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FREE : Free Memory Query Program
Version 4.02, 16-Feb-1986
SMG Software
(C) Copyright 1986,1987 by
Steven Georgiades
This program allows the user to determine the total amount of
standard memory that is installed in his system, as well as the amount
of standard memory that is still available for use by applications
programs. The FREE program will also check to see if your system is
an AT or compatible, and if so, it will check for extended memory
(above 1024K). If found, it will report the total amount of extended
memory installed. In addition, the FREE program will determine if any
expanded memory (Lotus/Intel/Microsoft) is installed in your system,
and if so, it will report the total amount of EMS memory installed, as
well as the available EMS memory. Please note that the EMS hardware
will only be found if the Expanded Memory Manager (EMM) software is
also installed. If it is not installed, there is no way for this
program to determine if the EMS hardware is installed.
When reporting available memory for either standard memory or EMS
memory, the FREE program will supply both the actual number of bytes
available, as well as a percentage relative to the total amount.
Command Format:
Revision History:
Version 1.10 First Release Version
Version 2.00 Added Percent Available Memory
Version 3.00 Added Extend Memory Support for AT
Version 3.01 Fixed bug that would occur on an AT with no
extended memory installed.
Version 4.00 Added Lotus/Intel/Microsoft EMS Support
Version 4.01 Added Copyright Info
Version 4.02 Changed Algorithm for more Accuracy
FREE is hereby released into the public domain, and may
therefore be freely copied and distributed within the following
1). It is distributed in its original, unmodified form, including
source code and documentation.
2). No fee is charged for use, copying or distribution.
3). The program may not be included with other goods or services
supplied for a fee, unless written permission to do so is
obtained in advance from the author.
This program is provided AS IS without any warranty, expressed or
implied, including but not limited to fitfulness for a particular
If you have any questions or comments about this or any other SMG
program, write to me at the following address:
Steven M. Georgiades
SMG Software
701-H South Hayward Street
Anaheim, CA 92804
If you are using this program and find it of value, your contribution
in any amount ($5.00 suggested) will be greatly appreciated. Make
checks payable to Steven M. Georgiades.
Thank you.