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This file contains VAL, the experimental linker presented at SDC '89.
To get help on the switches, enter the command:
val /help
The file val.hlp must be located in the same directory as the file val.exe.
This program is released to the public domain by the author on February 15,
1989 at the Software Development Conference, San Francisco, CA. With the
understanding that there are no warranties of any sort either expressed or
implied, you may use the code in whole or part for any lawful purpose. The
author does not warrant or guarantee that this code is fit for any particular
purpose. You are under no obligation to acknowledge the author when using
this code, but you may do so if you desire. The author neither seeks nor
desires any contributions for this code.
Should you desire to communicate with the author, the preferred method is
via the author's bulletin board, Pontchippi. Pontchippi is an OPUS board.
You may contact it directly at 504-244-1417 or via net mail to node 390/105.
The board has a 9600 baud US Robotics Courier HST modem. Should you contact
the board directly, access to the board is granted immediately up completion
of a very simple questionnaire.
The author wishes to acknowledge and thank Jack Purdum and Tim Leslie of
Ecosoft for their assistance and support. In addition to Jack and Tim,
Steve Russell of SLR Systems was also of invaluable assistance. All helped
in this project by debugging and offering their expert advice and guidance.
They always had time for me seemingly whenever I requested it.
Finally, this program is dedicated to the memory of my father-in-law,
Mariano "Val" Valentino. The only request the author makes for using the
program is that the program name be left as "VAL" in his memory.
David Troendle
New Orleans, LA
February 10, 1989
Updates applied 01/95 by Dave Dunfield.
Diffs of changed files are included:
1. Fix incorrect gaps being generated in .COM files due to the linker
failing to update its location counter after certain operations.
*** execfile.c(148) < > execfile.old(148) ***
> Else
> highest_uninitialized_byte = (*segment_list.last).address +
> (*segment_list.last).length;
*** execfile.c(178) < > execfile.old(181) ***
< next_available_address += partial_length;
*** execfile.c(196) < > execfile.old(198) ***
< next_available_address += partial_length;
2. Remove redundant 'near' declarations which prevented program from
compiling correctly in memory models other than small.
*** langext.h(174) < > langext.old(174) ***
<Type void /* near */ *near_ptr;
<Type char /* near */ *char_ptr;
>Type void near *near_ptr;
>Type char near *char_ptr;
3. Change sigon message so that it will only be output if the linker
issues interactive prompts or performs status output. This allows
the linker to be 'quiet' when run with full command line parameters.
*** initlink.c(16) < > initlink.old(16) ***
> /* Issue Signon message */
> linker_message("VAL Experimental Linker Compiled %s %s\n",__DATE__,__TIME__);
*** linkerio.c(93) < > linkerio.old(93) ***
<static char flag = 0;
*** linkerio.c(96) < > linkerio.old(95) ***
< if(!flag) { /* Issue Signon message */
< flag = -1;
< fprintf(stdout,"VAL Experimental Linker Compiled %s\n",__DATE__); }
4. Change to prevent linker from trying to expand constant filename
created from argv[0].
*** initlink.c(111) < > initlink.old(111) ***
> process_filename(program_directory_string);
*** initlink.c(142) < > initlink.old(143) ***
< process_filename(help_filename);
*** userinp.c(28) < > userinp.old(28) ***
< process_filename(default_filename);