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Assembly Source File
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; Original SWAP300 code by Marty Del Vecchio was modified by Yury Semenov
; (yury@petre.odessa.ua ; Fidonet#2:467/2) on June 6, 1995
; for using in DDS MICRO-C PC86 v. 3.13 and Arrowsoft Assembler environment.
; This modifications was done in the frames of Free-DOS project
; (coordinator: M. "Hannibal" Toal <hannibal@iastate.edu>).
; SWAP.ASM Version 3.00 October 4, 1990
; Contains code and data needed to swap most of the current program out
; to extended memory, expanded memory, or disk; execute another program;
; and re-load the original program back into memory.
; Copyright (C) 1990 by Marty Del Vecchio
; Released to the public domain for free use by all
; Product is supplied as is and author disclaims all warranties,
; explicit or implied, about the functionality of the source code
; or object modules supplied, and shall not be held responsible
; for any damages caused by use of product.
; Code to parse default FCB's written and generously donated
; by David E. Jenkins (jenkins@wang.com or dave.jenkins@office.wang.com).
; Contributions not solicited. Just appreciate the fact that somebody
; took the time to write and comment this code. If you have any
; questions, please contact me at:
; Marty Del Vecchio Channel 1 BBS
; 99 Marlboro Road Boston, MA
; Southborough, MA 01772 (617) 354-8873
; (508) 485-9718
; internet: marty@bsn.mceo.dg.com
; For information about the contents of this file, see the accompanying
; file SWAP.DOC.
; Report whether multiple DOS memory blocks will be swapped
%out Multiple DOS memory blocks will NOT be swapped
%out Multiple DOS memory blocks will be swapped
; Figure out which save method we are using--EMS, XMS, disk, or a
; combination.
; Specified on MASM command line with /D followed by either "xms", "ems",
; "disk", or "all". For example, to create a swap() that will try using
; XMS and EMS, you would use "masm swap.asm /Dems /Dxms".
; If none specified, it will use all. To change the order in which swap()
; attempts to save the program to different places, see the function
; save_program below.
; First, see if they want all of them...
; /Dall not specified--try each individually...
IFDEF disk
; Now see if they declared anything--if not, it will use them all
; Constant definitions for easier reading
STDERR equ 2 ; Standard DOS file handle for error output
GET_VECTOR equ 35h ; DOS function to get interrupt vector
EMM_INT equ 67h ; EMS interrupt vector
EMM_NAME_LEN equ 8 ; Length of EMS device driver name
MAX_DOS_CMD equ 127 ; Maximum DOS command-line length
; If we will swap out all DOS memory blocks a program owns, we need a
; place to store information about them
MAX_EXTRA equ 16 ; Maximum number of extra DOS allocation blocks to swap
dos_block struc ; Structure for extra DOS memory blocks
block_seg dw 0 ; User's segment address of block
block_size dw 0 ; Size in paragraphs of block
dos_block ends
bptr equ byte ptr ; Means we're loading/storing 8 bits
wptr equ word ptr ; Means we're loading/storing 16 bits
dptr equ dword ptr ; Means we're loading/storing 32 bits
; All code and data must be in the code segment, which is the first segment
; in all Turbo C, Turbo C++, and Microsoft C memory models.
; If we are in the Medium or Large models, there are multiple code segments.
; If this is the case, our default code segment name will be "SWAP_TEXT".
; This is acceptable in most cases, except when using the Turbo C integrated
; development environment. See SWAP.DOC for details.
; *****************************************************************************
; Our resident data declarations--this data will be needed after the swap
; has occurred, and thus must be above the resident line
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; First, all variables that will be used by all versions assembled from
; this source file, regardless of what save options are selected
; *****************************************************************************
ret_code dw 0 ; Return code (to C caller) of this swap routine
; 0 = success
; 1 = unable to shrink DOS memory allocation
; 2 = unable to save program to EMS
; 3 = unable to execute requested program
; These values must be the same as those listed
; in SWAP.H!!!!!!!!!
; *****************************************************************************
; Variables that deal with DOS' memory allocation blocks
old_size dw 0 ; The old size (in paragraphs) of this program
new_size dw 0 ; The new "resident" size, doesn't include code/data swapped
prog_size dw 0 ; Size in paragraphs of saved part of program block (old_size - new_size)
total_paras dw 0 ; Size (in paragraphs) of all blocks combined
my_psp dw 0 ; This program's Program Segment Prefix (PSP)
mcb_psp dw 0 ; The PSP address in this program's memory block
start_seg dw 0 ; Segment address of released memory
; If we are swapping all DOS memory blocks a program owns, we store
; them in this array of structures
extra_count dw 0 ; # of extra blocks to save (not including program block)
dos_blocks dos_block MAX_EXTRA dup (<>) ; Array for extra blocks
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; Variable used during the save/restore process
handle dw 0 ; EMS/XMS/disk file handle
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; A temporary stack in our code segment, and associated variables
old_sp dw 0 ; Place to save this program's stack
old_ss dw 0 ; information while executing new program
; XMS driver needs a large stack (at least 256 bytes free when called)
new_stack db 320 dup ('?') ; Temporary stack we can address after swap
new_stack db 128 dup ('?') ; Temporary stack we can address after swap
new_sp label word ; Point SP to "top" of stack
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; Variables that deal with the execution of the new program
prog_name db 128 dup (0) ; Storage for name of program to execute
cmd_pad db 0 ; Maintain word-alignment for variables
cmd_len db 0 ; Storage for length of command line parameters
cmd_line db 128 dup (0) ; Storage for command line parameters
param_blk label byte ; Program Parameter Block--pass to DOS on exec call
env_seg dw 0 ; Environment segment address, 0 means a COPY of ours
cmd_ofs dw offset CSEG:cmd_len ; Offset address of command line
;cmd_ofs dw offset cmd_len ; Offset address of command line
cmd_seg dw seg cmd_line ; Segment address of command line
fcb_5C_ofs dw offset fcb5C ; Far pointers to default FCB's. Some
fcb_5C_seg dw seg fcb5C ; programs (such as DOS' CHKDSK.COM)
fcb_6C_ofs dw offset fcb6C ; depend on these being parsed from
fcb_6C_seg dw seg fcb6C ; the command line before the EXEC call
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; Variables needed to parse the command line into the default FCB's
c_l_length dw 0 ; Command line length
si_5C dw 0 ; Save area for pointer to cmd line arg 1
si_6C dw 0 ; Save area for pointer to cmd line arg 2
; Default FCB to be passed to PSP offset 5C (hex)
fcb5C label byte
fcb5C_drive db 0 ; drive
fcb5C_fname db 8 dup (?) ; file name
fcb5C_ext db 3 dup (?) ; extension
fcb5C_pad db 4 dup (?) ; unused
; Default FCB to be passed to PSP offset 6C (hex)
fcb6C label byte
fcb6C_drive db 0 ; drive
fcb6C_fname db 8 dup (?) ; file name
fcb6C_ext db 3 dup (?) ; extension
fcb6C_pad db 4 dup (?) ; unused
; *****************************************************************************
exec_ret db 0 ; Return code from executed program
exec_pad db 0 ; Maintain word-alignment for variables
restore_proc dw 0 ; Address of appropriate restore routine
; *****************************************************************************
; Message to display to screen when we can't reload program
abort_msg db 0dh, 0ah, 'SWAP: Unable to reload program.', 0dh, 0ah
abort_len dw $ - offset CSEG:abort_msg
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; Next, the variables needed only for certain versions of the routine,
; depending on which save/restore options are chosen
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; Variables needed only when swapping to XMS
XMS_proc dd 0 ; Address of XMS entry point
XMS_struc label byte ; Structure needed to move memory with XMS
XMS_size dd 0 ; # of bytes to move (must be even)
XMS_from dw 0 ; Handle of source, 0=conventional memory
XMS_from_addr dd 0 ; Address of source memory
XMS_to dw 0 ; Handle of destionation, 0=conventional memory
XMS_to_addr dd 0 ; Address of destination memory
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; Variables needed only when swapping to EMS
pages_used db 0 ; # of pages of EMS used
emm_name db 'EMMXXXX0' ; Name of EMS device driver
EMS_struc label byte ; Structure needed to move memory with EMS 4.0+
EMS_size dd 0 ; # of bytes to move
EMS_from db 0 ; Type of source memory (0 = conventional, 1 = expanded)
EMS_from_h dw 0 ; Source memory handle (0 = conventional)
EMS_from_o dw 0 ; Offset of source memory (expanded = 0-16K, conventional = 0-64K)
EMS_from_s dw 0 ; Segment/page of source (expanded = logical page, conventional = segment)
EMS_to db 0 ; Type of desination memory (0 = conventional, 1 = expanded)
EMS_to_h dw 0 ; Destination memory handle (0 = conventional)
EMS_to_o dw 0 ; Offset of destination memory (expanded = 0-16K, conventional = 0-64K)
EMS_to_s dw 0 ; Segment/page of destination (expanded = logical page, conventional = segment)
ems_offset dd 0 ; Destination pointer--absolute byte offset into handle
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; Variables needed only when swapping to disk
fname db 80 dup (0) ; Name of the file data is saved to/read from
paras_left dw 0 ; temporary counter
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; Version-dependent code--only assemble the routine to restore the program
; from each media (XMS, EMS, disk) if it was specified on the command line
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; restore_xms Attempts to restore program from XMS extended memory
; Entry: DS points to our variables
; Program was saved to XMS extended memory (block referred to by handle)
; Return: Carry set on error, carry clear on success
; *****************************************************************************
restore_xms proc near
push es
assume ds:CSEG ; Tell MASM that DS points to our variables
; First, attempt to restore the portion of the program block that was saved
xms_prog_rest: mov ax, wptr start_seg ; Released segment address
mov es, ax
mov ax, wptr prog_size ; Size (in paragraphs)
xor bx, bx
mov wptr XMS_from_addr, bx ; Initialize XMS source
mov wptr XMS_from_addr + 2, bx ; address (offset into extended memory block)
call rest_xms_seg ; Attempt to restore it
jc xms_dealloc ; Carry set = error, exit
; Next, restore the extra DOS segments
xms_extra_rest: mov cx, wptr extra_count ; Number of extra blocks to save
jcxz xms_dealloc ; If CX = 0, we exit routine
mov di, offset dos_blocks ; DI -> array of segment/size pairs
mov ax, wptr [di].block_seg
mov es, ax ; ES = segment to restore
mov ax, wptr [di].block_size; AX = size in paragraphs
push cx
push di
call rest_xms_seg ; Attempt to restore this block
pop di
pop cx
jc xms_dealloc ; Carry flag set == error, exit
add di, size dos_block
loop xms_extra_rest_loop ; Keep going through all blocks
xms_dealloc: rcl bl, 1 ; Save carry flag in low bit of bl
mov dx, wptr handle ; First, free XMS handle
mov ah, 0Ah
push bx
call dptr XMS_proc
pop bx
rcr bl, 1 ; Restore carry flag from bl low bit
restore_xms_ret:pop es
restore_xms endp
; *****************************************************************************
; rest_xms_seg Attempts to restore a chunk of RAM from XMS memory
; Entry: ES points to the segment to restore
; AX contains its length (in paragraphs)
; handle holds the XMS handle to read from
; XMS_from_addr contains offset into extended memory for read
; Return: Carry set on error, carry clear on success
; Updates XMS_from_addr for next read
; *****************************************************************************
rest_xms_seg proc near
push ds
push es
; Call the XMS copy memory function to do this; fill in request block
xms_read_size: mov bx, 10h ; AX = # of paragraphs, convert to bytes
mul bx ; DX:AX = AX * 10h, # of bytes to read
mov wptr XMS_size, ax ; Store # of bytes to read
mov wptr XMS_size + 2, dx
xms_read_from: mov ax, wptr handle ; Source XMS handle
mov wptr XMS_from, ax ; XMS_from_addr already filled in
xms_read_to: xor bx, bx
mov wptr XMS_to, bx ; Read into conventional memory
mov wptr XMS_to_addr, bx ; Offset of dest address
mov ax, es ; Segment of destination address
mov wptr XMS_to_addr + 2, ax
do_xms_read: mov si, offset CSEG:XMS_struc ; DS:SI -> XMS structure
mov ah, 0Bh
call dptr XMS_proc ; Do the move
cmp ax, 1
jnz rest_xms_seg_er
rest_xms_seg_ok:mov ax, wptr XMS_size ; Retrieve length
mov dx, wptr XMS_size + 2 ; (32 bits)
add wptr XMS_from_addr, ax ; Add two 32-bit values
adc wptr XMS_from_addr + 2, dx ; Update XMS read pointer
clc ; Signal success
jmp short rest_xms_seg_ret
pop es
pop ds
rest_xms_seg endp
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; restore_ems Attempts to restore program from EMS expanded memory
; Entry: DS points to our variables
; Program was saved to EMS expanded memory (block referred to by handle)
; Return: Carry set on error, carry clear on success
; *****************************************************************************
restore_ems proc near
push es
assume ds:CSEG ; Tell MASM that DS points to our variables
; First, attempt to restore the portion of the program block that was saved
ems_prog_rest: mov ax, wptr start_seg ; Released segment address
mov es, ax
mov ax, wptr prog_size ; Size (in paragraphs)
xor bx, bx
mov wptr ems_offset, bx ; Maintain absolute by offset
mov wptr ems_offset + 2, bx ; pointer relative to handle
call rest_ems_seg ; Attempt to restore it
jc ems_dealloc ; Carry set = error, exit
; Next, restore the extra DOS segments
ems_extra_rest: mov cx, wptr extra_count ; Number of extra blocks to save
jcxz ems_dealloc ; If CX = 0, we exit routine
mov di, offset dos_blocks ; DI -> array of segment/size pairs
mov ax, wptr [di].block_seg
mov es, ax ; ES = segment to restore
mov ax, wptr [di].block_size; AX = size in paragraphs
push cx
push di
call rest_ems_seg ; Attempt to restore this block
pop di
pop cx
jc ems_dealloc ; Carry flag set == error, exit
add di, size dos_block
loop ems_extra_rest_loop ; Keep going through all blocks
ems_dealloc: rcl bl, 1 ; Save carry flag in low bit of bl
mov ah, 45h ; Deallocate EMS memory
mov dx, wptr handle ; Specify which handle
push bx
int 67h
pop bx
rcr bl, 1 ; Restore carry flag from bl low bit
restore_ems_ret:pop es
restore_ems endp
; *****************************************************************************
; rest_ems_seg Attempts to restore a chunk of RAM from EMS memory
; Entry: ES points to the segment to restore
; AX contains its length (in paragraphs)
; handle holds the EMS handle to write to
; ems_offset holds the 32-bit absolute offset in expanded
; memory to read this block from
; Return: Carry set on error, carry clear on success
; Updates ems_offset with proper offset for next read
; *****************************************************************************
rest_ems_seg proc near
push ds
push es
assume ds:CSEG ; Tell MASM DS points to our variables
; Call the EMS copy memory function to do this; fill in the EMS request block
ems_read_size: mov bx, 10h ; AX = # of paragraphs
mul bx ; DX:AX = AX * 10h, convert paragraphs to bytes
mov wptr EMS_size, ax ; Store # of bytes to write
mov wptr EMS_size + 2, dx
ems_read_to: xor bx, bx
mov bptr EMS_to, bl ; Copying to conventional memory (0)
mov wptr EMS_to_h, bx ; Destination handle is 0 (conventional memory)
mov wptr EMS_to_o, bx ; Destination offset is 0
mov ax, es ; Segment of destination address is ES
mov wptr EMS_to_s, ax
ems_read_from: mov bptr EMS_from, 1 ; Copying to expanded memory
mov ax, wptr handle
mov wptr EMS_from_h, ax ; Specify EMS handle
; 32-bit absolute offset for copy is in ems_offset
; convert to EMS page:offset (16K pages) values
mov ax, wptr ems_offset ; Load 32-byte offset
mov dx, wptr ems_offset + 2
mov bx, ax ; Save a copy of ax (low 16 bits)
and ax, 0011111111111111b ; Get (ax & (16K - 1)), this is the offset (14 bits)
mov wptr EMS_from_o, ax ; Save page offset
mov cl, 14
shr bx, cl ; Move low 2 bits of page into low 2 bits of bx
mov cl, 2
shl dx, cl ; Move hi ? bits of page into dx shl 2
or dx, bx ; DX = page number (combine two values)
mov wptr EMS_from_s, dx ; Save
mov ax, wptr EMS_size ; Retrieve size of copy
mov dx, wptr EMS_size + 2
add wptr ems_offset, ax ; Update EMS copy pointer
adc wptr ems_offset + 2, dx ; for next EMS write
do_ems_read: mov si, offset CSEG:EMS_struc ; DS:SI -> EMS request structure
mov ax, 5700h ; Function 57 (copy/exchange memory), sub 0, copy memory
int 67h ; Call EMS manager
or ah, ah ; AH = 0 means success
jnz rest_ems_seg_er ; Not 0 means error
rest_ems_seg_ok:clc ; Signal success
jmp short rest_ems_seg_ret
pop es
pop ds
rest_ems_seg endp
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; restore_disk Attempts to restore program from DOS disk file
; Entry: DS points to our code segment
; Program was saved to DOS disk file (full path stored in fname)
; Return: Carry set on error, carry clear on success
; *****************************************************************************
restore_disk proc near
push ds
assume ds:CSEG ; Tell MASM that DS points to our variables
open_file: mov dx, offset CSEG:fname ; DS:DX -> file name
mov ax, 3D42h ; DOS function 3Dh, open file
; al = open for read only, deny none
int 21h ; Call DOS
jnc open_ok ; Carry clear = all OK
jmp short restore_disk_ret ; Carry set, just exit with error
open_ok: mov wptr handle, ax ; File handle returned from DOS
; First, restore the program block contents saved to disk
disk_prog_rest: mov ax, wptr start_seg ; Get segment of program block saved
mov es, ax
mov ax, wptr prog_size ; Get size of program block saved
call rest_disk_seg ; Try to restore it
jc restore_disk_er ; Carry set == error
; Next, restore the contents of the extra blocks saved to disk
mov cx, wptr extra_count ; Number of extra blocks to restore
jcxz close_read ; IF CX = 0, we're done restoring
mov di, offset dos_blocks ; DI -> array of segment/size pairs
mov ax, wptr [di].block_seg
mov es, ax ; ES = segment to restore to
mov ax, wptr [di].block_size; AX = size in paragraphs
push cx
push di
call rest_disk_seg ; Attempt to restore this block
pop di
pop cx
jc restore_disk_er ; Error--exit routine
add di, size dos_block
loop disk_extra_rest_loop ; Look for next DOS block
close_read: mov ah, 3Eh ; Close file
int 21h ; Call DOS
restore_disk_ok:clc ; Signal success
jmp short restore_disk_ret ; and Exit
mov ah, 3Eh ; Error, close file first
int 21h ; Call DOS
stc ; Signal failure
pop ds ; Restore our DS! (error in revs 2.11 and before)
rcl bl, 1 ; Save carry flag in low bit of bl
mov dx, offset CSEG:fname ; DS:DX -> file name
mov ah, 41h ; DOS function 41h, delete file
push bx
int 21h ; Call DOS
pop bx
rcr bl, 1 ; Restore carry flag from low bit of bl
restore_disk endp
; *****************************************************************************
; rest_disk_seg Attempts to restore a chunk of RAM from the DOS disk file
; Entry: ES points to the segment to restore
; AX contains its length (in paragraphs)
; handle contains the file handle to read from
; Program was saved to DOS disk file (fname)
; Return: Carry set on error, carry clear on success
; *****************************************************************************
rest_disk_seg proc near
push es
push ds
mov bx, es
mov ds, bx ; DS -> segment to restore to
assume ds:nothing
mov wptr cs:paras_left, ax ; Keep count in this variable
disk_read_32k: cmp ax, 0800h ; Less than 32K left?
jb last_disk_read ; Yes, do last read
sub wptr cs:paras_left, 0800h ; 32K left to read
mov ah, 3Fh ; DOS function 3Fh, read file
mov bx, wptr cs:handle ; BX = handle to read from
mov cx, 8000h ; Read 32K bytes
xor dx, dx ; DS:DX -> buffer to read to
int 21h ; Call DOS
jc rest_disk_seg_er ; Carry set = error
disk_read_ok: mov ax, ds ; Address next read location
add ax, 0800h ; It's 800h paragraphs ahead
mov ds, ax ; DS -> new restore location
mov ax, wptr cs:paras_left ; Expecting this above
jmp short disk_read_32k ; Read next 32K
last_disk_read: mov cx, 4 ; Convert paragraphs to bytes
shl ax, cl
mov cx, ax ; # of bytes left in cx
mov ah, 3Fh ; Read last bytes
mov bx, wptr cs:handle ; BX = handle to read from
xor dx, dx ; DS:DX -> buffer to restore to
int 21h ; Call DOS
jc rest_disk_seg_er ; Error reading! Close file first
jmp short rest_disk_seg_ret
pop ds
pop es
rest_disk_seg endp
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; execute_program Execute the program specified
; Entry: param_blk has been initialized
; DS points to our data
; Return: puts return code in cs:exec_ret
; *****************************************************************************
execute_program proc near ; Called only from inside our segment
push ds ; These are destroyed by the
push es ; DOS EXEC call
assume ds:CSEG ; Tell MASM that DS points to our variables
exec_program: mov ax, ds ; Our path name is in CS (point DS to our segment)
int 3
mov es, ax ; Our parameter block is in CS (point ES to our segment)
mov CSEG:cmd_seg,ax
mov CSEG:fcb_5C_seg,ax
mov CSEG:fcb_6C_seg,ax
mov ax, 4B00h ; Load and execute program
mov bx, offset CSEG:param_blk
mov dx, offset CSEG:prog_name
int 21h ; Sets carry flag if error
; All registers destroyed
; except CS:IP!
assume ds:nothing ; Tell MASM that DS doesn't point to our variables
mov bptr cs:exec_ret, al ; Store EXEC code
jc exec_err ; Ooops
get_return: mov ah, 4Dh ; DOS function to get ret code
int 21h ; All registers destroyed
mov bptr cs:exec_ret, al ; Store EXEC code
jmp short exec_exit
exec_err: mov wptr cs:ret_code, 3 ; Signal error on executing
exec_exit: pop es
pop ds
execute_program endp
; *****************************************************************************
; err_exit Prints error message and terminates program
; Entry: Nothing.
; Returns: Doesn't return--calls DOS terminate function.
; Naturally, we can't use the C runtime routines,
; since they are swapped out.
; *****************************************************************************
err_exit proc near ; Called only from inside our segment
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax ; Point DS to our data
assume ds:CSEG ; Tell MASM that DS points to our data
mov ah, 40h ; DOS function to write to file
mov bx, STDERR ; Write to standard error handle
mov cx, wptr abort_len ; CX = length of message
mov dx, offset CSEG:abort_msg ; DS:DX = message
int 21h
mov ax, 4CFFh ; Exit, return code 255 decimal (FF hex)
int 21h ; Exit to DOS, no return
err_exit endp
; *****************************************************************************
; do_exec Calls the execute routine, then restores program
; Entry: Nothing
; Returns: Since it is called from the non-resident area, it
; can only return if the program is restored completely.
; *****************************************************************************
do_exec proc
call near ptr execute_program ; Execute the specified program
jnc re_size ; No carry, OK
exec_er: mov wptr ret_code, 3 ; Signal error
re_size: mov es, wptr my_psp ; Get our PSP address
mov bx, wptr old_size ; Increase back to old size
mov ah, 4Ah ; DOS function 4Ah = resize
int 21h
jc resize_err ; Carry clear = all OK
; If necessary, allocate all extra DOS memory blocks our program owned
mov cx, wptr extra_count ; CX = number of extra DOS blocks
jcxz restore_prog ; If zero, don't bother
mov di, offset dos_blocks ; DI -> array of addresses/sizes
push es
mov bx, wptr [di].block_size; BX = old size
mov ah, 48h ; DOS function to allocate memory block
push cx
push di
int 21h
pop di
pop cx
jc resize_err ; Unlikely error
check_alloc: cmp ax, wptr [di].block_seg ; Is it the same as the origignal segment address?
jnz resize_err ; Nope. We could do some fancy tricks here,
; but for the most part it's not necessary.
add di, size dos_block ; Point to next entry
loop alloc_extra_loop ; Keep going through extra blocks
pop es
jmp short restore_prog
resize_err: call near ptr err_exit ; Can't return, exit to DOS
restore_prog: call wptr restore_proc ; Restore program from disk
jc resize_err ; Carry set if error
; If no error, it returns
; down to restored code
do_exec endp
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
para_align proc near
new_mcb db 16 dup (0) ; DOS will put MCB of released memory here
para_align endp
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; Everything after here is only needed BEFORE we change our allocation size.
; Everything below this line will be (temporarily) swapped out of memory,
; and thus cannot be used once we shrink our memory allocation.
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; swap The routine that does it all
; Callable by a C program, takes these parameters (regardless
; of which swap options chosen at assembly time, because
; C calling conventions let us ignore parameters to the
; right if we want to):
; swap_both:
; prog Full path name of program to execute
; cmdline Command-line parameters for program to execute
; return Pointer to byte for return code of exec'd program
; save_file Full path name of file in which to save program image (if disk is to be used)
; Depending on the memory model used, the pointers to the
; parameters each occupy 2 bytes or 4 bytes on the stack.
; If there is only one data segment (Small and Medium), each
; value is a 2-byte near pointer, with DS assumed as the segment
; register. If there are multiple data segments (Compact and
; Large), each value is a 4-byte far pointer, with segment and
; offset values each pushed on the stack.
; The function is declared with 4 parameters, regardless of whether
; disk swapping is being included. This is because the file name
; parameter is the last on the parameter list, which C lets us
; ignore if we want.
; The swap() routine does not check the program name or command
; line to verify that a legal command has been requested--that's
; the caller's responsibility!
; *****************************************************************************
public _swap
_swap proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
prog EQU word ptr [bp+10]
cmdline EQU word ptr [bp+8]
return EQU word ptr [bp+6]
save_file EQU word ptr [bp+4]
push si ; Save registers needed
push di ; by the caller
push es
push ds
point_segs: mov ax, cs ; Point ES to our segment
mov es, ax ; for copying of parameters
; *****************************************************************************
get_name: ; Copy program name to our variable, all versions
; If multiple data segments, load DS:SI from stack. Else, just load SI
mov si, wptr prog ; Load 16-bit near pointer
mov di, offset CSEG:prog_name ; ES:DI -> our storage area
name_loop: lodsb ; Fetch next byte
stosb ; Save next byte
or al, al ; Was it 0 (end of string)?
jnz name_loop ; No, get next one
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
get_cmd: ; Copy command line to our variable, all versions
; If multiple data segments, load DS:SI from stack. Else, just load SI
mov si, wptr cmdline ; Load 16-bit near pointer
mov di, offset CSEG:cmd_line ; ES:DI -> our storage area
xor cl, cl ; Keep track of length in cl
cmd_loop: lodsb ; Fetch next byte from DS:SI
or al, al ; Was it 0 (end of string)?
jz cmd_end ; Yes, we're done
stosb ; No, store byte
inc cl ; Increment length
cmp cl, MAX_DOS_CMD ; Are we at maximum cmd length?
jnz cmd_loop ; Nope, keep going
cmd_end: mov bptr es:[di], 0dh ; Put CR at end of cmd line
mov bptr cs:cmd_len, cl ; Store command-line length
; *****************************************************************************
; Set up the default FCBs at 5Ch and 6Ch in the PSP
; Code provided by David E. Jenkins
push ds ; Save caller's DS
mov ax, cs ; Point DS to our
mov ds, ax ; variables
assume ds:CSEG ; Tell MASM that DS points to our variables
; Locate the first two command line arguments
push ds ; Copy ds into es
pop es ; " " " "
mov di, offset CSEG:cmd_line ; Point to command line in CS
mov al, bptr cmd_len ; load the command line length
xor ah, ah
inc ax ; Include the CR in the length
mov wptr c_l_length, ax ; Save the command line length
add ax, di ; Point to end of command line
mov wptr si_5C, ax ; default to just after command line
mov wptr si_6C, ax ; " " " " " "
cmp bptr cmd_len, 0 ; Is there anything to parse?
jz args_located ; if not then args have been located
mov cx, wptr c_l_length ; Load the command line length
mov al, ' ' ; We must find the first non-blank
repe scasb ; Go until we find it or run out
or cx, cx ; Did we run out (CX = 0)?
jz args_located ; Yes--then args have been located
dec di ; Move back to the right one
inc cx ; " " " " " "
mov wptr si_5C, di ; Save the location of arg 1
repne scasb ; Find the next space (between arg1,2)
or cx, cx ; Did we run out
jz args_located ; If so then args have been located
dec di ; Move back to the left one
inc cx ; " " " " " "
repe scasb ; Now find next non-blank (arg 2)
or cx, cx ; Did we run out
jz args_located ; If so then args have been located
dec di ; Move back to the right one
inc cx ; " " " " " "
mov wptr si_6C,di ; Save location of arg 2
; parse the first argument into the first FCB
mov si, wptr si_5C ; Point to the first argument
mov di, offset CSEG:fcb5C_drive ; Point to the unopened FCB
mov ah, 29h ; Parse file name function
mov al, 00h ; Do it like COMMAND.COM does it
int 21h ; go for it
; parse the second argument into the second FCB
mov si, wptr si_6C ; Point to the second argument
mov di, offset CSEG:fcb6C_drive ; point to the unopened FCB
mov ah, 29h ; Parse file name function
mov al, 00h ; Do it like COMMAND.COM does it
int 21h ; go for it
pop ds ; Restore caller's DS
; *****************************************************************************
; Get the file name from the command line, if this version needs it
; If multiple data segments, load DS:SI, else just load SI
mov si, save_file ; Load 16-bit pointer
mov di, offset CSEG:fname ; ES:DI -> our storage area
resolve: mov ah, 60h ; DOS INTERNAL function to resolve file name to full path name
int 21h ; Stores complete path at ES:DI--we need it after EXEC in case
; current drive or directory have changed
; Ignore file name error here--it
; will be caught in save_disk if need be
; *****************************************************************************
; We have the parameters--let's go
; *****************************************************************************
mov wptr cs:ret_code, 0 ; Initialize swap's return code
mov cs:exec_ret, 0 ; Initialize exec's return code
save_stack: mov ax, ss
mov wptr cs:old_ss, ax ; Save current SS
mov ax, sp
mov wptr cs:old_sp, ax ; Save current SP
our_stack: mov ax, cs ; Our stack is in our CS
cli ; Disable interrupts
mov ss, ax
mov sp, offset CSEG:new_sp ; Set new stack
sti ; Re-enable interrupts
save_regs: push es ; Save needed registers
push ds ; This is the caller's DS!
push bp
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax ; Point DS to our data
assume ds:CSEG ; Tell MASM that DS points to our variables
save_info: mov ah, 51h ; DOS function 51h, get PSP
int 21h ; Call DOS
mov ax, bx ; ax = PSP
mov wptr my_psp, ax ; Save in cs: addressable location
dec ax ; PSP-1 = MCB for this mem block
mov es, ax
mov ax, es:[0001h] ; Get PSP address--should be same!
cmp ax, wptr my_psp ; All kosher?
jz psp_ok ; Yes
psp_error: mov wptr ret_code, 1 ; No, pass return code
jmp short exit_swap ; Exit
psp_ok: call near ptr calc_size ; Calc size to keep, save
try_save: call near ptr save_program ; Write program to disk
jnc shrink_mem ; Carry flag set on error
no_save: mov wptr ret_code, 2 ; Error--set return code
jmp short exit_swap ; Exit routine on error
shrink_mem: mov ah, 4Ah ; DOS 4Ah--modify memory allocation
mov es, wptr my_psp ; Point to PSP again
mov bx, wptr new_size ; new_size was figured in calc_size
int 21h ; Call DOS to shrink size
jc no_shrink ; Carry set = error
; If necessary, free all extra DOS memory blocks our program owns
mov cx, wptr extra_count ; CX = number of extra DOS blocks
jcxz exec_prog ; If zero, don't bother
mov di, offset dos_blocks ; DI -> array of addresses/sizes
push es
mov ax, wptr [di].block_seg
mov es, ax ; ES = DOS memory segment to free
mov ah, 49h ; DOS function to free memory block
push cx
push di
int 21h
pop di
pop cx
jc no_shrink ; Unlikely error
add di, size dos_block ; Point to next entry
loop free_extra_loop ; Keep going through extra blocks
pop es
jmp short exec_prog
; *****************************************************************************
; Any routine called or data referred to after this point MUST be located
; in this source file BEFORE the variable new_mcb below!
; *****************************************************************************
no_shrink: mov wptr ret_code, 1 ; Carry = couldn't shrink block
jmp short exit_swap ; Should delete file here!
exec_prog: call do_exec ; This code is resident, and can
; be found above the resident line
; do_exec execute the routine AND restores the program!
exit_swap: pop bp ; Restore saved registers
pop ds ; This is the caller's DS!
pop es
assume ds:nothing ; Tell MASM DS doesn't point to our variables
prev_stack: mov ax, wptr cs:old_ss ; Restore original stack
mov ss, ax
mov sp, wptr cs:old_sp
; Giving user exec's return code. It could be a 16- or 32-bit pointer
mov si, wptr return ; Load 16-bit pointer
mov al, bptr cs:exec_ret ; Store exec's return code
mov bptr [si], al ; at address specified by caller
pop ds
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop bp
mov ax, wptr cs:ret_code ; Give return code
_swap endp
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; calc_size Calculates the total size (in paragraphs) of all DOS blocks
; owned by this program plus the amount of the initial program
; allocation block we can swap out.
; Entry: DS points to our variables
; ES points to DOS Memory Control Block for our program
; Return: old_size, start_seg, new_size, total_paras, extra_count initialized
; *****************************************************************************
calc_size proc near ; Called only from inside our segment
push es
assume ds:CSEG ; Tell MASM that DS points to our variables
mov ax, es:[0003h] ; Get # paragraphs allocated
; in this memory block
mov wptr old_size, ax ; Save old size of program
mov bx, cs ; BX = segment of our code
mov ax, offset CSEG:new_mcb; Last address to keep
mov cl, 4 ; new_mcb is para aligned
shr ax, cl ; AX = ofs new_mcb / 16
inc ax
add bx, ax
mov wptr start_seg, bx ; Segment of released memory
sub bx, wptr my_psp ; BX = size to keep in paragraphs
mov wptr new_size, bx ; Save new, smaller size
mov ax, wptr old_size
sub ax, bx
mov wptr prog_size, ax ; ax = size of program block to swap out
mov wptr total_paras, ax ; ax = total paragraphs
; Now loop through all subsequent MCBs looking for blocks that we own (if
; the MCB's "owner" (PSP) matches us (our PSP). Right now ES points to
; our MCB. The MCB has three fields of interest:
; Offset Size Description
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; 0000h Byte Chain flag: 'M' (4Dh) if not last, 'Z' (5Ah) if last block in chain
; 0001h Word PSP segment of owner, 0000h if free memory
; 0003h Word Size of memory block in paragraphs, NOT including this MCB!
find_extras: mov wptr extra_count, 0 ; Initialize count
mov bx, wptr my_psp ; Use bx to hold PSP for easy comparisons
mov di, offset dos_blocks ; di = pointer to storage area
check_next_mcb: cmp bptr es:[0000h], 'Z' ; Is this the last block?
jz calc_size_ret ; Yup
next_mcb2: mov ax, es ; ax = this MCB
mov cx, wptr es:[0003h] ; cx = size of this mcb
add ax, cx
inc ax ; ax = addres of next MCB
mov es, ax ; ES -> next MCB
my_block: cmp wptr es:[0001h], bx ; Does it match my PSP?
jnz check_next_mcb ; Nope, move along
is_my_block: inc wptr extra_count ; One more extra block
cmp wptr extra_count, MAX_EXTRA
ja calc_size_ret ; Too many blocks--just exit
is_my_block2: inc ax ; Was MCB, now is address of segment
mov wptr [di].block_seg, ax ; Store segment address
mov cx, wptr es:[0003h] ; Get size in paragraphs
mov wptr [di].block_size, cx; Store size
add wptr total_paras, cx ; Increment total
add di, size dos_block ; Next index (move pointer)
jmp short check_next_mcb
calc_size_ret: pop es
calc_size endp
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; xms_installed Checks to see if XMS driver (himem.sys) is loaded
; Entry: No assumptions--can be called by user
; Return: 1 if XMS driver is load, 0 if not
; *****************************************************************************
public _xms_installed
_xms_installed proc ; Called by user also!
push ds ; Save all "important" registers
push si
push es
push di
mov ax, 4300h ; Multiplex code for XMS driver, load check function
int 2Fh ; Call multiplex interrupt
cmp al, 80h ; al = 80h means XMS driver IS loaded
jnz no_xms ; Nope, not there
yes_xms: mov ax, 4310h ; Get address of entry point
int 2Fh ; Returns address in ES:BX
mov wptr cs:XMS_proc, bx
mov wptr cs:XMS_proc + 2, es
mov ax, 1 ; Return 1, XMS installed
jmp short xms_ret
no_xms: xor ax, ax ; Return 0, XMS not installed
xms_ret: pop di
pop es
pop si
pop ds
_xms_installed endp
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; ems4_installed Checks to see if EMS 4.0 or above driver is loaded
; Entry: No assumptions--can be called by user
; Return: 1 if EMS 4.0 driver is load, 0 if not
; *****************************************************************************
public _ems4_installed
_ems4_installed proc ; Called by user also!
push ds ; Save "important" registers
push si
push es
push di
get_emm_vector: mov ah, GET_VECTOR ; Get EMM interrupt vector
mov al, 67h ; EMM accessed through Int 67h
int 21h ; Call DOS to get vector
mov di, 0ah ; vector + di = name
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax ; DS:SI -> EMM device driver name
mov si, offset CSEG:emm_name ; Compare with EMM device name
mov cx, EMM_NAME_LEN
repe cmpsb ; Compare bytes
jnz ems_no ; Same? If not, EMS installed
ems_yes: mov ah, 46h ; Get EMM version number
int 67h ; Returns BCD in al
cmp al, 40h ; Look only at high 4 bits
jb ems_no ; Version not high enough--return 0
ems4_yes: mov ax, 1 ; EMS installed, return 1
jmp short ems_ret
ems_no: xor ax, ax ; EMS not installed, return 0
ems_ret: pop di
pop es
pop si
pop ds
_ems4_installed endp
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; save_program Try to save in XMS/EMS/disk.
; Entry: DS points to our variables
; Returns: Success: carry flag clear
; Failure: carry flag set
; *****************************************************************************
save_program proc near ; Called only from inside our segment
push si ; Save registers
push di
push ds
push es
; Now figure out which routines to call, based on command-line definitions
; To change the order in which swap() attempts to swap, change the order
; of these three conditional blocks.
%out swap() will attempt to save the program in the following order:
; *****************************************************************************
%out -- XMS extended memory
call save_xms ; Try saving to XMS extended memory
jnc save_ok ; Carry clear == success, all done
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
%out -- EMS expanded memory
call save_ems ; Try saving to EMS expanded memory
jnc save_ok ; Carry clear == success, all done
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
%out -- DOS disk file
call save_disk ; Try saving to DOS disk file
jnc save_ok ; Carry clear == success, all done
; *****************************************************************************
save_er: stc ; Couldn't save anywhere, return error
jmp short save_ret
save_ok: clc ; Saved successfully, return OK
save_ret: pop es ; Restore registers
pop ds
pop di
pop si
save_program endp
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; Version-dependent code--only assemble the routine to save the program
; to each place if it was requested on the command line
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; save_xms Attempts to save program to XMS extended memory
; Entry: DS points to our variables
; Return: Carry set on error, carry clear on success
; If successful, updates restore_proc with the address of
; the XMS restore routine
; *****************************************************************************
save_xms proc near
assume ds:CSEG ; Tell MASM DS points to our variables
call _xms_installed ; Check if XMS installed
or ax, ax ; Returns 0 if not installed
jnz xms_inst ; AX != 0, XMS installed
jmp short save_xms_er ; AX == 0, XMS not installed
xms_inst: mov dx, wptr total_paras ; dx = total # of paragraphs to write
mov cl, 6 ; Convert Paragraphs to kilobytes
shr dx, cl ; dx = dx / 64
inc dx ; dx = kilobytes needed (plus 1 for safety)
xms_alloc: mov ah, 09h ; XMS function 09, allocate extended memory block
call dptr XMS_proc ; Call XMS entry point directly
cmp ax, 1 ; AX = 1 on success
jnz save_xms_er ; Allocation unsuccessful, error
xms_alloc_ok: mov wptr handle, dx ; Save returned handle in DX
; First, attempt to save the portion of the program block
xms_prog_save: mov ax, wptr start_seg ; Released segment address
mov es, ax
mov ax, wptr prog_size ; Size (in paragraphs) of program block to save
xor bx, bx
mov wptr XMS_to_addr, bx ; Initialize XMS destination
mov wptr XMS_to_addr + 2, bx; address (offset into extended memory block)
call save_xms_seg ; Attempt to save the program block
jc write_error ; Carry set = failure, return
; Next, save the extra DOS segments
xms_extra_save: mov cx, wptr extra_count ; Number of extra blocks to save
jcxz save_xms_ok ; If CX = 0, we exit routine
mov di, offset dos_blocks ; DI -> array of segment/size pairs
mov ax, wptr [di].block_seg
mov es, ax ; ES = segment to save
mov ax, wptr [di].block_size; AX = size in paragraphs
push cx
push di
call save_xms_seg ; Attempt to save this block
pop di
pop cx
jc write_error ; Carry flag set == error
add di, size dos_block
loop xms_extra_save_loop ; Keep going through all blocks
jmp short save_xms_ok
write_error: mov dx, wptr handle ; Free allocated handle
mov ah, 0Ah
call dptr XMS_proc ; Falls through to failure code
save_xms_er: stc
jmp short save_xms_ret
save_xms_ok: mov wptr restore_proc, offset CSEG:restore_xms ; Initialize pointer
clc ; to restore routine
save_xms_ret: ret
save_xms endp
; *****************************************************************************
; save_xms_seg Attempts to save a chunk of RAM to XMS memory
; Entry: ES points to the segment to save
; AX contains its length (in paragraphs)
; handle holds the XMS handle to write to
; XMS_to_addr contains offset into extended memory for write
; Return: Carry set on error, carry clear on success
; Updates XMS_to_addr for next write
; *****************************************************************************
save_xms_seg proc near
push ds
push es
; Call the XMS copy memory function to do this; fill in the XMS request block
xms_write_size: mov bx, 10h ; AX = # of paragraphs
mul bx ; DX:AX = AX * 10h, convert paragraphs to bytes
mov wptr XMS_size, ax ; Store # of bytes to write
mov wptr XMS_size + 2, dx
xms_write_from: xor bx, bx
mov wptr XMS_from, bx ; 0 means from conventional memory
mov wptr XMS_from_addr, bx ; Offset of source address is 0
mov ax, es ; Segment of source address is ES
mov wptr XMS_from_addr + 2, ax
xms_write_to: mov ax, wptr handle ; Destination XMS handle
mov wptr XMS_to, ax ; XMS_to_addr already filled in
do_xms_write: mov si, offset CSEG:XMS_struc ; DS:SI -> XMS request structure
mov ah, 0Bh ; Function B, copy memory
call dptr XMS_proc ; Do the memory copy move
cmp ax, 1 ; AX = 1 means success
jnz save_xms_seg_er ; Success, all done!
save_xms_seg_ok:mov ax, wptr XMS_size ; Retrieve length
mov dx, wptr XMS_size + 2 ; (32 bits)
add wptr XMS_to_addr, ax ; Add two 32-bit values
adc wptr XMS_to_addr + 2, dx ; Update XMS write pointer
clc ; Signal success
jmp short save_xms_seg_ret
pop es
pop ds
save_xms_seg endp
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; save_ems Attempts to save program to EMS 4.0 expanded memory
; Entry: DS points to our variables
; Return: Carry set on error, carry clear on success
; If successful, updates restore_proc with the address of
; the EMS restore routine
; *****************************************************************************
save_ems proc near
assume ds:CSEG ; Tell MASM DS points to our variables
call _ems4_installed ; Check if EMS 4.0 installed
or ax, ax ; AX = 0 if not installed
jnz ems_inst ; AX != 0, ems installed
jmp short save_ems_er ; AX = 0, no EMS, error!
ems_inst: mov bx, wptr total_paras ; Total # of paragraphs we need
mov cl, 10 ; Convert Paragraphs to 16K pages
shr bx, cl
inc bx ; BX = pages needed
mov bptr pages_used, bl ; Save for later use
mov ah, 43h ; EMM function 43h, allocate
int 67h
or ah, ah ; OK return code?
jz ems_alloc_ok ; Yes, skip ahead
jmp short save_ems_er ; No, not enough EMS
ems_alloc_ok: mov wptr handle, dx ; Returned handle in DX
; First, attempt to save the portion of the program block
ems_prog_save: mov ax, wptr start_seg ; Released segment address
mov es, ax
mov ax, wptr prog_size ; Size (in paragraphs) of program block to save
xor bx, bx
mov wptr ems_offset, bx ; Maintain absolute byte offset
mov wptr ems_offset + 2, bx ; pointer into handle
call save_ems_seg ; Attempt to save the program block
jc save_ems_fail ; Carry set = failure, return
; Next, save the extra DOS segments
ems_extra_save: mov cx, wptr extra_count ; Number of extra blocks to save
jcxz save_ems_ok ; If CX = 0, we exit routine
mov di, offset dos_blocks ; DI -> array of segment/size pairs
mov ax, wptr [di].block_seg
mov es, ax ; ES = segment to save
mov ax, wptr [di].block_size; AX = size in paragraphs
push cx
push di
call save_ems_seg ; Attempt to save this block
pop di
pop cx
jc save_ems_fail ; Carry flag set == error
add di, size dos_block
loop ems_extra_save_loop ; Keep going through all blocks
jmp short save_ems_ok
save_ems_fail: mov dx, wptr handle ; Failure--free handle
mov ah, 45h
int 67h ; Falls through to failure code
save_ems_ok: mov wptr restore_proc, offset CSEG:restore_ems ; Initialize pointer
clc ; to restore routine
jmp short save_ems_ret
save_ems_er: stc
save_ems_ret: ret
save_ems endp
; *****************************************************************************
; save_ems_seg Attempts to save a chunk of RAM to EMS memory
; Entry: ES points to the segment to save
; AX contains its length (in paragraphs)
; handle holds the EMS handle to write to
; ems_offset holds the 32-bit absolute offset in expanded
; memory to write this block to
; Return: Carry set on error, carry clear on success
; Updates ems_offset with proper offset for next write
; *****************************************************************************
save_ems_seg proc near
push ds
push es
assume ds:CSEG ; Tell MASM DS points to our variables
; Call the EMS copy memory function to do this; fill in the eMS request block
ems_write_size: mov bx, 10h ; AX = # of paragraphs
mul bx ; DX:AX = AX * 10h, convert paragraphs to bytes
mov wptr EMS_size, ax ; Store # of bytes to write
mov wptr EMS_size + 2, dx
ems_write_from: xor bx, bx
mov bptr EMS_from, bl ; Copying from conventional memory (0)
mov wptr EMS_from_h, bx ; Source handle is 0 (conventional memory)
mov wptr EMS_from_o, bx ; Source offset is 0
mov ax, es ; Segment of source address is ES
mov wptr EMS_from_s, ax
ems_write_to: mov bptr EMS_to, 1 ; Copying to expanded memory
mov ax, wptr handle
mov wptr EMS_to_h, ax ; Specify EMS handle
; 32-bit absolute offset for copy is in ems_offset
; convert to EMS page:offset (16K pages) values
mov ax, wptr ems_offset ; Load 32-byte offset
mov dx, wptr ems_offset + 2
mov bx, ax ; Save a copy of ax (low 16 bits)
and ax, 0011111111111111b ; Get (ax & (16K - 1)), this is the offset (14 bits)
mov wptr EMS_to_o, ax ; Save page offset
mov cl, 14
shr bx, cl ; Move low 2 bits of page into low 2 bits of bx
mov cl, 2
shl dx, cl ; Move hi ? bits of page into dx shl 2
or dx, bx ; DX = page number (combine two values)
mov wptr EMS_to_s, dx ; Save
mov ax, wptr EMS_size ; Retrieve size of copy
mov dx, wptr EMS_size + 2
add wptr ems_offset, ax ; Update EMS copy pointer
adc wptr ems_offset + 2, dx ; for next EMS write
do_ems_write: mov si, offset CSEG:EMS_struc ; DS:SI -> EMS request structure
mov ax, 5700h ; Function 57 (copy/exchange memory), sub 0, copy memory
int 67h ; Call EMS manager
or ah, ah ; AH = 0 means success
jnz save_ems_seg_er ; Not 0 means error
save_ems_seg_ok:clc ; Signal success
jmp short save_ems_seg_ret
pop es
pop ds
save_ems_seg endp
; *****************************************************************************
; *****************************************************************************
; save_disk Attempts to save program to DOS disk file
; Entry: DS points to our variables
; Return: Carry set on error, carry clear on success
; If successful, updates restore_proc with the address of
; the disk restore routine
; *****************************************************************************
save_disk proc near
push es
assume ds:CSEG ; Tell MASM DS points to our variables
creat_file: mov dx, offset CSEG:fname ; DS:DX -> file name
mov ah, 3Ch ; Create/truncate file
mov cx, 02h ; Create a hidden file
int 21h ; Call DOS
jc save_disk_er ; Carry set, couldn't create file
creat_ok: mov wptr handle, ax ; Save handle returned by DOS
; First, attempt to save the portion of the program block
disk_prog_save: mov ax, wptr start_seg ; Released segment address
mov es, ax
mov ax, wptr prog_size ; Size (in paragraphs) of program block
call save_disk_seg ; Attempt to save the program block
jc disk_write_er ; Carry flag set == error
; Next, save the extra DOS segments
mov cx, wptr extra_count ; Number of extra blocks to save
jcxz save_disk_ok ; If CX = 0, we exit routine
mov di, offset dos_blocks ; DI -> array of segment/size pairs
mov ax, wptr [di].block_seg
mov es, ax ; ES = segment to save
mov ax, wptr [di].block_size; AX = size in paragraphs
push cx
push di
call save_disk_seg ; Attempt to save this block
pop di
pop cx
jc disk_write_er ; Carry flag set == error
add di, size dos_block
loop disk_extra_save_loop ; Keep going through all blocks
jmp short save_disk_ok
disk_write_er: mov ah, 3Eh ; Close file first
mov bx, wptr handle
int 21h
jmp short save_disk_ret
save_disk_ok: mov ah, 3Eh ; 3eh = close file
mov bx, wptr handle
int 21h
mov wptr restore_proc, offset CSEG:restore_disk ; Initialize pointer
clc ; to restore routine
jmp short save_disk_ret
save_disk_er: stc
save_disk_ret: pop es
save_disk endp
; *****************************************************************************
; save_disk_seg Attempts to save a chunk of RAM to DOS disk file
; Entry: ES points to the segment to save
; AX contains its length (in paragraphs)
; handle holds the file handle to write to
; Return: Carry set on error, carry clear on success
; *****************************************************************************
save_disk_seg proc near
push ds
push es
push di
assume ds:CSEG
mov wptr paras_left, ax ; Used to count paras written
mov bx, es
mov ds, bx ; DS -> segment to write
assume ds:nothing
disk_write_32k: cmp ax, 0800h ; paras_left less than 32K?
jb finish_disk_write ; Yes, exit
sub wptr cs:paras_left, 800h; We will write 32K bytes now
mov ah, 40h ; DOS function to write to file
mov bx, wptr cs:handle ; BX = file handle to write to
mov cx, 8000h ; Write 32K bytes
xor dx, dx ; DS:DX is buffer to write
int 21h ; Write data to file
jc save_disk_seg_er ; This write failed--escape
disk_write_ok: mov ax, ds ; Move write pointer in memory
add ax, 800h ; We just wrote 1K paragraphs
mov ds, ax
mov ax, wptr cs:paras_left ; AX checked above
jmp short disk_write_32k ; Loop on next 32K
mov cl, 4 ; AX = # paragraphs left to write
shl ax, cl ; Paragraphs to bytes
mov cx, ax
mov ah, 40h ; 40h = write to file
mov bx, wptr cs:handle ; BX = file handle to write to
xor dx, dx ; DS:DX = buffer
int 21h ; Call DOS
jc save_disk_seg_er ; Carry set, error (close file first)
jmp short save_disk_seg_ret
pop di
pop es
pop ds
save_disk_seg endp
; *****************************************************************************