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173 lines
; JIM TUCKER <jtucker@adam.com.au>
; Last modified: 20 August 1994
; This processes the command line for switches, drives and filenames.
; It uses about 240 bytes. You could do it in less but I have put
; emphasis on readability. To encourage beginners I have commented
; more than usual. - JT
; 1) Just returns if cmdline is empty
; 2) Makes cmdline ASCIIZ caps
; 3) Puts switches in a buffer and blanks them on the cmdline
; 4) Stores drive chars in a list and blanks them on the cmdline
; 5) Keeps filenames on cmdline as ASCIIZ with pointers in a list
; DOS command: FOOBAR/sw1/sw2 a: file1/sw3 file2 <cr>
; 81h after caps: /SW1/SW2 A: FILE1/SW2 FILE2 <0>
; 81h after switches: A: FILE1 FILE2 <0>
; 81h after drives: FILE1 FILE2 <0>
; 81h after filenames: FILE1<0> FILE2<0><0>
; Switch buffer: /SW1/SW2/SW3<0>
; USAGE: call cmdline
; lea si,switch_buffer ; Scan ASCIIZ string for switches
; mov al,drive1 ; AL contains drive *char*
; mov dx,filename1 ; DX contains address of string
; mov dx,filename2... etc
SWITCH_BUFFER db 64 dup 0 ;will be ASCIIZ string of switches
SWB_SIZE = ($-OFFSET switch_buffer)-1 ;-1 preserves zero byte
DRIVE1 db 0 ;will be drive char in caps
DRIVE2 db 0 ; in order found on cmd line
DRIVE3 db 0
DRIVE4 db 0
FILENAME1 dw 0 ;will point to ASCIIZ *strings*
FILENAME2 dw 0 ; in order found on cmd line.
FILENAME4 dw 0 ;you may add more if you need them
MAX_FILES = ($-OFFSET filename1)/2
; Procedure begins here. The command line (tail) CS:80h = # chars
; on cmdline including ALL blanks (eg the first n after a filename)
; but not including the terminating return (0Dh). The first char is
; at 81h and may be "/" as in "FOOBAR/SWITCH". Redirection <>| is
; not saved and cannot be read here.
CMDLINE: test B[80h] ;anybody home?
jz ret ;no (but it will be NZ even
;if blanks and no data)
; These calls must be performed in the following order
call cmd_caps
call cmd_switches
call cmd_drives
call cmd_files
CMD_CAPS: mov bx,81h ;zero the cr at end of cmdline
add bl,[bx-1]B ;bx -> cr
mov B[bx],bh ;bh is zero
mov si,81h ;where to get
mov di,si ;where to put
L1: lodsb ;get
or al,al ;zero is end of cmdline
jz ret ;A86 will find an address
cmp al,'a' ;little a?
jb >l2 ;too small
cmp al,'z' ;little z?
ja >l2 ;too big
and al,5Fh ;mask out lower case bit
L2: stosb ;put
jmp l1 ;do more
; Switch "/" and following chars put in our buffer until a space or
; zero byte found. This reads multiple switches such as /aaaa/bb...
; as well as switches separated by a space. NOTE: When you process
; the buffer, a switch is terminated by "/" (another switch) or
; a zero byte (end of buffer).
CMD_SWITCHES: mov si,81h ;where get
lea di,switch_buffer ;where put
mov cl,swb_size ;buffer size
L1: lodsb ;get
or al,al ;end of cmdline?
jz ret ;yes, done
cmp al,'/' ;switch char?
jne l1 ;no
L2: or cl,cl ;buffer full?
jz >l3 ;yes
stosb ;put it in buffer
dec cl ;one less buffer byte available
L3: mov B[si-1],' ' ;blank char on command line
lodsb ;get next
cmp al,' ' ;end of it?
ja l2 ;no, must be a char
je l1 ;space, keep scanning cmdline
ret ;must be a zero byte so done
; Drives are the char before ':' when ':' is followed by space or zero
; "/DRIVE=x:" has been removed by the switch routine. "A:FILENAME" is
; not a drive because a char follows ":" "A:/SWITCH" is a drive because
; "/SWITCH" is now blank (by the switch routine).
CMD_DRIVES: mov si,81h ;where get
lea di,drive1 ;where put
mov cl,max_drives ;number allowed
L1: lodsb ;get
or al,al ;end of it?
jz ret ;yes
cmp al,':' ;possible drive?
jne l1 ;no
mov dl,[si] ;peek next char (don't bump si)
cmp dl,' ' ;space?
ja l1 ;bigger, must be a char
mov al,[si-2] ;get the drive letter
mov W[si-2],2020h ;blank "x:"
or cl,cl ;room for more?
jz l1 ;no, don't save (table full)
stosb ;save it (bumps di)
dec cl ;one less
jmp l1
; Search for filenames inserting the pointer into table and
; terminating each with ASCIIZ. You may change the number of file
; names you expect in the table. Maximum is the entire command line
; allowing one char and a space for each filename!
CMD_FILES: mov si,81h ;where get
lea bx,filename1 ;where put
mov cl,max_files ;how many
L1: mov B[si-1],0 ;done on entry, but no harm
L2: lodsb ;get
cmp al,' ' ;space?
je l2 ;yes, ignore leading spaces
jb ret ;below " " so zero byte, exit
or cl,cl ;a char, empty table entry left?
jz >l3 ;no, don't save but do cmdline
mov [bx],si ;save pointer
dec W[bx] ; but si pointed one too far
add bx,2 ;bx -> next filename
dec cl ;one less
L3: lodsb ;now look for end of filename
cmp al,' ' ;space?
ja l3 ;char so keep going
je l1 ;space, insert zero byte
ret ;must be zero so cmd line done