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BRUCEHEX.DOC 1 Revised: 05/13/96
Decimal and hexadecimal codes:
e.g. "\066\097\116" and "&H426174" are both "Bat"
| dec hex chr | dec hex chr | dec hex chr | dec hex chr | dec hex chr |
| \000 &H00 nul| \052 &H34 4 | \104 &H68 h | \156 &H9C £ | \208 &HD0 ╨ |
| \001 &H01 | \053 &H35 5 | \105 &H69 i | \157 &H9D ¥ | \209 &HD1 ╤ |
| \002 &H02 | \054 &H36 6 | \106 &H6A j | \158 &H9E ₧ | \210 &HD2 ╥ |
| \003 &H03 | \055 &H37 7 | \107 &H6B k | \159 &H9F ƒ | \211 &HD3 ╙ |
| \004 &H04 | \056 &H38 8 | \108 &H6C l | \160 &HA0 á | \212 &HD4 ╘ |
| \005 &H05 | \057 &H39 9 | \109 &H6D m | \161 &HA1 í | \213 &HD5 ╒ |
| \006 &H06 | \058 &H3A : | \110 &H6E n | \162 &HA2 ó | \214 &HD6 ╓ |
| \007 &H07 bel| \059 &H3B ; | \111 &H6F o | \163 &HA3 ú | \215 &HD7 ╫ |
| \008 &H08 bs | \060 &H3C < | \112 &H70 p | \164 &HA4 ñ | \216 &HD8 ╪ |
| \009 &H09 tab| \061 &H3D = | \113 &H71 q | \165 &HA5 Ñ | \217 &HD9 ┘ |
| \010 &H0A lf | \062 &H3E > | \114 &H72 r | \166 &HA6 ª | \218 &HDA ┌ |
| \011 &H0B vt | \063 &H3F ? | \115 &H73 s | \167 &HA7 º | \219 &HDB █ |
| \012 &H0C pg | \064 &H40 @ | \116 &H74 t | \168 &HA8 ¿ | \220 &HDC ▄ |
| \013 &H0D cr | \065 &H41 A | \117 &H75 u | \169 &HA9 ⌐ | \221 &HDD ▌ |
| \014 &H0E | \066 &H42 B | \118 &H76 v | \170 &HAA ¬ | \222 &HDE ▐ |
| \015 &H0F | \067 &H43 C | \119 &H77 w | \171 &HAB ½ | \223 &HDF ▀ |
| \016 &H10 | \068 &H44 D | \120 &H78 x | \172 &HAC ¼ | \224 &HE0 α |
| \017 &H11 | \069 &H45 E | \121 &H79 y | \173 &HAD ¡ | \225 &HE1 ß |
| \018 &H12 | \070 &H46 F | \122 &H7A z | \174 &HAE « | \226 &HE2 Γ |
| \019 &H13 | \071 &H47 G | \123 &H7B { | \175 &HAF » | \227 &HE3 π |
| \020 &H14 | \072 &H48 H | \124 &H7C | | \176 &HB0 ░ | \228 &HE4 Σ |
| \021 &H15 | \073 &H49 I | \125 &H7D } | \177 &HB1 ▒ | \229 &HE5 σ |
| \022 &H16 | \074 &H4A J | \126 &H7E ~ | \178 &HB2 ▓ | \230 &HE6 µ |
| \023 &H17 | \075 &H4B K | \127 &H7F | \179 &HB3 │ | \231 &HE7 τ |
| \024 &H18 | \076 &H4C L | \128 &H80 Ç | \180 &HB4 ┤ | \232 &HE8 Φ |
| \025 &H19 | \077 &H4D M | \129 &H81 ü | \181 &HB5 ╡ | \233 &HE9 Θ |
| \026 &H1A eof| \078 &H4E N | \130 &H82 é | \182 &HB6 ╢ | \234 &HEA Ω |
| \027 &H1B esc| \079 &H4F O | \131 &H83 â | \183 &HB7 ╖ | \235 &HEB δ |
| \028 &H1C | \080 &H50 P | \132 &H84 ä | \184 &HB8 ╕ | \236 &HEC ∞ |
| \029 &H1D ???| \081 &H51 Q | \133 &H85 à | \185 &HB9 ╣ | \237 &HED φ |
| \030 &H1E ???| \082 &H52 R | \134 &H86 å | \186 &HBA ║ | \238 &HEE ε |
| \031 &H1F ???| \083 &H53 S | \135 &H87 ç | \187 &HBB ╗ | \239 &HEF ∩ |
| \032 &H20 sp | \084 &H54 T | \136 &H88 ê | \188 &HBC ╝ | \240 &HF0 ≡ |
| \033 &H21 ! | \085 &H55 U | \137 &H89 ë | \189 &HBD ╜ | \241 &HF1 ± |
| \034 &H22 " | \086 &H56 V | \138 &H8A è | \190 &HBE ╛ | \242 &HF2 ≥ |
| \035 &H23 # | \087 &H57 W | \139 &H8B ï | \191 &HBF ┐ | \243 &HF3 ≤ |
| \036 &H24 $ | \088 &H58 X | \140 &H8C î | \192 &HC0 └ | \244 &HF4 ⌠ |
| \037 &H25 % | \089 &H59 Y | \141 &H8D ì | \193 &HC1 ┴ | \245 &HF5 ⌡ |
| \038 &H26 & | \090 &H5A Z | \142 &H8E Ä | \194 &HC2 ┬ | \246 &HF6 ÷ |
| \039 &H27 ' | \091 &H5B [ | \143 &H8F Å | \195 &HC3 ├ | \247 &HF7 ≈ |
| \040 &H28 ( | \092 &H5C \ | \144 &H90 É | \196 &HC4 ─ | \248 &HF8 ° |
| \041 &H29 ) | \093 &H5D ] | \145 &H91 æ | \197 &HC5 ┼ | \249 &HF9 ∙ |
| \042 &H2A * | \094 &H5E ^ | \146 &H92 Æ | \198 &HC6 ╞ | \250 &HFA · |
| \043 &H2B + | \095 &H5F _ | \147 &H93 ô | \199 &HC7 ╟ | \251 &HFB √ |
| \044 &H2C , | \096 &H60 ` | \148 &H94 ö | \200 &HC8 ╚ | \252 &HFC ⁿ |
| \045 &H2D - | \097 &H61 a | \149 &H95 ò | \201 &HC9 ╔ | \253 &HFD ² |
| \046 &H2E . | \098 &H62 b | \150 &H96 û | \202 &HCA ╩ | \254 &HFE ■ |
| \047 &H2F / | \099 &H63 c | \151 &H97 ù | \203 &HCB ╦ | \255 &HFF |
| \048 &H30 0 | \100 &H64 d | \152 &H98 ÿ | \204 &HCC ╠ | |
| \049 &H31 1 | \101 &H65 e | \153 &H99 Ö | \205 &HCD ═ | |
| \050 &H32 2 | \102 &H66 f | \154 &H9A Ü | \206 &HCE ╬ | |
| \051 &H33 3 | \103 &H67 g | \155 &H9B ¢ | \207 &HCF ╧ | |
BRUCEHEX.DOC 2 Revised: 05/13/96
In these routines, you can specify hard-to-enter values using their decimal or
hexadecimal equivalents.
The above table provides a correspondence decimal, hexadecimal, and ASCII
values. For example, if you want to enter the square root symbol, you can do it
either by filling in "\251" or by specifying "&HFB". If you use the decimal
equivalent, you must use the full three digits.
Most of the routines that allow for decimal and hexadecimal equivalents will
generate the above table if you pass in the parameter "/?&H".
You can also use this table in cases where the characters can be entered from
the keyboard: Press down the Alt key and then type in the digits shown. Alt-251
will also generate the square root symbol.
You can string multiple characters like this together if desired. As the
example shows, "\066\097\116" and "&H426174" are both translated as "Bat".
Stringing decimal equivalents together requires you to use "\" and then the
appropriate three digits for each character entered. Hexadecimal strings are
ended when either a single space (which is ignored) or any non-valid hexadecimal
character is encountered. So "\066&h61\116" will also find "Bat".
In some cases, especially from the command line, the routines do not allow you
to enter a string that includes an embedded space. You can enter these with the
hexadecimal or decimal equivalent if desired:
/FROM Love\032Me /TO Leave&H20Me
(Some routines allow you to enclose the phrase in double quotation marks as
another way around this problem.)
Note that putting Alt-26 (the end-of-file indicator) in a text file will cause
most routines to presume that the file stops at that point. Use \026 or &H1A
Bruce Guthrie
Wayne Software
113 Sheffield St.
Silver Spring, MD 20910
fax: (301) 588-8986
e-mail: bguthrie@nmaa.org