (such as
PROGRAM VIEW) represent the values as a graph, drawing a continuous line
between each event.
Most MIDI events contain only an event value and the scale on the left of the
screen shows the range of possible values. Controllers and key-aftertouch
events also contain an event number (or key number) as well as a value. The
event views for these two event types operate in two modes, one in which the
scale represents the range of event numbers and the other in which the scale
represents the range of values for a specific event number. Similarly, sysex
events which contain parameters can also be displayed in two ways; one in
which the scale shows all of the sysex event types, and the other in which
the scale shows the range of parameter values for a specific sysex (see SYSEX
At the top-left of each view the current track's number, name, and status
flag are displayed.
At the top-right of each event view is a list of variables which relate to
the type of events displayed by the view. The following variables apply to
all event views:
INC/DIV This variable actually relates to two settings concerning the
movement of the cursor in time (ie. horizontally).
Cursor Units
By default the heading is 'INC' which means that the position of
the cursor is measured in beats and ticks and the positions and
lengths of events are also displayed in beats and ticks. The
value beneath the 'INC' heading indicates the number of ticks
in each cursor step. Pressing 'u' switches the cursor units to
beat-divisions. One beat-division is equal to the number of ticks
represented by one character. Thus the number of divisions in a
beat is the same as the number of cursor positions in the beat.
The value beneath the 'DIV' heading gives the number of divisions
in one beat. In this mode the heading 'INC' heading changes to
'DIV' and both cursor movement and event positions are represented
in beats and divisions of a beat.
Cursor Resolution
By default, the cursor moves in time by the number of ticks in
one character (ie. one character at a time). Pressing 'i' changes
to 'high-resolution' mode in which the cursor moves by one tick at
a time, allowing a much greater degree of accuracy. The value
beneath the 'INC' or 'DIV' heading changes to 'hi'.
MODE Indicates whether the cursor is currently highlighting an event
(cur) or is ready to insert an event (ins). Some events may be
inserted over existing events, thereby deleting or modifying the
original event.
START Indicates the current cursor position or the starting position of
a highlighted event. In 'INC' mode the value is shown in beats and
ticks; in 'DIV' mode the value is in beats and divisions of a beat.
There are many other variables which may appear in different event views and
apply only to certain types of events. These are detailed below in the
descriptions of each event view. The default values of these variables are
displayed when the cursor is not currently highlighting an event. These
values are the ones that will be used if an event is inserted. You can change
the default values by using the various options on the EVENT MENU.
Many events are intended to be sent on a specific MIDI channel. Event views
for such events include the following variable:
CH The MIDI channel number contained by the current or default event.
If no overriding channel is set for the track, this is the channel
to which the event will be sent.
In event views which display continuous event values, only one event of the
given type is allowed in each tick. Thus the cursor is considered to be
highlighting an event if it is anywhere on the scale in the event's tick,
not just when it is on the event itself. Inserting an event in the same tick
as an existing event will cause it to be removed and replaced by the new one.
Cursor Keys 2.18
The keys listed below are provided for moving around using the cursor when in
any of the event views. These keys are not included in the menus.
Up Moves up the scale by one.
Down Moves down the scale by one.
Shift-Home Moves to the top event or value in the scale.
Shift-End Moves to the bottom event value in the scale.
Shift-Up Scrolls up the scale.
Shift-Down Scrolls down the scale.
Ctrl-PgUp Moves to the previous track.
Ctrl-PgDn Moves to the next track.
Left Moves left the number of ticks in one character.
Right Moves right the number of ticks in one character.
Ctrl-Left Moves left by one beat.
Ctrl-Right Moves right by one beat.
Home Moves to the left of the event view display.
End Moves to the right of the event view display.
PgUp Moves the event view display left by one page (division).
PgDn Moves the event view display right by one page (division).
Ctrl-Home Moves to the first beat.
Ctrl-End Moves to the end of the current track.
Shift-Left Moves to the last event before the cursor.
Shift-Right Moves to the next event after the cursor.
The following functions are only available in NOTE VIEW, GLOBAL CONTROLLER
Ctrl-Shift-Left Moves to the last event of the current number or type
before the cursor.
Ctrl-Shift-Right Moves to the next event of the current number or type
after the cursor.
NOTE VIEW {N} 2.19
This view displays the note events in a track. Notes are represented as
horizontal bars which begin and end on specific ticks. If a note continues
off the edge of the screen into the following beat, it is terminated by an
arrow and begun in the next beat with another arrow. If two or more notes
occupy a single display character, that character is marked with a small 'x'.
Notes which use the same MIDI channel cannot be overlapped in time in a
single track, though the same note may be placed in a separate track or on
a different MIDI channel.
Placing the cursor upon a note causes it to be highlighted and, if 'echo' is
on (see below), sent to MIDI-OUT.
The variables which relate specifically to NOTE VIEW are as follows:
ECHO This setting indicates whether a note that the cursor highlights
will be 'echoed' to MIDI-OUT (ie. played). Press 'e' to enable
and disable this feature.
LENGTH Indicates either the length of the currently highlighted note, or
the default length of an inserted note. The format of this value
is the same as for the 'Start' variable.
KEY The current or default key-number of a note. As on a keyboard,
each increment of this value is equivalent to a raise in pitch of
one semitone.
VE+ The current or default on-velocity of a note. The on-velocity is
defined as the speed at which a key is pressed on a MIDI keyboard.
It is equivalent in practice to the volume of the note. The range
of values for the note-on velocity is 1 to 127. Many MIDI devices
do not support note-on velocity and ignore the specified value.
VE- The current or default off-velocity of a note. The off-velocity
is defined as the speed at which a key is released on a MIDI
keyboard. The range of values for the note-off velocity is 0 to
127. Many MIDI devices do not support the note-off velocity and
ignore the specified value.
By default the scale in NOTE VIEW shows the key-number of each note followed
by the name of the note in musical notation (A, A#, etc.). Since MIDI devices
also use notes to produce drum sounds and special effects, the note scale can
be switched into name mode by pressing TAB. The scale then displays the name
of the drum or effect for each note. The arrangement of these sounds varies
from one device to another, and from one mode to another in the same device.
To accommodate this, name-scales are defined in external files which can then
be loaded as required (see EXTERNAL FILES). The name of the file from which
the current key-names have been loaded is shown at the top of the scale.
This view shows the program change events contained by a track. These events
are used to select different instrument voices. Only one program change event
is permitted in each tick. The following variable applies specifically to
VAL The current or default program number.
The scale in PROGRAM VIEW shows the number of each program by default. In
addition, program-name scales may be loaded from external files in the same
way as key-names. Pressing TAB then alternates the scale-mode between
displaying both the program number and the name and displaying only the name.
The name of the current program-names file is shown at the top of the scale.
This view is divided into two separate views; GLOBAL CONTROLLER VIEW displays
all controller events (controller numbers 0 to 127) on the scale, whilst
(single) CONTROLLER VIEW displays the values of a single controller. Press
'Enter' to switch between views. The variables which relate specifically to
CONTROLLER VIEW are as follows:
NUM The current or default controller number.
VAL The current or default value of the controller.
The scale in GLOBAL CONTROLLER VIEW displays the number of each controller by
default. As in PROGRAM VIEW, external controller-name files may be loaded to
set the names of controllers to be shown in the scale. Pressing TAB then
alternates the scale mode in the same way as in PROGRAM VIEW. The name of the
current controller-names file is shown at the top of the scale.
This view shows the channel-pressure (or aftertouch) events in a track. These
events affect the overall volume of all voices on a specific channel. This
type of event is also referred to as monophonic aftertouch. The following
variable relates specifically to CHANNEL AFTERTOUCH VIEW:
VAL The pressure value of the current or default event.
This view shows the polyphonic key-pressure (or aftertouch) events in a track,
which affect the volumes of individual notes. The view is divided into two
separate views in a similar way to CONTROLLER view, with GLOBAL KEY AFTERTOUCH
VIEW showing the events for all keys and (single) KEY AFTERTOUCH VIEW showing
the values of events for a specific key. As in CONTROLLER VIEW, press 'Enter'
to switch between the two views. The variables which relate specifically to
KEY AFTERTOUCH VIEW are as follows:
NUM The key-number of the current or default event.
VAL The pressure value of the event.
The scale in GLOBAL KEY AFTERTOUCH VIEW is exactly the same as the one used in
NOTE VIEW. It is displayed in the same mode (notes/names) which is switchable
in the same way.
This view displays the pitch-bend events in a track, which cause the pitch of
a note to be raised or lowered. The scale represents the bend range as a
percentage of the maximum (100%) or minimum (-100%) bend. The following
variable relates specifically to PITCH-BEND VIEW:
VAL The bend magnitude expressed as a positive or negative percentage.
This view shows events which change the overall tempo of the sequence. The
scale is in beats per minute and ranges from 10 to 500. The following
variable relates specifically to TEMPO VIEW:
VAL The current or default tempo value, expressed in beats per minute.
This view supports the inclusion of system-exclusive (sysex) events in a
sequence. As their name suggests, sysexes are exclusive to specific MIDI
devices and are defined by the manufacturer of that device. To use sysexes
in your sequences you must first define the sysexes used by your particular
MIDI device in external files. These sysexes can then be loaded by the
sequencer and used in the same way as ordinary events. Two different methods
of implementing sysex events are provided (sysex events and sysex files) and
three separate sysex views are dedicated to displaying these events. Press
'Tab' to switch between the views for the two main sysex types (events/files).
Sysex Event View 2.27
This view displays sysex events for which the entire sysex itself is actually
inserted into the track. These sysex events are loaded from special data
files which can be created in TEXT FILE VIEW or by any text editor (see the
section on EXTERNAL FILES). Sysex events may contain replaceable values
(parameters) which can be changed in the same way as the values of ordinary
Sysex Parameter View 2.28
This view is available only for sysex events which have parameters and is
reached by pressing 'Enter' in SYSEX EVENT VIEW. It displays the values of
one parameter of a sysex as a continuous graph in a similar way to many of
the other event views.
The following are variables which apply specifically to SYSEX EVENT VIEW and
LEN The number of bytes in the current sysex.
ST The status byte of the current or default sysex. This indicates
whether the sysex is of the normal type (F0) or is a sub-packet
of a multi-part sysex (F7). Most sysexes are of the normal type.
ID The MIDI manufacturer's identification code, which identifies the
manufacturer of the device for which the sysex is intended.
NP Indicates the total number of replaceable parameters in the sysex.
For sysexes with more than one parameter, press Shift-PgUp and
Shift-PgDn to cycle through them.
Pnn/NOP Gives the value of the current parameter in a sysex which contains
parameters. The heading P01 indicates that the number beneath it
is the value of the first parameter, P02 indicates the second, and
so on. If a sysex has no parameters, the heading NOP is shown.
When you insert a sysex which contains parameters, each parameter is set to
its current default value. The default value for a parameter is determined
by the position of the cursor on the scale in the SYSEX PARAMETER VIEW for
that particular parameter. The cursor position (and thus the default value)
for each parameter is maintained independently in each parameter view. To
set the default parameter values, position the cursor on the required value
for each parameter in each parameter view.
Sysex File View 2.29
This view displays special (sequencer-specific) events that contain the
filenames of external sysex files. When such an event is encountered whilst
playing a sequence, the file named within the event is opened (if present)
and its contents are sent directly to MIDI-OUT. Since these sysexes are
actually files on disk rather than events stored in memory, they are a little
slower to process than sysex events. They can, however, be much larger and
are useful for things like instrument patch dumps.
To use sysex files you must first add them to the sysex file-list using the
'Add SysEx File' option on the FILE MENU. A filename-event is created for
the filename that you enter (or select from FILE VIEW) and is added to the
list in SYSEX FILE VIEW. The filenames added to this list can then be used
in much the same way as any other event.
Filenames can also be removed from the sysex file list by using the options
included on the FILE MENU when in SYSEX FILE VIEW. This does not affect any
filename-events that have been inserted into a track. Filename-events which
contain filenames that are not currently included in the list will be placed
in the 'unlisted' entry.
The following variable relates specifically to SYSEX FILE VIEW:
FILENAME The filename contained by the current or default sysex file event.
In all sysex views you can directly send the current or default sysex to
MIDI-OUT by pressing CTRL-X. The sysex is sent to the interface port used by
the current track.
TEXT VIEW {X} 2.30
This view is further sub-divided into two distinct views; TEXT EVENT VIEW and
TEXT FILE VIEW. Both views are concerned with the manipulation of text, the
first within sequences and the second in external text files. Press 'Tab' to
switch between the two views.
Text Event View 2.31
This view allows events containing text to be inserted into a track. Four
types of text event are supported; CUE-POINT, MARKER, LYRIC and general TEXT.
Their purpose is to provide a convenient way of marking or describing certain
points in a sequence.
In practice each type of text event is handled in the same way. When a text
event is encountered whilst playing a sequence, the first line of the text it
contains is displayed on the INPUT/OUTPUT line. Text events have no other
effect on the playing of a sequence.
Text events may contain up to 4KB of text (about 4000 characters). Much of
the screen in TEXT EVENT VIEW is filled by the text event editor box and this
is where text events are created and displayed. The description of the TEXT
VIEWER/EDITOR (below) explains how to create a text event using the editor.
The following variable relates specifically to TEXT EVENT VIEW:
LEN The number of bytes (characters) contained by the current text
event. There is no default value for a text event.
Text File View 2.32
This is a simple implementation of a text file viewer and editor. It can be
used to display text files and to create and edit the configuration and data
files used by the sequencer.
The top line in TEXT FILE VIEW shows the name of the view, the filename of the
currently loaded text file and the cursor line and column. The remaining area
of the screen displays the text itself.
Use the 'Text File' option in the FILE MENU to load a file. The sequencer
loads the file and changes to TEXT FILE VIEW. The file is initially displayed
in 'viewer' mode, which allows you to move around the text but not make any
changes. The following description of the TEXT VIEWER/EDITOR explains how to
create or edit a text file using the editor.
Text Viewer/Editor 2.33
The following applies to the use of the text editor in both TEXT EVENT VIEW
and TEXT FILE VIEW. By default, text in both views is displayed in 'viewer'
mode and cannot be modified. To create or edit a text event or file, press
the 'Insert' key. This changes from 'viewer' mode into 'edit' mode. You may
then enter or modify your text.
When you have finished editing, press the 'Escape' key. You are first asked
if you wish to keep any changes you have made. If you reply 'No', all changes
are discarded and the text is restored to its condition prior to entering edit
mode. If you press 'Escape', you are returned to edit mode and can continue
editing the text. Replying 'Yes' causes the original text to be replaced with
the modified text.
In TEXT EVENT VIEW the text is then inserted into the current track as an
event. This text is then displayed whenever the event is highlighted by the
In TEXT FILE VIEW you are first prompted for the filename to save the text
to and the text is then saved to that file. If you wish to keep the modified
text in the viewer but don't yet want it permanently saved to disk, press
'Escape' at the filename prompt. The text will be kept in memory but will be
lost if another text file is loaded or when you exit the program. If, later
on, you decide you wish to save the text, return to edit mode and press
'Escape'. You will again be given the option to save the text to disk.
You can search for a word or phrase while in the text viewer or the editor
(and in 'HELP') by typing CTRL-F (find). Type the text you wish to find and
press 'Enter'. Upper-case and lower-case letters are treated as the same.
The search begins from the current position of the text cursor. If the text
is found, the cursor moves to its start. You can repeat the search to find
the next occurrence of the same text by typing CTRL-N (next).
The following keys are available for moving around the text in the viewer or
the editor:
UP/DOWN ARROWS Prior/next line
LEFT/RIGHT ARROWS Prior/next character
PAGE UP/DOWN Prior/next page
HOME/END Start/end of line
CTRL-HOME/END Top/bottom of page
CTRL-PAGE UP/DOWN Top/bottom of text
B E A T M A S T E R V1.0 MIDI Sequencer Section 3: MENUS
The menus provide access to all of the main functions of the sequencer. All
of the menus have been grouped together and placed into a single TOP MENU,
shown as 'Menu' on the STATUS BAR. Many of the options on each menu, as well
as each of the menus themselves, can be activated directly using a short-cut
key (or 'hotkey').
To open a menu, hold down the 'Alt' key and press the first letter of the
menu's title. To open the FILE MENU, for example, you would press 'Alt-F'.
The menu presents a list of the available options. On the left-hand side are
the names of the options. On the right-hand side the hotkeys are listed for
any options that have them.
To select an option, move the selector bar with the up and down arrows to
highlight the option and press 'Enter'. Alternatively, most options have a
highlighted letter in their names and can be selected directly by pressing
that letter. Options can also be selected by pressing their hotkeys. Many
hotkeys consist of a single letter and this must be typed in upper or lower
case, as shown. This means the hotkey 'F' is not the same as the hotkey 'f'.
Below is a list of every option included on all of the menus. The range of
options which are actually available on each menu at any given time depends
upon the view currently being displayed and the current operating-mode of the
sequencer. For example, the options concerned with manipulating notes are
only available when in NOTE VIEW. Also, many menu options, such as those
for editing events, are disabled while a sequence is playing. The menus
themselves cannot be opened in any of the event views while a sequence is
playing, though many options can still be used by pressing their hotkeys.
After this list each individual option is described in turn. The hotkeys
for options that have them are shown in braces (eg. {SPACE}).
┌──────────┐ ┌────────────┐
└──────────┘ └────────────┘
File Set Start
View Set End
Track Beats
Block Track
Event Move
Options Zero
Help Copy
Exit Cut
┌───────────┐ Overwrite
│ FILE MENU │ Join
└───────────┘ Wipe
New Delete
Save Select
Open Remove
Join Set Channel
Rename Split Channels
Delete Transpose
Edit Text Velocity
Clear Text Event Value
Text File Tick Shift
Key Names Quantize
Program Names Humanize
Controller Names
SysEx Events ┌────────────┐
Add SysEx File │ EVENT MENU │
Remove SysEx File └────────────┘
Clear SysEx List Insert Bar/Zoom/Beat/Note/Event
Receive SysEx Delete Bar/Zoom/Beat/Note/Event
Palette Insert Beats/Bars/Zooms
File Mode Delete Beats/Bars/Zooms
File Spec Note/Event Start
Note Length
┌───────────┐ On Velocity
│ VIEW MENU │ Off Velocity
└───────────┘ Note Key/Event Number
Global Event Value
Variables Parameter Value
Notes Edit Text
Programs Note/Event Channel
Controls Prior Parameter
Mono-Aft Next Parameter
Key-Aft Default Note
Pitch Bend Units
Tempo Increments
SysEx Echo On/Off
Text Global/Single
Files Global/Parameter
┌────────────┐ Send SysEx
│ TRACK MENU │ All Quiet
└────────────┘ All Notes Off
Start/Stop Reset Controllers
Record Local Control On/Off
Beats/Bars - Beats/Zoom Omni Mode On/Off
Bar/Zoom Poly Mode On/Off
Track Number ┌──────────────┐
Track Name │ OPTIONS MENU │
Interface └──────────────┘
Channel Metronome On/Off
Program Tempo
Loop Count Beats Per Bar
Looping-beat Beats Per Zoom
Loop On/Off File Backup
Mute On/Off File Format
Solo On/Off MIDI-OUT A/B/C/D
Archive On/Off MIDI-IN Interface
Visual Filter MIDI-THRU
TOP-MENU {Alt-M} 3.02
The TOP MENU groups all of the menus into main one ('Menu') which is
displayed in the STATUS BAR. It also contains the general options to access
the 'Help' file and to exit the sequencer program.
File... {Alt-F} Opens the FILE MENU
View... {Alt-V} Opens the VIEW MENU
Track... {Alt-T} Opens the TRACK MENU
Block... {Alt-B} Opens the BLOCK MENU
Event... {Alt-E} Opens the EVENT MENU
Options... {Alt-O} Opens the OPTIONS MENU
Help {F1}
Activates the on-line help feature which loads and displays the text in the
Help file. Help can be activated in any sequencer view and returns to its
last position in the file. You can search the Help file for text using the
same keys as in TEXT FILE VIEW. Press 'Escape' close help.
Exit {Alt-X}
If your sequence has not been saved since it was last modified, you are first
given the option to save it. The program then terminates and returns to DOS.
FILE MENU {Alt-F} 3.03
This menu contains options for manipulating various kinds of files. Apart
from the sequence files which contain your music, the sequencer can also use
other kinds of data files. These can be used to customize the sequencer to
suit your own requirements. A full description of each type of file used
by the sequencer is given in the EXTERNAL FILES section.
Clears the current sequence from memory. If the sequence has not been saved
since it was last modified, you are first given the option to save it.
Save {F2}
Saves the current sequence on disk. The sequence is saved using the file
format specified in the OPTIONS MENU. If wildcards are included in the
specified filename, the sequencer changes to FILE VIEW and allows a file to
be selected and replaced.
Open {F3}
Clears the current sequence and loads a sequence from disk. If the current
sequence has not been saved since it was last modified, you are first given
the option to save it. If wildcards are included in the specified filename,
the sequencer changes to FILE VIEW and allows a file to be selected.
The name of each sequence file opened is automatically added to the top of a
list at the bottom of the FILE MENU. You can select this filename option
from the menu to quickly reload the file. Selecting a filename option causes
it to be moved to the top of the list, so that the list always sorted in the
order of most-recent to least-recent. Up to eight filenames can be added to
the list.
Join {F4}
Loads a sequence from disk an merges it with the current sequence. Loaded
tracks are placed into any available empty tracks. A track is considered to
be empty if it contains no actual track data. If the current sequence has
not been saved since it was last modified, you are first given the option to
save it to disk. If wildcards are included in the specified filename, the
sequencer changes to FILE VIEW and allows a file to be selected.
Rename {Alt-F3}
Renames files on disk. Any file may be renamed. You are prompted first for
the name of the file to rename and then for the new name. If wildcards are
included in the filename, the sequencer changes to FILE VIEW and allows
multiple files to be selected and renamed.
Delete {Alt-F4}
Deletes files on disk. Any file may be deleted. If wildcards are included
in the filename, the sequencer changes to FILE VIEW and allows multiple files
to be deleted.
Edit Text {Ins}
This option is only available in TEXT FILE VIEW. It activates the built-in
text editor to create a text file or to edit text loaded from a text file.
Clear Text {Shift-Del}
This option is only available in TEXT FILE VIEW. It clears any text loaded
from a text file from the text-editor's memory.
Text File
Loads a text file into TEXT FILE VIEW. You are first prompted for the name
of a text file to load. The named file is then loaded into the text-editor
where it can be viewed or modified. If any wildcards are included in the
filename, the sequencer changes to FILE VIEW and allows a file to be selected.
Key Names
Loads a specified key names file from disk, replacing the currently loaded
names. If wildcards are included in the specified filename, the sequencer
changes to FILE VIEW and allows a file to be selected.
Program Names
Loads a specified program names file from disk, replacing the currently loaded
names. If wildcards are included in the specified filename, the sequencer
changes to FILE VIEW and allows a file to be selected.
Controller Names
Loads a specified controller names file from disk, replacing the currently
loaded names. If wildcards are included in the specified filename, the
sequencer changes to FILE VIEW and allows a file to be selected.
SysEx Events
Loads a specified sysex events file from disk, replacing the currently loaded
sysexes. If wildcards are included in the specified filename, the sequencer
changes to FILE VIEW and allows a file to be selected.
Add SysEx File
Adds a sysex filename to the list in SYSEX FILE VIEW. The file need not
actually be present on disk at the time. The name is not added if it is
already included in the list. If wildcards are included in the specified
filename, the sequencer changes to FILE VIEW and allows a file to be selected.
Remove SysEx File
This option is only available in SYSEX FILE VIEW. It allows the removal of
selected entries in the system-exclusive filename list. The 'Unlisted' entry
cannot be removed.
Clear SysEx List
This option is only available in SYSEX FILE VIEW. It removes all entries
from the system-exclusive filename list (except the 'Unlisted' entry).
Receive SysEx
Prompts for the name of a sysex file to create and then waits to receive sysex
data from the current MIDI-IN interface. Press space to terminate the process
when the download is complete. The created sysex file may then be used in
Loads a colour palette file and changes the display colours accordingly.
If wildcards are included in the specified filename, the sequencer changes to
FILE VIEW and allows a file to be selected.
File Mode {F5}
This is a short-cut option which allows the direct selection of a specific
file mode for FILE VIEW. You are presented with a list of available file
modes in the INPUT/OUTPUT line. Select the mode you require by pressing the
highlighted letter.
File Spec {F6}
This option is only available in FILE VIEW. It allows modification of the
file-specification used to select files to be listed in FILE VIEW without
changing the current file mode.
Sort List {F7}
This option is only available in FILE VIEW. It allows the sorting of listed
files by various methods. A list of sorting methods is first presented in the
INPUT/OUTPUT line. Select the method you require by pressing its highlighted
letter. The current sorting method is indicated at the top-right of the view.
VIEW MENU {Alt-V} 3.04
This menu contains the options for changing the current view. The views
marked with asterisks are further sub-divided into two or more related views.
Global {G} Changes to GLOBAL VIEW
Variables {V} * Changes to VARIABLES VIEW
Notes {N} Changes to NOTE VIEW
Programs {P} Changes to PROGRAM VIEW
Controls {C} * Changes to CONTROLLER VIEW
Key-Aft {K} * Changes to KEY AFTERTOUCH VIEW
Pitch Bend {B} Changes to PITCH BEND VIEW
Tempo {T} Changes to TEMPO VIEW
SysEx {S} * Changes to SYSEX VIEW
Text {X} * Changes to TEXT VIEW
Files {F} Changes to FILE VIEW
TRACK MENU {Alt-T} 3.05
The options on this menu are concerned with manipulating entire tracks.
Start/Stop {SPACE}
Begins playing the currently loaded sequence from the start of the beat which
currently contains the cursor. Also stops the sequence if it is currently
playing. Before playing, the initial-controllers from CHANNEL VARIABLES VIEW
are sent for each track which contains any track data. If the cursor is not
at the first beat of the sequence (beat #0), any notes which are already on
at the starting beat are played and all other events before the starting beat
are sent. This ensures that the sequence will play correctly from wherever
it is started. While playing, the sequencer-mode indicator is set to 'Play'.
Many menu options cannot be used while a sequence is playing and so they are
disabled until the sequence is stopped. The menus themselves are disabled in
all of the event views while a sequence is playing, though many options are
still available and can be activated by using their hotkeys.
Record {Ctrl-ENTER}
Begins recording MIDI information received from the MIDI-IN interface into
the current track at the current cursor position. The current track must be
empty. While recording, the sequencer-mode indicator is set to 'REC' and
the track-status flag for the recording track is set to 'R'. Once recording
is begun the cursor may be freely moved to other tracks; MIDI data will only
be written to the current recording track. Press 'SPACE' to stop recording.
Beats/Bars or Beats/Zoom {TAB}
Switches the display of track data in GLOBAL VIEW between BEAT mode, which
displays individual beats, and the current division mode (BAR or ZOOM).
In BAR mode this option is displayed as 'Beats/Bars'. In ZOOM mode this
option is displayed as 'Beats/Zoom'. A character in the top-right corner
of the view indicates the current mode; a block indicates BEAT mode and
left/right arrows indicate division mode. This option is only available
Bar/Zoom {Shift-TAB}
Switches the division mode, which affects the display of track data, between
BAR mode, when beats are grouped into bars, and ZOOM mode, when beats are
grouped into 'zoom' divisions. The number of beats set for the division in
each mode is used as the number of beats to display in the event views when
in that mode. The number of beats in bars and zooms can be set in the
Channel/Track {TAB}
This option is only available in VARIABLES VIEW and is used to alternate
Track Number {t}
Prompts for a track number and then moves directly to that track.
Track Name {n}
Sets or modifies the name of the current track.
Interface {i}
Selects a MIDI interface port for the current track from those defined in the
OPTIONS MENU (A to D). All events in the track will be sent to the specified
MIDI interface port.
Channel {c}
Prompts for the MIDI channel number (1 to 16) to use for the current track.
If specified, all channel messages in the track will be sent to this channel.
If you set the channel number to zero, channel messages will be sent to the
MIDI channels specified in the messages themselves.
Program {p}
Prompts for the initial program to send for the current track. The new value
is also sent immediately to the MIDI device.
Loop Count {x}
Sets the number of times that the range of beats within the loop set for the
current track are played. If this value is set to zero, the loop will be
repeated indefinitely. You cannot change this value while the sequence is
playing. This value is also available as a variable in TRACK VARIABLES VIEW.
Looping Beat {Ctrl-L}
Sets the beat at which the current track is re-started after reaching its end.
You cannot change this value while the sequence is playing. This value is
also available as a variable in TRACK VARIABLES VIEW.
Loop On/Off {l}
Enables and disables the looping feature for the current track. When looping
is enabled, the starting and ending beats for the loop are marked with an 'L'
character in GLOBAL VIEW. The first two 'L' characters mark the start and end
of the actual section of the track which is to be repeated. The following 'L'
characters mark the beats at which the loop is again restarted. If a non-zero
value is set for the Loop Count, the final 'L' character marks the end of the
final loop. This setting cannot be changed while the sequence is playing.
Mute On/Off {m}
Enables and disables the 'mute' feature for the current track. This prevents
the playing of any notes in the track. This does not, however, prevent the
sending of non-note events such as programs and controllers, since these
settings must be kept current to allow the track to be un-muted while playing.
Muted tracks are hidden in GLOBAL VIEW and their status flag is set to 'M'.
Solo On/Off {s}
Enables and disables the 'solo' feature for the current track. Only notes in
the soloed track will be played, though for the same reasons as described for
the mute option, non-note events in other tracks will still be sent. The
status flag of the currently soloed track is set to 'S'.
Archive On/Off {a}
Archiving a track causes all MIDI data it contains to be completely ignored
while playing. Unlike muted tracks, archived tracks cannot be un-archived
while the sequence is playing. The purpose of this feature is to allow tracks
which contain data but are not currently being used to be skipped by the
sequencer when the sequence is played. This makes the track processing cycle
more efficient which may be advantageous on slower computers. Archived tracks
are hidden in GLOBAL VIEW and their status flag is set to 'A'.
Visual Filter {f}
The visual filter option is only available in GLOBAL VIEW and allows the
selection of a single type of MIDI event for display in that view. A list of
event types is presented in the INPUT/OUTPUT LINE. Press the highlighted
letter of the filter you require. Only events of the selected type will then
be displayed in GLOBAL VIEW and, instead of the usual block-character, a
letter indicating the event-type is used to mark each event. This letter also
replaces the beat/division mode flag in the top-right corner of GLOBAL VIEW.
The setting of a visual filter has no effect on the playing of the track,
only on the way it is displayed in GLOBAL VIEW.
Copy {Alt-C}
Copies the entire contents of the current track (both variables and MIDI data)
into the track-clipboard. The contents of the track-clipboard then remain set
until another track is copied or cut. If the copied track contains no track
data, the track-clipboard is cleared.
Cut {Alt-U}
Copies the entire contents of the current track (both variables and MIDI data)
into the track-clipboard and then removes the track from the sequence. All
tracks below the deleted track are then shifted up by one.
Paste {Alt-P}
Pastes the contents of the track-clipboard into the current track. This is
only allowed if the current track contains no MIDI data.
Join {Alt-J}
Merges the track data stored in the track-clipboard with the data in the
current track. The variables associated with the track are not affected.
Wipe {Alt-W}
Erases the track data in the current track. The variables associated with
the track are unaffected.
Insert {Alt-I}
Inserts a blank track at position of the current track, moving it and all
tracks below down by one. This is only allowed if the bottom track is empty.
Delete {Alt-D}
Deletes the current track and moves all tracks below it up by one.
BLOCK MENU {Alt-B} 3.06
The options on this menu are used to manipulate selected sections (blocks) of
track data within a track. These options allow the track data in a sequence
to be manipulated in a variety of ways. Block options operate on the data in
a specific track and within a specified number of complete beats. In GLOBAL
VIEW the marked beats in the currently marked track are highlighted. In the
event views for the marked track the marked beats are highlighted at the top
of the event data display.
Set Start {Ctrl-[}
Sets the starting beat of a block to the current beat in the current track.
If the starting beat of the block is before the ending beat, the beats between
the start and end are highlighted.
Set End {Ctrl-]}
Sets the ending beat of the block to the current beat in the current track.
If the starting beat of the block is before the ending beat, the beats between
the start and end are highlighted.
Beats {Ctrl-B}
Allows the setting of the length (ie. the moving of the end) of the block to a
specified number of beats.
Track {Ctrl-T}
Sets the start of the block to the first beat and the end of the block to the
last beat of the current track, thereby 'blocking' the entire track.
Move {Ctrl-M}
Moves the start of the block to the current beat in the current track without
changing the block length.
Zero {Ctrl-Z}
Resets the block by setting the ending beat to the starting beat. This does
not affect the contents of the block-clipboard.
Copy {Ctrl-C}
Copies all track data within the beats marked by the block into the block-
clipboard. The contents of this clipboard remain set until another block is
copied or cut. If the block has been zeroed, the block-clipboard is cleared.
Cut {Ctrl-U}
Copies all MIDI data within the beats marked by the block into the block-
clipboard and then removes the beats from the track.
Paste {Ctrl-P}
Inserts the contents of the block-clipboard into the current track at the
current beat. You are prompted for the number of copies of the clipboard data
to insert. Any MIDI data at or after the current beat is moved to the end of
the inserted beats.
Overwrite {Ctrl-O}
Overwrites the contents of the current track with the contents of the block-
clipboard, starting at the current beat. You are prompted for the number of
copies of the data to insert. Any MIDI data within the beats covered by the
inserted beats is lost.
Join {Ctrl-J}
Merges the MIDI data stored in the block-clipboard with the existing MIDI data
in the current track, starting at the current beat. You are prompted for the
number of copies of the data to insert. If any MIDI events cannot be merged
(ie. overlapping notes or duplicate event-types in a tick) the original events
are left unaltered.
Wipe {Ctrl-W}
Erases the MIDI data within the beats marked by the block without removing the
beats themselves.
Delete {Ctrl-D}
Removes the beats currently marked by the block.
Select {Ctrl-S}
Allows selected events to be copied to the block-clipboard. You are prompted
to select the type of events to extract and, if applicable, the specific
event number. All events of the specified type within the marked block are
then copied to the block-clipboard, replacing its current contents. The
contents of the track are not affected.
Remove {Ctrl-R}
Allows selected events to be deleted from the currently marked block. As
with the 'Select' option, you are prompted for the type of events to remove.
All events of the specified type are then removed from the marked block.
Set Channel
Sets the MIDI channel for every channel-event in the marked block.
Split Channels
Tracks may contain events which are individually addressed to different MIDI
channels, as well as system events which do not apply to any specific channel.
This function creates up to seventeen new tracks using the MIDI data within
the marked block by placing the non-channel events and the channel events for
each channel into separate tracks. The original track is left unaltered by
this process. Each new track has the same variable settings as the original,
with the following two exceptions:
The tracks created for specific channels have the letter 'C' followed by
the channel number of the events they contain appended to their names.
The track containing system events has 'SYS' appended to its name.
The channel-override number for each new channel-track is set to the
channel number of the events it contains.
Transposes the event numbers of certain types of events which have both a
number and a value. These are the events for notes, controllers, and key-
aftertouch. All events of the type specified which are completely within
the marked block are affected. Any events with numbers transposed out of
the allowable range (0 to 127) are lost.
Transposing the numbers of events has no effect on the values of the events.
The following two options are provided for changing event values.
Changes the on and/or off velocities of all notes which are completely within
the marked block using a special formula. By setting the values used in the
formula you can control the way that the new velocity values are calculated.
This same formula is used by the Event Value option (see below).
new_value = A + (old_value x P%) ± [0..RND]
In human language this formula reads 'take P% of the current value, then add
the value A and then calculate and add a random number between -RND and +RND'.
You supply the three values for A, P and RND. These values allow the formula
to calculate new velocities and event values in variety of different ways.
A Adds a fixed offset to the value calculated by P and RND. This
can be used to set a specific value (by setting P to zero) or an
offset from the current value (by setting P to 100).
P Adds a percentage of the current value to the value calculated
by A and RND. This can be used to decrease (set P less than 100)
or increase (set P greater than 100) the current value.
RND Adds a random offset between -RND and +RND to the value calculated
by A and P.
The following shows some of the effects that can be achieved using different
values of A and P. The value of RND is assumed to be zero.
A P Effect
---- ---- -------------------------------------
64 0 Set all values to 64
10 100 Add 10 to all values
-20 100 Subtract 20 from all values
0 110 Increase all values by 10%
0 200 Double all values
0 50 Half all values
10 90 Decrease all values by 10% and add 10
MAX -100 Invert all values (MAX=maximum value of A, eg. 127)
Calculated values which are out of the allowable range are set to the minimum
or maximum value.
Event Value
Changes the value of every event within the marked block using the same
formula as the Note Velocity option (above).
Tick Shift
Moves the starting time of every event within the marked block by a specified
number of ticks.
Rounds either the starting time or the length of every note completely within
the marked block towards or away from the nearest division of a beat. You are
prompted for the beat-division to use and also a 'strength' value. This is a
percentage which indicates how far towards or away from the nearest division
each note should be moved or rounded. For example, a strength value of 100%
will round exactly to the nearest division, whereas a strength of 50% will
only round halfway. Negative strength values can be used to increase (rather
than decrease) the difference between the start or length of a note and the
nearest division. Using a strength of -100% would double the difference and
using a strength of -50% would increase it by half. Any notes moved to a
position which overlaps another note on the same channel are removed.
Randomly changes either the starting time or the length of every note within
the marked block. You are prompted for the maximum number of ticks a note may
be moved or resized. Any notes moved to a position which overlaps another
note on the same channel are removed.
EVENT MENU {Alt-E} 3.07
The options on this menu are concerned with manipulating individual events.
Most of the options on this menu are only available when in an event view.
Insert Bar/Zoom/Beat/Note/Event {Ins}
This option inserts a single event of the indicated type into the current
track at the position of the cursor. The actual form of the option, and thus
the type of event inserted, depends upon the current view. In GLOBAL VIEW the
option inserts single beats when zoomed-in and the number of beats in either a
bar or a zoom-division (depending on the zoom-mode) when zoomed-out. In NOTE
VIEW and the other event views a single note or event is inserted with the
current default settings.
Delete Bar/Zoom/Beat/Note/Event {Del}
This option is the opposite of the 'Insert Bar...' option above. It removes
a single event of the indicated type from the current track at the position of
the cursor.
Insert Beats/Bars/Zooms {Shift-Ins}
Inserts a specified number of the indicated event type (which depends on the
current zoom-mode) into the current track at the position of the cursor. This
option is only available in GLOBAL VIEW.
Delete Beats/Bars/Zooms {Shift-Del}
This option is the opposite of the 'Insert Bars...' option above. It removes
a specified number of the indicated event type from the current track at the
position of the cursor. This option is only available in GLOBAL VIEW.
Note/Event Start
Sets the starting time of a note or the time of an event in either beats and
ticks or beats and beat-divisions (depending on the current Inc/Div setting).
Note Length
Sets the length of the current note (by moving the end of the note) or the
default note-length in either beats and ticks or beats and beat-divisions
(depending on the current Inc/Div setting). This option is only available in
On Velocity
Sets either the note-on velocity of the current note or the default note-on
velocity. This option is only available in NOTE VIEW.
Off Velocity
Sets either the note-off velocity of the current note or the default note-off
velocity. The MIDI specification provides two types of note-off message and
the value set for the off velocity selects the type to use. Refer to the
description of the off velocity variable in NOTE VIEW for more information.
Note Key/Event Number
Changes the key-number (or pitch) of the current note in NOTE VIEW, the key-
number of the current key-aftertouch event in KEY AFTERTOUCH VIEW, or the
controller number of the current controller in CONTROLLER VIEW.
Event Value
Changes the value of the current event or sets the default event value. This
option is available in most event views.
Parameter Value
This option is only available in SYSEX EVENT VIEW and SYSEX PARAMETER VIEW.
It either changes the value of the current parameter of the current system-
exclusive event, or sets the default value of the parameter.
Edit Text
This option is only available in TEXT VIEW. It activates the text-editor to
allow the modification of the text contained by the current text event.
Note/Event Channel
Changes the MIDI channel of the current note or event or sets the channel of
the default note or event.
Prior Parameter {Shift-PgUp}
This option is only available in SYSEX EVENT VIEW and SYSEX PARAMETER VIEW.
It changes to the previous parameter in a system-exclusive event.
Next Parameter {Shift-PgDn}
This option is only available in SYSEX EVENT VIEW and SYSEX PARAMETER VIEW.
It changes to the next parameter in a system-exclusive event.
Default Note {Ctrl-N}
If the cursor is currently highlighting a note, the default note settings
(length, velocity and channel) used when inserting a note are set to the
settings of that note. If no note is currently highlighted by the cursor,
the default note settings are reset to their system-default values.
Units {u}
Alternates the units used to express time-values in the various event views
between tick-increments (Inc) and beat-divisions (Div).
Increments {i}
Alternates the mode which determines the size of the step used to move the
cursor along the time scale in the various event views between normal mode
(one character) and high-resolution mode (one tick).
Echo On/Off {e}
Enables and disables the feature which causes notes to be played when they
are highlighted by the cursor. This option is only available in NOTE VIEW.
Alternate Scale {TAB}
Changes the format of the scales used in NOTE VIEW, PROGRAM VIEW, CONTROLLER
Global/Single {ENTER}
This option is only available in CONTROLLER VIEW and KEY AFTERTOUCH VIEW.
It alternates these views between their 'global' and 'single' modes.
Global/Parameter {ENTER}
This option is only available in SYSEX EVENT VIEW and SYSEX PARAMETER VIEW
and is used to alternate between these two views.
Events/Files {TAB}
This option is only available in SYSEX VIEW and is used to alternate between
Send SysEx {Ctrl-X}
This option is only available in SYSEX VIEW. It causes the current system-
exclusive event or file, or the one indicated by the current position of the
cursor, to be sent immediately to the MIDI interface associated with the
current track.
All Quiet {Ctrl-Q}
Sends both 'all-notes-off' and 'reset all controllers' to all channels on
the MIDI interface associated with the current track.
All Notes Off
Sends an 'all-notes-off' controller to all channels on the MIDI interface
associated with the current track.
Reset Controllers
Sends a 'reset all controllers' controller to all channels on the MIDI
interface associated with the current track.
Local Control On/Off
Allows the sending of a controller which either enables or disables the local
control setting of a MIDI device. This controls the connection between the
device's keyboard and its sound-generator. With local control off, the MIDI
data from the keyboard is sent only to MIDI-OUT and is not played by the
sound-generator, which will only respond to messages received from MIDI-IN.
This allows a sequencer to act as an interface between the keyboard and the
sound-generator and control the information that is passed through.
You are prompted to select either 'on' or 'off'. A controller of the type
specified is then sent to the channel and interface associated with the
current track.
Omni Mode On/Off
Allows the sending of a controller which enables or disables the 'omni' mode
setting of a MIDI device. This controls how the device will respond to MIDI
messages intended for specific channels. With omni on, channel messages for
all sixteen channels are responded to. With omni off, only messages for the
channels selected by the Poly Mode setting (below) will be responded to.
You are prompted to specify either 'on' or 'off'. A controller of the type
specified is then sent to the channel and interface associated with the
current track.
Poly Mode On/Off
Allows the sending of a controller which enables or disables the 'poly' mode
setting of a MIDI device. This controls how a MIDI device allocates its
voices to notes. With poly-on, the device allocates its voices using its
own internal polyphonic algorithm. With poly-off, only one voice is used
for each channel. Poly-off is also referred to as mono-on.
You are first prompted to specify either 'on' or 'off'. If poly mode is
being disabled (thereby enabling mono mode), you are then asked to specify
the number of channels to use for voice messages. A controller of the
specified type is then sent to the channel and interface associated with the
current track.
The options on this menu are used change settings which affect the overall
operation of the sequencer. The options on this menu do not have hotkeys.
Instead, down the right-hand side of the menu, the current settings for each
option are displayed.
Metronome On/Off
Enables and disables the metronome beep played via the PC's internal speaker.
Sets either the initial tempo or the playing tempo of a sequence in beats per
minute. If a sequence is not currently being played, this option sets the
initial tempo. If a sequence is playing, this option sets the current playing
tempo without affecting the initial tempo.
Beats Per Bar
Sets the number of beats in a bar, which is also used (when in 'bar' mode) as
the number of beats to display in the various event views. This value is
saved with the sequence.
Beats Per Zoom
Sets the number of beats in a zoom-division, which is also used (if in 'zoom'
mode) as the number of beats to display in the various event views. Using
this setting allows the amount of detail and accuracy in the display of the
sequence to be varied without affecting the actual beats-per-bar value which
is saved with the sequence. This value is not saved with the sequence.
File Backup
Enables or disables the creation of back-up files when a sequence or a text
file is saved. Back-up files have the same name as the original file but
have a .BAK extension.
File Format
Changes the file format used to save a sequence between 'normal' format and
'extended' format. Extended format files include special (sequencer-specific)
events which contain the non-MIDI data shown in TRACK VARIABLES VIEW and are
not recognized by other sequencers. Normal format files omit this extra data.
Both file formats are compatible with the standard MIDI file format.
When a sequence is loaded the current mode is set to the format of that file.
If you then change the format, the file will be saved using the new format.
These options allow the selection of the type and I/O port addresses of each
MIDI interface installed in your system. By default, all interfaces are set
to the first interface detected when you start the sequencer. If you are
using a Sound Blaster 16 which supports the MPU-401 interface, the sequencer
will select the MPU interface.
Allows the selection of the MIDI interface from which incoming MIDI data will
be received (A, B, C, or D).
Enables or disables the MIDI-THRU option. This causes all MIDI data received
from the MIDI-IN interface to be re-transmitted to the interface and channel
associated with the current track. If the current track is empty, interface
A is used. The key and velocity offsets and MIDI event filters set for the
track in TRACK VARIABLES VIEW are applied to all events. No events are
transmitted if the track is muted or if another track is soloed.
B E A T M A S T E R V1.0 MIDI Sequencer Section 4: EXTERNAL FILES
The sequencer uses a number of different kinds of support files to customize
the way it operates to different needs. These files are all ASCII text files
that can be created using the editor in TEXT FILE VIEW, or by any ASCII text
file editor. A selection of example files is included with the program.
Each kind of file conforms to the same basic format. The first word in the
file must be an identification (ID) word which indicates the file's type. The
sequencer checks for the correct word to ensure that a file it is loading is
of the type it was expecting. For example, when a palette file is loaded
using the option on the FILE MENU, the sequencer checks that the first word
in the file selected is 'PALETTE'. Letter case is ignored for all text
comparisons in these files. Thus the words 'PALETTE' and 'palette' are
treated as the same word.
Any text which follows the ID word on the same line (the 'ID line') is used
as a title or description of the contents of the file. This is displayed in
the INPUT/OUTPUT LINE when the file is loaded via the FILE MENU.
The remainder of the file consists of a series of lines which customize the
various options. Three of the file types are collectively referred to as
'name files' and all use the same line format. The remaining types are used
differently and have different formats. Any lines which are empty or do not
conform to the required format are ignored.
The following table describes the key features of each type of file used.
Key names KEY DEFAULT.KEY Assigns drum/effect names
to notes in NOTE VIEW
Program names PROGRAM DEFAULT.PRG Assigns program names to
numbers in PROGRAM VIEW
Control names CONTROL DEFAULT.CTL Assigns control names to
Sysex events SYSEX DEFAULT.SXE Defines sysex events for use
Palette PALETTE DEFAULT.PAL Modifies the colour palette
used for the display
The sequencer automatically attempts to load the default file for each file
type when it starts up. You can modify or replace these files to have your
own preferences loaded by default. You can also load alternative settings
from other files using the options on the FILE MENU.
The filename extensions specified in the table are the ones assumed by
default for each type of file. They are not actually used to indicate the
file type and any extensions may be used for customized files.
These files are used to assign meaningful names to specific values used in
note, program, and controller events. The way these events are used varies
from one MIDI device to another and from one mode to another in the same
device. Name files are used to customize the names used in the scale in the
views for these events to suit a specific device or mode. The names to use
will be specified in the documentation for the device.
The data following the ID line in each type of names file consists of a list
of names, one to each line. Each name is enclosed in double-quotes (") and
should be no longer than 14 characters to fit within the scale. The event
value to which it applies is specified (in decimal) before the name. The
following line in a program names file would assign the name 'Grand Piano'
to program 0.
0 "Grand Piano"
The event values need not be consecutive and the list does not have to define
a name for every value. Undefined values are left blank in the scale.
The default name files provided contain the names used by the General MIDI
These files are used to create system-exclusive (sysex) events for specific
MIDI devices. Sysex events are defined by the manufacturer of a MIDI device
and are described in the documentation for the device. A sysex event file
consists of an ID line followed by a list of these sysex definitions.
The definition for each sysex event consists of a name followed by a series
of byte values. The name is used in the scale in SYSEX EVENT VIEW and the
values are used to create the actual sysex event.
As in name files, the name of each sysex event is enclosed in double-quotes
and should be no longer than 14 characters to fit within the scale. The byte
values must be separated from each other by at least one space. Sysex byte
values are normally given in hexadecimal and the sequencer assumes by default
that this is how the values are given. To enter the byte values in decimal,
add a line beginning with the word 'decimal' before the start of the list.
The following line is an example of a simple fixed sysex event definition.
"GM Mode On" F0 7E 7F 09 01 F7
Unlike name files, sysex events are added to the scale in SYSEX EVENT VIEW
in the order in which they are listed in the sysex event file.
Sysex events can contain a maximum of 128 bytes. However, the sequencer can
only read up to 128 characters in a single line and many byte values require
more than one character. To define a long sysex you must extend the sysex
definition over more than one line. The first line must at least contain
the sysex name. Each line that continues onto the next must be ended with a
plus-sign (+) which must be separated from the preceding byte values by at
least one space.
Sysex Parameters 4.04
The definition for a sysex event can specify that certain bytes will be set
to a different value each time the event is used in a sequence. These bytes
are referred to as sysex parameters. They can be useful if a sysex contains
bytes which select from a range of options or settings.
You may define a sysex event with parameter bytes and the same sysex with
fixed byte values in the same file. Suppose, for example, that you wish to
define a sysex which changes the main volume setting of a MIDI synthesizer.
You might define a fixed sysex which contains the values for setting the
main volume to maximum. You might also define another sysex using the same
byte values but with parameter bytes in the positions which contain the new
volume setting. You can then use this sysex to specify a different volume
by changing the parameter byte values in SYSEX PARAMETER VIEW.
Note that if the parameter values of a sysex event in a track are set to
the same values as fixed bytes in another version of the same sysex, the
event will be moved along the scale in SYSEX EVENT VIEW and listed as the
fixed version.
To specify a parameter byte in a sysex definition, place a question mark (?)
in the position of the byte instead of a value. The value of this byte can
then be set in SYSEX PARAMETER VIEW each time the sysex event is used.
The initial value of a parameter byte is set to zero by default. A different
initial value may optionally be specified by including it immediately after
the question mark. There should be no spaces between the question mark and
the value.
The next two lines demonstrate the use of parameter bytes in a definition.
The parameters in the second definition have initial values specified.
"Main Vol" F0 7F 7F 04 01 ? ? F7
"Main Vol" F0 7F 7F 04 01 ?7F ?7F F7
The default sysex file (DEFAULT.SXE) contains sysex event definitions for the
Yamaha DB50XG PC soundcard daughterboard. These sysexes are described below.
You will not be able to use these events if your equipment is not compatible
with this device. Most of them are used to select different effect types for
the three built-in effects. The DB50XG can also receive many other sysexes
which control effect parameters and various system settings. A more complete
collection of sysex events for the DB50XG is included free with the registered
version of BeatMaster.
System Events 4.06
XG On Enables XG mode and resets all parameters
GM Mode On Enables General MIDI mode
Main Vol Changes the master volume setting. This sysex event contains
the following two parameters:
P01 Volume LSB (fine)
P02 Volume MSB (coarse)
Reverb Effects 4.07
These sysexes all begin with an upper-case 'R'. They are used to select one
of the reverb effect types. The output level for the reverb effect can be
set for each channel using controller number 91. The initial setting for this
controller is set by the 'fx1' variable in CHANNEL VARIABLES VIEW.
R Hall 1 Reverb simulating the resonance of a hall
R Hall 2 Reverb simulating the resonance of a hall
R Room 1 Reverb simulating the resonance of a room
R Room 2 Reverb simulating the resonance of a room
R Room 3 Reverb simulating the resonance of a room
R Stage 1 Reverb appropriate for a solo instrument
R Stage 2 Reverb appropriate for a solo instrument
R Plate Reverb simulating a metal plate reverb unit
R White Room A unique short reverb with a bit of initial delay
R Tunnel Simulation of a tunnel space expanding to left and right
R Basement Initial delay followed by reverb with a unique resonance
R NO EFFECT Effect turned off
Chorus Effects 4.08
These sysexes all begin with an upper-case 'C'. They are used to select one
of the chorus effect types. The output level for the chorus effect can be
set for each channel using controller number 93. The initial setting for this
controller is set by the 'fx3' variable in CHANNEL VARIABLES VIEW.
C Chorus 1 Conventional chorus program that adds natural spaciousness
C Chorus 2 Conventional chorus program that adds natural spaciousness
C Chorus 3 Conventional chorus program that adds natural spaciousness
C Chorus 4 Chorus with stereo input using channel pan setting
C Celeste 1 A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness
C Celeste 2 A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness
C Celeste 3 A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness
C Celeste 4 Celeste with stero input using channel pan setting
C Flanger 1 Adds a jet-airplane effect
C Flanger 2 Adds a jet-airplane effect
C Flanger 3 Adds a jet-airplane effect
C NO EFFECT Effect turned off
Variation Effects 4.09
These sysexes all begin with an upper-case 'V'. They are used to control the
variation effect and to select its effect types. The output level for the
variation effect can be set for each channel using controller number 94. The
initial setting for this controller is set by the 'fx4' variable in CHANNEL
The four sysexes below are used to specify which channels (or 'parts') should
use the variation effect. When the DB50XG is initialized the variation effect
is disabled by default. Either 'V SYS (ALL)' or 'V INS (CHAN)' must be sent
at the start of a sequence to enable the variation effect. A 'V INS (CHAN)'
sysex must be followed by a 'V Part (CHAN)' sysex to specify the channel for
the effect.
V Part OFF Deactivate variation effect in single-channel mode
V Part (CHAN) Set a channel for the variation effect in single-channel mode.
This sysex event contains one parameter which specifies the
channel number for the effect (0-15).
V INS (CHAN) Set variation effect to 'INSERTION' (single-channel) mode
V SYS (ALL) Set variation effect to 'SYSTEM' (all channels) mode
The variation effect can be set to most of the reverb effects and all of the
chorus effects. The sysexes for these settings have similar names to their
reverb and chorus counterparts. The following describes the sysexes which
are exclusive to the variation effect.
V Delay LCR Creates three delay sounds; left, right and centre
V Delay LR Creates two delay sounds; left and right
V Echo Two delays (left and right) with independant feedback delays
V Cross Delay Crosses the feedback of two delays
V Early Ref1 Produces only the early reflection component of reverb
V Early Ref2 Produces only the early reflection component of reverb
V Gate Rvrb A simulation of a gated reverb
V Rev Gate Simulation of a gated reverb played backwards
V Karaoke 1 Delay with feedback of the same type as karaoke reverb
V Karaoke 2 Delay with feedback of the same type as karaoke reverb
V Karaoke 3 Delay with feedback of the same type as karaoke reverb
V Symphonic A multi-phase version of Celeste
V Rotary Spkr Simulation of a rotary speaker
V Tremolo Cyclically modulates the volume
V Auto Pan Cyclically moves the sound image left, right, front and back
V Phaser 1 Cyclically changes the phase to add modulation
V Phaser 2 Phaser with stereo input
V Distortion Adds a sharp-edged distortion
V Overdrive Adds mild distortion
V Amp Sim Simulation of a guitar amp
V 3Band mEQ Mono EQ with adjustable LOW, MID and HIGH equalizing
V 2Band sEQ Stereo EQ with adjustable LOW and HIGH (ideal for drums)
V Auto Wah Cyclically modulates the centre frequency of a wah filter
V THRU Bypass without applying an effect
V NO EFFECT Effect turned off
These files are used to customize the sequencer display. They allow the
colour palette used by the sequencer to be modified. For example, you can
create a palette file which specifies that blue is to be replaced with red.
After this file is loaded, all parts of the display which would normally be
printed in blue are instead printed in red.
The data following the ID line in a palette file consists of up to sixteen
lines that specify which colours are to be replaced with which. The first
word on each line is the name of the colour to replace. The second word on
each line is the name of the colour to replace it with. Colours which are
not defined are reset to normal. The colour names used are listed below.
The following is an example of how to swap two colours in a palette file.
The default palette file provided with the sequencer contains a setting for
each colour which leaves the palette unchanged. This file can be used as a
template for creating new files with variations on the default palette.
Several alternative palette files are also included.