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INI File
85 lines
; EDDY.INI - Configuration file for EDDY v.8d (C) 1987-1996 by John Scofield
; Created on 6-17-96 8:04:00a
; This file is used to record selections for customizing EDDY (by executing
; "EDDY /0"). If EDDY.INI is present during customizing, these selections
; from EDDY.INI will be used as defaults. You may then make changes to the
; settings in EDDY during the customizing process. When everything is set
; the way you prefer and you create your new, customized copy of EDDY, a new
; EDDY.INI containing those settings will also be created.
; For detailed explanations of the use and settings of configuration parameters
; refer to EDDY.DOC, Section 31.3.2
; Anything following a semicolon is treated as a comment, and is ignored.
; Comments may be added to or deleted from EDDY.INI as desired.
configure=no ; 'yes' = always use EDDY.INI, else only when customizing
edit colors=T0Bh,H1Bh,C1Eh,W1Eh ; T)ext,H)eadings,C)ursor,W)indows
help colors=T07h,C0Eh,H70h ; T)ext,C)ursor,H)ighlights
max lines=auto detect ; override for monitor # of lines (limit: 66)
action=[F3] ; key simulated when primary mouse button pressed
button=left ; indicates which mouse button is treated as 'primary'
double click=4 ; max interval (10ths of second) between 'double' clicks
reset=quick ; mouse reset method: 'quick' = s/w reset, 'sure' = h/w
sensitivity=v25,h25 ; 'v/h' = 'vert/horz', 00 = least sensitive, 99 = most
port=LPT1 ; printer port -- only parallel printers supported
[EDIT mode]
attributes filter=none ; file attribute filter: R/H/S/D/A/N...
; ...read-only/hidden/system/directory/archive/network...
; ...uppercase = include file if attribute on
; ...lowercase = include file if attribute off
; ...blank = not used as filter
attributes style=1 ; style for display of file attributes...
; ..."1" = use attribute letters, "2" = use "y" & "n"
controls=YYCCNN ; for tagging: 'Y' = yes, 'N' = no, 'C' = confirm
copy error=# ; value written to files copied if those files have...
; ...errors ("bad spots"), showing where the errors are
date style= ; 'mdy', 'dmy' or 'ymd', indicating date format
; ...blank to use COUNTRY.SYS, if present, else 'mdy'
easy look=yes ; 'yes' = [Enter] treated like [F3] if no pending updates
; 'no' = [Enter] means 'Update' only
options=abcdefhklmrw ; option letters (uppercase = 'ON', lowercase = 'OFF')
security=ask ; 'std'/'high' security for DESTROY overwrite
; ...'ask' means ask preference for each UPDATE
sort=N ; edit mode display sequence...
; ...N)ame, E)xtension, D)ate, S)ize, H)our, U)nsorted...
; ...uppercase = ascending sort, lowercase = descending
target=box ; 'tree' = use tree diagram to select, 'box' = dialog box
timestamp=ask ; 'ask' or 'auto': timestamp handling with [^Enter] for...
; ...files copied or patched (or customizing EDDY.COM)
; Path for "trashcan" (temporary storage for deleted files)
work=box ; 'tree' = use tree diagram to select, 'box' = dialog box
[LOOK mode]
auto scroll=3 ; 1 = slowest, 9 = fastest
bit strip=no ; 'yes' = strip high-order bit in bytes displayed
hex toggle=[Tab] ; key used for hex/ASCII toggle
line wrap=no ; 'yes' = line wrapping ON
sector patch=yes ; 'yes' if disk sector patching allowed
snow OK=no ; CGA only. 'yes' = "flickering" OK when LOOKing at RAM
tabs=8 ; interval (# of bytes) used for tab expansion
[DOS gateway]
; Point-n-shoot command used when [Shift+F8] pressed...
; (NOTE: Include full path needed to find & execute command)
command=C:\UTIL\DOS2UNIX %@%f
pause=yes ; 'yes' to pause after above "command" is executed
prompt=Exit$g ; DOS prompt used to show EDDY's DOS Gateway in use
swap path=
; Path for "swap file", used to make more RAM available to Gateway