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Program usage documentation for the Free-DOS MODE program
(c) Copyright 1994-1995 by K. Heidenstrom.
KH.941231.001 (MODE 1.0.0) First version
KH.950116.002 (MODE 1.0.2) Added switchar documentation
KH.950520.003 (MODE 1.0.3) No changes to functionality
This program is Copyright 1994-1995 by K. Heidenstrom. It was
written specifically for the Free-DOS project. The author may
be reached at kheidens@actrix.gen.nz on the Internet or by snail
mail: K. Heidenstrom c/- P.O. Box 27-103, Wellington, New Zealand.
This program is free software. You may redistribute the source and
executable and/or modify the program under the terms of the GNU
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but is provided "as-is", without any warranty of any kind, including
the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose. In no event will the author be liable for any damages of
any kind related to the use of this program. See the GNU General
Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
The MODE program performs six separate functions, which are
described separately below.
MODE allows the video mode to be set to one of five modes. The
syntax is:
MODE Videomode[,Lines]
The modes are:
MONO Monochrome mode, as used with the MDA and Hercules adapter
cards, and also emulated on EGA and VGA cards. This mode
is the only mode which has the ability to underline
characters on the screen by default. This mode cannot be
selected on the CGA video card.
BW40 40-column color-suppressed mode. This mode is specific to
the CGA adapter, and gives a display of 40 columns by 25
lines. The color information of the composite video signal
from the CGA card is turned off, so that the display is in
black and white on a composite color monitor, with sixteen
shades of grey.
If this mode is selected on an EGA or VGA card, or a CGA card
that is not connected to a television set or a composite color
monitor, it will appear the same as the CO40 mode (i.e. the
color will not be suppressed). This mode cannot be selected
on MDA and Hercules video cards.
BW80 80-column color-suppressed mode. This mode is also specific
to the CGA adapter and is the same as BW40 except that there
are 80 columns.
If this mode is selected on an EGA or VGA card, or a CGA card
that is not connected to a television set or a composite color
monitor, it will appear the same as the CO40 mode (i.e. the
color will not be suppressed). This mode cannot be selected
on MDA and Hercules video cards.
CO40 40-column color mode. This mode gives 40 columns by 25 lines
color display. It is supported by CGA, EGA, and VGA adapters
but not by MDA and Hercules cards.
CO80 80-column color mode. This mode gives an 80 column by 25 line
display and is the normal display mode for CGA, EGA and VGA
cards. It is not supported by MDA and Hercules cards. On EGA
cards, this mode also supports a 43-line variant, and on VGA
cards, the 43-line variant and a 50-line variant are supported.
The 43-line and 50-line modes can be selected by specifying
",43" or ",50" after the CO80 on the MODE command line. If
this parameter is not specified, the default of 25 lines will
be used.
Once set, the video mode will remain in effect until changed by
a MODE command or by a program. The video mode is not locked
permanently - programs are free to change video modes as they
MODE allows the communication parameters of a serial port to be
configured. The syntax is:
MODE COMn:r,p,d,s
n Specifies which serial port is to be configured, in the range
1 to 4. If the serial port does not exist, MODE will report
an error.
r Specifies the baud rate in bits per second. Values are:
50, 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400,
19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, and 115200.
1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600 may be abbreviated to 12, 24,
48 and 96 respectively. 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, and
57600 may be abbreviated to their first two or three digits.
115200 may be abbreviated to 115 or 1152.
p Specifies the type of parity generated and checked on
the data bytes. Values are:
E = Even parity
O = Odd parity
N = No parity
d Specifies the number of data bits that will be transmitted
and received. The allowable values are 5, 6, 7, and 8.
s Specifies the number of stop bits that will be transmitted
and expected. This may be 1 or 2. If 2 stop bits are
used in conjunction with 5 data bits, the serial port will
actually generate and check 1 1/2 stop bits.
Once set, the serial port parameters will remain in effect until
changed by a MODE command or by a program. The serial port settings
are not locked permanently - programs are free to change them as
they require.
MODE allows parallel (LPT) port output to be redirected to a serial
(COM) port, to NUL (i.e. nothing), and also can retry indefinitely
if the peripheral fails to respond.
These functions are performed by the resident portion of MODE, which
will be automatically installed if necessary when the function is
The syntax is:
MODE LPTn:P Infinite timeout on parallel port
MODE LPTn:=COMx Redirect printer output to COM port
MODE LPTn:=NUL: Redirect printer output to NUL
MODE LPTn: Remove redirection and infinite timeout
The LPTn:P function specifies infinite retries on timeout. If
this is enabled, MODE will retry continuously if the printer
fails to respond. If this is not enabled, and the printer fails
to respond within a certain length of time (typically about half
a minute), a write fault error will be reported.
The LPTn:=COMx and LPTn:=NUL: functions specify redirection of
printer output. Any parallel port (whether it exists or not) may
be redirected to any existing serial port, or to NUL. More than
one parallel port may be redirected to the same serial port or
to NUL. These functions are useful if you have a serial printer,
or if you have no printer and want to avoid locking up the computer
if a program attempts to print to a nonexistent printer.
The LPTn: function removes any redirection and infinite timeout
that may be configured for the specified port, and returns it to
normal operation.
MODE will park the hard disk or hard disks (only the first two
physical hard disks in the system), either immediately, or after
the disk has been idle for a period of time.
The timed park function is performed by the resident portion of MODE,
which will be automatically installed if necessary when the function
is requested.
The syntax is:
MODE PARK Park now
MODE PARK,minutes[:seconds] Park after hard disk has been idle
The PARK function parks the hard disk(s) immediately and waits for
you to switch off the computer. You can also press Ctrl-C to quit
and return to DOS.
The PARK,minutes[:seconds] function causes the hard disk(s) to be
parked after a certain period of inactivity, which may be up to
50 minutes. If you have two physical hard disks, they are both
handled separately.
Once set, you can change the time period by executing the command
again with a different time value. The timed park function cannot
be turned off - you must reboot to remove it.
These functions are generally only useful for older machines.
Modern hard drives park themselves automatically when switched
MODE allows the typematic (auto-repeat) initial repeat delay and
repeat rate parameters to be set, and optionally locked.
The typematic lock function is performed by the resident portion of
MODE, which will be automatically installed if necessary when the
function is requested.
The syntax is:
MODE DELAY=d RATE=r Set typematic parameters
MODE DELAY=d RATE=r LOCK Set and lock typematic parameters
d Specifies the initial delay, the range is 1 to 4 and the
delay is between 1/4 second (1) and one second (4).
r Specifies the auto-repeat rate. The range is 1 to 32 and
the rate is between two repeats per second (1) and 30 repeats
per second (32).
LOCK Specifies that the typematic parameters should be locked.
Once this is done, the typematic parameters may be changed
by runing MODE again, but cannot be changed by most other
programs. This can be useful, as some programs will change
the typematic parameters without your permission. It is
not completely foolproof, however, and there are several
things that a program could do which will defeat the locking
feature of MODE.
Note that both DELAY and REPEAT must be specified for these functions.
MODE does not attempt to confirm that typematic setting is available
on the machine. I tried to do this using int 15h function 0C0h and
int 16h function 9 but it seems that these are not fully supported
by enough machines to be a reliable indicator. MODE will accept all
typematic commands, whether or not the machine actually supports them.
MODE can display and set the DOS switch character (switchar).
The default switchar is the forward slash, '/'. The switchar is the
character that is used to indicate the start of an option switch, e.g.
the /P switch to the DIR command. Typically, the switchar may be
changed to '-'. The switchar is an undocumented DOS feature that is
properly supported by few programs.
The syntax is:
MODE SWITCHAR Display current switchar
MODE SWITCHAR=x Set switchar to character
MODE SWITCHAR=n Set switchar to ASCII value n
The SWITCHAR parameter by itself causes MODE to display the current
switchar. The SWITCHAR= usage sets the switchar. The new switchar
may be specified as a character (e.g. 'MODE SWITCHAR=/') or as a
number (e.g. 'MODE SWITCHAR=45').
Parameters to MODE are not case sensitive.
MODE can only process one command on each invocation. If you
want to redirect several LPT ports, you must use a separate
MODE command for each. Commands of different types cannot be
combined on the command line.
Error messages are always sent to StdErr, which is not redirected
by the DOS output redirection facilities. Informational messages
are sent to standard output, and may be redirected to NUL: for
'quiet' operation.
Errorlevels returned by MODE are as follows:
0 No error
115 Serial port does not exist (either for COMn: or LPTn:=COMx)
117 No hard disk(s) found to park
118 Specified video mode is not supported on this machine
162 Insufficient memory (MODE requires about 6K of memory)
241 Parameter out of range (e.g. time value, LPT port number etc)
242 Cannot have 43-line or 50-line modes with modes other than CO80
243 Unknown baud rate
244 Must specify both DELAY= and RATE= for typematic setting
246 More than one command or command type was given
255 Incorrect usage syntax (all usage syntax errors)
MODE is a TSR program. If required, MODE will install part of itself
resident in the computer's memory. This resident portion performs
printer redirection and timeout handling, automatic parking of the
hard drive, and locking of the typematic parameters, and cannot be
removed without rebooting (unless the public domain MARK and RELEASE
programs are used). If additional resident functions are required
and the resident portion is installed, MODE will enable those
functions in the resident portion rather than installing another
resident portion.
Because MODE is a TSR, it may be incompatible with applications
or other TSRs you may be using. If problems occur, try to establish
which programs are conflicting. It may be possible to avoid the
problem by installing the programs in a different order.
If you find a bug in MODE, please inform the author. The contact
details are given in section 1 of this document and in the source
Here is a sample of MODE's usage in AUTOEXEC.BAT, demonstrating all
mode co80,43 >nul:
mode com1:96,n,8,1 >nul:
mode com2:19,n,8,1 >nul:
mode com3:24,n,8,1 >nul:
mode lpt1:=com2 >nul:
mode lpt1:p >nul:
mode lpt2:=nul: >nul:
mode lpt3:=nul: >nul:
mode park,0:30 >nul:
mode delay=1 rate=32 lock >nul:
mode switchar=- >nul:
This sequence firsts selects 43-line color display mode, then
configures the serial port parameters for COM1, COM2 and COM3
(9600, 19200, and 2400 bps respectively, with no parity, eight
data bits and one stop bit). These serial port parameters are
not locked permanently, and another MODE command or another
program may change these at any time.
Then, LPT1 output is redirected to COM2, so anything that is
printed to LPT1 will be sent out COM2 instead, at 19200 bps
(for example, to a serial laser printer), and LPT2 and LPT3
are redirected to NUL so that anything that is sent to them
will go nowhere.
Then a timed hard disk park is installed, which will park the
hard disk(s) after 30 seconds of no hard disk activity.
Finally, the shortest delay and fastest rate for the keyboard
typematic function is selected and locked, and the DOS switchar
is set to a hyphen ('-').